Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1962, p. 6

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THESE FOUR women were placed on the list of 12 of the worlds best dressed women as selected by thaNew York Couture Group Left to right are Princess Alexandra of Kent Mrs Loci Guinness of Boynton Beach Florida Queen Siriklt of Thailand and Presidents Wife Tops List Of 12 Best Dressed Women NEW YORK AP Jacque line Kennedy again has been elected the worlds bestdressed woman To the surprise of practically no one the presidents wife for the second year tops the best dressed list issued today by the New York couture group which conducts the annual poll More than 2000 fashion ex perts deslgmers and editors throughout the world cost bal lots from which committee of ater authorities compiled the official 1961 list of 12 women Mrs Kennedy who the com mittee said hadlnougurated the Kennedy era of young ele gance was joined on the list this year by her younger sister Princess Lee Rodziwill and friend Mrs Charles Wrights man neighbors of the Kennedys in Palm Beach MOST ELEGANT Runnerup to Mrs Kennedy who won by landslide in the popular vote was Mexlcnnborn Mrs Loci Guiness of Paris and Palm Beach Mrs Guineas grandmother with flair has been called by some fashion publications the most elegant woman in the world ANN LAN DEBS Handkerchief Snare Suggests More Care Dear Ana Landers We women should stick together and help each other as much as possible Please print this letter for the benefit of all wives everywhere you suspect your husband is cheating keep track of his bondkerchiefs For almost year wondered what was hap ening to my husbands white nen hankles Id buy dozen at time and in two months hed be down to three He keptinsisting he was los ing them Last week found four under the seat of our carlip stick on every one of them When presented him with the evidence he admitted he had been little foolish and prom feed to behave himself hon estly believe he will too Ann Handkerchief watching could serve as the mousetrap Girls recommend itiHE COUNTA 55 Dear Countass Sometimes when you build better mouse trap nature breeds smarter mouse Catching husband rar ely makes him better It only makes him more careful suggest visit to mar riage counselortogether Find out why somebody elses lipstick is more desirable than the home brand BDRROWS COAT Dear Ann on Nine years ago bought lovely fur coat from friend who inher ited it from an aunt This friend couldnt wear it because it was to small paid for the coat out of money earned working The coat was too short for me but intended to have cape or stale made from it Then became pregnant and de cided to put the coat aside for while My husband asked me if Id let his mother borrow the coat temporarily so long as couldnt wear It agreed few days ago my motherin law came over wearing the stole she had made out of my fur coat My husband was not home at the time and said nothing except it looks lovely Believe me was heartsick When told my husband he said there was nothing he could do aboué it now Any suggestions li Dear HS Yes Forget it Your big mistake was lending it to your mothervinlaw Appar ently there was misunderlt standing Look at it this way You bought the coat nine years ago and It was thirdhand THEN After you agreed to let your motherinlaw wear it while it would have been fifthhand to you It seems to me you ex pected too much from one piece of fur HAS RELIGIOUS TIES Dear Ann Lenders Im working girl 20 in love with fellow 23 We plan to be mar ried within couple of years The problem is have strong feelings about my religion He came from broken home and has had no religiou training He had never been inside church except for weddings and fu nerals until he met me He says he is not antireligious he just doesnt care about it one way or the other For the past year hes been attending church with me every Sunday but he says hell prob ably never join What shall doGRETA Dear Greta Youre in bet ter spot than if he had religious ties elsewhere so cheer up Keep him worshiping at your side and chances are that when marriage is imminent hell join WHAT THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLETA For Tomorrow Fortitude and optimism will he needed now Some delays may be encountered or changes of plan indicated but take these things in stride Follow realis tic program For The BMIIIEIIY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that between now and May you will have some excellent opportuni ties to attract the attention of persons in your occupational field and that you could profit handsomely thereby So keep alert and take advantage of every opportunity to further your interests Personal matters in theacam ing months will also be under benetlclent aspects and you should experience extremely happy domestic and social relo tlunships If single look for an interest ing romantic situation too rohably late in July In Octo or or in December Financial matters should run smoothly but do avoid extrava gance andor speculationesp cially in September and Novem ber Beginning with late August and continuing for of months you will benefit by an uaunily generous influences for expansion in all lines SCRIPTIONS We give prompt courteous service an yaur doctor about our pharmacy next time he writes llnreldlipfIMI