GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON ooon FOOD ROUTE That old cliche that says the way to mans heart is through his stomach is so old it has whiskers but its as true today as the first day it was spoken Feed them they say and theyll never strayi Just in case oure running out of ideas for lwhat to serve here anY some terrific new dishes that have been men taste tested and theyve been dubbed Dishes Men Like Theres casserole heman sandwich idea and new version of their beloved dessert ApplePle The casseroles Tetrazzini Supreme so good we think you ll be stealing the idea for company dinners and for the next time you entertain his boss TheStag Sandwiches have everything in them that men relish except green onions and dill pickles which we suggest as goalongs An apple ie becomes Apple Crisp Pie guaranteed to brin you at kisscumsqueeze when you serve it with hefty wedge of Canadian cheddar cheese Which dish are you going to make for him first if you like Apple Crisp and Apple Pie too then youll adore this new pie thats really very good Apple Crisp in lo shell The undercrust is quite soft and moist but his will of course depend on the Juiciness ot the apples The crumbly topping is delicious and serv ing suggestions include Canadian Cheddar cheese ice cream or whipped cream APPLE CRISP PIE Makes to Servings unbaked 0inch pie shell cups ï¬eeied sliced apples 14 cup ghtlypacked brown sugar tablespoons soft butter 15 cup granulated sugar teaspoon cinnamon Va cup soft butter 1A cup 11g tlypacked brown sugar cup purpose flour For the Fllilngr Preheat oven to 4001 Prepare apples Press the Vs cup brown sugar in bottom of prepared ie crust dot with the tablespoons butter Combine e5 granulat ed sugar and cinnamon Turn into pie ell For the Topping Cream the 15 cup butter beat in the V2 cup brown sugar Blend in flour Sprinkle this mixture evenly ov er apples Bake in preheated oven about 30 minutes or until apples are tender and topping golden TETRAZZINI SUPREME Drool along with us just thinking of this dish that eatures chicken and spaghetti all savoryed up with mushrooms and onion cooked in butter then blank eted with smooth creamy sauce It was created espec ially with men in mind but also makes for marvel lous company main course The reel seems to involve fair bit of work but the end result is worth every minute of it And heres Ia tip the whole dish may be made ahead of time and re heated if desired TETRAZZINI SUPREME Makes Servings 5pourid stewing fowl cups hot water teas oons salt sma onion halved celery stalk cut up 12 cups chicken stock cups water llounce package spaghetti Va cup butter 9a pound mushrooms sliced cup chopped onion tablespoons flour 1A teaspoon dry mustard 18 teaspoon nutmeg 12 teaspoon salt cupheavy cream 11$ cup sliced stuffed olives to cup grated Parmesan cheese Cover chicken with the cups hot water in large saucepan Add the teaspoons salt onion and celery Cover and simmer until tender about hours Re move from stock cool When cool enough to handle remove chicken meat in large chunks Measure cups of the chicken stock and reserve Add the cups water to remaining chicken stock and bring to the boil Add spaghetti and when water begins to boil again cook until spaghetti is tender about lovminutes Drain thorough ly Turn into 2quart casserole Preheat oven to 350°F Melt butter in largeheavy saucepan Add mushrooms and onions fry gently until tender Blend in flour must ard nutme and the teaspoon salt Gradually stir in savedout icken stock and cream Cook over medium heatstirring constantly until smoothly thickened Stir in prepared chicken olives and to cup of the Parmesan cheese Pour over spaghetti in casserole mix thoroughly Sprinkle with remaining Parmesan cheese Bake in pre lba1eated oven 35 to 40 minutes or until golden and bub STAG SANDWICHES Terrific said the men on the taste panel for these sandwiches The Canadian cheddar cheese sauce makes them quite different from an ordinary club sand wrch and theyre just the ticket for lunch for evening snacks and for stag parties For the latter friend wife can prepare everything ahead and just leave the bread toastmg and sauceheating to the boys STAG SANDWICHES Makes Sandwiches cups to pound cubed Canadian cheddar cheese 1A cup milk 15 teaspoon dry mustard teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 12 slices white bread soft butter mayonnaise sliced tomatoes lettuce Missionary Society handle the tasks of the WMS THE THREE KINGS oi the Orient pear dressed in their royal ro es in preparation of their presentation of gills ol myrrh frankincenso and