For Home Improvements Consult Our Business Services Daily 12 THE MERLE EXAMINER THURSDAY JAN 11 1982 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS NEWMAN At tho Royal Vie toria Hospital on nonday Janu ary 1062 to sir and sin Goo don Newman 1S Wellington st Barrie son Richard Grant counts At the Royal vie torla Hospital on standby nus ary lbs to air and Mrs Eduard Collins of is Brldford St Darrie dauxhter PROUD PARENIS THE NEWS ol the Blessed Event can be announced to your trleods and relatives for only 5150 Just telephone PA 821 DEATHS PLUMTIIEE A1 sinicoe Manor m2 Thomas Plumtreo in his oath year llasoand of the late person on Tuesday January in Alice Dodd button at the Steel le Funeral Home 30 wonky oarrie for service on Fridly January 11 1062 ll pm Inter men le Union Cemetery GUILFOYL At the llayl Victoria Hospital on Thurro January ti 1951 Justin Mirna Guilfoyle In his 14th year ne Ialcd husband of fsabella Con beau dear father of John of Lisle Joseph or Barrie and lfelen Mrs Bernard King of Midland Grandfather of llarcarei Sharon Stephen and Cathie healing at the Stockloy Funeral Home Wonley st narrie mineral on Saturday January liih to St Marys church norrie for re qulem mass at to am interment St hilrys Cemeie lAhuEsoN suddenly on Wed nesday January 10 1552 Ernest William larnieson of of as Cum berland street name netovrd husband of Home Leash dear brother of tunnel Mrs Oliver King of landfill Carol Mrs 11 Elitht of Elmsvalr Alice llrs Delbert peacock or Nestlelon Ill of Torole and Roy or Dorrie liestlng at the lsnnatt Funeral Home lac oradtord Street name Funeral service Saturday January 11 It pm CARDS OF frTANKs HOGGIn the midst of our son row we wish to extend sincere Ihnnks and appreciation for the many kindnesscs messages of love and understanding and bcnutilul floral offerings from our many relatives and friends in the loss of dear mother on Deccmbcr as lost Wes and Stella Hook ENNEnt wish in extend my sincere thanks to all ihose friends and neighbors who were so kind to me while in hospital for the cards beautiful flowers eio also the many kindnesscs in my blue band It is all deeply appreciated also wish to thank the nurses for their kindness and Drs seymour and Zerrlcy for their art in restoring me back to enltb hlrs John rcnnctt COMING EVENTS BARBIE noanCULTUkAL socmrv Tour Ice Follies FRIDAYr FEBRUARY Bus leaves Wellington Hotel corner 12 noon shop till pm Show starts 530 pm TOTAL COST BUS FARE PLUS TICKET $500 lb reserve phone Mrs Archer PA 84285 or Mrs Campbell PA 84813 BINGO SATURDAY JANUARY 13 145 PM LEGION HALL Jackpot $240 30 numbers called ARCTIC ROUTE First ship from Britain to round the North Cape and reach Russia by the Arctic route was the Edward BonaventurE Cap tain Stephen Borough in 1553 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed andclassifiec adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times 3c per word for three four or five times and zinc per word for ol more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FUR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERIISEMENT IS 960 FUR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE LN SERIION ERRORS on CORRECTIONS Advertisers am reminded mat on phone insertion order an accent Ed as convenience It you the Ieovcrtisor Therefore the classified Advertising Department require all advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first insertion in order that any errors or omission may be reported before arr in order that samc may be rectided for the roliowtns days Insertion order We wish to point out that The name rhraminer is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insetion on any advertisement or lion only to the extent or portion of ad that involves the mlspriut Errors which do not lessen the value at tho advertise ment are not eligible for horses does by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 15 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam Ne tices $150 if verse used do per word extra sumo Emmi impure Information regarding adverusera using Blind Letter Box Number for mouse is heldrtrlctty conso ential monitor to better boxes will be held only 10 days after tart day or publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication With the the caption of Classified Display advertisements which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day arts and type ltylu for semi Melll Lllultledl may be ob utns lhroulh The Examiner ad vonis n1 ddplrtmult PROPERTY FOR SALE HENDERSON REALIOR to COLLIth mm PHONE PA was svmmcs cAua amt sCANDamr PA cm DOROTHY wtucoi PA