Drink Men Fight utomation ft at WANT 4DAY 32HOUR WEEK TORONTO Ltl The inter national Unian OI Brewery Soil rlnk and Distillery Workers CLCl has served Ontarios rewing industry with demands or iourday 32llaur neck to Iliset unemployment caused by Automation Canndiztn Labor Congress local The brewery uorkers and representing London Oat em ploytes of John Labutl Limited are expected to open joint ne gotiations with the industry In about two weeks on behali of some 4000 employees Partners Get Record Returns But Early Slump Is Forecast OTTAWA tCP Canadian larmcrs pocketed record cattle returns in 1961 estimated at more than $620000000Agrlcul lure hllnlster Alvin Hamilton says in yearend statement The previous high was $596 300000 in 1958 The Prairies marketed some $331000000 worth of 365000000 morethan year earlier he said Prairie sales expanded as drought dcpleted grazing re sources and pushed up lccd grain prices However breed ing stock remains virtually un changed rle beef sales and freer grain deliveries will ensure that farm Income stays up for the 1961 period despite drought setbacks Federal surveys indicate however that l902 larm Income will begin lagging almost im mediately due to empty gran nrlcs particularly among smnlv ler farmers who constitute the majority in the prairie prov inccs PRAIRIES LEAD Mr Hamilton said nearly 400 000 more cattle were said in the west than in 1900 Total Cana dian marketings were 3779000 head and Manitoba Saskatche and shortterm Exports to the United States irom western Canada were encouraged by the depreciated Canadian dollar while US heel prices provided both floor and ceiling for Ca nadian prices Over the longer period more production on the Prairies cer tain areas of Eastern Canada and in British Columbia was called for to keep pace with the demand Increase oi rising population the minister said in 958 the brewery workers staged 1day strike against the industry on issues that in cluded in 35 hour week The agreement that settled the strike expired Sunday The new demands include guaranteed work week based on 32 hours over iour days with no reduction in take home pay The unions also want liveper cent wage increase improve mcnls in annual vacation bear fits and weekly indemnity based on 75 per cent of salary during illness Other beneï¬ts sought include dental care plan for members and their families and six day of sick leave with pay year The lostsettlement brought wage increases of cents an hour over three years plus other improvements but no change inJhe existing to hour work week Current wage ratcs range iromabout $228 to $246 an hour Mr Hamilton said the PraiA PiSh To Sound Waters OTTAWA CPI An elec tronic fish suspended irom slow lowflying helicopter will be used by Canadian scientists next summer to chart new ship ping channels In the northern Arctic The sh an neriallyborne echo sounder is to have its first public demonstration toda in the icy waters of the St Law rence Seaway near Cornwall The unique undenvaler surc graphcr At present this isnt possible except with subma rinc hir Eaton closely associated with the development of tho new technique at the Edn Cans ada Limited plant near Cora wail said the helicopter will fly about 25 miles an hour at 15 icet above the water level low ing the llsh DEPTIIS 10 300 TEE BARKER EXAMLVEB THURSDAY JANUARY PRICIFIlAIION NORMAL WEATHER EXPECTED Most of Canada will have seasonal temperatures durhig January according to the 80 day outlook of tho United States weather bureau Que bec and the Atlantic provin Wam 0i Danger Noll nrcmurton THIS 09 VANCOWII women WINNING on will have abovenarmal readings based on longrange predic tlnns and is not specific forecast chango in weath or pattern may produce ma outlook Heath Thaws Chilly Ottawa Atmosphere OTTAWA CPD Britains Lord Privy seal Edward Heath appears to have lhawed one chilly area oi Anglo Canadian relations involved in the British move to enter the European Common Market He conferred with four Cana dian cabinet ministers for 2h Experts To Probe Bordeaux Problem QUEBEC CPY Attorney General Georges analme sold Wednesday the detention sys tcm at Montreals Bordoaux Jail is outdated and group at experts has been appointed to ilnd out how it can be changed Speaking at press confer ence Mr LapnlmE said nothing has been done to improve con ditions at the jail during the last 16 years Mr Lapaimcs announcement came alter fourhour meeting with LtCoi Leon Lambert in terim governor of the jail in which the two men discussed the situation leading up to riot there New Years Day hir Lapalme said the riot could have been oucllcd in 10 minutes it the public works dc partment had granted the pris ona request or new genera tor and an Independent spot light system Prisoners