Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1962, p. 16

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For Home Improvements Consult Our Business Serv lG THE DARRIE EXAMINER WEDNHDAY JANUARY lo 196 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS NAMES Ant throatArm can ma name tor your child should be real pleuurv aao omen ntu not to In your chain name your cam aa uiekiy possible and use th to ltiduat uses in Barrie Examiner Birth Annulath meat last up our etanloee Do anraeat rive the acts tneiouiaa name and no will publish birth Nouea tn the out edition tor only use Telephone pa aorta tar this Classiileo sente ENGAGEMENTS RLsrunlllAr ltir and hire George Elatuh of Barrie wish to announce the engagement at their daughter Georataa Deatrice to William lleap ton of Mn and aiinter oi ilamitton Ontario The wedding ta to take place Saturday Februa 17 took at two oclock rIty Ansitea Church Bar EATHS RICHARDSON At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on lttudly January 1957 Laura bladeUna Carson beloved wile at Fred Richardson in her 70th year Dear mother at bin George libeth Madeline at Toronto hielvtn ol chapleau Chester or it idhurst airs William chandler culricet or Copper Ciiii Mrs Miller Amos titlarloriot oi Danit Jack or liarrte Dill oi Kitchener lira Jack Parr Joyce oi Hamilton Ross at home ltob ert or Harrie Mn Bruce itali yard tshlrley al Orillll and Dan at Listawei Resting at the stock ley Funeral Home Wenley Street Carrie Illnerll service at st Abcmwa Presbyterian church Barrie on Thursday January it at no pm latennent Barrie Union Cemetery sTRAollItNSuddenly on nlu day January 19oz at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie INn Sheridan at to Gowaa street Rania beloved wife or the late James loseph strachon dcar mo thcr or Thomas nl Toronto William at Ilarrlc Joan lain notilnal oi Winnipeg James or strathroy Doris at Toronto and Kathcrllic Mrs Don Dates of Darrin in her 61m year Rest ing at the Jennett Funeral llome 152 Bradtord street Dorrie Pun erat to St lllorys Church ior re ouiem mass Thursday at ma interment st Marys Cemetery IN MEMORIAM llEPPLEsTuNln loving mcm ory or our dear son and brother Rich who died January in um Remembrance keeps him near Sldly missed by Mom Nora Alice and look nleQUAYln loving memory or dear husband and rather James Albert Mooney who passed away January in iron Gods greatest giltremembrance Lovingiy remembered by his wile and iamlly NAsitln loving memory at our dear parents Minnie and Thomas Noni who passed away Iotbgr an in 11141 Father 901 In our burll your memories lin gar Sweetiy tender load and true Thorn Lt not day dearparenta That we do not think hi you anlngiy remembered daughter ltl lei and sorttlnlnw Wilbert CARDS OF THANKS LONGl would like to thank Dr Little Dr Bailey the nurscl and stall at the Royal Victoria liospital far the excellent care received also Rev waiter Dyer end Archdeacon Read for their kind visits and all who sent cards and flowers during my stay at the hospitaL ltlrs Earl long PRIESTWe wish to extend our hearttelt thanks and appreciation for the many hots ot kindness messages of sympathy and baauu nrl floral tributes from our neigh burs many friends and relatives in the recent loss ot dear Illu band and father Speelal thanks to Reverend Brena and the Jeanatt Funeral Home IIIra Priest and family COMING EVENTS BARRIE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING will be held Wednesday Jan 24 I962 ST GEORGES ANGLICAN HALL BURTON AVE BARRIE at pm Annual Reports Election of Directors Suggestion Period BARRIE lIORTICULTURAI SOCIETY Tour Ice Follies FRIDAY FEBRUARY Bus leaves Wellington Hotel cornerl2 noon shop till pm Show starts 530 pm TOTAL COST BUS FARE PLUS TICKET $500 To reserve phone Mrs Archer PA 84235 or Mrs Campbell PA H813 MIXED DANCING ivy Orange Hall FRIDAY JANUARY 12 930 to am Paxtons Orchestra Lunch Counter ADIVHSSION 75c Expelled Priests Return To Cuba OIIAWA CP Six Capa diun Roman Catholic priests expelled from Cuba last Sep tember have returned to the Caribbean island and are again carrying pa missionary activity therep it was learned Tuesday They were among nine Carla dian ollc missionaries toascd out along with boat load of Spanish missionaries in culmination of the revolution ary governments anticlerical cnmpaign APPOINTED BY T50 TORONTO CPlmpresario Wnltcr