AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY EDGAR By MRS STRACEAN There was good attendance at the United Church supper Friday night Following the sup per short program was stag ed by the Sunday School pupils with the assistance at Mrs McLean and Mrs Shelswell and Wand Lees During the eveninil Wayne Simpson on Murray Lees were presented with certificates for perfect attendance at Sunday School gil and bag of candy was given to every pupil The will meet at the home Mrs Sheardown Wednesday January 10 at it pm Topic will be Canadian Industries program Mrs Hutchinson Motto Buy Canad ion and keep Men Employed By Mrs Howell Mrs Sheardown will serve lunch Mr and Mrs Cooke Toronto spen New Years with Mr and Mrs Cooke Mr and Mrs Strachlm and tamin spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Jim Strech an at Gravonhurst ANGUS By MRS DUCKWORIH Mr and Mrs Garnet Finch spent New Years Day with Mr and Mrs Stewart rr Mr William Cleary Barrie visited Sunday Dec 31 with his sistcr Mrs Dempster and Mr and Mrs Fred Latlm er Mrs White and Mrs Clara lsner Camp Borden visited with Mr and Mrs Frcd Lntimer recently Archie Duckwnrth Garnet Finch and Fred Ross are the village trustees for 1952 by no clnmntion Mr and Mrs Sandlord Page spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Oscar Irwin at Shelburne Mrs Alex Bass and family Toronto spent Ier days with her parents Dr and Mrs West Miss Marlene Robinson Tor onto spent the holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Harv vey Robinson Mr and Mrs Kenneth Flet cher Ottawa visited with Mr and Mrs Gordon Bishop over New Years Mr and Mrs Frank Higgin son spent the holiday with rel atives at Orlllia Mr and Mrs Mllson and Mr and Mrs Alfred Knight were in Tottcnham Christmas we when Mrs Milsons parents Mr aners Milson Sr celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary The Loyal True Blue Lodge No 512 and LOL No 3263 held Christmas Party in tho oran ga Ilall on Wednesday Dec 27 ior the members children and the underprivileged children 75 thildrcn nttendcd Santa Iut presents also candy and apples Some games were play ed and short singsong and lovely lunch was served by the Ladies bringing the party to close for another year Mr and Mrs McFarlane Shelburne spent New Years with their soninAlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Douglas Bean Mr and Mrs Ronald Dexter and family ontreal and Mr and Mrs Robert Howell and Iamily Morrisburg Ontario spent the holidays with their parents Mr and Mrs George Dexter Miss Elizabeth Grieve Calgary Alberta flew to Scot land for Christmas to visit her father who was ill She flew back to spend New Years with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs George Boorman and loll by plane for Calgary this morn mg George Bonrman is in Toron to attending the funeral of his nephew Wm Bourman Sym pathy is extended to them Mrs William Kirby Barrie formerly of Angus in the Royal Victori Hospital Barrie her many iri nds whish her speedy recovery Miss Barbara Duckworth spent New Years with Miss Carolyn Pile Barrie Miss Christine Jackson Camp Burden spent New Years with MissnErmn Duekworth Mr and Mrs George Bridger and iamin spent Friday Dec 29 with relatives in Toronto Mr and Mrs Ian Lippe and FRANK 10 ennui yum mov me mu Léiuï¬mm erN WHEEL ALIGNMENT PIIILPOTT Gr RICHARDSON SPRINGSERVICE Pl6871ibo ESPRA it al tarniiy Rndale spent Sunday Dec with Mr and Mrs George Bridger Judith and Peggy Bush Bar rie spent the Weekend with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Miss Dana Marie Andrews Spent the Christmas week in Toronto with her cousins Mr and Mrs CbmIes Malcolm her parents Mr and Mrs James Andrews