had hacked deep hole in brick wall at one point and cut electrical wiring with the prison in darkness and automatic doors jammed Mr Lapnlmc said Bordeaux was veritable hcli ior an hour there had been an uninhibited exchange at inicnnntinn and views The talks couldnt have been more cordial hlr Fleming said hlr Heath the minister in charge of British negotiations for Common Market member ship was to meet today with Prime Minister chicnbaker and then resume his talks with the tourman cabinet commitlt ice The atmosphere at Vcdnes days talks was in apparent con trast with relations during the early stages oi British negotia tions with the Common Market last fall when the Canadian govemmcnt complained it wasnt getting adequate infor mation on the negotiations MR EA Tll Last November hlr Flequ pressed for and obtained pubs ticaticn of the previously secret statement by lllr Heath setting out the British position at the start at the Common Market negotiations hlr Heath smiling and alia ble told reporters alter the talks that the meeting had been very valuable Weve had very good Hills he said have given uptodate progress report on all Weve done in the negotia lions and weve exchanged views However neither Allir Heath nor Mr Fleming would drop hint of the details discussed Mr Floating said the British minister brought us informe tionwhich will be very help But he sidestcppod one qucc tion as to whether the meeting had produced any reassurance that Canadian exports to Brit ain will expand The Canadian government has expressed concern that britistg entry into the nixnation Europ ean trade bloc would seriously aiiect majority of Canadian exports to Britain which now total more than 3000000000 year can garrick momma announce COKE TIME for unmana RVBIIY wan no 15 PM Iplelll stunat Rain by Appointment only PA H60 38 Maple Avenue jor errors tion is expected throughout Southern Quebec and the Heavy preclplta and hum WILL INVESTIGATE won and Alberta contributed 23l2000 or 6i per cent Larger farmers mlghtnat add to herds this year but beet re mains an increasingly xIcmPIlllg source of revenue for smaller graln growers or mixed farm units he said The Atlantic provinces could go ahead with out the problem ol pondering whether 1962 cerealcrops pros pects are bright enough to war rant carrying increased herds He said the outlook for beef growers is good on both long The towing apparatus con sists of raft which sklma along thoJurfaco beneath the inland waterway now closed helicopter The ï¬sh contain lor the season lng tho echosoundlng transrc Canadian government ltydro COW l5 Suspend llom the graphcrs predict it will have felt by wire 10 feet below the tar reaching applications in surface It will be possible to mapping the icechoked waters mnke Soundlnll to depth 01 of the Arctic 30 90L lt should enable us to do as thorough in survey in the Arctic as in iceirec waters sold it Michael Eaton mines and tech nical surveys department hydro Union Denies Dropping Waybrani When Court Sent Him To Jail sanNrA cm union spokesman denied Wednesday Marltlmcs Normal precipi tation is given in inches oi rain one inch of rain equals Tho attomeygcneral said an investigator will be appointed to the jail on permanent basis 10 inches of snow OP News to thwart the activities of trou mnp blomnkers ANCING fllc smnassv Banquet and Entertainment Hall IS FUN beam 51 Hulda Kcmpviow Bowl SAT JANUARY 6th BARRIE TEEN TOWN Featuring This Week THE SUEDES 75 Per Person Phone PA H961 For Renervatlonl Ampls Parking gt vcying method already has been successfully tested on the In Chemical Sets TORONTO iCPTha Ontario College of Pharmacy licensing body for pharmacists in On tnrio said Wednesdayit was is suing request to its members to withold sale of potentially dangerous chemicals to juvcn lies unless written pcrmlsslnn irom parents is given The college expressed shock at the death atDecp River Ont of Paul do Jourdan it killed when experimenting with homemade chemistry not mix ture which exploded The college has always been aware of the inherent dangerl in certain chemicals previously available in these sets Moisiey college registrar lBltI We have not only issued strong warnings to that effect but with the cooperation of distributors have been able to take action to ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY TOM CROW SATURDAY WEBSTERS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 75a REFRESHMENI BOOTH NO SLACKS OR JEANS PERMITTED Old Tymc and Modern Dnnclnp Mr Eaton said the lzmom ber air and survey crew using two helicopters plans to re sume work in March in connec tion with the Polar Continental Shelf project in Penny Strait about 100 miles north of Re lute NWi so Before the ice breakup in June the helicopters will