IO HELP WANTED Canadian salesmen save Lives Bar fizz man mumm WEDNESDAY JANUARY tanis FEMALE HELP NOCASHIER Selling 0111 Healing Machines mete 3° out Denies Deal 18355533 WWW PARIS ReutcniA carefully Admitted for tho first than the maniac omened pintioum bu kept It that Custemsls trained antic uï¬dï¬r tflmmgrmganz norm AP lba West Ger mm mm mtmym ilr an provido mm umpmu tro exiles tor the Cuban inva All employee beneiits Hay mm mm mus 94d OTTAWA CW1° 11 trutmcnt to 196000 cancer pr mm 5M 1° WASHINGTON AP The lion in and shorthand 51 45 mm WMi h°5ad WP tientu in live year patients 15° mm state department dented tires Indicated Prcsldeut Ken mwuflmm will bring the total at West Car in all parts at the Kid will treated will etceed 1000000 gummmmflflwiy Wmmd dsy that the United State made nedy should take further action man armed forces to nbout be prolonged and in many cases 01 1° mm Wm deal with Custemnls on Brii against Cubas Castro regime CRESCENT TENDERS 375000 men The recruits who saved us result of this axons use mhslmï¬ ulsincolém use gar has been ish Honduras in return ior Guii Guaigmnla long has sought NANCE COR ilhctlccstttrilieaig midstsin is on ma is mm in em minnow or normm mums 26 Dunlop St abortive invasion of Cuba COURT HOUSE The mm mm North part at one quarter oi the press oiilcer Uncolrl White mm America my Guntcmnlnns coll Bethe The their oyster in search tor rnnn meeuml Pm 1° terrestrial meridian and the has issued um dental allowing PA 60203 Sc ladlilAIZRlE our US Toll mmmmd mm will be centred in South America British first settled there in the en or or enuovs tic element in tin metric arr ports that Guatemalan President CHICAGO IAPi mule so mm mm mm hmuu aflzeull Elicia tail crtflinirlutzillirld annulus AND HSrs 33 mutton Fragile £003 ddmu 8cm he um 5m Belgith turning in indgstry Sgrom wpffl Iholuiohd will iornéxsliymltaltfn Wheeiililh ridlgiv New Years ndewndencé hind Gm me DC In OVEI an En 5ch TmmAL zovmxsiizxr heating system at the Court dung dull $1317 3th search und equipment ai rub hlr Errioxton ray that while strument ï¬nd measure the Said according to New mluyun ï¬ll PMï¬gkm nzrsornmls House Barrie Ontario will we um tie iecting various materials to competition i°u8h Cflflflda Will etre us length York Time dispatch that In re mnnd 157 fa 21 mm CAMI DORDLV Ont received by the undcrsmned 50 °d 11 gamma radiation continue to be leudinz ex equal to 1656763 wsvclengths turn or Guatemalan help in ï¬raï¬amohee undidre must dcrnortstnie nbi not Inter than 12 oclock noon in fys°r well Thu soles suit oi tho commcr Porter Di 0er all 5900 In vncuum oi the radiation mviding training rites for it to ty II Wbm na nu EST on Thursday January Council cinl products division ot Atomic oi the quality at tho Canadian corresponding to tho trsnsltlon an invasion turces tho United iith 1962 It Ssllmnle no Energy oiCnncdo Limitcdnlso equipment and the WI Cu betwecn tho level 2pm and dds Stntes agreed to uso its good Try An Ennriner Wont nd in mud per nuum pm and spamcanon will 05 mm is proving to Canadian induxtry iomcrl receive at tho cturn oi krypton no nillccs in tiling the Guoiems PHONE Pit it nnuï¬lyï¬llufnfeelslolur pf be avnliabic at the Treasurers that it possible to sell in ex nsiitlcutions oiiicc in the County Administrn port markcts in the taco oi the DIicnritl must be At lull in on Building dew of Murders mm commune 3°°w° 51000 will be required tnrcom sruimnnr West Germany the main rovenuo producer mm Wm pielc set This money will be Reuters Tho public prose or this crown owned Agency idcnco Ind dtnlllicutloll rr returned when the set is re cutor inld charges Tuesday It the cobaltdo boom therapy Rnllfrlnil ifyslwcilll i535 turned in road order ensuinst Swiss university pro unit urchins dovelopcd in roitdxio antno Ench tender shall be uccom lessor inr this wnriimo murder In 1551 treat cancer rilelion totml Ivsillpln ponicd by certified cheque or 25 Italians Kurt Lelbbrnnd Faueguibcanw Will dï¬ï¬‚t Damsmild ï¬fï¬fe bid bond In tho amount oi 47 German born trniiic ex Eflmnlin rays shot RRnr LATER THAN Mmltnr l2 Itiive per cent or the total T2 is cobInItGO sotopc lg vith tender amount An agreement dllm °n m9 Md Clyn senlre Commlqlon in bond endorsed by the Bond it the shooting