outs Ech roan FA Imu malier sthuv no new usmber arm and District and Ontario heal Estate Boards HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE IS Owen St Barrie Poona PA was llrmdnm oriltiz nAnklE AND DlsTltlcf REAL ETA BOARD BARGAIN FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS Nice brick bungalow with liv ing room kitchen dining space bedrooms Very close to pub lic and high schools Owner be ing transferred Immediate possession Full price 512500 516 mortgage carries for $8102 interest principal and lakes BUNGALOW very attractive brick bunga low with garage attached Near public school and bus Iilie Vcry roomy kitchen with lots of cupboards dining room plus roomy living room Basement contains huge rec room with extra accommodation This home is nicely landscaped lllust be scen to be appreciated Full price $22500 Terms ar ranged COMFORTABLE HOME An attractive llé storey brick construction situated on High way 03 near Dalston Nice liv ing room dining room ltitdieri bedroom and bath on main floor bedrooms upstairs Lot size is 100 150 Priced to sell $7500 32000 down NOTE We arrange first mortgages for Victoria and Grey Trust50 of value Phone PA 0558 after hours phone nob rlewrlllng PA 0535 or Paddy titties PA 00 PRIVATE SALE Owner Transferred Large bedroom bungalow bathrooms large living room kitchen with dining area Land scaped lot 72 115 Very close to public and high schools Many builtin features in this executive type home PHONE PA 66058 CARSON REA TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial lhutn ONE LITTLE ACRE One six room house One small barn One creek across corner Onequarter mile from city mils $1500 down Call Russell Carson PL $6401 or PA 00161 ONE AT $7500 Stucco bungalow in the West End five rooms large lot gar age Asking $2000 down Call Russell Carson PA 66481 or PA 66161 ONE AT $1000 DOWN Only one split level with rec room and carport storm win dows screens doors planter paved drive and land scaping priced at $1000 down Call Russell Carson PA 66481 or PA 66161 ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM Close to Barrie with good barn and well and room brick home priced at only $16000 with terms arranged Call Ralph Boake PA 06401 or PA 60803 ONE AT LITTLE LAKE With 95 frotllage six room home plus large cabin for rent al Priced at $12000 Call Ralph Boake PA $6481 or PA 60803 ONE SNACK BAR AND GAS PUMPS With several stools and table plus lovely little five room bungalow situated on approx 3V2 acres five miles from Bar rie on the Wasaga Beach Road OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND $6000 cash required down Full price $15000 Would consider trade on Barrie home Call Rus sell Carson PA 66431 or PA 66161 ONE WITH STONE FRONT Bungalow with garage only five years old on 10th side road good artesian well for water supply Only one listed with an artistic stone front such as this Six rooms Three bedrooms Call Ralph Boake PA 66401 or PA 60803 WE HAVE ONE 01 EACH OF THE ABOVE But we do have many other homes old and new to show to you Call Rut Carson Real Estate PA 65481 PA 65482 or PA 0610 PA 6648I Nempcr ol panis and District Real Emu Board flower REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS 81 CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES CENTRAL LOCATION ONLY $1300 DOWN $3000 1V storey stucco home with builtin garhge has bedrooms on ground floor and smaller ones upstairs Fully equipped with storms and screens and modern forced air oil heating system The uptodate 4picce bathroom Is on the main floor for greater convenience and there is an entrance to the basement from the garage This lsyeamld home is very handy to both Separate and Public Schools and to the North Collegiate Phone or at PA 05505 for an appointment BIG BRICK SPLITLEVEL NEW IN 1960 CLOSE TO COLLEGIATE dc PUBLIC SCHOOL $15900 Deï¬nitely the right home for the fondly that needs extra living space Seven rooms pills bathroom up grade entrance to lower level room plus den convertible to tLh bedroom perfect largedamily plan at bathroom down with back lownl Has family TV Thls Is truly the most economical price Exactly from $1400 down Is required to CMliC mortgage Cooperative Listing No 019 DOUBLE HOUSE DUNLOPECCLES AREA $16000 coon DIVESTMENI OPPORTUNITY First time offered for sale here are two Groomed brick housed under one roof Both are fully selfcontained homes in excellent conditionask floors throughout full basements and modern all heating Located so centrally on prominent corner these houses are always steadin rentedand are ntfcrtd for sale only to seltle on estatepriced for quick sole