Immigration Is Changing The Face Of Australia MELBOURNE tReutersi The tide oi immigration is al tering the face of Australia as the new arrivals make their impact every field from the arts to food The description of recent ar rivals as new Australians has lost its derogatory connotaqu as foreignbum citizens collect top literary art and education prizes and make their mark in sports New newspapers have sprung up in dozen European Inn guagcs Continental delicates sons and cspresso bars now are as prolific as hamburger stands and many of the traditional customs of ethnic groups have been super imposed on the Anglo Saxon heritage of the country 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP Plan for fine future in the CANADIAN GUARDS Be man with plan Join the Canadian Guardsone of Canadas crack regimentsfor whim enrolment applications are now being acccptcd again To play their vital role along side thcir sister regiments in the present troubled interna tional situation the Canadian Guards need adventureloving young men of courage and character In return the rch ment offers many other advan fagcs permanent employment healthy outdoor life good rates of pay travel at home and abroad outstanding train ing and many openings for ad vanccmcnt if you are 17 to 23 single and physically fit find out more about this exciting career op portunlty NOW from your local Army Recruiting Station at CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST 10TH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA47346 Please provide me details on career opportunities inthe Can adian Guards would like an interview at my homef at the recruiting station Name Address CityTown Province one Last School Gra comple ed Ago EdiBil I2 JTENDERS TENDERS Burton Avenue United Church requires caretaker ioriull jani torial duties Please reply giv ing relerencas and salary ere pccted to GROUP BOX BAYVIEW DRIVE BARBIE l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday January 20 EM SHARP Auction sale of farm registered and grade Holstein cows and heifers farm machinery hay grain straw and poultry for RONALD COOKIE At Lot 22 Concession Oro Township VA mile south of Highway No 11 Turn at Ciear view Coffee Shop Terms cash No reserve as the farm is for sale and the owner is giving up farming JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday Feb 17 1230 sharp Auctionsale of farm stock im plements hay straw grain and household effecE or DAVID CULHAM At lot concession 12 Sunni dale Township lwo miles north and mile east of Sunnidale Corners of Highway 26 Terms cashno reserve as farm is sold Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer Come And Join Our Thurs Afternoon IADIES SPIN lEAGlIE Learn To Bowl Now For Health and Fun WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR TUESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE For Information Call PA 65021 VLBARRIE BOWLING ACADEMY 116 Puniop St The Archibald Prize Aus tralias top painting award was last won by Hungarian Judy Cassab big competition for youth ful artists sponsored by the itlelboume Son NewsPchorial was won last year by Estonian born Bruno Looping after four years in which Europeanborn painters had been among the ï¬nalists UNIVERSITIES IMPORT European lecturers have been arriving in increasing numbcrs at Australian universities There are French and Grcck lecturers in langungcs Austrian and Czech laboratory technicians and assistants and many un dorgraduatcs from the Contin out About one in every cight per sons in Australia was born abroad Almoughvmost are of British descent there goodsized Italian Gr tA man and Dutch mmmo Is in country where sport is almost religion the new are rivals have more than held their own Australias luai Olympic team included such foreignborn stars as swimmers Jon and Elsa KonradS Polish born javelia thrower Ana Paula ltalinn born boxer Rocco Gnttclari and German canoeist llcldi Seager Tanya Verstnlr 20yearold White Russian was crowned Itlirs Australia for 1961 She had earlier been adjudged Miss New South Wales the helical Aus tralias richest and most popu Ious state Other girls from Europe have hccomc top Australian models and winners oivarlous city and state beauty cantata Night Shopping Is Spreading To Some Six Selected Banks By FORBES NIUDE Canadian Pnss Business Editor The effects of night shopping which allows Mom and Pop to make up an evening buying team and perhaps bring along the kids are spreading More and more stores many of them originally 00005011 to the Idea are keeping their doors open and now the char torod banks are taking look at what is going on The banks have chosen se lected spots in Ontario six shopping centres in Metropoli tan Toronto and one each in Hamilton and St Catharines and will extend their present late Friday hours from the pres cnt 430 pmn600 pm to 730 pm The step is experimental bank spokesman said to see whether there is demand for banking services in the even ing TRUST COMPANIES ACTIVE The fact that tmst companies also operate even longer hours in such areas and are actively canvassing for savings is also regarded as factor No one appears to ready to comment upon how for the de velopment might spread it the experiment shows that night banking services are popular It could spread to nighkbanking Fish And Chip Shops Dwindle LONDON CF Fish and chip shops although dwindling did boom business selling bit uv skate and fourpennuth to Britons in 1960 An inquiry by the govern ments board of trade depnrt meat showed the countrys 13 747 fish and chip shops had turnover of 52362000 Most of the shops are still oneman businesses but many are closing down the report says because of fears of com petition from increasing num bers of Italian coffee bars and Chinese restaurants Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 LETS