HELP WANTED MALI HELP WANTED rr SENlOR DRAFTSMAN WlTH éMéchanlcal industrial Experience APPLY QMANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD BARRIE LEARN tLDcntoNics Now heiideni or Home Study gsenaols Toronto and Montreal RADIO COLLEGE or CANADA for rm nook Careers in itcimw to Kids st 1a Toronto Ontario MEN to work to £31550 or neck Apply to Box is Barre Examiner xciiANGI tell for so DDxlirld Er weir Apply Box is larria xsminer FEMALE HELP RECEPTIONIST CASHIER have an unusual opening Heour office for someone who can meet people well handle figures accurately and is good pist t3 FIVEDAY WEEK EMPLOYEE BENEFITS person we want is interest ln gradually assuming addi nal responsibility and in teasing her value and income El Apply CRESCENT FINANCE CORP 26 Dunlop Sl Phone PA 60203 Canadas fastest growing finance company STENOCASHIER For local office of National Corporation Some business experienca must Flvs day week to All usual employee benefits Phone PA 60285 FOR APPOINTMENT Unn reliable woman to mind hhgren Lith household duties Apply to Box 19 Harris Duminet Id MAN to cars for lady horns Elfin hospital not bedridden Must be reliable and load Nllrfll cu Apply at its Dunlop strut But Apartment 11 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDlTORS All persons havingf claims nlnst thc EStBLL ETDWARD BENEDICT DORAN late of the Township of Vespra In the County of Slmcoe Con tractor who died on or about the lilth clay of October 1061 must forward same to the un dersigned on or before the 20th day of January 1902 after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the admin lstratrlx will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 20th day of December AD 1961 BDYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE Barristers and Solicitors 11 Owen Street Barrie Ontario To Whom it May Concern Take notice that the Supreme Court Assizes will be held in the Court House Barrie com mencing on Monday January 15 1062 at the hour of oclock in the afternoon the Honour able Mr Justice Morand pre siding ROSS HUGHES Sheriff County of Simcoe MRS GEORGE MoCORRISTON Mr and Mrs trlemstra spent New Years Day with their dau ghter and soninelaw Mr and Mrs Dick ltomp Barrie The Shannon family spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Barry Clarke Mr and Mrs Bowman Allen with Bert Ottys in Toronto Mr and Mrs Bur nette and family Toronto and Frank Hogg with Wes Hogg Mrs Pat Poland ls home from Princess Margaret Hospital Sympathy goes outto Wes Hogg on the death of his moth er laat week and also to Harry Kelsey on the death of his sly ter Mr and Mrs Wes Hogg and Mrs Parker Kelcey attended the funeral of Mrs Dlneen of Collingwood on Wednesday last New Years guests withMr and Mrs Joseph Coehrane were Mr and Mrs Don Coch rane and family Mr and Mrs Bev Coehrane and family Mr and Mrs Keith McGirr and family of Painswick Mr and Mrs Jack Cochrane and son David Mrs Cochrane and Mrs Cochrane of Barrie Mr and Mrs Dick Rigby and family Mr and Mrs Bruce wine and family and Verna Wicc With the Kelcey fondly were fr and Mrs Pete Windatt and aughter Betty Mr and Mrs Bill Ford and Mario Ford of Barrie Mr and Mrs George Pupils and family of Torontoealled on the Kelceys during the holiday season l2 TENDERS schoe cow SHERIFFS SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Writ of Execution issued out of The County Court of the County of York in which AJAX ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED is the Plaintiff and ALFRED STOREY and TERESA STOREY are the Defendants to me directed against the floods and chattels lands and tenements of the said Alfred Storry and Teresa Storry have seized and taken in execution all the right title interest and equity of redemp tion of Alfred Siorry and Teresa Storry in and to the following that is to soy ALL AND SINGIILAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being part of the south half of Lot No 16 in the First Concession oi the Township of chumseth la the County of Slmcoe ALL OF WHICH said right title interest and equity of re demption of the said Alfred Starry and Teresa Storry in and to the said lands and ten ements shall offer fol sale by public auction at my office in the Court House in thL City of Barrie County of Slmcoo on lVEdnesday the 10th day of January AD 1962 at the hour of one oclock in the