HOPPERS Another bad grasshopper in festntion next summer is pn dictcd for Saskatchewan The agricultural research station in Saskatoon forecast re lIY BE BIID newed outbreak for large portion of the farming area of southern Saskatchewan slap shows degree of inlesta tion forecast to Newsmap Canadians Helped Morocco When Paralysis Struck TORONTO CPI Withinl periodolthrecwtxlcsiotho fallol Isseamysterious form mammals Tests showed that olive oil was the source It was found to contain substanm that was selectively toxic to the nervous system Further investigation showed the substanu had been added to the oil by unscrupulous prol itoers to increase its bulk The material was normally used as detergent to flush out jet engines and was acquiredat cheaper price than olive oil This lcdvto it being used almost exdusively by the poorer sec tion of the population in hlor oeco Moroccan police seized all olive oil in the country but by the end of September 10466 persons had been affected Public Opinion Can Worry Kremlin Party Leaders If there mu one thing Joseph Stalin didnt worry about In running the Soviet Union it was public opinion at home Now an Associated Press reporter and student of Soviet affairs reports there are indications of cringe thnt may well prove important to the West over the long run By WILLIAM RYAN Associated Press News Analyst If the Soviet leaderships past performance is barometer the future will yield growing evidence of Kremlin concern with Russian public opinion Years hence historians may consider the publication last No vember by the newspaper Izves tia of an interview with Presi dent Kennedy as the most sig nificant event of 1961 That strengthened belief among students of Soviet affairs that public opinion is increas ingly important in society go ing through long and agoni1 Ing process of coming of age Soviet public opinionmcant next to nothing while Stalin lived After Stalin died In 1953 the collective leadership had to break up the awesome power of the secret police army This meant more and more reliance on persuasion Russians were quick to note the change USE PERSUASION NOW Upon persuasion now depends the amount of effort expended by soviet people in the 20year economic program and the amount of effort expended by the managerprofessional class in directing it In recent months there have been many evidences of the growing influence of public opinion Soviet leaders move cautiously News of Soviet resumption of nuclear tcsts last year was broken slowly and gradually The full story at the extent of the tests was not given at all to the Soviet people On Berlin the Kremlin has been careful to avoid the im pression that the door has been ï¬nally slammed on negotiations with the West in ciin defence the Kremlin has been cautious as if wary of frightening the public too much There is little public dis play of defence measures against the possibility of nuclear war EAGER FOR NEWS in the Soviet Union one de tects among literate public hunger for information about to outside world particularly the United States People seem to want information free from suspicion of official tampering People on farms in factories at their jobs at home listening to radio in public places are subjected to constant lectures ngolnst remnants of the past catchall phrase for all stray ing from Iheapprovcd lines There are innumerabla com plaints in the press about hooli gans and stlllyngi the dresscdup heatniirs of Russia obnut crlmc gang warfare brawling drunkenness among young people manifestations of rebellion against the elders The controlled press fre quently prints readera com plaints seeming to express pub lic moods from time to time Perhaps this is to provoke other outcries and uncover areas of dissatisfaction TIRED OF SPUTNIKS In October 1959 tho newspa per Sovietskaya Rosalyn printed letter from young man who said angrily Enough of cov ering ourselves with sputnilrs and airliners Lots come down somewhat lower to ordinary SIIUES little later the youth newa paper Komsomolskaya Pravda printed letter complaining that if it were not for the cost of rockets perhaps there would be things like electric irons in the stores Rockets rockets rockets moaned the letter The hell with them and the moon Give me better things for my tablet The renewed and furious dé Stalinization campaign under taken by Nikita Khrushchev seems reflection of the symp toms Few who have visited the USSR doubt the burning da BerIin Wall Forcing Shops To Go Broke WEST BERLIN Reuters More than 1000 West Berlin shopkeepers and small busi nessmen face bankruptcy be cause of the Berlin border clos ure which deprived them of their East Berlin customers The city government hopes soon to help them apply for aid from the West Berlin govern ment The shops affected are either along the 25miie border with East Berlin now virtually sealed off by concrete walls and barbedwire fence or around stations of the East Germanrun elevated railway effectively boycotted by West Berliners as protest against the wall Before Aug is when the Communists shut the border thousands of East Germans and East Berliners came into West Berlin daily to buy goods un available in the eastern sector MANY ITEMS Such goods included coffee and cigarettes seamless ny lons