For Home Improvements Consult Our Business Services Daily THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY IN REAL ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS It HAPPY OCCASION1b bxnb it you hlial To Kw LB good am to Heads and nlllhborl The Barrio umu Cluslnsd 510 in us near or your hicphotu The at bisch hut dial PA Hut no rate is only use DEATHS PRIClAI Tomato day Junulrr I563 colru Price In hll aotb loved husband of the In an Ann Silmon our lather ol Mn It Pnynp litmus ol Barrio Kathleen Iiirum rrtc Tot onib Mn And Dorothy or bruhswtck at and Price Ted ot Anni nesiihg It the Eleckloy mineral Home so Warllcy Street Barrio tor senice on Salurdny Iriurry at pm interment liarri Union Cemetery MARRIAGES nnnvcAMPuELL ab Satin dry December so til at Guth rle Presbyienn Chiliea Donna alry drurhier of nuby and lb lute unless Campbell of barrte was united In mrrrIao to thrill David Orly son ol Mr and Mrs Ivor any at Toronto luv mulch ol Barrio pinelnted IN MEMORIAM PLANTIn lotInEJflcmory of dear husband father and rund lther rnp It Plant who pound rwny nulry loss His memory Is as dur iodly An In the hour he puud awry Lovingly remembered by Ellen daughter Plorcnce nd srndchlldmn hIrllln Wally and Rosalie CARDS OF THANKS LAMONTI ulsh to thank all my friends and neighbors who have been so kind to nu during my recent liliirss Iis Blake Lamont COMING EVENTS DANCING EVERY SATURDAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 coupio For tnbio reservations PHONE ELMVALE 7571 nuclins Allnndlle Ornro ilrii every Saturday night at new pm Admission xii cents EUCHRE STROUD HALL Monday Night January 800 PM NEW DEMO CRATIC PARTY LADIES GROUP MEETING MON JAN PM STUDIO 810 CODRINGTON ST Come and bring friend BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGULAR MEETING Wednesday January 10 pm LIBRARY HALL Slides of 1961 Photographic Competition will be shown Prizes for Christmas Decora tion contest will be distributed Members of Camera Clubs and any interested in photogra phy are invited Come and bring friend EUCHRE PARTY ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10 it PM Prizes Lunch Admission 50c Auspices Beaver Rebekah Lodge No 190 ANNOUNCEMENTS 5o Is °o oeRATD CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP The days for Christmas Tree Pickup in the City of Barrie will be January 8th for that part of the City east of Bay field Street and January 9th for that part of the City west of Baylield Street STRAUGHAN City Clerk Bar Association May Discipline Courtemanche MONTREAL CPlThe Ga zette quotes Quebec Attorney General George Lapalme as saying the Laurentian District Bar Association has recom mended that iortner senator Henri Courtemanche be re IErred to the provincial bar as sociations disciplinary board Mr Courternnnche former secretoryof state in the Die fenhuker government resigned from the Senate alter the re port of provincial investigat ingy rcOmmittee concluded his tonica kickback on government grnhts to Montreals JeanTa ion Hospital He claimed he was letting feet for legal advice landscaped REAL ESTATE PROPERTYFOR SALE nun isnte onom Tinm mm canal in SHANNON ST Brick room bungalow equip ped with aluminum storms and screens Largc recreation room paved drive garage is 38 fully landscaped lot This is well kept homo and well worth your inspection PROPERTY WANTED have several clients wanting home in he Ailandnlo and west and districts If you have homo and are thinking of selling some contact this office now can on on EVENING PA 82379 Iionlbor oi the Barrie and District Ru Eltllc Board Emory MILLER Ileaitor PA 60476 PA 60583 Just starting in the Brokerage Business We need your listings now Homes and properties in the Barrie Angus area Wont you give us try when you sell or buy Thank you Emory MIllcr 90ml Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 WISHING WILL NOT BUY lII QUICK ACTION WILL Good Investment close to down town IMMEDIATE POSSES SION rooms two bathrooms Excellent condition Double garage Large lot Low down payment IMMEDIATE POSSESSION We would like to show you this property located in friendly neighborhood short distance from town room insul brick house on it acre lot with small billn Priced to sell at $5000 with $1000 down payment If you want to sell your Home or