for you an poem pickedup and delivered in or alum CUSDENS PHARMACY Is Dunlap PA casts Collier 53 PA sssss alwlyl other top honors went to Mrs Norman Winston of New York and Paris and act ress Audrey Hepburn who were elected to the fashion Hall of Fame and to Englands Prin cess Alexandra Only women who have been listed annually for more than three consecutive years are eligible Princess Alexandras mother the Duchess of Kent was elevated to the hall of fame last year TOP TWELVE The complete list of the is bestdrcsscd women of mi lllrs John Kennedy Mrs Loci Guinness wife of an international banker Princess Stanislas Radziwill London Queen Sirlklt of Thailand Signora Gianni Agneili Turin Italy wife of an automotive ex scutive Vicom Jacqueline da Iiibes wife of Paris banker Mrs David Bruce wife of the US ambassador to England Madame Herve Alphnnd wife sthe French ambassador to the Princess Alexandra ofKent Mrs Charles Wrightsman wife of an oil millionaire Mrs John Barry Ryan III New York Signora Uberto Agnelll Turin Italy sister in law of Sig nora Gianni Agoelll Completing the In member Hall of Fame roster of women who inspire elegance and good taste in dress are Mrs An turo LopezWiiishaw of Paris Countess Consuelo Crespi of Rome Mrs Henry Ford 11 of Grosse Point Micro Mrs Win ston Guest New York and Palm Beach Mrs William Ran dolph Hearst Ir New York the Duchess of Windsor Mrs William Paley New York Countess Edward von Bismarck Paris and Capri Madame Jac ques Balsan Palm Beach and New York CONFUSED ROBIN STAYS IN WEST EDMONTON CPILennie is one robin that didnt fly south for the winter Despite frigid subzero weather in Ed monton during the last sev eral days hes apparently en joying himself here Lennie was one of three rob lns rescued by Frank Wels brod after cat attacked their nest Mr Welsbrod raised the young threesome until mid July then set them loose be fore going on week long trip Annie was recaptured in he Welsbrod garage about week later Since then hes been living the life of Riley in the base ment of the Welsbrod home Mr Weisbrod says The quickets and easiest way to clean the aahtrays in the house is to let the bird loose It throws all the butta on the floor Next ariag hell build birdhouat to see if Lennie will find mate and nest in it Before You Buy Fun compare As To IQUALIT oarnu WORKMANSEIP AND ABOVE ALI PRICE LI Selection To lull Ever Budget We invite Your Inspection No Obligation consume REPAIRING con aIDnAua satisfaction Guaranteed ulaollls runs Banlas Exclusive Farrier who makes and sells turn only Ilsrrl Toronto finanfop St PA 54888 Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy AP Photo ISKUNK FLUID RAISES STINK HUNTSVILLE Ala AP The US Army has announced that skunk fluid wont work as missile fuel but the ox perlmcats raised big stink at Redstona arsenal The army ordnance missile commands structural chcm lstry laboratory ran tests on some mercaptons to deter mine posslbln use in rocket fuel mercoptan is any of series of compounds anal ogous to the aicohols and phenols but containing sul phur In place of oxygen One of the mercaptans come from skunkand the odor got into the air condi tioning system in the labora tory We found that although It produced high energy re action from humans we could not use it In missiles said Dr James Merritt labors tory director Quebec Session Opens Tuesday QUEBEC CPLThe second full legislature session under Quebecs Liberol government opens Tuesday with predictions it will be almost as long and as legislationloaded as the first recordsetter The session which 49yearold Premier Jean Lesage says will be devoted mainly to electoral reforms and economic matters is forecast to run until mid June Last session lasted seven months to the day One of the main economic matters to be dealt with this year will be central invest ment fund to which public and private interests will be asked to contribute Its goal In 3100 000000 in capital most of which would go into longsought steel mill to turn Quebecs iron are into finished steel The ovem ment feels that secondary lnduaa tries would follow to turn steel into finished products Premier Lesage says second ary industry is the biggest job provider known Present standing in the Iiegls lature is 54 Liberals to Union Nationale and one independent Fisher Bursts Bubble Bath ROME Reuters Shots of Elizabeth Taylor nude in bath have been cut from the movie Cleopatra because of objections by Eddie Fisher the actress husband it was reported here today Fishers objections to the shots were disclosed by studio sources although the producers of the movie 20th Century Fox tried to play down the reports The studio hources said the shots were taken about two weeks ago Everyone was cleared from the set and the film was not processed by the normal developing laboratory But when Fisher son the fin ised film he objected the sources said and the shots were handed over to him BARBIE LAWN BOWLING TURKEY DRAW Winners Fitman Barrie AdsmsoaLBarrlo Kighhley Barrie Carol Iienun Barrie Doug Wilson Ebrria Mrs McPherson Barrie McFadden Barrio Lem Jory RR Barrie Min Wilhelm Bolton Glades Mouton Midland FC Neil Kleinsiueber has owed to the Royal Military College in St Jean Quebec af ter spending Christmas and New Years leave with his nab eats F15 and him Klein Huber RCAF Station Camp