phone PA 05560 For appointment to Inspect EVENINGS CALL MB MOOREPA 55107 Rooms PA N581 FOSTERPA Mu CONNELL PA Mm MEMBERS oAlmlE DISTle REAL ESTATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 12 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 50241 PA 60242 2STOREY BRICK good investment and just $1000 down for this bedroom homr in nice residential street in the west end of the city First rloor has living room separate dining room kitchen full base merit with oil furnace bal lreed once on one open mortgage lot garage Full price $1050 Inspect now by calling our office FAVORABLE LOCATION Stucco exterior of one floor plan with bedrooms separate dining room kitdicri closet space is comprised in laundry faci tits oil furnace maintain Priced at $12000 this cosy home living room and tpicce both also plenty of Full basement Driveway and garage Easy to Members of too Elrril iteal Estate board Smith CampbellPA b7100 Fergus Garvey lA b7052 Norman Joan LangPA cam charlie headPA Man SIleIsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Funds Available PA 39951 15A e374 interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged Evznmfll Clll Joe Langliu PA stilts Everett shelswell Oro 2910 Jack lvlllson PA o4le Norman shclswetl FA 39901 Howard Norris PA 11545 IL CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker PhoneP a2419 93 Dunlop St htAnEL MARSHALLPA sffso COREYPA 85483 MURIEL JEFFERY as ROSE REAL BIAKE BROKER 7s TfFFm STREET BARBIE OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL AREA $13800 asking price Split level bedrooms finished plastered recreation roam aluminum storms and screens 60 foot lot Carries for $95 monthly includ ing interest principal and taxes Brick ESSA ROAD $10500 Four bedrooms living room dining room large kit chen bathroom full basement new furnace garage About 17 years old Ideal for the larger family One mortgage CALL oay on EVENING PA 82379 Member of the Barrie and District Real Board Sloull Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTO COLLIER STREET PA 85001 KEMPENFELT DRIVE NEED WE SAY MORE Opportunity to buy in this loca tion is rare This sedate home consists of nine rooms two bathrooms doubl garage on corner lot with mafcbless view of the bay Option ofhoathouse if desired Yourchance to se cure family happiness Callus today 0N HIGHWAY 11 mile north of Churchill bedroom storey home with new oil furnace acre of good garden Soil Reduced $1000 for quick sale Carries for $00 month Member of the Barrieaod Distrch Roll catts Board EvnNmas CALL MERV GOULD 0110 25m EDE GOULD one am nanny strsson PA com uacA BROWN FA Mm LLOYD nocxcnv rA 00115 EvanTr LOUGHEEU sTAvNEo News Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE sham PA 02592 ts CLAPPERTON sr BARRIE DONT WAIT FOR SPRING Take advantage of this short fice now Owner has been moved will accept any reason able offer for this well located bedroom rug brick bunga low Carries for $05 monthly ED 660 EAST END years old brick bungalow in good residential area close to schools and shopping Priced for quick sale FOR RENT bedroom home on St Vincent Street Immediate possession Also modern bungalow in Stroud all conveniences com plete with car attached gar age bloonE PA 82360 FRANK NELLES PA 56695 Member Barrie and District Real Estate hoard MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Harrie PArkway 05575 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 Member oflhe Barrie and dis trict Real Estate Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEESTEVENSONS PA 01801 on PA 61002 iia Dunlap St is My own TYPE Home for sale Good condition Inside and out Now gas heating system Self contained npnrtment listIra net 375 many tbly Lot 121 150 better Part of Ernie convenient to stores churches and schools Good more Race terms Must sell Make an offer No reasonable offer re fused For Ippolriirnent telephone PA 715 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT uoUss roar mm on an owner transferred Available in meatten oil furnace aluminum atomu well and cistern rup boards xarden Ind double lei Telephone Ivy ll PROPERTY WANTED CLIENT wtm all cash Iookiu for bungalow mane with garage if posit Call If Carson heal mete PA um cunn wttb substantial down payment looth for older two storey house downtown call it Came out Litto PA um CLIENT wrm sum down wants bungio near North Collegiate which will carry for 15 to sits per month call Carson liel Ernie PA 66401 MORTGAGES PHQNE for 152 and 2nd MORTGAGE 21 Hr Phone Service Including Weekend PA 60981 Immediate Losln Anywhere on all properties MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St