Eusiness call us We do spend literally thousands of dol lars annually in advertising properties listed with us hiembur or the name and District Real Estate aorta EVENINGS CALL IIIEIW GOULD Otto 231a EDI GOULD 0R0 251a HARRY sLnssoII Plt som oncA BROWN PA $7205 LLOYD HOCKLLI no cost Ime LOUGHEED STAYNER 109W Keith Marshall REAL ILsrAri BROKER PA 02592 is cLAPrIzltroN si BARRIE SOUTH OF BARRIE 0n paved road bedroom mod ern bungalow with attached garage This property must be sold as owner transferred Low down payment Terms to suit purchaser EAST END year old brick bungalow will carry for $92 per month Full arsking price $12500 Make an or 27 ACRES With new brick bungalow one year old bedrooms living room kitchen and dining area piece bath lull basement About 10 acres of good garden land balance bush with love ly creek through property MANY EXTRAS In this fine year old rug brick bedroom home in good residential area close to schools Large int beautiquy Owner has been moved will sacrificeCarries or $85 monthly BB 600 hamster at not Mombur Barri Dlerl Ilcnl Estltutc Board HENDERSON REALTOR so COLLIER sritm PHONE PA 82673 EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDRm PA Hill DOROTHY WILCO PA dam PERCY FORD PA 341an EMERSON SWAIN PA 08005 lttonibor pt Barrio and District and Ontlrlo Rcll tat Board OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN Threobcdroom brick bungalow on well landscaped lotvin East End Must be sold this week Make an oerr PHONE PA 66649 lhun BEDROOM Hausa tui solo in Barrio Tlluphono Drillin FA 46 03 ROGERS REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL TORS ammun Iirst in Barrie Home SalesForemost to Quality of Sonics PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL lull II MOOREPA Ni ROGERSPA N5 Norman DUNLOP ST 60 ol Value OUT OF Ono stony modern hobsc on Modern five room bungalow in room with fireplace JOHNSONST Six room brick bungalow with shape living and dining room bedroom office and recreation In the asking pica of $15000 spectloniappointmcnt Is the low asking price of this Jack Wilison for Inspection nowl with fireplace music room or kitchen with ample dining spac baths plus an attic partly ilnl arrange Inspection Jon Lollltln PA 507 Enroll Shillwnll 010 2019 PHONES PA FOUR In west end of City living room dining rooms and both on basement all furnace garage Call this office for further lnfor BUNGALOW ON NO Just miles from Barrie has bedrooms on main floor basement oil furnace $8500 with low down payment room and Mcmbcn ot smith CholhnoIHPA b7339 Fergus Garvey tA 07951 Have You Foun Pc coloured bath with cc Oil heated and divided base storms and screens Carpor TELEPHONE TL CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker GENERAL ELECTRIC AREA $9500 Three bedrooms kitchen liv ing room and utility room nees on nice lot 54 100 Good basement with oil furn ace that beats this charming home for $100 per season Terms CUTE COZY COTTAGE Four rooms and bath with gas heating This cute stucco buli galow has two additional rooms that could be heated Attached garage Close to West End Shopping Plaza In splendid condition Low taxes Will sell for less than $3000 with rea sonable down payment NAPIER STREET Three bedroom brick bungalow with breezeway and garage White picket fence enclosing well landscaped yard Bus ser vice on this nicely treed street LOT WELLINGTON ST Close to West End Shopping Plaza 100 frontage Well filled stream runnihg beside Phone PA 02419 03 Dunlop St MAHEL lilAitslIALLPA euro COREYPA IlSIBB MURIEL JEEPER PA 00333 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage any kind SEE STEVENSONS Pn clam on rholion 113 Dunlap St PRIVATE Bill at older Income Ironic itcuiuction for quick sale $1000 cash with than rumtrue Fol further intonptlan telephone PA aniie First Mortgage hind Available 77 way TI north Good commercial dining space cupboard space full site basemcnt school Call Jock Willson for details family size bedrooms and bath Howard NorrLI CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 12 HIGH STREET EARRIE second floor MmPA WU Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 9961 PA H741 Interest No Fees Charged TOWN PROPERTIES Largo modern brick house so ncrcs miles from Barrio with lovely view good loam on highway ol the lake