Borden The Corporais institute held semivfmmul New Yearsball at the club Sunday evening The gala event commenced at In oclock Tom mwes orchestra of Orr Lake provided dance music recent guest of and Mrs Webster was Cp Web sters mother Mrs Web star of Victoria DC formal New Years ball was held at the Officers Mess RCAF Station Camp Borden In the receiving line to greet go members and guests were and Mrs Hilton SA and Mrs Snowden and SL and Mrs Murray Music for dancing was supplied by thaCombo Kings of ills on Guests of W01 and Mrs Atherton over the holidays were Dr and Mrs Atbcrtoa and sons Charles and Michael of Shepherdstown West Vin glnia Mrs If Howes of Adams Centre NY Betsy Coilcr of Buffalo F18 and Mrs MacNell of RCAE Station North Bay and son Bob Atherton who is attending OTTAWA CPI Nell Sle mess bit of traffic stopper herself has launched country wide campaign to make Cana dian women more conscious of traffic safety The pretty blueeyed brun ette nurse and one time sports fashion expert has been hired by tho Canadian Highway Safety Council to interest womens groups in promoting traffic safety Through the women she hopes to make more careful drivers out of Canadas mcn Miss Siemens on the job three months has met with womens groups in Ottawa Tor onto and Montreal She plans crossCanada trip some time in I962 Theres lot of apathy about highway safety among both sexes the native of Saskatoon said In an interview She hopes to shatter this One of her plans Is for national campaign to By CLEVELAND MERS You may have seen the child between the ages of six and is who is constant victim of tens Iag not only by one or two but by many children in his neigh borhood His tormentors seem to gain great satisfaction from teasing and bullying this child Nearly always he has execs siva fears not shared by other children of his ago His misery and futile explosions of anger and fright seem to egg on his tormentors and even more so if the victim should stutter Though this type of victim may be retarded child hes more often of average or even superior mental ability Always howeverI he lacks those quali ties which would make him favorable playmate or even ae ceptabie to most other children of ii age Adults may think of him as immature and acting younger than his age should lead them to expect From Alabama mother writes of her nineyearold son He has an unresonable fear of monsters He dreams about them and awakens screaming for help at least once week and more often after hes been excited We dont allow him to see horror programs in movies and TV Occasionally he sees pre view of one on TV or at drive in theater He is not outgoing is very shy He is very gull blcabout Dont bank on magic can pet toget you there Our magic is more reliable and hes besidesi All phases of your trip are taken care of All you do is enjoy it i102 Dunlap St CAMP BORDEN SOCIAL NOTES Shepherds College in Shepherds tern Wm Virginia and his friend Jack Jones fonneriy of this station and now attending Teachers College in North Bay New Years dance was held by the Staff Alrmena institute at the lounge large crowd danced to the music of the Mich Iszl Doyle Orchestra of Tattoo New Years guest at the home of Sgt and Mrs fan gavio was Miss Deans Blake Barrie Iba members of the Senior NCOs Mess held New Years Eva ball on Sunday evening at the RCAF Sergeants Mus Mess members nor dress uni forms Corsages were present ed to the ladies The large crowd attending the festive event danced to the music of the Clair Andrews Orchestra and welcomed the New Year in the traditional fashion Churchill WI Plan 4H Club Display Churchill Womens institute will hold 1H display arrang dd by leader Mrs John Rich The meeting will be held Jan it at pm in the Commun liy Hull interest women in safety balls in automobiles WOMEN NEED SPUR There are 4000000 passenger cars in Canada and 8273 Cana adlaas lost their lives in car accidents in 1960 Another 80 152 were injured Miss Siemens hopes to help reduce the tall by interesting the Strodd major womens organiza tions in promoting traffic safety for pedestrians and motorists from the home out One inducement for the women is the national Coral Lana Awards for safety pro jects launched by womens groups Sponsored by an oil company the awards are $1000 for first prize $500 for second and $250 for third Does she lhlnk women are good drivers Gcnarally but perhaps their greatest fault is that they are ovancautlaus Tormentors Gain Satisfaction From Teasing Constant Victim the tell stories that other chil dren toll For example the children in his car pool last year started rumor about man killing woman in the subdivision across the street from us This tale was started in school and continued in the car on the way home An other mother was driving My son burst into tears and the mother made the children stop Each one had addedsama thingio the story When James arrived home he was afraid to come Into the house and stood ion the porch shaking and cry ng JUST GAME could not convince him that it was just game with the other children want him to realize that they tryto scare him because he is afraid of everything want him to laugh at their horror tales or join In them and add something him self Maybe then they would leave him alone The mother is right in wanting the boy to become hardened to the