Better Than US Brockel TORONTO CPI Canadian shipbuilding yards on the qreat Lakes are doing better hustnas than those on the United States Side of the lakes Milwaukee port director Harry Brockel said Wednesday Mr Brockel told the annual meeting of Upper Lakes Shtp ping Limited that the only ma Ior construction on UrevAmerr can side at the end of 1961 was the Paul Carnahan tanker being converted at Lorain Ohio Your yards are doing bet ter he said The Canadian segment of the Great Lakes ficct hnd ex panded and in 1960 represented Eper cent of lake iicet cap acity the largest proportion in history He added Shipping under your flag now has relative advantage further buttressed by your gov ernmcnts new program of sup port and of construction sub sidy which is stimulating shlp building in Canada for Great Lakes services Factors favorable to Canadas striping economy had resulted in Canadian carriers dominntlt ing the movement of iron org from Eastern Canada to Ameri can mills Unhappy over its limited participation in the iron on movement across the boundary the US Great Lakes fleet is rimlliarly disturbed over its do clining participation in the east CAPSULE NEWS More Like Home STMTFORD CmA grand jury believes Perth County jail would be more homelike if benches for prisoners are re moved Following inspection of the jail the jury recommended Wednesday that the beaches be replaced with antique bar room chairs Farmers Talk GUELPlI CPt The fourth form safety conference of On tario will be held at the Om tario Agricultural College hero Feb 67 The conference to pro mole and aid county and dis trict safety councils in acble ing reduction in farm accl deais will be attended by farm delegates from every county and district in the province Takes IIp Post WATERL00 John Hempth of Waterloo has been appointed director of develop mcnt at the University of Wa lerloo Dr Hugey Uni versity president announced Wednesday Dr Hsgoy said Mr Hemphill will co ordinate the universitys fund raising pro gram in which it is planned to raise $3000000 Has Diptlreria HAMILTON CPiTbe citys first case of diphtheria in about on years was reported Wednes day by the health department school teacher is recovering from the disease contracted during the Christmas holidays Health officials are trying to lo cate the source of the disease Made Chaplain LONDON Ont CF Rev Derwyn Jones rector of St Barnabas Church Windsor and formerly of Winnipeg has been named examining chaplain to Rt Rev Lrnrton Anglican bishop of Huron He succeeds Canon Lethbrrdge The ap pointment elfec ntely does not change Mr Jones position at St Barnabas Organizing Trip gt TORONTO CPA visit to Japan by Canadian businessmen during the International Trade Fair at Osaka is being organized by the Japan Trade Cenne Tor onto It said it hopes that about 40 businesmen will leave Van couver April 11 for nincday inspection of the fair major in dustries elsewhere in Japan and tourist highlights Librarian Dies LONDON Ont CF Dr Richard Crouch 67 who re tired last ye as chief librarian of the London Public Library and director of the nation Art Museum died Wednesday bound movement of grain on the lakes with us flag ships com ing out in third place behind Canadian and salt water car riers Mr Emckel said For this reason as operators wcrc seeking government sup port for the Lrst timer Text of his speech was issud to the press before delivery Euromart Is Hottest Issue In Agriculture Hannam Says OTTAWA CPD The Euro penn Common Market is the hottest current issue before Canadian agriculture President ii if Hannnm of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture said Wednesday The surle burdened dairy industry is the one segment of the Canadian farm communiu now facing crisis he said The federations 26th annual convention at Banff Alta Jon 225 mbably will bear down on bo subjects Mr llnnnarn said in an interview The federation is the largest form body in Canada with member organizations from across the country including the National Farmers Union the nut largest and drawrng Canada Should Support Mart Entry Of UK TORONTO CF Toronto economist Walter Gordon said Wednesday Canada should sup port Britains application to join the European Common Market Mr Gordon told business mens association meeting we should make every possible ef fort to work out favorable trad ing relationships with this great new trading area Although Canada might lose some trading immediately in the long run our exports to much stronger expanding and united Western Europe are likely to increase substantially provided we play our cards rights he said Mr Gordon chairman of the 1056 roan commission on Cam adas economic prospects and Liberal candidate for Tomato Davenport in the