spent New Years with the Malcolms and Dana return ed home with them Mr and Mrs James Crosby and son Steven Toronto spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Gordon Withers There was large attendance at the Angus United Church on Sunday night Dec or the Baptism Conllrmutlon and Com munion service Cpl II Wood and his two children Rob ert Edgar and Barbara were baptized Them were nine In the conï¬rmation class and eight by certiï¬cate received into the Church by the pastor Rev Willis Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush spent New Years with their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bush Holly Mr and Mrs Georgo OCon nor and family Barrie New Years with Mr and Mrs Frank OConnor CHAIGHUBST New Years visitors with Mr and Mrs Pedllngham were Mr and Mrs Peacock and iam ily of Kirkland Lake OSSW Peter Pedlingham oi Cornwallis Mr and Mrs Lewis Carr spent New Years at Scl night Mr and Mrs Benham of Ed gar spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs McCrrIckcn Mr and Mrs Frank Reid and lamuy or Alberton sponl New Years holidays with Mr and Mrs omns Dunn New Years visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmere wore Mr and Mrs Murray Bell and lamin 0t Streetsville Mr and Mrs James Ellsmere at Bar rie Mr and Mrs Duns more oi Crown Hill and Miss Cresento of Hawkestono Jelt Pedlinghnm is spending few days at Kirkland nke Mr and Mrs Ern Caston spent New Ycars in Barrie MIDHUBST By NASH Midhurst United Church Sun day school started the Christ mos tostivltics with Christ mas concert with Wendy Hicks and Lloyd Tuliord assisting Congratulations to Mrs Per cy Sutton the Sunday School Superintendent and her helpers for most enjoyable evening Miss Hall and he pupils in SS No 17 Vespra held line concert which was enjoyed by the parents The evening held tinge of sadness as this con cert is being closed and the pupils wil be transported to the New Central School at Mid hurst Mrs Spence held unique Christmas Several of the Old Timers were invited to attend as this was the last opportun ity for some to view the old building before moving to the new school which will be open ed early invthe new year Mrs Frankcom and Mrs Spa spent very enjoyable social hour with the former pupils The Christmas church service was held Dec 24 with large attendance The choir rendered three numbers which were thoroughly enjoyed The church was beautifully decorated by the choir girls The two outside trees added Christmas atmos phere to all who passed by Alter the Christmas practice the choir girls gathered at the home of Donelda Nash for social half hour The girls wish ed to show their appreciation to Mrs Holpenny their leader and Mrs Goodhand the organist Both were presented with cup and saucer gt Those who spent Christmas away lrom home Wm Min Mabel Watï¬e with her brother Mr and Mrs Wattle Tut onto Mr and Mrs Lynn Eus sell Wayne and Lynda with Mr and Mrs Lorne Fowler Willowdale Mr and MILAW Smith with Mr and Mrs Don Dingle and Iamily Kingston Mr and Mrs Robert Wood and Cathie with iriends in New York Mr and Mrs with Irlcnds in Toronto Miss Dorothy Johnson Barrie spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Doug Goodhnnd and iam lly Mr and Mrs Harold Orser held pleasant inmily Christ mas at the lam Mr and Mrs Hunter Russell entertained Mr and Mrs Fisher and family Holly and Mrs Corbett Toronto or Christmas Mr and Mrs Allred Salton had as their guests or Chrish mus Mr and Mrs Gullovlck oi Brandon Maritoba Mrs Smith and Mrs Bert Smith and family Mr and Mrs George Coutts held an at home loathe lamlly at Christmas Les Bertram has again flood ed the rink near his olllce for the children the community