Homburgcr was ape pointed Tuesday managing di rector oi the Toronto Symphony Orchestra Jock Elton manager since 1036 becomes associate managing director PROPERTY For SALE HENDERSON REALTOR II COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 8267 WELLINGTON ST Close in st Viucan $11500 The large kitchen in this three bedroom yellow brick home is honey Close to schools and shopping Terms Call Rita Scandrett EAST END EESIDE PARK Nice view School class Land scopcd Largo bright kitchen Three bedrooms Pull base merit Rove you Allaodalc or close to country bungalow to exchange Never before listed Coop BD Call Emerson Swain leNGs CALL RliA SCANan PA use DOIIOIllY Wle PA PM PERCY FORD 57730 nlERsrN SWAIN PA was Member or Barrie and District and Ontario Real Ertate Boards HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY REALTORS SB BAYFIELD ST PA 66458 ANYTIME NEARLY NEW bedroom smoothie brick bungalow with gas fired hotwater baro boord heating pc pink bathroom iixturBs lilodem kitchen with Hanover cup boards Lots of storage space An ideal family home close to Catholic School in Allan dale Small down payment can be arranged Contact Norm Reskcth PA 87010 OAKLEY PARK SQUARE room home only two years old Very comfortable well decorated on well Icnccd lot Low down payment can be arranged Total price $1450 Call Joe Palmer for further details PA 50863 lIILLTOP HOUSE Highland Avenue Offers gracious ac commodation for lamin liv ing ltlain floor bedrooms den living dining and kitchg en Lower level rec room with ilrepIacE large bedroom pc powder room Dial Maryann Smith for appoint ment at PA 020 Member or Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Joseph Palmer PA 50883 Doris Nuttycombe PA 87957 Norman Hesketh PA 87016 Maryann Smith PA 84028 HENRY ELRICK AND MlCHlE IS Owen St Barrie PHONE PA asses MEMBER OF THE BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE ROARD BARGAIN FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS Nice brick bungalow with liv ing room kitchen dining space bedrooms Very close to pub lic and high schools Owner be Ing transferred Immediate possession Full price $12500 5z mortgage carries for $8182 interest principal and taxes BUNGALOW very attractive brick bunga low with garage attached Near public school and bus line Very roomy kitchen with lots 01 cupboards dining room plus roomy living room Basement contains huge rec room with extra accommodation This home is nicely landscaped Must be seen to be appreciated Full price $22600 Terms ar ranged COMFORTABLE HOME An attractive storey brick construction situated on High way 93 near Dalston Nice liv ing room dining room kitchen bedroom and bath on main floor bedrooms upstairs Lot size is 100 x150 Priced to sell $7500 $2000 down NOTE We arrange nut mortgafis lnr Virtona and Grey Trustany value Phone PA oases alter Shanir PhflllB BOD Flawelllnz PA 55533 or Paddy Miles PA some CARSON it 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to tho lmpflrill Thean PA 6648I Member or Barrie and District Real Estate Board PRIVATE SALE Owner Transferred Large bedroom bungalow bathrooms large living room kitchen with dining area Land scaped lot 72 115 Very close to public and high schools Many builtin features in this executive type homo PHONE PA 66058 Try Examine Wont no Pilonn Pas1414 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Dome Salesme in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL DOREPA NI RoamPA Nos lOSmPA ll CONNflerA Ill mnzsa aAnm DISTRICT DIAL STATE BOARD Norman ShelSweII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Funds Available PA 89961 PA elm Interest 60of Value No Fees Charged heamnc Isa Loullln PA 501 Everett sbaiswali Om xtlo Reward Nerna Ill Jlbk Willlon PA Hui Norman shalsavali PA sci PA 15m CLIFF BROWN 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA sow PA 602B unborn OI DI Elm Bu htlil Bond hub CampbellPA 57339 Forgu GamayPA BWfl CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PJ 82419 93 Dunlop St ABEL MARSHALLPA W50 COREYPA 85085 MURIEL JEFFERYPA 65885 Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE bnoKElt PA 82592 CDAPPERTDN 5T BARRlE MOORE PA Mast ERANK NELLES PA HEW MemberBarrle nd District Real Estato Board ROSE REAL STATE BROKER 7a TlFFiN STREET uAqul CALI DAY oR EVENING PA 82379 the Barrie and District cm goal to hoard Emory MILLER Realtor 232 Tiffili