next federal election said we most eschew narrow timid inwardlooking policies to put Canadas econ orny back on the rails Steps should be taken to in crease capital expenditures in the publlcsector creating more activity in the construction in duatry and providing more jobs he said INNISFII NOTES We Visit Successful Stroud Boy In Ohio by RGS This is being written from IlsaKanooga Tennessee and we have beaten the pursuing storm only by hours On our ï¬rst day out we stopped in northern Ohio overnight and there we heard of the ice storm that had hit the Detroit HamiltonNiagara Falls area We listened to news broadcasts as we drove south towards Columbus where we had date to visit reader who has taken position with publishing firm there Campbell Hughes Stroud boy and graduate of the Bar rie District Collegiate is sit ting in the vicepresidents chair of firm which publist books intended for teaching American School children One of these books which has been acclaim ed as good seller has por tion covering Canada which Campbell wrote and also map of our country showing de tails wrtb proportionate size of the two countries so that the students get picture of some thing but blank space when they see Canadian map By phone directions we found his home and arrived there in time to enjoy lunch with him and Mrs Hughes one of the girls being confined to bed with cold the others at school Their home is charming Rose daletype with large airy rooms and one of their prized posses srons is very old pine cuplt board with bandblown glass doors which came from the old Hughes home on Highway 11 north of Strand This has been beautifully restored and with the Canadian pictures on the DANCING ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST FRI DAY TOM CROWE SATURDAV EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY and his Quintet WEBSTERS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 75c REFRESHMENT BOOTH NO SLACKS 0R JEANS PERMITTED Old Tyme and Modern Dancing most support from the Prairies and some from Ontario RECORD SURPLUS The Dairy Farmers of Canada hold their annual meeting in Montreal starting next lionday Slipping butter consumption and increasing productivity per cow have combined to produce record butter surplus of mom than 200000000 pounds most in government stocks The fuleral cabinet is ponder ing anew way to solve or case the situation and is under pres sure from the dairy nrirnufac luring trade to reduce prices to consumers substantially ltlr Hannahr himselt dairy farmer said tremendous inter est now exists among fannch about the impact of the Corn rnon Market on Canadas ex ports particularly it Britain succeeds in gaining entry The federations stand on the Common Market was laid down last November by ltlr llannam when he said grave dangers crust particularly in the short run for some uporls But the CFA has always looked upon the development of the mnrkct as being in principle policy of statmmonship and wisdom Agriculture ltlinlsicr Alvin Hamilton economist Arthur Snulh and Mr Hannom will de liver main addrrsses at the fed crations convention pnrsmrnr ascrst CHEQUE Rod Penman left prï¬ident of striking United Auto Work crs local 700 mceiva drequo for relief fund from lame km of Barrie Typograph MTAWA ICP Opposition leader Pearson and Carl Hm ilton nailom secretary of the New Democratic Party becama range battle of words over their embroiled Wednesday in long parties old ago pensions pm grams Mr Hamilton accused the Liberal leader of pinching Noyearold plank front the CC platform and of reversing on the question of supplementary and contributory old age pension plan Mr Pearson denied reversing himself called the NDP pension program irresponsible and plan covered benefits not pm vidcd for in the NDP plan Their battle of statements TORONTO CF Elimina tion of domestic arbitrage by members of the Toronto Stock mchange will be considered at special meeting of the ex change Jan Howard Graham president announced teal Union local 873 UAtV strikers have received don ations from number of Ban rie unions in addition to sup port from UAW Internat ional CNR President Gordon Charged With Attempting Belittle Unions MONTREAL OP union leader Wednesday charged CNR President Donald Gordon with an attempt to belitua interna tional labor organizations Travers Canadian bend at the Brotherhood ofLocomo five Engineers time made Use Highways Hydro To Lure Industry Into Neglected Areas TORONTO CPlUse of hy dro and highway services to lure industry into neglected areas of the province was pro posed Wednesday night by On tario Liberal Lender John Win tcrmeyer liberals believe the provin cial government has respon sibility for the betterment of all Paris of Ontario and this