Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele Cloudy snow ending tonight bone PA 52414 The telephona then beca clearer law to mm number to all for the Business night high Saturday 10 See or Editorial Dept is PA 86337 full LOCAL WEATHER 98th YearNo l0 Villnun offlannbtrro wiped Ouich Ml nusswun pm HUAIAZ Curt father °° PERU promo Film SLEEPY HUAREZ SEEN BEFORE THE AVALANCHE TPeru Battles Mud And Ice Seeking Bodies Canada OTTAWA CP Canadian and United States cabinet min isters began on friendly first name basis today as they opened two days of key talks on how to expand trade ties with the powerful European Common Market It was Don and Doug as Finance Minister Donald Flem ing and US Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon got proceedings under way with noncommittal opening statements before the closed sessions began The fivemon US group was expected to provide the Cana dian government with details of President Kennedys bold new trade program aimed at reduc ing tariffs on both sides of the Atlantic ocean Mr Dillnn remarkcd that both Canada and the US are on the side itliberal free trade because both are suchlargc world traders and said access US Talk Trade And Tariffs to world markets of vital im portance to us Mr Fleming expressing very very cordial welcome in deed to the LS delegation noted that this is the seventh meeting of the joint committee on trade and economic affairs between Canada and the US the best neighbors in all the world The US delegation which landed at Uplands Airport from Washington was hustled at once to the Centre Block of the Far liament buildings where the meetings are being held The two groups posed together for photos in commons com mittee room before gathering in the conference rooma cham ber decorated in green and gilt with couple of gnrgoyles on the wall and normally used as lounge for members of Par liament kémiédy Likely To Win Approval Addicts Panic its Drought Hits Vancouver VANCOUVER CF Police laid Thursday night the cityl illicit dnig famine continues in the wake of the arrest of persons suspected of conspiracy in trafficking Drug investigators said they believe the initial panic by the citys addict population when supplies were cut oil has been replaced by desperate hunt for drugs from other sources In North Vancouver five sus pectcd addicts were arrested by the RCMP after officials at Lions Gate Hospital reported seeing prowlers going through doctors parked autos No drugs were stolen Three of the live were later charged with theft of personal papers from the autos The oth ers were released Police have been instructed to keep close watch on drug stores and other outlets likely to be broken into by addicts in Search of barbiturates and tran quilizers In court Thursday bail was Ml set for six more suspected fraf ale and tickers raising the total bail for alumni Smd his 16 of the 32 persons arrested to ems mflnfittd $635000 PEI HOUSE CALLED CHARLOTTETOWN CF The next session of the Prince Edward island legislature will open Feb 22 Premier Walter Shaw announced Thursday Standings in the sitseat house are Progressive Conservatives 22 Liberals eight NOEL DORION Noel method mystery today onto newspapers early writing the letters Sources close to the government It was leaned Dorion Letter Still Mystery QUEBEC CPtHow 1958 thankyou note sent to Quebec Liquor Police in the name of Dorion became public re Doriun now secretary of president of the Privy political upponr its publication Photostatic copies of the letter appeared in Montreal and Tor this month Mr Dorion has denied Quebec indicated serious check was being made to de termine whether document in the care of the Crown had been used for political purposes Thursday night the original copy of the letter to Vellie Cote late as sistant director of the disbanded Quebec Liquor Police was luminary on page two Not Mar Than per Copy Warmer Trend Forecast its Mercury Climbs Back ATLANTA in AP The deep south looked forward to promised warmlng trend today as the thermometer began to inch back up from the lowest readings in years Overnight lows of zero or be low were recorded for the sec ond straight night In parts of the South with the coldest tem Packedsnw Police continued pcratures in Mississippi Arknn in discourage unnecessary sits and western Tennessee illCL Eldorado Ark reported three Slect and freezing rain fell on below zero before midnight the coastal plains of South Caro Thc weather bureau promised lina Georgia and northern Flor high temperatures in the 305 ida causing main New York over Georgia Alabama Missis toFloridn route US 17 to be sippi and is of Tennessee to ciosell daythe highest daytime road In Texas in county agent said ings since up in eight inches the grapefruit cropjn the lower of snow foil Tuesday