land on the ice and make soundings ï¬neihali milo apart to show up himseli for work and 3W 1an um the contractor finally hired WWW °f Mum that Allyn Waybrant unem someone else and Wham possum shipping played father at seven had Channels might He been dropped from the union When warmer weather comes and his Quintet VALUE STORE FOR THE SMART THRIFTY SATISFACTION GU for nonpayment of dues while in jail in 1955 Mr Waybrant whose child ren were it hameless in fire the week before Christmas said in an interview last week he was not able to get work as bricklayer because the union had dropped him from member ship He said he was unable to pay his dues while serving twomonth sentence ior assault ing his wife Robert Ewart business repre sentative of Local 23 of the Bricklayers Masons and Pins terers international Union CLO said no man is dropped In such situation Mr Ewart said Mr Way brant was seven months in ar rears when ho was finally dropped Last summer Mr approached Mr Ewart to rejoin and paid three months of his back dues and $10 initiation fee He was sent to see con tractor and was hired Mr Ewart sait Waybtant sent his tolls to the job but never did Canadians Oi Interests Going OTTAWA CWSeven Cann Ilians of mixed political inter ests will attend citizens con vention of NATO opening in Pa ris next Monday John Paliett Progressive Con servative MP for Peel will head the Canadian delegation whose members will be speaking tor themselves and not represent ing the government The idea of the Paris conven tion began at meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Associa tion in 1957 and gathered mo mentum last year when most of the 15 NATO countries fol lowed United States lead in setting up citizens commissions on NATO gt xA FAMOUS PLAVERS TltEAlltE Upheld Sacking 0i Strikers KINGSTON CF The On turio Labor Relations Board has upheld the dismissal of 20 Tcamster union employees at Gus Marker Block and Tile Company the firms lawyer Henderson said Wednes day The employees members of Local 938 of the international Brotherhood oi find had appealed their dis missal claiming it violated the Labor Relations Act The employees set up picket line at the companys plant here Oct 10 in whatthe union local president Edwin Hanks said was on illegal strike When the men reported for work three days later they were told no work was avail able Lator the manager sum maned them and dismissed them for being absent without leave and taking part in an il legal strike Miired Political To NATO Meet Other members oi the Cana dian dolegatian will be Liberal Senator William Wall of Winni peg Alistair Stewart former CCF Commons member for Winnipeg North Donald Giills president of the Sudbury local of international Union oi Mine Mill and Workers 1nd Toronto Businessmen Kenneth Andras and Stephen Roman and Patrick Nichol son parliamentary correspond eat for Thomson Newspapers spokesman ior the external affairs department said the gov ernmcnt will pay $6000 towards the delegations expenses which are expected to be around $9 000 rigida Movv PLAYIN COME snmnrvmnn Al 71 in August the scientists plan to use the towing method for detailed investigation of prom ising channels to detect shoals reels and ridges In icefree waters echosoundings normally would be made from moving boat but conditions in the north ern Arctic are too hazardous and uncertain even for an ico breaker to do the job One helicopter can do the work of about four boats said Mr Eaton WEED CONTROL EDMONTON CF Approxl mater 18776000 acres oi cereal crops were sprayed with 4D and MCP herbicides for weed control in western Canada in 1901 it was reported at the 11th western Canadian Weed control conference HELD THOMAS MllC EDWARD EVERETT HORTON Hm MiGKEYjHlllGHNESSV eliminate rt in dangerous chemicals these sets as rule can run as far as man or short stretches IMPERIAL EVENING SHOWS AT 645 and 900 PM FRANK CAPRAS WILD AND FUL MIRACLE unkifmsmwvnom William unit llltillll Mm ï¬llhnnnkou mama PANAVISIUII° lllllflll minimums and poisons from SPPED IN RESERVE Tho porcupine slow moving AT THE CITY CAFE WE OFFER YOU THE VERY BEST IN DISHES COME IN TRY SOME Take Out Service CITY CAFE Z0 Dunlap St PA 6028 OVER LL Rs SPECIAL SUIT BUY REG $2500 VALUE 777 OLONGWEARING Rayon Worl stod BUY NC PAY ONLY 25 PER WEEKI OSMART PATTERNS and Clog ant solid colours OSIZES 35 T0 44 Regular NOTTODEIIIISSED BUY for the budgetcon scious man whos looking for fine quality and smart tallonlng Uptotherninute 2bution coat styling with cclreful attention to allimportant details Pants are designed with double plats and easytocdiusl leg length Buy Now and take advantage of Zel laro Special moneyoaving prioel At Zeilors you can CHARGEll Credit Plans for yourI convenience No Down Fnymoht