St PA 80476 Just starting in the Brokerage Business We need your listings now Homes and properties in the Barrie Angus area Wont you give us try when you sell or buy Thank you Emory Miller Member of the Barrie and dis trict Real Estate Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and If you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 64801 OR PA 61801 113 Dunlap St MORTGAGES PHONE for lst and 2nd MORTGAGE 29 Hr Phone Service Including Weekends PA 60981 Immediate Loans Anywhere on all properties MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St East over SIMPSONSSEARS MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NQ BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $I549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGESht and and bought sold and arranged commercial and residential moneys leaned on existing mortgages barrio Marv gage Brokers P9 H504 Joan LangPA um Chllllo RondaPA 018 BUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Dairy Bar Lunch Counter and Locker Storage on Main St In Coldwater Ont $11000 full price Includes equipment and property Small down payment Lib eral terms can be arranged with responsible party Apply To Lakeview Dairy Ltd PA 6650 ALTERATKDN and Repalr hualnon or sale Apply 211 Dominion Ave Midland or telephone Midland 5155857 APARTMENT House for sale No thing down Comiortablo living Runners Stilt limbitlotu handy iamlly Exceptional opportunity or responsible hard workers Billie SL Johnson PA 371 RENTALS RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOIMW Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with atova and reirigcrator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 64065 TWO 0031 11111le IDme healed Suitable or one or two lduibl TII Dboito PA lmd POIm 300 Hall Ur nut Clan to boot Ind oily Umiil Inside convenience Telephone PA was or flush information mun BOOM artnsant tar not nested lull Iahld Central Av lo rahruary 1m rel phoh evealan PA siiri LOWER no bedroom lrtmlni Icllrcolitllned IllMd water lupgllod Danlop straat Wont Iron Iiophonl PA will Timsz loom unlumianed heated apartment for not MI Isnt It 13 Owen SDIL Br tllepbohl PA 39668 TWO ROD uDlurnIJDod hlltsd apartment or real selloutload DuVy wlrlnl VII Dali raia pbotio PA um nitluln tarnished men or not On niliii floor Pukliil ile ilttiet Centrally toetad Apply 80 Mary street or telephone PA on for lurthor lnlormation ON AND TWO bedroom menu Sta rigrotor urviu and laundry lull Dir in from 000 moralIll Tallybonl Math PA 52570 tmrvnrnanso large room rollcontained rivate both lleal Ind wller Iupp ed Clo to down town Adults AVllllblo Du ToII phone PA H046 THREE DLDROOM House with basement oil halted Located on steel Street East Near shopping Cunt bus and schools Tellpltbns PA 87711 between and para coiillOItTAuLY tumlthed two room bedroom and kitchen art rutM Ccntrll location Halt ilht and water supplied Laund room Apply IBZ Dualop street at FURNISHED two room Apartment to rent Conveniencel 0B bul lino Suit middleaged lady or couple Reasonbio rent TollpiiDnl PA 319 or PA bout FURNISHED two bedroom mad rm home or rent or monihl Oil heated Not suitable or chu timii Tollpholia PA 87770 or or lhar dotIll coiilmnTAlsLE iour bedroom house tor rent Oil heated Dawn town lotinn rkiiil Ilclllllu Avauabie lmmed Italy Telephone 5A 35400 or iurther laiorma on lloUsE FOR RENT zatorey room brick home OI tired liars nice and water lietor Good reli chtiII district Immodiata pon esoion Rolenncua Call Coutil co PA 82485 Two BEDROOM Apartments or rent Heated Central looattoo Hardwood floors Telephone PA Him or timber information Low cos SPACE tor rent clean modern buildings Suitable for commercial or light Industrial Telephone PA 56575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built for this work Semi and private rooms kind nursing care good Iood TV roams lLlLton wl gon rel outingt Toicpbnnb cont Etroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil beat with air conditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $80 month PHONE PA 52740 ANGUS Four room house with bath unfurnished Apply to Robertson telephone RE 05575 Available humedlntely BURTON AVENUE Three room unluinished apartment on heated hot water Stove and reirlgeratar Private bath ply is Centre st TEREE ROOM unruraiaheo heat oil fitment for rent Selfcons thine nephrhta entrance $55 per