Good terms acrcs good garden land on High site milcs from CW Shanty Bnyvlllage Nico living large kitchen with plenty large lot must close to of those properties SCHOOL AREA completely finished boscmcnt kitchen with dining 00th on main floor with an extra room In the basement large bright sunroom and paved drlvonro two other extraslncluded Call now and arrange your in $8000 six room ftomc home close to downtown and this Includes gas stove and dryer as well Call PRESTIGE HOME That boasts an office til the front door very large living room den large bright dining room four large bedrooms and two shod Call Joo Longtin now to hrnlnll Call Jock Vlllxon PA dlul Normlli Sholswnll PA lWll PA 024 PA 002 BEDROOM BRICK HOME on one of Borrlas nicest streets Has largo lour bod Ouk floors throughout Full Just 310500 with $1000 down motion and inspection 11 HIGHWAY SOUTH nlcc living room kitchen and ltcbon on main floor room upstairs to be finished Full laundry tubs New garage Listed prlcu balonco on also open mortgage the Barrie nui Estate Board Chnrllo IlolIdPA 34617 The Home You Want If not make an appointment to see this one On treed corner landscaped iot approved three bedrooms Kitchen with large dining area ramic tile and vanity Plenty of storage cupboards merit Good Location PA 28I CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the meuiol lbcntrl PROPERTY WANTED We have just sold 12 properties in the last few weeks We need listings Following are few of the clients who need property in or outside the city limits DClient with $1000 wants bun galow outside city OMan wltii $1500 wants one to two acres outside city limits IWoman with $1600 wants home Inside city under $0000 IMan with $1150 wants small bungalow in or out of town for 375 These are few of the many people looking for houses Sell now and give possession for spring PA 66481 Illumhcr of Enrrln Ind DerIoI tlcot Eslntn Board 50550 FULL PRICE partly with lerlxcd and pprtly mulchpm room cottugc gorngc Ind right ofway to tutor at lillncta Point rpr iurincr particulars tulaphonn PA $7202 PRIVATE SA oivncr tllnllol red Pour bad om bunrnlow two hnihrppmr lnrln living room din Ing lirun IIIIIT compact kltch Aluminum ttprmc and scrub Many other extras For forth Information Iolophpnn PA How Wanl Acls SELLCF Mbsl Anything REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CQQTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrio OWNER TRANSFERRED MUST SELL $13800 In the low asking price of this beautiful scmlspllt level brick bungalow with large lrshaped living and dining loom bed moms attached garage Down payment only $2000 to first mortgage BD on Call Walter Coulis for appointment COMPACT HOME Storey and half 5TO0ITI dwell lng living room lela kitchen 9x13 dining 9x13 garage Low heating costs Good homo for economical living 1500 Down payment £000 OUTSTANDING AND DIFFERENT Architecture of this bungalow designed for those who like selective home Extra large living room 12x26 extra largo master bedroom covered with broodloom each bedroom has its own washbasln Heated sun room builtin garage Bosc ment Is completely tllcd Grounds professionally iand scapcd ED 622 Coll Walter Coulis BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Corner Grocery Store at Wov erlcy Ideal location to com mand maximum business This building includes store store room and living quarters on the main floor Also night room on second floor Owner selling due to Ill health For price and full details call Walter Coulis ED 667 $500 DOWN PAYMENT lull prlco 311000 Immcdloto possession Owner moving So lld rug brick Sebodroom buni gnlow 1050 sq ft forced air gas heating built In 1060 sode dad and mature maple Consid crablo sacrifice Close to East End Shopping Centre ED 647 Mombcr Darrin District Ilonl Extll Board PHONES OlIlcb PA one evenings noapon hl COUIISPA oolu WALTER cailrspi azsil SANDY counsel 11423 BUS OPPORTUNITI ES FOR SALE Dairy Bar Lunch Counter and Locker Storage on Main St in Coldvvater Ont $11000 full price includes equipment and property Small down payment Lib eral terms can be arranged with responsible party Apply To Lakeview Dairy Lid PA 66501 MONEY T0 LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay em off with lowicost lifeinsured scam PLAN LOAN Tina BANK or nova scorla FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY trc son WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 60203 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l549ot $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and so month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 uooo pillar Mortgage or 500 all yum It pvublu monthly Elva your old threebedroom bun rclow coco covcnnnl AppLy Moratgngo Funding toluphcno 509 nionannocalst and 2nd bought told and arranged Commarcln and rcnidnntinl mono loaned on oxlrtln man as arrta Man III rokcrs M500 Try All Examiner Want Ad Anna street South or to PA $8553 REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS MORTGAGE Immediate 151 AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able for my We of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 00081 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St East OVEI SIMPSONSSEARS RENTALS Low to IPAC tar rent Club modlrn butldlngl Bullnbla or commercial or light industrial Tlephone PA can NURSING HOMES ARK BORN NURSING Built for thin work prlvtte rooms hind pump em nod food Ti rooms liltiol wit on for acting refphone cont Strand APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart merits complete with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redccoratcd annually PA 04060 $75 MONTHLY Hcatcd five main unfurnished apartment downtown location private cntrnnce Available at once TELEPHONE PA 83558 THREE noosi IullIlIIIcd meni lultahlo for business Telephone PA 52901 Two n00 lurntslipd apartment hutcd Suitable for also or two adults Telephone PA Hm BEDRODM unfumlahcd house on turncc ideal location on Kcmpcnluii Bay Adults rcic phono PArkwry $1407 TIIIIEE BEDROOM split level with cut port Close to reliools mo monthly Avnlllblc January is Telephone PA 37250 house to rent six rooms also sun room at all punlpp Strcct Available lmmcdlltcly Tclcpnpno PA 0127 TWO nannooli ApnrtmenL Now refrigerator Ind llovnvnahnx and oryur New building Avriibblo Im medlntnly Telcphona en 92352 to To mo per month lilodern brick bungalows and bcd rooms Apply Ilchra Council Bullion iclophonn PA 85568 ANGUS Four room house with bath unnlrnirncd Apply to Robertson tclophonu HE 95595 Availbio immcaiutuiy rDUIt batman homu Iai rent located on bus llnc vicinity Cen trnl high school may ho seen etiol pm 131 nrndtord 5t nunToN AVENUE Thrco room unfurnished apartment on lieiiicd hot water stove and rclrlgcriitor Private bath Apply 43 Centre St Tllnst LAIIGE Rooms and bath washer and dryer privuto Vetv nude and tree phiking Itvnilnhla immediately Telephone PA 60981 or ovcningr PA 01012 FURNISHED two room alarmtout to roril convonlcnccs on us line Suit mlddlcvngvd lady or couple Ronsonnblo hint Telephone PA 8402 or PA 641540 UNFURNISIIED two bedroom apartment hcatltd Centrally loco tcd InikIIIlI provldcd Rent $10 monthly Tclcphono PA SHED or after 630 pm PA H0595 TWO LARGE clean rooms for rent furnished as kItChen and bedroom Centrally located ltd ults $11 wcckly Tolcphonu PA noose Two BEDROOM hunted unort mont for rent on Vincent Street bottom floor or modern triplex $05 monthly Available soon Tnlcphonu PA autos NEW AND Modern ono Ind two bedroom Ipnrtmcuts overlooking scenic Knmponfclt Elly Heat wa tcr nrklng and janitor scrvico tnclu cd Automatic washing rt cluuul PA 82502 IIDML 5ch and lplllt tllll APTS HOUSES T0 RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Dudtwortb Modern home two bedrooms large Iivlag room tilcd kitchen with dining area oi heat with air conditioning laundry tubs serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes 386 month PHONE PA 82140 Tluun 300 buied apartment nntumisiied Owen street UNYURNISIIED Hons two bed mm all more It drive Ittaohed Ir2 civilcs pien Tcloobonl PA Hoop ltlonslm two bedroom apartment unfurnished near Dominion atom Automatic wublnr Ind lag theillilu prrklnr Avail abe now Phone PA 5929 roUn noon Aplrtmcnt tor rent Ileatefl Iully furnished Central Avnlllbtn February lm Telu ptiono evenings PA 61537 roUIt noon Ilouso tor rent Clan to school and city limlll Inllfln eonvcntcnm Tllephonn PA 0m Two 1100 furnished Ipnrtmcnt booted with relrlgerrior and dove loprain entrance also loun dry flclllticl Telephone PA coast days or PA Hold evenings LARGE modern