East ovcr SIMPSON SSEARS MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 sold and arranged Commercial and residential moacyr leaned on exisunc mungsci oarrls liron gago brokers P9 M501 BUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Dairy Bar Lunch Counter and Locker Storage on Main St in Coldwater Ont $11000 full price includes equipment and property Small down payment Lib eral terms can be arranged with responsible party Apply To Lakevier Dairy Lid PAD6501 APArtTIilENr tlouso for sale No thing down Comfortable living oneness Suit ambitious handy family Exceptional opportunity for responsible hard workers Blake St Johnson PA so RENTALS Low cosT sFACE for rent Cloari modern buildings Suitable for commercial or light industrial Telephone PA 54575 NURSING HOMES Aim EDEN NUrtsan BOMB Built for this work Semi and private roanls kind nursing caro good food TV rooms station wa Koo for outings Telephone 5911 Strand APTS HOUSES TO RENT BAYRIDGE APARTMENT Blake Street near east end plaza overlodldng bay Very warm unfurnished three rooms with bath Selfcontained sep arate entrance Bus at door $75 per monlii PA 87475 man 1100 unfurnished heat ed apartment for renL Selfcon talned lepbrnfe entrance $55 per month Available immediately Telephone PA 32770 or PA 52343 FURNISHED Apartment com plotcly selfcontained Kitchen ette living main bedroom and bathroom Rent 555 per monih Telephone PA 32311 or PA Miss TWO nnbnoozlr unfurnished house 011 furnace Ideal location on Kempentelt nay Adults Tele phone PA 01407 for partner In formation Fovri BEDROOM home for rent located on bus line vicinity Cen tral high school slay be seen after part 133 Bradford street nr telephone PA 5051 UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment heated Canirauy loci ted Parking provided Rent 79 monthly Telephone PA 82480 or after 550 pm PA H595 FURNISHED two room up cut to rent conveniences 0n bus ne suit middlersged lady or couple Reasonable rent Telephone PA 924 or PA 60540 LOVELY four room apartment at moderate cost Warm sellcorp telned Central At bus and shops storage Parking Garden Apply lss Penetang Telephone PA M543 TWO nEnltoolit upstairs npflrt merit for rent unfurnished Cen traliy located In Allandrlo Heat and hydro supplied Avauablo im mediately Telephone PA Matt FIVE IIOOM Bungalow for rent situated on Nn 50 Highway near city limits City conveniences Telephone Mrs Stewart 60 Le froy for further details LARGE three roam npilrtmellt for rent Heat and lights supplied Reasonable rent Apply cralghursi General store or telephone PA 00515 for further details ARE YOU LOOKING for four room heated apartment newly dz coraled with stove and retrigera tor supplied We have one for you Telephone PA H138 MODERN 1W0 bedroom apartment with stove refrigerator washer and dryer on main floor or apart Inth building Avalllble January ill Apply in Cook street or PA c1119 CENTRAL Location Upper dup lex two bedrooms living room dunnerooni large kitchen both private entrance unfurnished liloted No ablcetian to one child lnlaohonn PA soon RENTALS APrs HOUSES TO RENT RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete pith stove and gingergtg Use of washer and er ecoraled annually PA 61068 roux BOOM Home for rent close to school Ind city limits inside convenience Telephone PA Mass for further inform uon Bunrn AVENUE Three room unrumlabed Ivlnmrnl oil bested hot water stove and refrigerator Private bath Apply 4s Centre st own two bedroom apartment nilcontained heated unfurnished Water supplied Dunlap Street Wert ml Telephone PA mid THEE aoolu unmrolabed heated apartment for rent May seen atm cwon street or telephonl PA weds mumutslmn largo rooms selfcontained rivals bath Heat and water supp led Close in down town Adults Available now Tole phone PA New niobium IDlrfmcrlta four rooms and private bath hot water heal ed utilities supphrd Located to Anna Telephone Camp harden 139 tats115 and or pin Tm Dunno Houu with basement oil heated Located on Steel street Eric Near ahapplng centre has and schools Telephon PA 57251 between and pm ANGUS ronr room house with bub unfurnished Apply to it Robertson telephone HE 05555 Avauahlr immediately Twp nknkoolt Apartments for rent lieted Central location Hardwood noun Telephone PA been for further information LARGE nicely decanted one bed room lower apartment heated selfcontained central loclllfln children welcome Telephone PA what Trtnn ROG unfurnished hut ed apartment for rent Central Private entrance and bath $65 monthly heat and hydro Included Telephone PA ems UYF umsllzn nll heated ult conialneo four