Rio Grando Volley may be lost Some relief from nearly is because of the sub freezing week of frigid weather crime to temperatures Some grapefruit were frozen as hard as rock Record lows were recorded at Snow was forecast across three southern citieseight be most of central Ontario today ow El Pusa Tex lwo at as the ndvance guard to in fresh my VB and V9 onlsitflught of cold air from the no liesyy snow bit fivccounty mcnmbmaking high pres area in northwest lower Michi sure area which has mused gan white light snowpowdered near29 funpgralures in the areas from the Dakotas across southern United States is slowly Minnesota and northeast Iowa weakening in the ace of south into Wisconsin and northwestern ward movement of the northern Michigan and in upper New 311 mass York state Seasonally mild weather con la the Michigan ow belt tinues across western Canada more than score of rural while temperatures in the At schools were closed The snow inntlc provinces remain rela measured more than two feet tively low deep in some places with 30 The southerly flow of arctic mile an hum wimls causing an is bringing patchy cloud some snowflurries and muder mucfh firming Bung temperature Quebec fleials sold the most severe cold wave of the century hit Wm pans of Mexico with at least if deaths reported Snow stretched along the USMexico border from No gales to Matamoros and biting winds whipped the Gulf of Mel stalled cars 23 to exposure and 36 in traffic accidents on icy or snowy streets and roads in the South most of the roads which had been closed due to the storm were reported opened again Thursday but many wcre still treacherous with patches of ice and hard most of the snowcavered see films of the Middle West And warming trend was indicated for broad sections from the among documents seized under Rockies into New England HERES ONE lco coast from Metamoros to LIMA PeruThe United Na tions stood ready today to pro vide all possible help to Peru in the wake of one of the worst natural disasters in its history Between 2000 and 4000 per sonsthe total was still uncer tain were killed Wednesday night when thousands of tons of ice rock and mud rolled over the Ranrahirca area 200 miles northwest of here in infant high avalanche Tbant acting secretary general of the United Nations cabled Peruvian President Mail uel Prado Thursday night that representatives of the UN Tech nical Assistance Board and the Childrens Fund have been in structed to place themselves at the presidents disposal Relief workers and supplies are pouring into the disaster area The massive avalanche that thundered down from the 22 205foni Mount Huarascan said to have larger popula tion than Ranrahirca also was reported to have disappeared under the huge slide More than 7000 persons lived in the ranching and mining val ley 9000 feet up with the snow topped peaks of the Cordillera Blanca Rangelooking down on uiEITL TORRENTS RAGE Volunteers struggled through quagmires of mud and melting ice to resover bodies that began to appear as waters of the Santa River began to recede The ava ianche swept hundreds of thou sands of tons of debris into the river swelling its waters and sending torrent raging down stream Dozens of bodies w9re recovered in Chimbote port on the Pacific more than 100 miles from Ranrabirca LONDON APPlumber Dennis Doyle told an inquest Thursday night that he went to repair damaged pipe in London house and found silent Seated figure in the darkened attic Doyle said he climbed down to ask Mrs Daphne Morris if she kept dummy in the atticbut the figure turned out to be the body of her 28ltyenrold son Neil re ported missing in Decem ber physician told the court Morris died of bronchial pneumonia There was no explanation of how he came to be in the attic 0f Less Than Halt His Programs WASHINGTON AP Pres ident Kennedy appears likely to win approval of less than half of the wideranging domestic and foreign programs he has handed to an electionconscious Congress salvo of applause for Ken nedys stateoftheunion refer ence to the Berlin problem we are prepared to talk when appropriate and to light if necessary signalled general twoparty agreement on for eign policy objectives in the cold war There was two party ap proval toomixed with some Republican skepticism for Kennedys pledge to submit The coroner returned an open verdict balanced budget next week But these displays of unity lower tariffs with the Europ warrant from Cote did not dispel signs that many of thepresidents major propos als will be trampled under amid congressional pulling and hauling Not all of the news was bad for Kennedy howeverl He and his leaders can look toward the likely enactment of programin form yet to be determinedto give the presi dent uth ority to negotiate force SAYS NOT NEEDED Cote ean Common