BE=FRANK BÂ¥YDJJRUL wlm WHEEL ALIGNMENT RICHARDSON soomostrwcr Pin89714601591151 downtown where night shop ping hours also are popular and it could possibly result in staggering of present daytime hours For the banks con siderable staff problem Is in volved The Part oi Halifax has issued 56poge port di rectory including niac page list of scheduled world wide steamship services lists of steamship agents and operators In Halifax and of consular representa tives and wide variety of other Information Ray March executive secretary writes that It is available free from the Port of Hall fax Commission P0 Box 577 lfnllfnx Wood Gundy and Co Ltd has issued new edition of its Ca nadian Government and Muni cipal Financial Statistics which it publishes annually The idpage booklet consist ing mostly of statistical tables is designed the company says to give concise but compre hensive summary of the finan cial statistics of Canada the 10 provinces and 17 larger muni cipalities Wood Gundy in its January review says For the months ahead there Is little indication at present that the recovery will develop into boom proportions It is likely however that the rate or growth in the Gross National Product will be somewhat higher than over the last 35 months All TRANSISTOR ousu BUTTQN msrALLEosgg EASV TERMS 20 minute installation DOMINION TIRE STORES no BRADFORD sr BARRIE For Fire Research OTTAWA tealrue National Research Council has devel oped lpeclal instrument for the federal forestry department for research into factor that cause forest fires and keep them burning it is known as recording hYgrumeter employing thermis tors It is more accurate than bygrometers now in use for measuring humidity and not so ddicate making it easier to handle and transport The instrument can be left unattended for period of eight days During this period it will record changes in levels of hu midity in areas in which It is located Through its use forest fire perts will be able to gain new information no the degree to which various weather elements contribth to the loss of mole lure especially in the forest floor Most fires start in the fo rest floor and are spread by burning needlcs leaves and other dead vegetation increased emphasis is being placed on forest fire control by both federal and provincial for cstry departments following the worst iorcst fire year on record In 1961 Forest fires last year rose in number to record 9900 from 6740 in 1960 They devastated an estimated 9000000 acres of forest land compared with 500000 acres the previous year The value of timber destroyed lost yearbased on its value be fore belag cutwill rise sharply above the $10250000 figure for 1060 and the record of 514465 ZiS In 1958 The 1901 damage figure will not be available un til ltlay or June INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 Instrument Mode Waters Will Cover Centuries Ottawa River Lusty History MONTREAL CPI lhree centuries of lusty history will be submerged when the Carillon Darn backs the waters of the Ottawa over islands and low lands next year The Ottawa has been called Canadas asst historic river lrappera Voyageurs soldiers settlers and Indians all used the vital inland waterway Adam Dollard dcs Ormeaux and his men made their cele brated stand against the Inr quois near the Ottawa Samuel de Champlain nearly lost his life there The fertile soil along the shares is full of artifacts Bones weapons utensils habitation all have been unearthed by amateur and professional dig gers The Historical Society of Ar genteuil is engaged in an effort to salvage as many historic ar ticles as possible before the area is flooded The society is seeking way to move tiny stone house built in 1828 to park at Caril lon Que One at the original Mchnastors Houses it stands BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 ntlheendnanzlochontho old canal system inscrpitioa stones signal Ian terns buoys and boundary markers also will be placed in the Carillon Canal park Mildred Douglas director of the society and descendant of several of the item families in the area ismoving house built by Kenny Noyes her late uncle in point above the area to be submerged The house was built in 1340 The old Owens General Store changed little since it was built in 1881 will be left to the water Dense bush about the Chute at ALLANDALE II Limited PRESCRIPTIONS VETERINARY screams YOUR ALLANIJALE REXALL STORE PHONE PA 82823 BAR EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY 2116 Bloadeau Canal has been cleared away It Is believed that lndians ambushed French lieutenant de la Gem meraye and so then at this spot in 1690 Historians also claim Cham plain nearly lost his life drags sing his canoe up these rapids In 16 use FARGO Vs Lou uaeei one FARGO V4 IS rtake V4 tractor Ina $1650 IlISO INTERNATIONAL II $3100 Mao mrrawanonar dump $3300 rust INTERNATIONAL dump KBSln INTERNATIONAL Tractor on air 11150 mamanon inns want our $1450 nm mrtnmnnowap Innl wheel on $I500 PHONE PA 83026 INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS DUNLOP CLOVEkLEAF TOW TRUCK WHEEL ALIGNING BODY REPAIRS KILLED IN GARAGE TORONTO CPIJanina Cle ments of suburban Leaslde was killed Wednesday when his head was crushed between the steering wheel of tractor and wooden shelf in garage after he drove the tractor into the garage unit 19 ausrm Panel 100 miles only Lno mannurosfld lonl wheel one INTERNATIONAL with ï¬rm Plow and thr in hydraulic controls 1559 CHEVROLET PickUp $Il50 1151 mnanArmNAL Pierop $l 250I 1951 FARGQ Pickup la $275 1952 Marinasrowan cylinder Pickups $2390 BARRIE NIGHTS PA 83139 More people enjoy TV with Molsons Export than any other ale MolsonsExis Canadas largest selling ale More than 1350000 pints are enjoyed every dayproof that Molsons Export is first in popularity Pick up case today BEST SELLING BECAUSE BEST TASTING