room apartment Ground floor mot and ride en trance Available now Telephone PA 00501 lrollsE modern conveniences two bedrooms two bathrooms attarh ed garage Tarmac drive close to North Collegiate as per month one your lease Telephont PA Hose mkEE BEDROOM House like new Close in schools 011 beeied sicrms and screens Sto refrig erator and lease vpllonaL lls monthly Owner trunrfemd relo phoae PA H161 11me nennoost Home kitchen dining room living room den two bllhrooms flat water heating Garage Near post office Avalllble new Apply to Duodanald St Burris COMFORTABle furnished two room bedroom Ind kitchen apart ment Central iooadon first light and water supplied Laund room Apply in Dunlap street est contronTAnLB four bedroom house for rent oil heated Down town location Parking facilities Avauable immcdiately Telephone 5A 05100 for further informs on nousz Fort RENT 7storey room brick house Gas fired fur nacc and water heater Good resi dentlal district lmmcdiatn pass ession References Cali Coutu Co PA Mills Two BEDROOM heated apart meat private entrance and bath per month central location Telephone PA 50371 slips pm NEW oNE BEDROOM Apartment heated partially furnished if tie aired sellcontained 0n bus route Opposite North collegiate Tele Phone PA ezszo LIVE IN LUxUliY New spacious ultramodorn fivo room apartments with stove and refrigerator or ilonal Laundry and parking far ties Tclcnhone PA 04363 or PA or PA 334 ArrimcrlvE throo room healed furnished apartment with private entrance Central location Adults $65 per month Available Februlry Telephone PA 01079 APAIiTluENT unfurnished living room kitchenette bedroom ranc elto and refrigerator Central Ground floor Suitable for one or two PA M015 cathoriTAncE three room un furnished heated apartment llrl vatc both1uundry and parking facilities $55 monthly Apply the Anna street South or telephone PA oasis TWO HEATED self contained apartments $55 monthly Lmvcr with three largclrooms Upper eon iainr three rooms with nursery Near school Parking Private cri tranccs Telephone PA 092211 uNFurtleliED one bcdroom apartment healed Centrally loco ted Immediate possession If dc sircd Adults only Tclephonc FA Dunn and after 530 not PA oases NEW AND litadcrn one and two bedroom apartments erlooking scenic Kempenfelt Bay eat we or arklng and janitor service inclu ed Automatic washing cllitlcs PA c2902 Two BEDROOM unfurnished apartment for rent on main floor of now triplex Back and front entrances automatic dryer Tole Pbone PA oesho lor further in fomstion By ALICE BROOKS EASY CROCHET Have flower show eni broider daisies roses morning glnry in natural colors Lovelyaslife flowers with cro chet pretty nri towels cases scarves Pattern 7025 transfer of of each motif shown em broidery crochet directions Send Thirtyrlve cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUE 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needlecraft Cata log ready oowl See Beautiful Bulkies in complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toys afghans Slipcovers plus free patterns Send 25 nowl rouri BEDROOM House all best od aiteched garage Centrally lo cated He no hydro supplied Laundry in and Warblnl much the $110 per month Telephone PA 08392 sumeJALE rtDA ltesldenual area at 11 Leila st Large two bedroom sellcontained npiitmcnl Second floor Ilot Inter heated Laundry and Iran supplied Adults only Telephone PA 30580 Two BEDROOM Apartment for rent upper floor completely pri vate Central location lint water he led Garage llandy to school Available immediately PA Hem after is p111 YOUNG LADY to share five room furnished apartment with two is die Separate bedrooms Roarane able rent Available now Tele phone PA 34192 for further pan licolarr HEATED lhrco room unfurnish td lplrtnicnl for rent selfcbu touted Centrally located water supplied Available immediately Telephone PA 55359 or PA 85310 for further informailon rUltleltEn large heated bright bodsitting room bright kitchen bathroom Parking facilities Cen trally located Suitable for two Reasonable rent For additional information telephone PA 07104 R00 DUNGALDW for rent all conveniences oil heated ideal surroundings on paved road lab rlc miles Also room fully furnished apartment suit retired people wlflmd Prfsslck phone are 150 TltitEE rtoolu Apartment rent privato bath refrigerator and stove overlooking lake the mediate possession No children Toto hone PA 82515 for ntrther dctals xwo BEDROOM Bungalow rook Tastefully decorated all heal Aluminum storms and screens All conveniences Write Box 53 nanla Examineror phone VA Niall Oakvllle Two LAriGE unfurnished rooms bodsitting