in cludes encouragement to indus try to locate in those areas that have been left behind be said after referring specifically to South Renfrew Riding one of five in which byciactlons are scheduled Jan is The provinces hydro and highway facilities can be used walls brings touch of Canada into their living Mr lifughes keeps in touch with things locally by reading clrppings from The Examiner including Innisï¬l Notes which his sister Kathleen sends hm ellama ï¬lumbusï¬stwe head sou ways ening to the reports of the storm that was spreading havoc across the country we had vacated Storm damage was extensive caused by slippery roads and westward the snow was follow ing Our hope was to keep for enough ahead to miss this Gon sequently we drove most of the day through torrential rain but the temperature was high enough to avoid freezing Final ly after we had crossed Ken tuckyvand most of Tennessee the rain let up the sun came out and the temperature was in the ï¬fties Fields had turned green and cattle were grazing However the radio says we may expect snowor freezing rain through the night and perhaps when we get on the road in the morning we may find that the storm did catch us after all We anticipate making Flop rdas northern boundaries in the next days drive and all we hope is that the sun will be like magnets to attract indus try to parts of Ontario like Eastern and Northern Ontario where industrial growth will strengthen the regional econ omy Mr Wintcrmeyer said His renmrks rams in the CBC television program Pro vincial Affairs Accrrsing the nservative government of neglect and in ertia he said Liberal demands have forced the government to act reluctantly and slowly to reverse its original policies on the question of crime and the threepercent retail salu that Home Reiums From Berlin LONDON Reuters The Earl of Home British for eign secretary returned from oneday visit to West Berlin Wednesday and said he thought it was possible to obtain set flement of the Berlin problem provided the Russians had the will for settlement lord Home answering report ers questions cited the possi bility of the United Nations tak ing hand in the situation In West Berlin Home de scribed tho Communist built border wall as horrible Roberts Confers OTTAWA GP Premier John Roberts of Ontario can ferred Wednesday night with Prime Minister Diefcnbaker Mr Diefenbakers office would only say that the two met socially Mr Robarts is Ito visit the Ottawa Valley towns of Renfrew and Arnprior Saturday in sup port of Conservative hyelection candidate Mulvihill 84 Araprior lawyer The Vhyelection in Rentrew South will be held Jan 18 CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American van Lina PA 66555 With us YA fAffDliS PLAVE RS III EAT IlE NOW snownvo Feature Times Pirates at 700 and 945 min at 345 ur Lint bidding With Diefenbaker Wednesday Arbitrage is the proccs of buying stock in one mnrkct and selling it in another at the some time to take advantage of price differentials and in the past was cornidcred as part of the process of keeping prices on various exchanges at the some level it is considcrcd by the board of governors that arbitrage is no longer justified in Canada since communication facilities now are adequate to allow every broker to execute clients or ders in the market where the chest price prevails the an nouncemcnt said Extension of reciprocal 5050 commissi split privileges to members of tho Vancouver and Canadian Stock Exchanges will also be considered by the meet ing Such an arrangement as been in effect with the Mont real Stodr Exchange for many years Members will also be given report on progress of negotin lions with the Mid Wat Stock Exchange regarding trading privileges for Toronto members on the Oricago exchange it is crpected the announcement says that final arrangement for Mid West will be completed within the out few weaks Also to be considered will be recommendation from an ex change committee that the mini the statement in reply to statement by Mr Gordon that the CNRs labor relations offic ers found it difficult to avoid the conclusion the brother hoods decision to hold strike ballot was made at the unions head nflices in Cleveland Mr Travers said in reference to Mr Gordons statement Such an attempt to cast re flections on an organization such as ours appears to have for its purpose the worsening of labormanagement relations goal which is unworthy of one holding the offico of presls dent of the We feel sure that unwar ranted infercnces such as have been directed at our organiza tion will only tend to strengthen and solidify the feeling of friend strip that exists between Can ado and the United States Pioneer Organizer Dies In Toronto TORONTO CPl Edward Milton