unntrnlslicd apartment three rooms rnd tutti hot water licaicd laundry room and dryer Avrilbio Immedlrse ly Telephone PA com or PA Hots ALLANDALE Two or three room unlurnlsncd Iplrtmcnt for renL Ilcntcd Hydro supplied Available immediately our stop at dnor Telephone PA 01479 liloban unfurnished hcatcd bedroom apartman Neirircntor na stove ruppiiep Lnimdry lac llltlcs overlooking park and bay Apply it St Vincent Street or telephone on ems sPtciuus two bedroom ground Iloor apartment In modern Irlp lcx Loonlcd In lovely residential section Laundry and Parking fa cilltlcs Janitor services included Cl PA can after pm rlvt n00 bungalow for rent Cundics area on Illlhway 21 Three piece bath hot water good laundry trciiiilcr Reasonable rent Oil hcltlng Tolcphonu PA 0147 HOUSE Ion RENT 1stprcy room brick Imam Cos IlredJun turn and watcr lietar Good resi dcritlni district Immediate pow cssion Ilcfcrcnccs Cnll Couur Co PA too Two BEDROOM Apartments for rent IIotcd Cebun1 location Hardwood noon Telephone PA soon roi lurtncr information Tilrtm 1100 roll contained apartment with stove and mirtgcxu ntor Plcnty parking rpncc Available immediately East end location Tcicphono PA 51m runNiaiiep hcltcd rcltepnthln cd apartment Ccntrni Ground floor rooms and bath Private entrancc Avollnbio weekly or monthly Apply at auynuld st THREE nannoosl house all here cd All modern convanldnces Garage Itnd brchcwny Available immediately falls south ol stroud on Highway ll Telephone 151121 stroud UNrultleillm Iour room self contained apartment tor rout Ilortcd with telephone supplied Tolophonn PA 50515 dnyr and PA 39621 other pm 5h ROOM BUNGALDW for rent III conveniences oll hunted ideal surroundings on paved road liar rlu mllcs Also room fully turnlshcd apartment suit retired copllcéa Vlitrcd Prlsslck phnno ro UNFURNISIIED upstairs rpm merit rooms private balls cen tral location on hcutcd Private hot water tank In rivato homo No other tenants hone PA 3751 Available now Two nannooll Apartment tor rent in modern building in cast and notrlgurhtor stove heat water storage laundry facilities and parking Notsuitable for children Tclcphonn PA 64445 LIVE IN LUXURY New spacious ultramodern flvo room apartments with stove rind rerrlgcrator tlotmi Laundry and parking he tics Telephone PA 04868 or PA or PA 04334 THREE Rooll Apartment rent prlvntn bath refrigerator and stove overlooking lake Im mcdlntu possession Nb children Tclc hono PA 02516 for further dutnir for FOUII nEnnnolii oil heated house lot Mnt Downtown Incl tton Immediate possession Gar ago included Telephone PA mom for furthor particulars FOUR 00M Apartment ills hath unturpuhed Stove and re frlgerator su plied Centrally It catcd No ch ldren AanlAhlu lmr rncdlateiy For further Informa lion tciephnno PA ooztl NICELY Furnished urtrncnt Contrll Available now onesmokv er abataincr comma or one or two adults stove and reorlgcrntor hunt and water Box nanin Examiner ONE AND TWO bedroom Apart mentc Stove rnlrigarntor Janitor sarvtco and laundry Inoliitlus aunt 1ng from 88000 monthly Talaphono Leach an 32570 THREE ROOM unturnislicd bent cd in anmcnt or rent sellcon tlinc lopurlto entrance 555 per month Avnlllbln Immodlutcly Toluphono PA 04770 or PA M343 MODERN apartments our rooms Ind Prlvntc hath not water hcnte utI utilities supplied Locltcll 1n Angus Telephone Clmp Borden Ill 11151 Itrld after 15111 COMFORTABLE thrca room un mlshod hcntcd apartment pro Vntn bath lean and pnrkn facilities 55 mon 1y Artfully 0139 THREE stool lieutud apartment soltcontnlnud Private entrance gal iolllnr stl Parking falceilttlgs ii nsncss rirr or coup mediate possession Call PA 05339 evening omol UNPUILNISIIED orio Apartment heated Cclitrnl loca tion Immediate possession it do allod Adult only Tclcphono PA woo altar 01m pm PA BSdilb IUltNIsIIED two bedroom mod ern home or rout Ior months on hcnted Not suitable lul chil dren Tolopltonc PA 37775 for uh Lhcr detail THREE ROOM ground floor lplrfr moist lupnrntnuntrnnca and bath hunt luppllttd Close to school Also it three room medunily de coruted urtmciit with nursery Each oval obln December Tel Dhouo PA 80223 SOLE CUSTOMER Manganese are produced in Brazil is exported exclusively to the United States bedroom TWO nannooiu Apartment for rent upper floor completely pri vate Central