month Available immediately Telephone PA 84170 or PA 81341 FURNISHED Apartment oom pleteiy sclIoontnincdl Kilcheit otto living room bedroom and bathroom Rent 365 per month Telephone PA 31 or PA adios Two BEDROOM unturaiabed house oil furnace ideal location on Kempeatelt bay Adults Tele phone PA 51407 for Author In rormatlea POUR DEDRDOM home for rent located on buallne vicinity Cen tral high school May be aeea after pm 133 Eradlord street or tellpbnne PA 68914 UNFURlenED two apartment hunted Centrally loca ted Paeklng provided Rent in monthly Telephone PA 32480 or after 530 SADL PA M555 bedmom LOVELY our room apartment at moderate cost Warm sellcoli tained Central At bus and shops storage Parking Garden ply 135 Penetang Telephone PA THREE ROOMS and bltil for rent furnished washer and dryer pri vate Verlndhil rah parking Tele PA 60951 or evenings PA Two BEDROOM upstairs apart ment for rent unitmulled cea trally located in Auaadale Hut and hydro supplied Available im mediately Telephone PA 55541 THREE ROOMJlnRiinllhed heal ed apartment for rent Central Private entrance and bath $65 monthly heat and hydro included Telephone PA $3105 FIVE ROOM Bungalow lot rent situated oaNo so Highway near city lLrnlts City Conveniences Telephone Mrs Stewart EKJ 12 lroy for further details FINANCIAL $5000 om 47c FOR WEEKS NEEDA MINI LOAN CRESCENT UFINANCL 26 DUNLOP 51 WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 203 LAILEE threeroom apartment ior rent Heat and lights supplied Masonable rent Apply Craighurat General Store inwtalc hone PA 575 for further decals ARE you LOOKING or our room nested apartment newly de curated with stovolnd remgera tor supplied we havebna or yea Telephone PAlelzB MODERN apartments our rooml and private hath not water beat od utilities supplied AIIKul TelephoncCnmP Borden 19 duo115 and alterd rm MODERN two bedroom apartment with stove relrlgerator washer and dryer on main floor at apart vneht building Available Janua 15 DPI 118 Cook Strict of Located in Two BEDROOM heated apart meat private entrance and bath $60 per month Central location Telephone PA 371 lit Am ATTRACTIVE lhret roam blatcd tarnished apartment with private entrance Central location Adults $65 per month Available February Telephone PA Mills APARTMENT uniurnisbed living room kitchenette bedroom rang ette and mfrllorltor Control Ground Iloor Suitable or DD or two PA 33515 UNPURlellBD our room sell contained apartlneot for rent Heated With telephona lupplled Telephone PA 60576 days and PA soczl alter pm CENTEAL Location Upper dup lex two bedrooms living room dining room large kitchen hath private entrance uaturaisbed heated No objection to one child Telephone PA Mots NEW AND Modern one Ind 1W0 bdroorit apartments overlooklnfi submit Kempenfelt Buy Best wa ter nrldng and Janitor aorvlch lncIIl ed Automatic warning is cuities PA 32901 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apartment on rent on main floor of new triplex Back Iml front entrances automatic dryer Tel phone PA 399 for further in lormatlon LARGE nicely decorated one bed room lower apartment heated selfcontained Central location children welcome Tdiephone PA W381 HOUSE modern Convenienclh two bedrooms two blmranm lunch ed garage Tarmac delve Close N01 Collegiate $85 per Telephone mRBE EEDRDDM Rouse like now Close to schools Oil bolted Storms and screens Stave refrig erator and lease oPtloDnL $115 monthly Owner transferred Telfi phone PA HIM THREE BEDROOM Rouse kitchen dining min Iivitu room den two bathrooms Hot woul belting Garage Near port orllce Avatlable now Apply to Duadoaald st Barrio Palm REDEOOM House on heats ltd attached garnet Centrally Io eated Heat and hydro supplied Laundry tuba and punish mach iae $110 per month Telephone PA sassz COMPLETELY reticenttoes un Atrnisltcd apartment Kitchzti bed room living room and bathroom stove and reirigerator supplied Rent $60 Per month Telephone PA mall or PA Lab SUNNIDALE ROAD Residential area at ll Letitia St Large two bedroom sellcontained apartment Second Round Bot watermhrtfieg on an garage pp Aiiullflnly Telephone PA Milo Two nEDltoDM Apartment or rent upper floor completely pri vate Central location not water heated Garage Randy to school Available immediately PA Moe alter pm YOUNG LADY to share nve room furnished apartment with two In dies Separate bedmoms Reason able rent Available now Tele phone