Wilcox or pioneer transportation meet organizer who was among group that brought aviators Count dc Les seps and the Writh brothers to Montreal died here Wednesday In 1926 and 1927 be organized and managed the first autumn bile shows both in Montreal and Tomato Mr Wilcox was born in Owen Sound and attended the Univer siw of Toronto He leaves his wife and son ltIlood Of Slugs Hits Ottawa Coin Machines TORONTO CP Toronto board of education which re portedta suspected instance of pricefixing to Ottawa last year has been asked to continue to watch for collusion in tender Education Board Asked To Watch For Price Fixing OflAWA GP Police said Wednesday flood of slugs has hit Ottawa vending machines apparently the work of gang selling them at 70 for dollar Coin changing machines in foundries and telephone booths were hardest hit However Henry director of investigation and re search for the Combines Inves tigation Act told the board in letter made public Wednesday the suspected bids did not pro duce any evidence to suggest that tenders resulted from agreement among the sup pliers identical bids by four oom pnnies were included in 93 tend ers for general school supplies IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING human clairned features of the Liberal old was pegged on news reports of remarks by air Pearson last November and on policy statement issued Tuesday by the liberals calling for an im mediate $20 month sup plementary pension to the pres ant Sanamonth old age pen 5101 Mr Hamilton said the beral plan is direct steal of CCF election plank from the 1958 general election campaign which was incorporated tn the program for the NDP on its formation lnst August The NDP program called for minmonth increase in tho age pension financed equally by government cm loyer and employee contribu tions and payable to all ago 65 Exchange To Consider Stopping Buying Selling On Two Markets mum size of special size tran sa ctio or block tradcs be raised to $100000 from the present $50000 Such transactions are deï¬ned as those of size that the regu lnr market on the trading floor cannot provide or absorb the stock within reasonable time and at reasonable price it now is felt by the committee that trading has developed to point where transactions of up to $100000 can be absorbed readily Man Offered Abortions Commission TORONTO CF Toronto man offered the women on whom he performed abortions percentage of any future busi ness they sent him police man testified Wednesday Detective Sgt William Qucn not was testifying at the trial of Jack James West 52 who pleaded guilty to five charges of performing abortions He was remanded to Jan 17 for sentence The Crown with drew 13 other charges Sgt Quenncl testified that be tween 1956 and 1961 West ob lained approximately $5000 by chargng from $125 to $400 for performing abortions He said Wests clients came from Sault Ste Marie Windsor and some cities east of Toronto Mr Pearson he said had de scribed the New Dcmotrats program as not very responsi ble during visit to Manitou lin island on speaking tour last November Now Mr Pear son was advocating 15+ month pension for the aged The Liberal leaders state ment said the New Democrat plan would cost nearly 5700 000000 is ya and impose heavy burden on federal ti aancut llis partys compulsory plan would be financed by em ployers and employees without lateral mntributrons Famer Charged Withorgery Over Bad Meat MONTREAL CF RCMP said Wednesday they have LI sued summons ordering Grenville Que farther to ap pear in court Jan 16 on charges of forging veterinarians certif lute in connection with meat inspection They said the summons ls sued to Geoffrey Arnold is co proprictor of Arnold Fm in Grenville contains 15 counts of alleged forgery frrsp Maurice Nadon said the RCMP are investigating reports that attempts have been made to ship spoiled meat from some Quebec centres to the United States investigations in Southern 0n tario and the Ottawa area have resulted in several arrests THRIVE 0N FISH About onethird of the com mercial fish catch from Saskat chewan lakes is used as feed for furbreeding farms No One Can Set Price Tag 0n Electrohomel SATELLITE SOUND Hear It Tomorrow At McFADDEN APPLIANCE 128 Penetang It PA 39238 DANCING IS FUN IIIE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Hall 386 BLAKE 5T Beside Kempview Bowllr SAT JANUARY 13 BARRIE TEEN TOWN HIT RECORDS SPOT PRIZES iDlALON CLAS SAVE $122 CARDIGAN 377 monsoonmum Itlurldthtu uurrmfltnnsrs Eva or 700 and 900 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PULLOVER 77 $399 AND 99 VALUES 75d Per Person Phone PA 63967 Ample Parking SIGS NOVELTY PuLLOVER 27777 Sizes rszox Whiiovand Smart Mix or Match Colours ZELLERS LTD an burner 51