Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1962, p. 4

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idiotic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited Walls Publisher 18 Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario Brian Slaight General Manager FRIDAY JANUARY Pllo Pass Around The industrial Sites To Smaller Centres TBlg cities certainly have many advan tages but what many fall to notice is that they also have their problems dif ficulties so com lex and growing so fast that they somet mes appear insurmount able New York is metropolis which can claim the tallest buildings in the world possibly the greatest concentration of wealth and the finest opportunities for cultural development but at the samoi time presents the most puzzlingproblems in municipal administration Some of theseinclude housing police and fire protection water and sanitation and transport The very size of the met ro olis causes great complexity in finding soiJutlons And what is more they are becoming more involved each day Is Metropolitan Toronto becoming too big for efficient administration it must be admitted that there is too much vigor and enter rise in the metropolitan area to sudden come to standstill but the time has come to consider the desirabil Tragic Moral From the Christian Science Monitor Edgar Hoover is rousing patriot and Wise and careful law enforcement officer Some sections of his recent ad dress on recelvln the Criss Award which were not stresse in the news report are filmed at all segments of American opin on Let Mr Hoover speak Today we are facing crime problem of such magnitude that it represents an acute danger to our national survival There is serious weakening of moral and spiritual fibers in our society We must never forget that vitiated state of morals corru ted public conscience is incompatible th true freedom Americas juvenile criminality is dir ectly traceable to the failure of adults to meet their moral obligations If respect for law and order and for the rights of others were instilled in children at an ear ly age and if parents set pro er ex ample for their children we mig keep Juvenile delinquency from becoming the door to careers in crime In this nation disrespect for law and order is tragic moral sickness which attacks and destroys the American tradi tions of honesty integrity and fair play One cannot preach morality and practice immorality National corruption is the sum total of individual corruption ity of withholdin what might be de scribed as srtificia stimulus For instance reat efforts are made to encourage loca on in the metropolitan area of additional industries Would it not be better if the provincial planning department and other agencies made greater efforts to guide such develop ments into the smaller communities throughout the province We want 0n tarlo to grow but not all in one at com ments The Port Arthur NewsC ronlcle Experience has proven that problems become compounded when communities reach metropolitan size This fact has been reco nized in England where model cities are eing planned for ultimate 0pm pulations of between 50000 and 200 00 people The very fact that special problems arise when there is too great concen tration of populationshould be factor in the lens of smaller communities to attract ndustries commercial enterprises and more people to themselves Sickness Then turning to communism The extent of the menace posed by the philosophy of communism is clean cut and obvious However it is absolute ly necessary that we attack and oppose it calmly rationally and objectively The Communist Party in this country has attempted to infiltrate and subvert every segment of our society The partys efforts have been thwarted in this coun try by the governments internal security programs by investigation arrest and prosecution of party functionaries by widespread intel igent public opposition to the Communist philosophy Let us also work for revolution revolution by the spirit not the sword Let there be vital forces at work in our society and not merely slogans Let us be for America all the way butat the same time let us not be taken in by those who promote hysteria the distortion and misrepresentation the true facts whether they be the proponents of chau vinism of the extreme right or pseudo li beralism of the extreme left At another hour of grim challenge full century ago Abraham Lincoln urged the American people Let us have faith that right makes might and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it That says it Other Editors Views EDUCATED WOMEN Calgary Albertan It is debate is whether the home transition period is toughest for the w0lt man university graduate Today many women by their midforties have fin ished raistng their families Ahead of tigelifi lie 80 and sometimes 40 more years The great test for the college educated woman after problems of raising fam ily are for the most part in the past is how to find an intelligent and resourceful way to fill her later years It is here that much feminine talent which could and should be harnessed for the good of society is being wasted Sure ly it is challenge for society to find constructive way to ut this mine of abil ity into productionp UNELECTED LEADERS Financial Post Torontos enthusiastic and deserved tributes to Gardiner on his retire ment as chairman of the Metropolitan Council have perhaps been noted in other parts of the country He was the real founding father of Metro Toronto in 1958 served it with im mense ability and made it great prac tical success He may even be said to have invented new anduworkable sys tem of local government But the most interesting point about fig The Barrie Examiner Authorlxcd soco Port ouice popnEIsIfbtt and for payment of posts as Daily Sundays Statutory nouam excepted