room and kltchon Private front and back entrances Slow and refrigerator supplied Central location Laundry room Apply 182 Dunlop siroot Vest Fouli noolu Apartment tile hath unfurnishï¬da nge Alli 11 fl erator sup on re ciitged No ehiltiren Available im rncdiatcly For further lnlomne tion telephone PA 00241 THREE i100 furnished apart ment for rent Heated licrrlgora tor hcavy duty stove hardwood floors Self contained Available immediately Armstrongs Hard warc PA 31441 UPPEn DUPLEX four rooms and for for hath self contained heated apart met rlvatc entrance Close to dollMoan Good parking Immede late possession Telephone PA 07527 after 530 pm with bath sellcontained heated parking central location tiled floors painted walls ground floor Stove or refrigerator is required Tele Fbooe PA H861 WANTED TO RENT THREE on Foun bedroom House wanted to rant No objection to lease References Telephone lur Hewitt PA 66513 ROOMS TO LET noolus P011 RENT so per week litcn only Telephone PA Hm ROOM FOR RENT in quiet well kept home downtown gentleman only Phone PA 57315 ROOM for rent furnished and warm Use of kitchen utilities if desired Bus stop at door Ladies preferred Telephone PA 56571 11016111 furnished room in con genial home Near bus noard 0p tional Parking facilities Apply 125 Essa Road or telephone PA 56370 NIDELY FUIiNrstlED BedSitting Room for rent with kitchen priv ileges for lady Located very close to downtown Reasonable Teln pbone PA 05912 PERMANENT noomor pcnsioner er steadily employed gentleman Rate by week or month season able Kitchen faculties Very cen tral All conveniences Telephone 17A asooz ROOM 8r BOARD noolu AND DoAnn avaIstIe for one or two persons Lunches pscalrgd Parking Telephone PA as Try An Examiner Want Ad CLASSIFIED apartment illodorn RENTALS ROOM BOARD loo AND rioARD days per net beds for working men Picked lunch is per day per pencn ery renirsl lls Hayfield street ARTICLES For SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Shes 32x10 Ideal for lining lien houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply lhe Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontar PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 10 $125 plus tax STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in perI fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20c Clearing a19c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR 011 OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud 4111 WOODWARD Br SONS Heating Contractors rm Strand GthoN FORCED AIR furnace All pipes and registers nest of fer Telephone PA 07120 FtLrElz QUEEN Health Unlis two reconditioned both in new condi tion $5050 Telephone PA 33de for further details cAsn LOANS$500 at 22 per month Telephone FA MZM groséent Finance 20 Dunlap er IRON FIREMAN Stoker plus conv trots for sale 5100 Apply cutl ord Aubert 291 Old Orchard Grove Toronto 12 Ontario cuPBoAnD for sale waodco door shelved approximately 45 45x10 croaln painted $15 Ap ply 155 Blake Street ForicED Am Gas Furnace sec ond hand delivered with gas pip ing vent piping Installed com plete 5125 Telephone PA 04911 or PA 09228 sTEkEo Cabinet Combination Radio and ftecottl Player Phillips 19 LPs Included $300 or host off er year old and used very little Telephone PA 85727 GUAnANTEED service makes and models of cleaners Also available hoscs brushes bags etc Telephone Vacuum Service PA 68911 COMPLETE walkin Refrigeration Unit air cells and blower air cooled untt controls etc Priced to sell Almost new Tele phone Lefroy 121 Fist SRANTIES welt construct ed 525 each complete with he on all vacuum hp Ing stove and bench Also 300 and 500 gallon minnow tanks Apply Vic Palmer Ed Kcmponfelt Drive Telephone PA 60497 FOIL SALE uric ultraviolet sun Tan Lamp never been used cost me $28 will sell for 515 Also weight reducing rowing machine suitable for use in the home slo Telephone PA 07111 IUlt wnAPs Jackets and Coats for sale or exchange Repairing relinlng and remodelling Moder ate prices Apply Iltilburn and son 102 Dunlap street West Barrie Telephone FA 82532 THREEPIECE Chesterï¬eld Sui good as now Rangctte in working order studio Couch Tobie our chairs and buffet For quick sale any reasonable otter accepted Telephone PA more FREEZER 17 cu ft $165 Eleo tric Rance Frigidaire sss nioffat Electric Range automatic clock 55 Norge automatic Washer 575 on Space Healer $15 Robinsons Hardlware 01 Dunlop st East PA lam DIRECTORY OF UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS OK JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dnulop St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONEPA 82414