afternoon DATED at the City of Barrio in the County of Simcoc tlils 25th day of September AD 1961 R055 HUGHES Sheriff County of Simcoe BEETON By MRS WRIGHT Guests at the home of Reeve and Mrs Little during the holl days were liiiss Ethel Little of Ste Anne do Bellevue Quebec Mr and Mrs Tait and daughters Toronto Mr and Mrs Little and family St Catharines HOME FROM HOSPITAL Eileson returned home on Tuesday from Stevenson Mem nrlal Hospital Alliston where he had been patient for the past week Mr and Mrs Rae of To ronto were in town on Sunday at the home of the farmers mo ther Mrs Rae Mr and Mrs Brooks and Mrs Jardine of Bond Head spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Gray Mrs Cecil Farrier spent few days of the past week with relatives in Barrie Mr and Mrs Elwood Nichol visited relatives at Bradford on Thursday Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Campiin during the past week were Mr and Mrs Keenan and family of Port Credit Mr and Mrs 11 Ross and family of Oakvllie and Mr iid Mrs Watson of Dale number from town attend ed the funeral of Andrews of Bond Head on Sunday Mr and Mrs Wright visited relatives in Barrie on Sunday Mr and Mrs Sutherland Wayne and Brian were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs liven Wright Cookstown Sun ay TRINITY SERVICES Sunday Dec 17 was White Gift service in both school and church There was fine re sponse and the gifts were later taken to the Fred Victor Mis sion in Toronto The Christmas services on Sunday Dec 24 were well at tended The church was beau tiftu decorated with two light ed Christmas trees andJlghted candles in all the windows Thlshad been accomplished by the young people At the 1115 am service Rev Willis took as his subject No Room in the Inn Miss Phyllis Reynolds was at the organ The evening service at 730 was well attended and took the form ota candlelight carol ser vice with Malcolm Allan of Manchester England how of Toronto at the organ Mr Willie gave brief address on Let Us Go to Bethlehem This service was much enjoyed by all present Sunday Dec 11 took the form of be tlsmal service at 1115 am wlills address on Faith in the Future brought out the thought that Where there is no future there is no power in thapresent The following babies were haptlzed Stephen Rlchard son of Mr and Mrs Dick Corner Todd Arthur son of Mr and Mrs Charles Runnolls Rosalia Anna daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Crowley CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY Wat dealer NorthSouth vulnerable xom 911054 1936 Ants we use QA101B xa AQJ oxss AJIODI sonm eQnscas v7 ï¬KQdd The bidding wast North tut South Pan Ego Opening leadtwo of clubs This hand occurred in the match between ltaiy and the United States played in Bucnos Aires last year with Norman Kay west and Sidney Silodor East for the American team the bidding went as shown Kay didnt have much of on opening bid and being not vulnerable against vui ncrnhle opponents he started hostilities with diamond Silodor responded two clu bs with plenty to spare and the ltalinn South came in with two spades Kay doubled des plto his light opening bid sin cc he now had excellent defen sive values against spades and Silodor had made an affirma tire response This decision turned out well when South wound up going down three 800 points Kay led club ruffed the club re turn put Silodor on lead with heart and ruffed the next club return The defense later took two spades diamond and another club trick to hold declarer to five tricks Possibly you may not think TELEVISION PROGRAMS BECKER highly of Souths two spade bid especially considering how little South had in high cards and the winerabilfty conditions that existed it seems to us also that It would have been more discreet for South to pass after West had opened the bidding and East had shown strength by going into the two level with new suit But hold your fire friends because this is how the bidding wentbelieve it or notwhen the American NorthSouth psir played the some deal at the other table wm North East south Pm PI mu The play followed the same course as at the first table but South being one trick high er at down four 1100 poalts Apparently the American South was alsounduty impress ed byhls spade length and freakish distribution The net result of the sadly enough was that Italy gained 300 points