more wanna minim llniAN armour Genm Munm MchBON Manning canni CHARLES wanes Bu en Mansci man moon Aflnrtisinl Muller roan nosnan Circnlition Mmler lubscrlption rate daily by clrtiu scs ki mac ym sim copyiol sy mu in hit mm you 00 months mo tam months month Outside ontulo £000 sari1 Outside Can Ida $2000 year 0mm as Unlversif Av Toronto Cnthcart 5mm ifontrsix me Of an Georlia sini Vanrau Member of the Olnldlln Daily Newlplplr Pub Iilholl Association Th nadian Press 1th Audit Bureau of elm The Usnadiln Pflll II use for re unitetion of all news apar are Iild to It or Th Allan It enters and also the fool puhli xcl 1m anona to etched in this Pro Gardiner at least from nonToronton ian pomt of view is that he was appoint ed not elected to his office Perhaps he would have been champ in the art of appealing to mass elector ate But the ds seema ainst this be cause an elected mayor wit onequarter of Gardiners efficiency com etence and drive is rare phenomenon Canadian cities Anyway the question did not arise For eight yearshe was Metros undisputed ruler and hardboiled ruler who showed no fear or favor wlthout hav ing to be candidate This appears to explode democracy but in fact it only exposes the reality as against the fanciful theories of good democratic practice There were ways of ousting Big Dad dy not assassination but perfectly lawful ways if he proved as he did not to be incompetent corrupt or tyrannical and this is surely the main point So long as community has peaceful meth cd of gettin rid of bad rulers it enjoys all the bless ngs democracy has to offer The point is that much of the best pub lic service given to any city or country erhaps most of the best public service performed by persons who could not be elected or anyway never are to an important office It is interesting that Toronto reco izes this The citizens should be qui disturbed if there were any likelihood of their havin to choose Cordiners successor by popu or vote TWO BOSSES DIFFERV The Printed Word The union member remarked recently that he had two bossesthe boss who paid him and the boss whom he paid he boss that the union member pays is trying to work it around so that the boss pays the wage will have no authority whatsoever This statement isdue to recent pr0lt osal in Ontario that he fiovinclal low changed so that ic et es would be lnvlolate No strike resking would meanl that no strike ever could be lost The next step wouldbe to prohibit an em ployer from giving up the business ghost WELCOME MAT WITH RESERVATIONS TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Dont Worry About Milk Its Good For Everyone By JOSEPH MOLNER Dear Dr Molner am an elderly lady who has hardening of the arteries Should continue to drink milltIMrs DL quite aware that some re search poople recently have taken whack at milk as fac tor in hardening of the arteries can see their poinbbut do not entirely ngrce First let me answertodsys question which is one of many in the same vein Yes would keep on drinking milk Now for my main reasons Firstan is not solo to harm the arteries of elderly peolt pie who already have hardening of the arteries And on the other hand if they skip milk they are going to miss the calcium and some other decidedly useful in Mdleots of milk Second let me subject you to somewhat more complicated reasoning Basically and this is why some people are aiming their criticism at it milk does contain certain amount of ani mal fat Indeed that is the way by which we measure its rich ness Likewiseand this seems to go along with the theory of those who criticize milkthere is reason to think that excessive animal lots or other solid fats contain so much choles terol level in the blood and thus contributes to the amount of ma terial which is gradually de posited in or on the artery walls and helps harden the arteries So for Im giving the argu ment all to the other side TOO MUCH IS BAD Now let me have MY say By every known criterion the cor rect diet isnt one with N0 fat It is one with not too MUCH far We all need some fat Even QUEENS PARK Finds Parties Still Play Petty Politics In Ontario By DON OHEABN TORONTOIts straightfrom theshouider tinie of year Its now an old habit to start the year with very frank look at our parties politics and poli cles So lets gowlth first the Pro gressive Conservatives PETTY POLITICS How about the PCs Well they can stand improvo meat as much as anyone Per haps more so The one thingthls observer would like to see most here is for the party to grow up to new stage in playing politics It still plays petty politics And today doesnt cell for them Some of the oldtime petty patronuge has been done away with But lot of it remains Liquor store appointments for in stance and some new has been added There seems to be on ex trnordinorlly large number of special eounscl retained these days And if to no other reason than that it reflects on oldfash ioned port thisshould be done away with Recently we have seen many old porty hands particularly members going into retirement the rigid vegetarians need fat and theyget it either in the form of dairy products or the various vegetable oils It isnt fat that harms us Its TOO MUCH fall The American diet is known to be for richer in fats of all sorts than the diet in good many other parts oi the world Some other areas are harm lully short of fats So should we therefore abolish all fats No Wed be as badly off as people in areas where there isnt enough fatl Or to concoct slmlle theres the man who says smoke three packs of cigaiets day and three cigars Do you think should cut down on my cigars No young or old dont worry about milk with its four per cent butterfat or thereobouts If you are worrying about fat in the diet cut the fat off your pork chops eat boiled instead of fried potatoes eat the lean instead of