Market Kennedy could expect tax law revisions closing of some looplt holes and extension of excise levies He was assured ofan increase in the $298000000000 debt limit for which he has yet to make formal request He might get postal rate increase He could believe that when the shouting is over he would rions constituency EllPremier the home of Mrs The most significant temper the isthmus of Tehuantepec The documents were seized when the attorneygenerals de partment opened fraud case against Rosario Lemire former Quebec district director of the Crown prosecutor Jean Bien venue said the letter was not needed in the case and the or iginal copy was kept by him in personal file until Oct 50 when he returned it to Mrs The letter on stationery from Mr Dorions law firm thanked Mr Cote and some of his sub ordinates for their assistance in the 1958 federal election cam paign in Bellechasse Mr Do ature moderation in the Middle West was from the central and northern plains states into the upper Mississippi Valley and élilafaeazsnauoss the border am the western Great Lakes region LONDON AmGales howled Readings were some 20 to 30 degrees higher than the near across the British Isles for the and belowzero marks that had second day in row today with nine persons already dead gripped the area for the last several days small shipping pinned down in harbors and property damage AT LEAST 130 DEAD running into hundreds of thou The seasons longest spell of sands of pounds cold weather was blamed for at Pounding seas tore Izofoot least 130 deaths in the US and gap in the breakwater at Braye 11 in Mexico These included Harbor Alderney Falling trees 71 from over exertion while blocked highways and railroads shovelling snow or pushing in many parts of the country PCsPlay It Quiet LibslNDP Critipcizej temperature dropped to four degrees below in Ciudad Representative in five ridings rBrant Kenora Reofrew South Eglintou and Beaches will be decided in byeleciions Jan 18 In Kennra Thursday Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer joined the critics of voting pro Gardiner Dies BALCAREES Sask CP Rt Hon Jimmy Gardi ner 78 farm boy who twice becameVLiberal premier of Sas katchewan and later was federal minister of agriculture for wind up with at least restricted authority to buy $100000000 in UN bonds and to start the ball rolling on special threeyear 000000 fund for the Alliance for Progress program in Latin America But congressional re Perus highest in wiped out an entire mountain community and buried the Ran rahirca area with population of about 3000 completely At least 35 per cent of the villages 500 inhabitants were killed ROAR SHARES EARTH By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Liberal party attacked voting practices the New Dem ocratic Party took issue with the provincial health depart ment and the ruling ngres sive Conservative party played Indonesian Destroyers Sail To Watch Carrier Survivors said an earthshak ing rear and clouds of thick dust preceded the huayco the Andean word for avalanche After flying over the area Thursday night US Ambassa dor James Lneb reported it appears as though the disaster was complete Only check of last Julys census figures may eventually determine the final death toill In 19 only 300 bodies were found 25 miles frnm Ranrahirca but total of 6000 persons died Airborne rescue teams hoped for good weather today to fly missions of mercy to the An dean Valley where the ava lancbe virtually wiped two vil lages and 14 settlements off the map in eight minutes Only two planes Thursday were able to fly into Caraz about 20 miles north of the dis aster area and generally bad weather de layel Peruvian Air Force plans to set up an air shuttle of dnc tors nurses medicines ood Ituffs and clothing But doctor book from the stricken area said rescuers would have little to do but re cover the deadThere are no injnred ltoberto Thorndike chairman the Peruvian Red Cross said initial estimates by represent at ves in the areaput the num ber of missing at 2300 Ambas sddor Loeb reported estimates aim 000 missing and presumed ter the Haraz avalanche before dense fog JAKARTA AP Indonesia has sent flotilla of destroyers to the North Celebes because of government fears that The Netherlands may move its air craft carrier Karel Dermain into West New Guinea waters naval officers said today The navy en who returned from the ebes Wednesday said seven destroyers are mov ing up the Celebes coast at pres ent and probably will be based in the deep water port of Bi Inaompete Blamed At 301 MONTREAL CF After years of neglect Montreals in famous Bordeaux Jailis in line for few improvements Quebec Public Works Minis ter Rene St Pierre met Thurs day with his deputy minister and an architect to discuss changes to the buildings