nonpolitical books and medicines or sirhpie objects such as nails screws coat hangers and tap washers which were unobtainahle in the East East German Communist chief Walter Ulbricht said last June that about 3500000 east haven mans Wt TV REPAIRS Phone PA 61 I42 TONYS APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE marks were being taken out of the country every year for shopping in the Wash The border shops now have only scant custom though sort of tourist trade has grown up alongsidethe wail Grey haired men staring at the bor der buy midday sausage Tightlipped womenk waiting to wave to relatives or friends across the wall buy an occa sional cup of coffee sire among ordinary people for world peace Todays situation seems to re quire gestures such as publica tion of the Kennedy interview to indicate that the Soviet pub Ilc ls getting some of the mean trolled uncensored information many appear to desire All this does not mean there is any prospect for sudden revo lution from below in the USSR What it can mean for the hopes of world peace is gradual softening of the Soviet system and concomitant weakening of the world movement as years go by NATURAL GAS Ii YOUR BEST BIIY NOTHING DOWN Eesy payments over values on monthly gas hills $1490 Imam consists su lusll Ilr turn in fog labour II urns nut firIsl cHANGEOVER CAN BE DONE IN FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVIBE ct employ dostto on elnmuu For sanut island by In cumin Full mm install mlunl Fl squlsmsnt coil or units to Sam apartment of sun 81 TORONTO ST PA 08558 Because Morocco was lust be ginning to set up its ovm trad cal and butth authorities it wasforcodtocollontheWorld Health Organisation for help Later another appeal was made to the Red Croat AID FROM CANADA For the next in months the lied Cross and the Moroccan Red Crescent Society received help from in nations with Cans ada sending the second largest in team From the beginning says the Canadian Journal Canadians played prominent part in the project The Cnna dian Red Cross rushed 128 cases of quilts childrens clothing and nightgowns 8000 pair of mens and childrens socks 1156 relief kits and three cases of chddealkers parallel bars and crutches Six physicians and 14 physio therapists irom Canada served at various times between De cember 1959 and the end of the program in mid1961 At the beginning of the pro TREATMENT CENTRES Soda Ldr David Hall Brooks of the RCAF Dr Charles God of the University at Tor loseph Berkeley Ont were chieis onto and Dr of Windsor of rehabilitation centres YwuiiiquIILIIIII vanufaai Alllit Teda teen livin Pills Ila Li lirhflérnih on at hotterverb hug1 63 on You no Bee Heads Off Hogs Department EDMONTON CPI Ltving high off the hog is old Int any the Alberta agriculture depart meat There is deï¬nite trend in Canada in favor of be con nimption and the department says higher incomes and pop ulatioo shift to the cities are the two main reasons Department statistician English illustrates the trend with chart which shows 554 pounds of porl were consumed for each Canadian from me to 1930 compared with 511 pounds BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimat FREE PIC AND DELIVERY PHONE PA was BARRIE Uphotslrrins is our BusinessNot Just lifeline 65 Bradford St veal and lamb rather than pork City life reducu the appetite the department says and in creases calorieconsciousness so that citydwcliers tend to limit weir pork consumption And the widespread use of Irma has redumd of ssh pork in favor of fresh meats Some United Statesmccomuxarlr never it out held but Cbarnetski Alberta 83114 culture department livestock su pervisor says pork can be pop ular again meattype pig he says Is part at the answer people would buy more park from leaner hogsand proper timing of retail price cuts also could increase sales CARRIER MISS YOU Il your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Bo Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND IRUCKS THEYRE USING svrnv MEANS of rannsronrnrm T0 on T0 monarch REFRIGERATION During liar Gigantic Inventory Clearance 0f 196162 IIIIfiIIIIIIIIE APPLIANCES Good people our wlrehoilnts at we must sell them nowl Come in iii floodedwlth brand new Frigidaire Appliances omorrow and grab handful of the his big Iavlngl MINIMUM OF 20 OFF ON All FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES DRYERS Exclusive Flowing Heat WASHERS Automatie shalt Cycle lets you sass wish aplndry dflpnn in last 46 mtnutcli hill Indy tum tamtic Wash lnao Temparh UPatcntod SARI All tltor hatth dep dirt out without boatlnsi Two frth WltIr Lint Away Rinse float lint Away automatically auntn am Now only 118 DunlapSi dries clothes breezefresh even later than sunshlael Nostoop nylon lint screen on doorl Porcelain enameled snag lree dram occurva 22995 now ONLY 8900 ALLOWANCE REFRIGERATION CO Few Doors East of Eatonsl Giant 23 oven Infinite heat control for all surface units Built in electric clock and time signal Snow Crest white Porce faln EnamelFlnlsh REGULARLY 80905 248o REFRIGERATORS Only 24 wide Freezer holds up to 37 lbs Hydrator holds 15 tits or vegetables Finished in Snow Crest White Dynakoto Enamel Width 24 Depth 28 Height 57 REGULAR 26995 NOW ONLY 18900 MONARCH THE KING OF VALUES we SERVICE WHAT we SELL FAB2059