the fat part of your steak Youll thus avoid enough fat to make up for more gallons of milk than you could possibly drink In any one day And if you still have any qualms drink skim milk instead of whole milk Milk is good for you at any ago After all nature has chosen milk as basic food in tho ani mal kingdom and Im afraid we are going far off the boom when we seek to indict it as food wiiile we munch our French fr es STRAINS LIGAMENI Dear Dr Molner friend of mine has strained ligament in fact has been in bed for three weeks He is told that only rest will helpCould you recommend something that might be of relief at least so he can get around sgainfLMS Yes Resting the part until the ligament has healed is best Later an elastic support or ad hesive taping may allow him up sooner Dear Dr Molner is the use of face creams contain ing hormones hsmifulf Can they cause cancer Mrs MKn No harm no danger that have any knowledge of But they dont help either See End To Increasing Municipal Road Outlay OIlAWA CP Canadian municipalities can no longer in crease annual expenditures for road construction Gil christ managing director of the Canadian Good Roads Associa tion says in yearend state ment Municipal authorities had re ported it was beyond their fin ancial capacity to cope with appointed to goodpaying jobs such as the local sheriff There probably shouldnt be too much criticism of thisyou have to get sheriffs some where But it does tend to lower public respect for government OLDFASHIONED The old fashioned approach probably underlies most of the important weakness there is ill the PC group And former Premier Frost whodld so much to build up the Conservative immediate strength would seem to get most of the blame For Mr Frost in addition to his teaparty electioneering had other oldtime approaches that be used One of these was the air of righteous indignation The big words for the little promise were another These were typi cal of Mr Frosts political tech niques which essentially were oldfashioned The former premier however knew them for the tools they were But many of his followers didntand dont good core of the party in fact has got so folksy you feel it should be drlvln horse and team and dresse in arm hands Politically it should grow up to the new day rocketing requirements of city traffic Their financial plight was reflected in 1961 expendit ures which showed decline for tho first time in many years Municipal expenditures on road construction rose to $261 500000 in 1960 from $227800000 the previous year Flnnl figures for 1961 are expected to show drop to about $240000000 Tho levelling off in the last two years in the rate of road and street expenditures hnd fol lowed succession of phenom enal increases in spending start ing in 1946 Mr Gilchrist predicted that roadbullding activities in 1062 will be at about the same level as the two previous years In 1961 total expenditures by federal provincial and munici pal governments reached 51 100000000 compared with $1 104000000 in 1960 and 51037 W0000 in 1959 MORE CARS Registration of automotive vehicles has been rising steadily each year and the onus of this increase falls most heavily upon municipal governments The burden is exaggerated by the steady shift of popula tion from farm to town and city and by the factithat the majority of immigration into the country settles in builtup areas The relative financial res ponsibility of provincial and municipal governments is re ceiving detailed study in many sections of the country with view to arriving at means for helping locnl governments with their traffic difficulties Todays Dimerick TOO MUCH SUGAR Mountains are favorite with many Though some folks requestNo not any They are so much too sweet That theyre really no treat For dozen Id not give penny THE FIRST COLUMN II Resolution To Get Up Earlier By KEN WALLS 10me and curling got humorous mix in town lost math We have been remind ed to mention it At the local club the mens com tltion for the first part of year is sponsored by prominent brow lng firm When the jubilant rink trooped off the ice after luminalmgameul person fias on rape that gee of the four curlers on the winning team were Lib erals With an election com ing up he remarked would that be significant It was discovered that only the skip relatively unimportant posi tion was Tory AT THE ilVANiS dinner few days ntcr the president was congratulating the two club members who were on the rink and jokingly mentioned the pos aiblc political connotation threupon the ski stood up and said Yes but had to do the thinking for the team RESOLUTIONS Much is heard of that word in the weeks and days and hours before New Years very few people make them and they stick Many make them and dont make them stick One local moo was insistent on aresolw tion effective for 1201 am on Jan Promptly at midnight he decided to postpone the start 21 hours and last we heard had decided to wait an other year THIS COLUMNIST never has made any New Years ICSDILI tions in the past not being of that strongwilled type so pre valent in tho strong silent types of this northern temperate cll mote But this year was prompted by on experience on the Sunday before Christmas This is one of two Sundays in the year whcn person is apt to find church pews fully occu led With some effort got he entire family into the car by 15 minutes to 11 am and arrows across liter one minutes drive an rived to findno parking room in the vicinity THIS REQUIRED lakln the car some two blocks dIstant up by the court house Actual we live closer than that as crow files but not by the munlci al road system Still and there was at least on minutes left when we entered the front door The choir hadnt even III got there by then but they have preferred seats Not seat was to be had in auditorium or gallery and in