on the ex change of punts Tomorrow Larceny at the bridge table CREEMORE POSTED T0 PEI Mr and Mrs Clarence Dixon and family are leaving Cree moro this week for Prince Ed ward lsland where Sgt Dixon has been transferred with the RCA to round out three and half years servlcl itfore rclt tlremenl The Dixon family have been residents here for the past five years and are most reluctant on leaving the village but hope to return and eventu ally settle down in Creemore CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MONDAY JANUARY 400 Womens Show Friendly Giant sing Ring Around lialzlo Dazzle Popeyea TV Party News Headlines Popeyos TV Party Farm Market Report News Don Jamillon Weather sports zna Grey Thentrl non ltlcsscrl Jubiica Danny Thomas Live Borrowed Life Bob Cummings Show Feiilvnl cacrv News The Weatherman f10in lrhsnlizfls amhiun ews If Crossroads TUESDAY JANuAnY 10 Test Pollcrn 11no nomper ltonm Pcho and Fall Noonday Rc on New Wcat er Fann Ra ort Coming Movie lliniinls ever arcaway open Ilouse School Toictlltl Verdict is Your News rrPPPH any zessgsez assess Sporll Womens show Adventurer Blinky Flowerpot lilcn llaula Dania fillkc liternary News Headlines hlavla Museum rum Market Report News Dntl lnmieiun Weather Sports 1110 lloo than me who 1010 11oo llil Ben Clsay nary Moore Show liediskcllon Front Fan Chllllnla inquiry Kin of Diamonds CB 1v Nawl Tho weatherman Today in Sports Communlt Nawl 11le Interpol alllfll WEDNEHDAV JANLMRY Io l0 Test am ILW Romp Room 1100 Papaya Ind Plll 1230 Noon port News liar Sports gorrrll Ra art omn an 100 was on it or Love 110 Mile do Pltil it twill er ct in iii raww omens Show 30 Friendly Gllnl JAB Mania lilugslnl 500 Hallie hunll sio Hueklebsrry Hound sin News Headlines 801 Provincial Affairs 620 Farm hinrkll Rupert NIWI Don Jsmlssan Weather Sports has Pierre Berton 7oo rm Liw and Mr Jones mo Bachelor rim 300 Ploydstc 1700 Perry Como 00 News ltflifnllnl IDJltl HXDIDrtiHDnn 00 CBC TV News ms The iVuthormaIi godly III or onlmun IWI 1130 Highway Patrol CFIO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY JANuAnv it 100 mecssor Hideaway Man From Cochise Sports Weather Pierre flerton News Father Knawl Best Top Cat Whiplash Inmcctor Msilrot Take Chance Twentv questions Jack nanny News Weather Sports Better Late TUESDAY JANUAnY lean News Free and Elsi All Star Plnyhoull Chlnnal Theatre Three Wise Fools News Professors Hideaway nun From caehiu Sports Weather Plnrra Berton Nawl 2532s AOROSEI Scarlett OHnml home Thick sites Troubled 10 Fail to win 12 Location of Valletta 13 Indian sha 14 Segment of circle oriental 15 Invent nurse 16 Elmbfllhfll Winter garmentI hazard 19 Compass 16 People of point Greta tobbr Journey 20 Iroquoian 21 Manner oi walking 21 Another name for Santa Claus 25 Musical instrument 36 Relative 27 Mans nickname 28 Involves 31 Wealth By way 85 Slow mover 36 Graft alum 38 Francis seaport la 39 Memosan dams 40 Prophet 41 Shoshonoans DOWN Coronet Civil Defense signal Bank no Girls name Diaperage Learning Largest continent pad dweller 700 Bachelor Father 7io Ins Alon With no and cit Mlm anti cheekmnrn 1030 showdown llJJil Newt weather 1115 Better Late weoNasnAv iANuAiilt is 1010 News lass rm Ind my 110 A11 sm Playhouse zoo Channel Theatre Looking on the Bright slatt News Professors Hideaway Man From Cochise Sports Sport olilLY caossWoao IIIZEIII ï¬ï¬‚lllfllilï¬ Wantnar By Pierre Barton News We on Train 77 unsot strip Hockey Jim Coleman Tile Detectives News Weather ortl Better Late 28 One Ger Miss 101 tan 22 To melon active H481 mum WI Allin 21 Squirraia dinner 265ovcre An eel fisherrnm NJDwolls 30 Speaks 112 Bear hldseut 33 Employ 36 African antelope 31 Danny sLbNDlE LARRY BMNNON JULIET JONES lTHOUGHT IOU WERE DRESSING MEAN ITHWGHT MEAN THOUGHT YOU WERE BLDNDIE MEANJTHDUGHTL JUMPING TD OONCtUSVONS PEUON ID ZONCLUDE You 7151 META cHosri so QUIET HERE IN STUDY HALLI CANT on DADlO PLAYING LIKE WHEN no MY HOMEWORK Es RIGHT HERE UNDEE THE WINDOW IN THE SCHOOL PAQKING LOT5 DONALD DUCK GRANDMA suz sAwYElt muses AND SKEETEit HAPPY BlRTHDAY TO ME ALIUS ï¬ttile fOWW WAi MOKE MR W5 WAX THE Fflmï¬ 57 NOPE KIDS NO PLAYIN ASTRONAUT nos moaNiNl IthtluoIrit nil or new mom All dlrltlu onlltflll flit SEA fulfil BORROWED MARVINS SPACE HELMET TGO TH LIBRARY MP5 DH HE WENT UP TO 7H PLEASE PA T115SAIV HEOANT RELAX ME UP Wmi THIS MGPEEN VANCE MIC