frightening yarns of other children But merely to tell him to do so is futile The process at hardening can come only through gradual personal gains skillfully engineered doubt if anybody could prescribe re cipe Successful help will reduce his being subject to excessive rights and teasing and further the gradual growth of courage In him Follow the trade winds of excitement Paris the worldly lady of Europe BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE PA in TllE BAan EXAMINER man JANUARY Bond Head Ladies Play Active Role The ladies of the WMS met In the Sunday School rooms for the final meeting of the year fwenwllllo members and vls itors were present Mrs James Andrews outlin ed the beginning of the WA and WMS organizations In the form er Methodist and Presbyterian churches She made special mention of the late Miss Jen nie Hill of Bond Head who was missionary in Chino Miss IIlll later married Dr Mitchell also missionary in China The church was also re resented in the home mission cld by Miss Addie Sutherland working as deaconcss in Vancouver BC WELL REPRESENTED Mrs Andrews reminded mam hers Bond Head congregation was also well represented at the Presbyterial level with the late Mrs Abernathy be Plcms CrossCanada Trip To Promote Traffic Safety NELL SIEMENS They have the family our loss often than the man of the house and they havent got the con fidence or experience of man she says They get all upset when they do the wrong thing But they show more courtesy MALE PREJUDICE The only daughter In family of four boys silo didnt drive until she moved to Tomato Her father Saskatoon trucker felt it was mans job The male opinion In the fam lly hasnt changed much but my mother thinkslm an ex cellent driver Mlsa Siemens says she be lieves women can get their hus bands and children to take safety precautions such as wearing safety belts and driv ing carefully but they shouldnt nag She felt women are naturally more safety conscious because of an inborn maternal instinct Miss Siemens has firsthand knowledge of the results of rock less driving graduate of nurs ing In Saskatoon she was for time head nurse ofa surgical ward at Torontos Western Ilos pitai She gave up nursing to work with Tomato department store and later took over as buyer and manager of branch in London Ont EASY FIXING pair of sharp pointed scis sors will be found helpful in pre paring liver for cooking to re move tho membrane and sepi aratc pieces lag the first president following church union The late Mrs Gordoalflrlgxtiit served as very capab bytcriai secretary for mission bands ctltlrshllrethet had been appoint to same co on the Toronto Conference Board shortly before her sudden death More recently Mrs Alvm Smith had completed threeyear term as Pmsbyteriaf vIcOlIresic deal for the south section The hope was expressed that the women of the congregation would enter into the new on gaoixatlon with the same seal and endeavor that had marked their work in the WMS The call to worship began the program led by Mrs Andrews and Mrs McKay Scrip ture lessons were read by Mrs Jackson and Mrs Bradley Mrs Jackson sang love ly solo and later in tha gram played piano selec on Mrs Wilcox presided for the remainder of the meeting Mrs Sutherland re rted increas ed eavelo In thaakalferlag givings Ira Robinson reported splendid bale sent for overseas relief NEW LEADERSHIP Mrs William Watt Messanc gers will be the new name for the former mission band and the meetings will be held on the first Saturday of each month under the leadership of Mrs McKay Mrs Keller and Mrs Grlmshuw Mrs Alvin Smith reported for the nominating committee that all offices for the executive for United Church Women had been filled but standing com gttees had not been complet The first meeti for United Church Woman be held in the church basement Jam 10 with buffet supper at pm All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend The in augural service will be at the regular churchservlco Jen is at it am vote of appreciation was given to Mrs Wilcox for her line leadership for the past two years Mrs McLean and Mrs Keller were hostesses Ivy Women Hold Meeting In Barrie lbo regular meeting of Ivy Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Stanley Ap glegote Barrie with 17 mm era and seven visitors pres ent business and correspondence were discussed Anyone wish ing to take the 4H course should report to Mrs Arnold Banting Cheer boxes were packed for the aged In the dommunity Itir and Mrs Garnet Pratt demonstrated making corssges and decorations and displayed variety of Ideas Lunch committee consisted of Mrs Cbipchase Mrs Cofihrone and Mrs Jea ne FLOWERS By Wire To Felends Away Inquire Today FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 Blake St PA 85915 you owe YOUR DIAMONDS THE NEW BEAUTY OF OUR MODERN SErTlNGS MODERN SETTING will free your diamond of its deep unflattering setting It allowsxyour dia mond to float delicately on your finger so its beauty may be seen fromevery angle Your dia mond will look bigger and brighter than you ever dreamed possible We will be pleased to assist you in choosing new excitineg different design to suit your personal choice Free estimates Keele5 BARRJE 76 Dunlop St Established 1890 JEWELLERS no ONTARIO Phone PA 88745

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