PA 34192 or further pari tIcuIBll HEATED three loom unlumlsh eo apartment lal not Selfcon toluetleontrally located Water supplied Available immediately Telephone PA 55559 or PA 85219 or lurlltor informliloll FURletlBD large heated bright bndrhlflihfl room bright kitchen bathroom Parking raellitict Cen traily located Sultablu ior two Reasonable rent For additional lbtormatipn telephone PA 57104 LIVE IN lUXURY NEW nnluul ultramodem rive room rtmeats Laundry Inil tlea TlIthDno PA or PA saau ra arkInR lae PA RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ROOM DUNGMW tor rill Ill turbulent on name ideal lumpndlnn an plied 14 Pm III all Alan room Illly anhteni trill retired Prtuick pom rum noon Apartment rant on an hath torn and stay overlookla mediate muted children lcle bane PA oatIla or F310 In luflhn TWO BEDROOM Bulll or not ruternlly decortad on but Aluminum storms IDA Emir efihEiDD it or VA 14100 cakvule TWO LARGE unlumhhid roomi bedrlilllnl room and bitch Private front and back stove and reirtgerator Control location Llunflryv Apply Dunlap street eat IOUE Roost Apartmtht tllo hath unfurnixhcd Bio and rm trigerator ru phao Centrally io uufl No ch iron Available im madi For iurther internal Lion olpbonl PA umr ml BOOM Imhbod meat or rent Heated Refrigera tor in duly VI hordvood floors Sell Dbflll Dad Availabl immddl aly Armslmlrl 319 ware PA Luci Urka DUPLEX tour rooms and DI sail Cortillnld hlltsd IDIflv man private litlrlDN CID ID downtown Good oarkln immed iate polllulon Telep one PA Mm altar 710 vm WANTED TO RENT 1111123 on Palm Badroum Ronaa wanted to rant ND DbiletIoD to lure Retention Tellphoiil Mr Hewitt PA Hols ROOMS TO LET Rooslh roh DENT per weak Men only Telephone PA Moir BRIGHT furnished haunkchiDl room Stove Jud rolrigsiator For lilrtiilr Inlormltlon Clll PA MIDI FURNISHED be room at bedralt tin room to or automatia was and dry Davlogiono PA 600 evenings PA ROOM or Isnt furnished Ind warm Um oi kitchen utiiltlaa ii deaired boa stop at door Ladies presented relepnom PA W77 ruRNlallzn betaht warm bed room Close to hotpltal Apply altar pm to to Ron street or telephone PA Moan BEDROOM and kitchen lor rant Fully turnllhod Lllht but and water included Central location zolafihonl PA MS or flirtbu DRlGllT limitbed room in can leniai home Near bus Guard nfi ilonai Parking iaoilluea Ap Essa Road or telephone Solis PERMANENT Reamer pensioner or ltnldliy employed gentleman Rate by weak or month Rollan able Kltchen iaellitlea Very cen tral All eonvenleneea Telephone PA 35001 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND qultD days per week beds or working men Packed lunch is per day per person Vcry central Bayiield street ARTICLES For SALE Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appl la nce ma PENETANG STREET By ALICE sinuous SWIFTTOKNIT Keep fingertips and warm with mittens knitted in snug ribbed pattern stitch Swilttoknit in one flat piece on needles Single cables give wristhugging fit Use yarn Pattern 7148 directions sizes small medium large Send Thirtyfive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecrait Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PAIIE NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 100 yes zoo designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our ew 1962 Needlecraft Cattl our new 1962 Needlecroerota log ready nowi Ses Beautiful Bulkies in complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toy slghans slipcovcra plus lree patterns Send 25 it WI apartr ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner you would like to bar ro printa of any news pictures taken by our atoll photogra pbera please call at our Busi ness Olllce We on carry cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 IO $125 STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in pgr fect condition but have I9S on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM IZc to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea lug PROVIN SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW and FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud Rb WOODWARD do SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 Ideal lol lining lien houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 15c PER DOZEN The Barrie Examiner 1y Barrie Ontario Barrio SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 92421 CASE LOANS00 