locationanc wntcr hcatcd Gnrnxc Handy to school nvpilnbio Dcccmbcr al was lttei pm TWO BEDROOM Bungalow Milt Tastefully decorated heat Aluminum Italins nnd screens All conveniences Write box 53 Earllo Examiner or phone VA roam Onkvillo unvu BEDROOM Unfurnished nonrtmcnt in modern Innrimcnt building In east end Rclrlgerator stovn hut water storaï¬c pork Ing and laundry facilities Avail able new Telephone PA 64161 HEATED Apartment living room large kltchcn one bedroom pri vntu bathroom Available immedi ately Close to Catholic Church For similar inlormallon apolv lot ntulcustor Street TimEB non furnished apart mcnt tor rcnt Heated Refrigera tor honvy duty stave hardwood floors Soil contained Available immediately Armstrongr Hard were PA b2441 ALLANDALE hinderii thicc bed rpurn ground floor apartment with separate entrance and yard 95 per month includes heat and hydro Telephone pa dddbiaftor pm urren putLax four rooms npa both cell contained hunted apart merit private entrance close to downtown Good parking Immed Into possession Telephone all 031521 after 530 IIEIL APARTMENT three large Enoms and balls builtin kitchen ample cupboards hardwood rlnorc Also iowcr apartment llvlnii room dining room two Inl bed rooms builtrin kitchen Oi fur nacn hunting Double garage Iteasonabin rcnt Located on quiet street near Queens Park and Shopping rihzc Tclcphono PA coal for 01I HOUSE Ior rent oaslly heated furnace seven oil torccd air room good cupboards large alluded lot suitable for chlldrcn Good garden Reasonable hydro and telephone Wcll and cistern pump only Rent $55 monthly Owner willing to improve tacitl ties this spring for suitable Ian hnt Close to schools miles tram panic 12 miles from Camp Bordon in village or Thornton Phone Ivy mm Try An Exumlncr Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 WANTED TO RENT mu mutt Bedroom House wanted so real No oblreUcn to lease nelerchees Telephone Mr Ilewitl PA on ROOMS TO LET loans volt nrr so per inch slcn only Telephone PA on Two ruiwlsllzn Hounkeeoinl rooms Ior mil It is Dunlop Went 110031 To turn lo week For further detail teltvbnno PA in pnlmir tarnished hnulekceping room stove and refrigerator for further inlbriatlon call Plt will Pmmlslizn noon to rent Cen trnlly iocnlzd Telephone PA was for timber particulars R00 rnn RENT heated urns tuned nnhgelto eriï¬crltor and linen supplied Apply liar at mounts for rent Itlro eplleo anon on the promises Open from mm to lo pm Apply RR Bkntwood rUnNIinzn bedroom or bedlli Ling room Use of automatic wuher and dryer DI thono PA mil vcnlnnl PA FURNISHED bright valm bode room Close in horpltL Apply alter pm to no non strut or telephone IA $5000 rUItNIalinn bedroom for rent In quiet well kept ironic Close to downtown Gcntlcmln only so per wock Telephone PA oual BEDROOM and kitchen or rent Fully furnished Light beat Ind water included Central location Telephone PA azsos Ior further details ROOM 8c BOARD ltlltltlt sTnsET Vicinity Gentir man prclcrrcd Vili pack lunches Close to downtown area Hobi priviieges 30 Mary street Tole pborio PA 56065 CENan Location Ground liabl room In private home Pumishcd Grill privileges Pnrklng space Ideal for business gentleman Available Irnurry Park street ARTICLES For SALE HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Available GE General Factory Trained service LOWEST PRICES MCFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG STREET PA 09238 TERMS FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud 41115 WOODWARD 8c SONS Heating Contractors RE Strand STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fecfcondilion but have l95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM lZc to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Bust ness Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 lo $I25 plus tax Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 LOW TIME 125 Pine CHcrry saint Barrie Examiner CASH LOANE$00 month Telephone lain2 50203 Crescent Pinnnc We 76 Duniop st Apply ILIL Lycomln Phone Tognnzlu nuchs ior sale 15000 to come and pick titani up this vi cent each Garage 12 $40 LIIt up garage door root 35 Folding garage door rcut sill Storm windows radii torr etc PA 05520 or PA e99 TOURIST cam Prague Czechoslovakia had 180000 foreign tourists 50 compared with 96000