gold New Year Heralds New UCW Group new short form come into being with the new year for the women of the Unitcd Church of Canada It is now the UCW initials for United Church Wo mcn Probably the ladies will take some time becoming accustom ed to its use in everyday con versation since theyve been saying WMS and WA for yours But they likely wont take ony more time then the men of the church spend getting used to the new role of women in the church More women are to he active as members of the church boards and new board of we men becomes part of the overall United Church govern ing structure In the past the womens groups have worked parallel to the church not as an integrat ed part On Jan the WMS Womens and the WA Womans Association went out of existence along with the womans federations that had sprung up in recent years in local congregations where one group was set up to and WA NEW PARTNERSHIP Mrs ll Patterson of To ronto president of the WMS Dominion Board has said the move brings partnership of men and women such as we have not known heretofore Members of the United Church have worked toward this for eight years albeit witlh some msglvings They have been spurred on by feeling that the womens groups were growing into something of church in themselves The Womans Missionary So cley and the Womens Associa tion between them have grown to about 500000 members who have raised and allocated $7000000 year for work in missions at home and abroar for church purposes The Wills has been organized at the notional level since the Methodist Presbyterian and Congregational denominations united in 1925 The WA was formed nationally in mo Members from both organiza tions now are expected to or ilcipate actively with the hit ed Church Women and the functions they supportcd finen clally in the past are expected to get the some support in the future LESS CONTROL However the women wont have the some direct control over the finances as they had under the old arrangement Port of the money raised the United Church Women wii go into general council treasury whcro thcro nowars to he at least eight women on the fin nnce board which previously had none integration of the womens work comes under three new boards authorized by the church general council the Board of World Mission which combines WMS and Overseas Mission Board responsibilities the Board of Home Missions com bining WMS and previous Home Missions Board work and the Board of Women Women will have increased representation on the mission can garrick HAIR BTYLISTS announce cone nine for TEENAGERS we won more 415 mu Bpeclu student states 11 appointment only PA H86 38 Maple Avenue GIRLS FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Specially purchased fortheir sleeping comfort during the chilly nights an excellent value for girls well made fully cut and sarlforized so you know theyll keep their size wash after Wash Sizes 10 12 14 E17 lNFANTS PANTS SLEEPERS Fiannelette sleepers are so ideal forthe little tots theyre completely covered in sleepers even when they the covers goéted nursery patterns FLANNELETT Warm flannelette the chilly nights special value pur chase top and two bottoms As kick off sizes PYJAMAS pyjamas for the little miss during an excellent 1357 RELIGIOUS PLAY Unknown Writer Produces Drama The annual Epiphany Play to be presented by Trinity Church this Sunday evening at7 oclock has been written by teenage member of the Church This is the sixth time the Twelfth Night play has been produced in Trinity Church in i058 it was suggested that the play might be written by member of the Church The members of the Triniiy Youth organisations requested and of thcir members to write the play AN DNY M0118 PRESENTATION it is written anonymously and the entire play is presented on onymously There is cost of 60 people and the choir of the Church also participate The play is rescntcd us an act of worsh and love that God sent His Son to die for the world Epiphany moans showing this truth to all men This is in line with ancicnt lradiiion for drama has largely dovclopcd the western civiliza tions under the Christian church There has been marked re turn to this concept of dromn to tho holy Child of Bethlolt hem Examiner Photo boards and the men will havs rcprcscntniions on the Board of Women The United Church Women will function at the conference provincial prcsbytcrinl district and congregation local levels with tho pastor becoming re sponsible for active leadership congregational groups Inaugural mcolln of local groups are being had in Janu nry Collier Strcct United Church Women will hold