It hr month Talopiianl PA 06 anion Yinlnco Dunlflv St FILTER QUEEN Health Units two reconditioned both in new condb Lion $5950 Toicplioitb PA HIE for rurtber details moN PmEMAN Stoker plus con train or sale 3100 Apply eliti ord Aubert 101 Old Orchlrd Grove Toronto 11 DDtulo CUPBOARD for sale wooden door ahelved approximately 45 or route cream painted 15 Al ply l55 Blake Strut TYPEWILITBBB bought aold reab ed re aired student rental ratea Ask out our Rent Try than PIID Stlr Rewrite Ca 24 Eradtord PA 59 FORCED Am Caa htrnaee aeo ond hand delivered with go pip ing vent pl ing installed nom Dlete ZS elflyhoue PA 84911 or PA Show srsnso Cabinet Combination Radio and Record Player Phillipa to LP included taro or heat oil er year old and used very little Telephone PA 721 GUARANTEED service makes and models or vacuum cleaners Also avauable hoses bruabes ban etc Telephone Vacuum service PA saoit CoMPnsrn Walktn Rerrlgerauen unit an coils and slower an an cooled ualt controls eta Priced to lalL Almost new The phone term til FISH SHAME well construct ed res each complete with heat Ing ltavs Ind DenfiherLsa 300 and 500 gallon mlrtnaw foul Apply Vic Palmer 19 Kemplnlclt Drive Telephone PA cotsi PUB WRAPD chkeh Ind CHIN or sale or exchange Repairing rollnln Intremodellinz Muller Ito Col ply Milhllm and 50D I32 Hillel Street We Elmo Telephone PA 92552 ZPIECE Chesterfield Suite bad as new Rangctto in working order studio Couch Table rear chain and buffet For quick sale any rearenaele ofier accepted Telephone PA 5334a FREEZER17 cu ft mee trle Range Frigidaire cos Merlot Electrle Range automatic eloek $35 Norga automatic Wuhnr 15 oil Spaee Heater $35 Robinsons 535mm st Dunlap st East PA CLASSIFIED pins on all ices Daily ARTICLES for SALE IIDVK dilclric lflr Ills also Tarot Cook stove rele hone PA as or lurtber ditch RADIO TV HlFl NO MORE TV REPAm BILLBI Buy New Set Now With LoviCoat Lifelaaured scorn PLAN DOAN THE BANK OF NoVA SCOTIA DOGS PETS WILLEITS PETS 4i GOWAN STREET Complete lines by llARTz MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgiu and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 530 Pbl DAILY PHONE PA 68036 FRUIT la VEGETABLES APPLE BARN Illclntosb Spy Courtde and other varieties grade hloca $150 per busth Fresh cider Phone PA 30201 POTAToEa iar sale For further dailill Apply to Fred Duhlon Lolhpholio $7317 ARTICLES WANTED aiilItLi ltowia boat or Pram wanted approx ataly long Telephone PA c1715 eveaiaoa == FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For that service phone BARRIE PA BTi51 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours lily7 tiny lush ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxrnead Ontario License No 139061 LIVESTOCK Pununnnu Abordotin Ann Bull or Iain month old Tcienhnnl Everett lor turther doilill IIEILEFDILD COWS lnfl Kellen One registered horned one ragla Iered polled both with Ilciler Clive BI lidu on trade cow heavy III Two registered Ilnrncll nation at servicebio Ill Telephone Barrio PA osoaa FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Mllkcrs Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts Inc any mllker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA H338 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Beotty Farm Equipment I76 BURTON AVE PA 89378 The New David Brown 990 Trader On Display Now also Still some machinery on special discount CASH TRADE TERMS HALF TRACK and Dooley Wheels for Ford Tractor and iront cad Snow Plow with hydraulic tut Apply Rristow Limited at Dunlap Street West Telephona PA H546 McKEB PODAGE Harvester Model with hay and corn attachment two automatic unloading boxes As good aa new Bought late last year will hall at very reduced price Apply to the men tn eller Leo Melrow 79 Eugenia at an rie Telephone PA aisle AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE SPECIAL 1055 Oldsmobile door hardtop Power steering power brakes radio new snow tires and licence Full prIcs $1395 MI DTOWN USED CARS ESSA ROAD ROY llowxnvs MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAI Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 DIRECTORY or UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS ollt JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dnulop St THISSPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA 82414

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