fact all Additional chairs were taken plua available standing room So handed in the weekly envelope and was turning to depart when one of the weicomcrs greeted me with this advice if you would get out of bed earlier you would find seat here IT WAS CHRISTMAS Norm ally my attitude to the world breaks into slight smile about noon never having been much of on early bird But beam cd brightly shook hands with the elder ans nvcrrcd that he was only too right So now thats my resolutionhut doubt if it will be early enough for the worms DID HOWEVER enjoy the service and sermon by radio That is until the announcement was made that due to on error on the port of the local news paper the service at Kirk that evening was at 1130 not 730 as stated It is understood that adcep blush spread over one of the tenors lo the choir who is said to have had some thingto do with the printing of stated announcement AND 50 WE close this col umn feeling indeed humble to be in this edition with Ann Loaders and Dr Molner as they make their bow to our readers this week If you have some goblems they cant solvotry lleen Stave or RGS Floating Vote Is fill Important By PATRICK NICHOLSON The usual preeiection pastime of wooing the voters is already occupying the leaders of our four principal political parties but on more intensive and far flung basis than ever before But are they wooing the right people Their pattern is much the same in every case Fiery orn tory being expended upon audi ences who are already deter mined to vote for the speakers partyif at all For these pro compaisn speeches are predom ineniiy being delivered before party organization Yet this would not happen if Uie campaign planners of those partiesthe selfstyled experts the soap salesmen the well lnientioned politicians turning their hand to an unaccustomed jobhad ever bothered to spend few hours with the statistics of past elections before them and sliderule in their hand THE FLOATERS DECIDE An analysis of the five latest federal general elections shows that the battle is won by the party which can attract the bandwagon floating or us committed vote Andthe can paign is lost by the party which falls to get its supporters to the li pIn 1945 and again in lets the second largest block of voters was these who failed to vote In 1953 the empty seats in our Parliament which should have represented the non voters would actually have formed the government of Canada In that year shameful onethitd of the electors failed to vote one third voted Liberal and the re msluinz third split their votes between the Conservatives CCF andSocial Credit and others in 1957 and 1958 in contrast the group of nonvoters was only the third largest Today In History By THE CANADIAN PRESS Inn 1962 The Supreme Court Canada upheld the governments right to delegate some of Parliaments authority to wartime controllers under the War Measures Act is years ago todayin 1943 The unanimous opinion placed stamp of approval on the sys tem of wartime administration leesThe Soviet Union ex tended diplomatic recognition to the selfstyled provisional Polish government despite pleas for de lay from Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt 1799 Britain and Turkey formed an alliance CROP LOSSES EDMONTON CF Crop losses from weeds can almost be completely climlnntedlif presentdoy research informa tion is applied it was an nounced at the 11th annual west ern Canadian Weed Control cont fereace Using that sliderule to strike on average over the last five auctions we see that exactly onefifth of the electors fail to vote In other words if those ldly irresponsible electors could be inspired to go to the polls and to pump for either the Tor ies Liberals or NDP they could put that party into power Then we turn to the even larger block of voters who aplt pear to be undecided in their support and fluctuate from one party to another in different elections Aagin by analysing the results of previous elections it appears that per cent of our electors orefickie in bestowing their vote These floaters are the people who actually decide how Canada shall he govemedI As the great majority of them swing from one party to an other so is one or other of the oldline parties put in or out in the coming election will these floaters swing to Tommy Douglas and put his NDP into power to form Canadas first so cialist government SOLID 003171 SUPPORT The pattern of these five last elections suggests that the Lib erals can count on the support ofo solid core of 27 per cent of the electors the Consens tlves on 21 per cent the ICE or NDPfon per cent and the Socreds on per cent The 22 per cent of floaters and the stayathome 20 per cent make up our total electorate So wide open are our politics according to these figures that even the Social Credit could achieve federal powerif it bad the money to stage an allout campaign and the appeal to at tract the bulk of those 42 per cent of the electors who in re cent years have either stayed home or floated These are the Canadians to whom our oftspeaking and far travelling politicians should be addressing themselves rather than to the faithful party mem bers who now gather in hired halls to applaud their leader right or wrong That they can be attracted was viVidly shown by Tommy Douglas who recently dréw an enviable audience of 900 Win nipegers on cold winters nightand drew them through 50 cents admission charge to meeting organized by the world federalist movement and billing him as speaker BIBLE THOUGHT While he was yet abuy Jos ioh begun to seek the God of David his father II Chron icles 848 Childhood faith can be both strong Mid persevering home should be nursery for God But parents witlro luke izvarm iielilglon are not equipped imp an ervent faith children in

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