their inaugural meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock Bur ton Avenue women will meet Jon l0 and Central United Church inaugural is slntcd ior Jan 10 at 030 pm District women grou will meet in February on conference is planned in early March SALLYS SALLIES alwuys share scorcta dear Ith kcop Just as well that way Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL SMITH STUDIO 38 Dunlop St PA 84176 Over Hunts he 58 DUNLOP ST Reg Values To $1495 1099 299 WALKWEL SHOES with modern writers such as Elliott uein their role not simply as the production of secular drama but means of expressing Ihcir philosophy of life and their own deep person al nmltlmcnt to Christianity SIMPLE BETTING The method of pruentotlon ln ninlty is largely by light ing strategically placed in the Sanctuary Chancel Nova and over the northcx The result is In production of reverence and beauty with scarcely any mov ing of properties and barely any use of curtains The setting of the play is in monastery 12 centuries ago Oncoi the unique developments of British Christianity was the Ccltic monastery of Britain which provided lriiusl lend crship of th word at that time These monssiries dotted the northern part of England and lrelond and many of them had over 1000 members Their scholars and missionaries Chrslt innircd much of Europe and were noted for iheir Biblical studies yarsd we Top Ganadian Maker clears Eniire Slack lo Walkarél WITH SAVINGS TO YOU OF UP TO 99 iwo Piece Snowsllils Styled for boys or girls All first quality All Canadian mode and all this seasons production Normally WALKERS 798 to SALE 1098 PRICE SIZES 34566X Brown colours Red Blue Laden value we believe so good that even If your little ones have good suit youll want one to put away for next season Here are the features that make these suits suchZoutstondlng value iTRE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN lid Widow Manages SSHAcre Farm PRINCE ALBERT Sui When Mrs Helen Zbeshcskll husband Bruno died 10 years no she was left with 550 acrc grain farm and six chil dren She has not only carried on the forming operation and the rnislig of her children but he been active in variety of pub lic organizations well She lives in Prince Albert bib ing help to till plrnt and ban vesl the wheat rapeseed and barley on the farm five miles cost of here For five years she was womens director of the Saskat chowan larmcrs Union district is and remains district secto inry She was convener of the Prhlce Edward home and school association and for three years was on committee of Prince Iilbcrt air cadets Her oldest son Henry is group captain in the RCAF Two at her daughters are married two others and son are still in school Her plans shall remain in the district and continue fann ing Perhaps shall even move back and live on the form WALKWELS JANUARY Reg Value To $1695 PA 82397 thinlysliced salami for the Sauce Melt cheese in top of double boiler over boiling water Add milk gradually stirring until sauce is smooth Stir in mustard and Worcestershire sauce Keep sauce warm over simmering water while preparing sandwichv es for the Sandwiches gt Remove crusts from bread and toast on both sides Spread one failde of eatih slliice witdh soft butter then mayonnaise ace oma ces an lettuce on four of the bread shoes cover with four slices Spread these 355 bhsmhfsp early slices with soft butter then mayonnaise Place thiniy facturerla clearaananu sliced salami on to then cover with remaining bread sizes 24363 cï¬ slices Cut in ha and serve each sandwich with values 79 23 eg generous amount of hotcheese sauce and pickle gar flush ogportunity to get an extra pair assortment is made up of novel ty prints sizes 348dx Canadian mode by one oi Canadas bcsi mokors Outer shell is made oNobrics nrovsn best for snowsulisCniton Poplin Viscose and cotton or Nylon an Cotton All suits iinsd wiih rayon quilted iti wool lntsvilnlng Jackets lb wsiphi slacks lb assuring snup warmth Pile lined zlppm hoods otford com piais head protection trorn cold Down hill style slacks have double knees for longer wear Braid trim Idsniliiss suits on all this seasons moke MANUFACTURERS ClEAliANCE EZ COTTON VEST PANTIES EZ cotton vestand cotton anties all ity merchandise Machine Bvashable and shlrsiiilrlufe locker has pusrontssd zippsl for amassing Many as Illustrated some twotone and some solid colors The quantity is limited so do shop early and avoid disappointment youave Iubllnnllniiy on every one up to 399 while they last each 699 WALKERS Cosh Charge loy away or odd to your pre sent Budgei Plan account 50 DUNLOP ST PA 60221