The parents certainly apreci ate this kindness by Mr Ber tram Mr and Mrs Hamid Newlove ot Swltt Current Saskatchewan are spending the Christmas week with Mr and Mrs Dome Orser The YPU ol the Mlneslng charge has had very enjoy able iestive season On Dec 73 they went carollng to all the shutvins and the Stnyner nurs log home The Christmas car ols were appreciated by the old folks They also held New Years Bowling party at Kempview Bowl The Midhurst Group was host lor the social hour Mr and Mrs Cyril Jackson were the chnperones Dont target the change in time oi the Church service be ginning in the New Year Ser vice is at 10 oclock Jan Sunday School is at the some timen new series of United Church Sunday School material has been ordered which will make the Sunday School scsslon more interesting Please bring the children along Students home lor the hall dnys included Miss Beverley Sutton and Lynndn Russell Lakeshore leachers College Murray McGlnnis ol the OAC Guelph Gordon Walt at the RM College Kingston Miss Courtney MacNabb Carleton University Ottawa Miss Isabel Wilson of Peter horough spent the Christmas vacation with Mr and Mrs Currie Sutton Lynn Grolbraith of the RCMP School Ottawa spent New Years with his aunt Mrs Russell Several homes were beautllul ly lit up this year How about planning now to enter the Vespra Horticultural contest next Christmas We had only one entry from Midhurst St Pauls Anglican Sunday School enjoyed its on nuol sleigh ride and super Thursday evening of this week Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Key upon the birth of son this week Sorry to report Herman Wit too is confined tor six weeks due to heart attack Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 Get In On The Savings FOOD FREEZER 1250 wig KlEER PAK Fooos PA 6050I For Only 11155 FARGO vs lenl when bun mssunoo Va 15 stake use rfloo va CHEW mu $1650 moo mamatoms $3100 nIso INTERNATIONAL 11 amp $3300 nan INTERNATIONAL nump xnsio mrananroNAn Tractor on rtIao INTERNATIONAL lonl wheel bass $1450 Mao INTERNATIONAL Ionl whnllhut $1500 mono rA azozo ouNLor ctovsanAr TOW TRUCK ALIGNHK BODY REPAIRS HART INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS Iosa AuslIN Panel 18900 mill only LHB INIEItNAtmNinj rung wheel hue INTERNATIONAL with Irinlr Dion and Wing ruii hydraulic controls 1359 CHEVROLET PickUp $1150 1m manImONAI rickup $1250 95 FARGO Pickup II $275 1952 INTERNATIONAL oylinder Pickum $2390 BARRIE Nrtsnrs PA 123109 MOUNT ST LOUIS By FRAWLEY Holiday visitors included and Mrs Henry Landry and lamily Mr and Mrs Gabriel Beauchrsie and family Toronto Mr and Mrs Earl Barber But ialo Mr and Mrs Ilom Doug las and Iamlly Hobart and Jack King and friend Toronto at the home at Mr and Mrs Tbeophile King Mr and Mrs Dale Miller and daughter Cathy at Peterborough Mr and Mrs Stewart Jamison daughters Patsy and Peggy and son Paul at William Millers Mr and Mrs McOutchcon and tamlly Valkerton Mr and Mrs Don Archer and son Dan by Mr and Mrs Francis Bon nie Tomato Mr and Mrs Ur bain Morcau and tomlly and Shirley King Penetong at Phil lp Kings Mr and Mrs Bob Espey Hillsdalp at La Espeys Mrand Mrs Nick Frawley Welln Mr and Mrs George Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Gouett Midland at the Frawleys Mr and Mrs Mar ray Todd Barrie at Tom Todds residence Mr ondersillEttgene Belang or and tamily visited friendsint Penetang Mr nnd Mrs Ken ttngc and family enjoyed their Chrlsb mos dinner at the Queens Holt tel Barrie Mrs Hazel Miller North Bay Mr nndMrs Doug Howie Tim mlnszspcnt law days with BoydBrown std Mr Wiliam Show at Thron to visited Mrs Reynolds Mr and Mn Joe Ndilo Lin do and Bob spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Charles