inter rior and said his department is giving it all our attention right now The minister and his deputy II Gauvin visited theuinsti tution after New Years Day riot by 400 prisoners that re sulted in $27000 damages to the interior The buildings are very so iidaid Mr Sit Piano The tung near the north Celebes capital of Manado The Indonesian Air Force also is considering moving long range Russian built TUle jet bombers to Makassar to handle the KarelDormann the navy officers said The Netherlands says the air craft carrier is on goodwill tour of The West Indies The naval sources said Indonesia fears the carrier could slip through the Panama Canal and changes will mainly allow clas sificatlon of the prisoners in side The jails acting governor Lt Col Leon Lambert laid most of the blame for Bor deaux condition on the staff and asked Attorney General Georges Lapalme for some $500000 worth of improve ments At press conference Thurs day Col Lambert described prison guardsms underpaid and generally lacking in discipline and incentive The staff is very bad he aaid All but few are incom petent About orthird of tha staff outside cross the Pacific to New Guinea Defence Minister Gen Abdul Haris Nasuition saidtuday In donesians were But he added there were no armed Indonesian landings un der way and army spokes man later stressed that the in filtration was strictly by pri vate individuals properly The rest dismissed Guards were hired provision ally at $10003 year and their pay was increased to $3200 when they became permanent staff Col Lambert suid guards stayed at Bordeaux although poorly paid because they have gimmicks for making money outside Prisoners of persuaded guards togot things for them usually starting out with chocolates and working up to alcohol and goofballs should be barbiturate pill5 The guard got paid outside at addresses thuards fileaux ing on vised We need arouuafraid and who hnvnho marked for future casualty lists his requests for emergency anti recession rity Standby power to lower taxes and to launch public works program Concerned about unemploy ment congressmen might act on manpower training and youth employment programs But as usual intimes of ris ing economy they seemed dis inclined to give the president powers to be used at some un certainfuture date PARIS LRenters reported today TORONTO cplJ given them by the prisoners The acting governor said he started to find out whats go by questioning the him was placed guerds saw that was being fooled sometimes and then questioned prisoners got extraordinary lnforma tion He cited recent easefJn which at guards were needed to handle flve inmates who ref fused to return tortheir cells fYoli know why They were afraid to use force because some of them werecomprom guards here who then three mater Au P194 amounts to manning whbask thing more ro C9 rackets years died in hospital today He suffered from cancer was married secretly in to swearold American potter to operate freely inrbotb both who wouldntsmoke cigar probation Thursday by juvenile court judge Marjorie Hamilton murder charge was and theboy was nvictedol being delinquent Networks Offer Satellite Program 11 AP said Thursday night the Unite it in low key during Ontario byeleetion activity Thursday IN NUISHELLR AFrancoise Sagan Marries Secielly Inch novelist Francoise Sagan 26 Burneyiile in western France Monday Eob vWesthnff FranceSou gt Truck Movement Plan Awaited Trenspolt Minister Rowntree said Thurs day he hopes to bearwitbin few days that therManitoba government has approved reciprocity plans toallow inicxs provinces without registration in of to etté he aye Ari uyéaiénlo boy thdriiwn NEWYORIK AP An Nnc liidalsnid Thursday night on networks will gafferrto oniprogram to be madcast Congo Action brryllGoldwater Rep Nations actionin tho grandpaggresslony an lmade thceolirimentvafter confirm at tobei cedure in that northern riding He said the owner of the air Line paid to take ballots into 10 polls north of Red Lake has ad mitted liens Progressive Con servative supporter It certainly would seethhls is not the way to run an elec tion he said DOESNT THINK FAIR NDPV Leader Donald MacDon aid sparked the northern polls issue Monday night in Sioux Lookout when be indicated he did not think voting was done fairly in the last two elections LiberalLabor candidate Robert Gibson echoedhis opinions In Paris Brant constituency MrMnchnald said Thurde night the Dead Animal Disposal Act has provided protective shield for persons selling for food meat unfit for human con sumption ennnlmn seems In nearbyjran ord Premier Roliarts slipped in quietly to stageon of be most lowkey campaign so for He was in Parisand Bran ford for two urs before he saidasingle political word and the

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