gt THORNTON By RITA CARR hir and Mrs Gordon Smith and tour young sons ran Neil Barry and Ross oi Nakina spent the rcccnt holiday hero with their mother airs Willis Smith Recent visitors with lira Luck and Mrs Groat were Mr and iamliy transition and Fred Croat Tomato Mrs Robert McGrattan oi Watsons Corners is at present with her daughter here liirs Hill oi Fire Maples Visitors lately with Mr and Mrs Ross itotson were Mrs Robsons sister hirs Keith Crms oi Barrie and Mr and Mrs Cliiiord Braden and son Vern of Cookstown Sunday mominr January womens organisation will he held Communion will also be administered the iolloaing Siam day evening the Annual Congre gational meciinx will be held commandos at oclock in the church basement Mrs William Sharpe has lcit to stay tor the winter months with her daughter itlrr William Cornea in Hamilton Elmer Dungay and hire Wes Dunxcy oi Toronto visited with Including the Rev mound Xian sitar1 1351 at Burial venue as ay this week am Wilson has mum ed irom being with her daught cr hin Warren Ellis oi Tor onto tor law weeks Mrs Frank Hindla spent New Years with Mr and hire Hartley Evans at Bradiord Cameron Jarnieson spent the weekend here at his home Iat era oi ivy were at Five Maples Nursing Home with airs Jam II Leonorior the incoming oi the New Year There were 17 tables oi ench re at the hall last Wednerday ior the iirst oi the series Pr Ixea were as ioliowa ladies high Mrs Rouse second lira Holt Low Mrs Hewaon mens high Morgan second Campbell low Wil llama Ellis Barrie hiisa Louisa Brown of Hoiiy Donna Jennett has returned home from visiting her iriond Sandra Jennctt oi Iioliy By MURIEL JAMIESON the skating reason opened the Thornton Arena tau Vedncr day night Jan when many skating enthusiasts enioyed their iirst skate at the winter on natural ice Miss Margaret Marrow la MIN mum WEDNESDAY JANUARY I0 use has brotherioiaw and II nor an and Mrs Ron Archibald Mr and Mn Jamiuon Elizabeth and Doreen aoant New Years Day atCoulson with Mr and Mrs Raymond Jobhtit hir and Mn Boumc Bruce and Robert virtted on New Years Day in Toronto with their daughter lira recently attended the golden weddina anniversary oi the iormers sister Mr and Airs Sedgwick Parry Sound Mr Peacocks brother Georze oi Hamlets Manitoba also at tended and leit this weekend tor the west alter apeadlnl two weeks with relatives here and in Toronto Mrs Hope Oakviile Air and lira Ken Caldwell and at hinity United Church inaugural service lor the new irienda here last week er nturnlnl to Toronto Several oi the men irom hers Fabrics Normally 49c 59c YARD January Solo Yard YARDS 106 Selection Includes Normally Priced PRINTED FLANNELETTE WHITE BROADCLOTH COLORED BROADCLOTH PLAIN FIANNELETTE NYLON TULLE Mill Clearance Save 20 to 59c yard Percale Print or Broadcloth New fascinating colors Usually 59c 9a yd and Sim °i PM lJanuary Sale yard Broadcloth Sanioriz wide color selection Canadian made 35 so wide Canadian Fabricl Save up to 25 yard Printed Flannelette January Sale yard 44c Canadian Mada Buy 10 yds Save 125 White Flannelette 26 January Sale 10 Yds Close weave soit nap Coloriast shades 36 wide Usually 59c and sec Woven for babywear Well trapped soft and ab aorhenvt to yds makes 12 diapers 65 Usually 390 or to yda Sanforlzadl Mareerizedl Imported Ginghams Woven checks and plaids JEnuarY 551° Y5d Close weave to always look crisp and iresh 36 wide Usually 69c stone HOURS Daily 915 nan 530 prn WED 315 In 1200 NOON FEL 915 am 9x00 pan AAAAAAAAAAA She Fabrics Normally 59c 98c YARD Selection includes SWISS DOTS COTTON PRINTS CHAMBRAY CRINKLE CREPE COSTUME SATIN SAVE ON EVERY YARD January Sale Yard Normally Priced Hand Washable Save 22 yard Printed Viscose Crepe imported and shantuns January Sale yard like crepe 11 Polka dot pattern good Walhablo save 23 yard selection of colors 36 wido 36 Acetate Taffeta Calanese fabric loa January Sale yard Reg 99c dresses slips linings and formal Good color selection Guaranteed Washahla and Shrink Resist DripDry Broadcloth 45 wide Rog 100 Canadian made lustre January Sale yard weave Reg TM All new Spring 62 colors pius white 45 wide Reg 119 Colorfart and proshrunk Sava S2 yard Printed cotton Satin All combed cotton weave January Sale yard Grease and soil resist Little or no ironing needed Most attractive color and pattern selection as wide Usually 139 his and hire Gears Carruth the many WarehouseCleorance iobrics Note the these are just few of the typical savings Quantities of individual fabrics and colors are limited but there Shop early shop often and save on fabrics 39 Guests at Vernon Jenoetia last week ior Prince Edward recently went and Mrs island to spend sonta time with hog rv Fabrics Normally 79c 139 YARD January Saia Yard 5496 Selection includes Normally Priced FRUIT OF THE lOOM PRINTS 79 BETTER COTTON PRINTS INDIAN HEADS TAFFETA to Haiti Dan River Ginghams First quality fabrics with January Sale yard exclusive easycare iinish Clearonoe oi cuipepper tissue and hotter qualit 95 36 wide Values to 169 Hand Washable Reg 119 yardi Fancy Flock Nylon Dainty design and delicata January Sale yard colors 87 ideal ior party and festive frock Save Yard White with blue or mne 38 wida Imported Corduroy Fine waie washable January Sale yard Rod royal Spring green toast gold or turquoise 3536 wide Reg 100 Special Purchase Save up Walhablal Save 23 Yard Printed AciuteéSdIin Finish Small neat and colorlul January Sale yard Spanish designs Blue green brown etc 35 wide mg 129 Share in these Money saving Values at LKER 9fBARRlE WAIKERS GUARANTEE Goods Sotisioctoryior AAéAAAA Lesdley this weekend with iriends Mr and Mrs William Peacock Exceptional Swings wonderful choice of fabrics all at exceptional pricesl Fabrics January Sale Yard Normally 98 129 YARD Selection includes Normally Priced PAMPERED COTTONS 129 DENM 129 PIQUE 119 NYLON TULLE 98 GLAZED COTTONS 119 PETITE PIOUE 119 Guaranteed Washable save 20c yard Cotton Casual Cord The new popular sporta January Sale yard wear fabric Proshrunk crease and soil resist New Spring colors 41iz wide Rea 119 Canadian Weave Save 22 yardl Arnel and Cotton Fabric Washable coloriast January Sale yard ideal for dresses skirts and childrens wear etc Plaid and check weaves in bluo cocoa pink mauve green or white Eegd TM Reg 139 New Spring Patterns Savedic yardi Printed Dress Crepe imported handwashable January Sale yard Colors include mauve blue moss groan apricot green or pink 45 wide Reg 198 Colorfaat DripDry Viacosal Save 30c yardi fGIenella Ancient Tartans Omani fabric January sate yard Pcriect walght ior suits skirts slacks shirts etc Clans include Anciant Renirew Guelph Ayr etc 56 wide Reg 199 so Dunno 51 ggrllalozzl Miss Eleanor Peacock at