Nob le In Toronto Sorry to report Keith Knee shaw unlined to Newmarket hospital His many lrIends wish him speedy recovery MIs Willem Watt spent tew days in Barrie with her mother and to be near her lather Roy Bell who is pat ient in Barrie hospital Messrs Cecil and Jack Bork er ot Tomato called on lrlends on Sunday and attended the tunernl oi the late James And rows Guests with Mr and Mrs Norval Young were Mr and Mn Charles Hounsome Cookstown Arthur Young and Miss Olive Young of Toronto Sncnlr thieves entered the home at Mr and Mrs Orville Bray on Monday evening while they were absent and ramsnck ed the house Little was report edmlssing welcome is oxicndcd to Fred Bogoley who has purchas ed the garagele Brny Sympathy ls extended to Mrs Andrews and family on the death at loving husband and rather James Andrews who passed away at his home Fri day Funeral service was held in the United Church Sunday William Brooks entertained the can garrIck HAIR STYLISTS announce CDKSmlfl of TIKNAGIRI EVERY WED no IN tell student Elle IDDDIMKMEII OI as you Maple Avenue Mn George suppsrd were Mr and Mn Torn Sheppard and tnmliy Mr and Mrs Bert Shep pard and tarnlly M11 Syk es all at Toronto Mrs Fred Newbouse and daughter at Clarkson Mr and Mrs Elwood Carter and family 01 Aliston Mr and Mrs Joe Mooney and family 01 Bradlord DALSTON By MRS STAN WATSON Mr and Mrs Alina Partridge and family Oshawa visited Mr and Mrs torno Handy Mil Sheila Craig Cralghurst spent ten days with Susan Bandy The United Church Women wil meet at the home of Mrs Walter Forbes on Janu ry 10 Roll call will be paying oi Ices Mr and Mrs Stan Watson and sons visited Mr and Mrs Texas Watson Hillsdala on New Years Day Lionel lrew visited Steven and Ron Watson hiesday Congratulations to Miss Jean Emms who rccclvcd her can Ft gt Andrews baspitolMld an Sunday viiitors with Mr aha Moots HEATING rUsLs Phone PA 66531 4m nasal mason numr Imam all Mm fluent Brown were Mr and Mrs Vic Giumh Barrie Mr and him Jack Church and daughter Egbert and Min Hopper Colllagoood Mr and Mrs Brotm lpent couple at days with their run and daughterlnlaw Mr and Mrs Murray Brown Port Cred it New Years day visitors with Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy were Mr and Mrs Part ridge Edgar and Mr and Mrs Torn Partridge Barrie Mr and Mrs Maurice Bald wiclr and lamily Utopia visited Mr and Mrs Francis Williams on New Years Day Mrp Laura Jory ond Mr and Mrs Gordon Jory and Emily spent New Years Day with Mr and Mrs Ross Dentin Barrie Miss Barbara Salisbury Bur rio is home with her parents Mr and Mrs George Salisbury tor tow days Mr and Mrs Allan so and sons spent New Yenrl day with Mr and Mrs Douglas Kne eshnw FennellsCorncrs LAC Winston Wright Cold bukaLAIbertu has been home on leave with his parents Mr NIWIANII mmcv no noswr or IIsImIn and Mrs Harry Wright Mr and Mn Wright and Winston spent Christmas weekend at Canreol and New Years Keek end at Balm Beach LAC Ivan ngot Uplalndr RCAF station is me at are wIth his parents Mr and Mrs Stan Walt Mr and Mm Wit lion lvan spent Sunday Mrs Roy Walt Cookxtm Mr and Mrs J00 Marley and lamliy Barrie wen New Years day visitors scomaa runs The annual stock lairl known as the trysts Ialklrk have been held Ior oenturlel in Stin Ungshiro Scotland ALLA NDAII onuas Limited PRESCRIPTIONS m2me SVPPLIEF roun ALLANDALII REXALL srohn rnonn PA 3282 BreWed for men with thlrst for pgle sure Some men never go after anything Qihersmake sure they lg Agettwhat théywant We brew Red Cap for men whoget what they Want fullbodied alethat quenchesï¬a mans thirst for pleaSure Join the men Reach for an icecold bottle and Snappa Cappa Carling RedCap Ale today