of my sold like word hilfllliltelx to itseli tor zgotlonllolllftxsllnkr int Company of Companies llers 1th IO his Englncer liliiicrmtlcs0 now mlisl ER undertaking to bond the Con 1mm during the fourth re Ens Pxiumflm tractor in the nmount at 100 mm Hull STENgmAi Nation oi the tender amount must be 194 5m Briluln lifliy Julian and Some business lMluied wasGermnny The owner reserves the right SALES RISE mm In mus to accept or reject any or all set safety mark Despite this competition tho tenders 51 divisions nnnuni export rules For iurthar pnrticuinrs piensc 5Chgmaï¬ï¬ï¬csmflflemuï¬ have risen steadily They are conioct YostKoen and Associe 951 expected to exceed 34000900 In lites Ltd Consulting Protcs emu onlyggsngzmy record bu me my ho the iscoi your ending ncxt so shirt non rim intros51min mam me llfiii it°12li lit 52 you ran nrlo vii Acronnuu nd seizing £3 Silllfoiithlf hln Coleman of mm 3010000 in the divisions first only reporting this htos game3353 xi Treasurer Simeon County day sum gum ndcntm your or operation Percolntor or Drip Grind ii ll at County Building Products oi the division now we BARRIE Ontario $53 $1 an the Us 1mm nro being sold in 57 countries 020 dcnthti illtillng mam V5 gnaw passenger mu Fassen Commun st no no contacts ger Cgï¬fegkxggdlï¬clioiltgï¬gn I3 AUCTION SALES deaths onschedulod are maintained through ogonts airlines toe Termr AUCTION SALE 5° mm rem millilitlortshmltlolhgmilglilnnu ICE milled work muted WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17 Mk by PW stiles stntt trnvol upwards at 25 nurrlcti mcnl pcilor Iy mploygsnilh years itspve mo pm sharp 600000 miles your in their erionco in most oilicc work Auction Sale arm stock and Search or markets One stuck Ann Fun Run htl HoSAVE 20 Frankord Vootnblo or cuiuriy uccouuts rccslvsnin no Niel Niel tailor rs KETCHUP uzae TOMATO soup mums ctiors nvc on IIRcoliidMltnotty Rlllrdprihnfotllitbr at north half of lot CHICAGO AP 11 ch During tho ï¬rst eight months JI mm 30 will 2VDIJAVE 3° 3° Dull us Printla PA oms Anytime Concession ll Gwillimhliry cugo Tribune rcnawnd us one of tho divisions current fiscal 3301pk9526 64ujug43 Terms cash no reserve on farm hicsduy night to exchange edi year as therapy 115 were Id Pnot 49 SAVE LEGAL NOTICES is sold toriui writers Wm um MOSCOW in it countries including Rus Into to MANNING hicEWAN newspaper Izvestin an and 5i MILK 99¢ Auctioneer made year ago without Since its establishment in 1952 15 $945 mm RM Role Hnulr Run lbs HAVE lo Jlnr Porkor ceptcnco The newspaper of the division hos sold 258 therapy AND OTHERS vs nusslsn editor Eggsgrrzogtmcogntglurtfihgprod MARGARINE 4495 WHEAT rwm Rous 29¢ umn vson In The Estate of Jessie everJig £3th ufceiiï¬méhï¬ have been marketed in Putx Calmd nu take mossv Pm mm Rumr zitam to other 10 count to Nos 25 ALL 5250 $3352 ADVER TlSl NG f3 iisnï¬iohirléT TOILET TISSUE pit o12 volls25c coomss v5 REST MARKET on ti Eggs ggagzï¬oémflm TELEPHONE Czechs Free siollhsoblggtitgd States is the dlvi SPAGHETTI and MEAT BALLS vtxo lTAllAN STYLE 21 ru39 ustomer iolrthclrnpy into at the City oi Borrie in un not l952 Amer cnn nstl Lilo County at Simcoc Widow PA 824l4 ChIVIIKSmGTON mp Czo tuitionsérugoï¬oughtnzigrignos who died on or about the lGih as av has released For I7 0W Dnn mm Cb Condensed and classifier ndvor rosy Avery Shawn Ame dinn institutions with in Francs ggfgflzd fo°sgxd pageant tlsements are inserted at tho Fm mum Dam holding him with it and Brazil with nine Proofrya Save Sb Asp sneerklybt quay Meats me to the mum ed on rats at do per word per insertion in prison or nearly 13 months The Communist countries mm the 15th days Feb for con and two times so per me 5m department reported which have purchased units nro tir 1902 alter which date the 30 °l 01 VB tucsdny His release nee so thin Czechoslovakia East Eslate will be distributed with 295° 75 was effected about months Germany Poland and the So regard only to the claims whim or more insertions lOo oddl before he had completed viet Union The Chinese have we undersigned shall hen have tronal charge it not paid Within mun sentence imposed bought seven the Soviet Union name 10 days THE MINIMUM COST illegal border crossing two nnd Czechoslovakia East TED 20th FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD Germany ond Poland one °° VERTISEMENT is 000 Fun 24 in ï¬dï¬ï¬ihé Gloom 301108 WITHIN 10 DAYS or PreSident To Visti The eight types of therapy Comps sagas 223133Shill°nï¬llit RIB PORTION TENDERWN PORTION CENTRE curs or CHOPS 372 Bay Street SERTIOM President Kennedy will visit Toronto ommio Executor treatment day most cum TO 3V POUND AVERAGE TO 3V POUND AVERAGE animus on conngcnous M02500 somatim this Year the cur patients receive an average by Agvertlscrs fro reminded chut ui White Hunso announced Tues of about 12 treatments iï¬ssns STEIVARIESTEN 5192 figgnggnfgggflgm gcm day night No data hasbeen set moons that one machine can lift im titties 52mm lliilz at 5mm in ndvcr son to kindly rained Authors Pald on nonnu mowst Administrator of the my as 35 Dr SAINT JOHN GP cgnrtcd norm an ear order Novelist Nicholas Monsnrrnt Esijgzmzf HENRY WILSON the clmvï¬namfly fnsgï¬mniamg sold nicsdoy Cnnndlnn authors on Dead Dogs RIB TENDERLOIN late of the Cityol Barrie inthe nlnt if 1° msolgusiplg the world they Kemp PORT ARTHUR CF Ra HALF LOIN lb HALF LOIN lb County Smwe Emmi dvltsyrtlggnlrzelit IlVeli Paid and CDHSIdEIEd bits tests tire to be made horn cIIR Employee deceased by many 85 only trifle more on the carcasses at two stray who died on or about the 7th involves to important than the meet dogs pm of Pack ab SmokotlfCooliad Picnic Stylo 139 of October 1961 will dlsi lessen tr or tho ndvortlso sweeper Mr Monsnrrat uu locked and MI ti ute the nssets oi the de 55 gm nngnonrggl tor rm thor 0i The Cruel Sea was in Richnrds é°°h June lb re ed to persons entitled Com Emmi 56 mm iorviewcd here on his arrival Provincial police said Tucs oto after gnnualry lIlihlitii2 lmmlfgum Charge $1590 Birth fro naLivlerpool Curlads being day the tests apparently are rig regsr on nuns pre om nan outdoor notion precautionar ta on mg properly also with the um and DH mm 25 is very bud de words over 25 words so per gaming country Itherc is no gildlcntifllil that the son solid Mnt Funny oullty he eggs in EVE HIGHS IE BIG ro kicgownN AND COWAN r33 ï¬gfli jerMimeéigc N° Atrlcu Msynnwhlle in midi mu PORK BUI ROAST lb 59 SLICED PORK LIVER 1529¢ 53 Collier Street voï¬ an northeast of here the hunt con Lnln Monty Sohnlldoro country Btylo Fur Barrie Ontario tinqu for th solicitors tor the Administrator £hllï¬fliiiii HOIdS Option ripde the unholï¬l PORK SPARE RIBS 1549c PORK SAUSAGES Ib53¢ in Eli its ml nutter Box Numbun Two men authorized by police Lauri aelidMut auurRlnht smoked Slidori HindiII Sirignpliï¬scplï¬efcï¬ clogged HAUFAX CF Author to carry firearms had shot seven will in hold only it dry utter Hugh Madam MONTE of the animals and few more IRISKH PM 39¢ IIlwis69t its any or publlcntion said here Tuesday Crowley were still at large Classified advertisements and Films of Ottawa holds it film Authority to carry firenrms notices or these pages must Option 0n It novel Barometer was needed because Auden be received by pm day pro Riding the story of the 1017 tiny woodcutting centre oper ceding publication with the ex Halifax eXPIDSIfln Mr Malian nted by Abitibi Power and Pn ception of Classiï¬ed Display flan 58 the Company hopes to per Company is in game pre advertisements which must be produce full length film tor serve whore guns are prohib Praduce Features in by 1200 noon preceding day international distribution ited TEXAS NO GRADE FRESHCURLYlEAF WASHED i==nstnws=n yam flanteal AN our TRIMMED READY TO CO gone 01 these three conveni tntnod through no intrusion to mtgwoys niS Week MW gt magi 53221 and Early Besidenis Ed it to Tito Enrrle Exam Had Shong Tails PIE laifnï¬lltv°n°liifi 1001 goevllirï¬trlagllg giggling on REGULAR PRICE con cello bags teat willglly civiliaer Iirluflcttwtii ITOGK mi voun rncizzn AT mts LOWVPRIGI ggghotAslggimltenglitinCTEullg JIM Psrklr LIIgo Rog HAVE 100 IMPORTED NO GRADE FRESH GREEN NEW CROP hail vertebrae made them tier ch lbie body on they capture r1 353553 lur mire may fit Im is ForkorPlnin RogJoufloBAVE 1o inc teeth so it jnws at Mumdial Bmldlngr opened sideways as well as up zullgayu43 gt La 15 xé Corr and Mum and down They ate quickly tooGAVEM let Garage All 15 13 swallowing their land whole or Pm or torthe year 1902 Ten bolting it in grant chunks phwzg to per gallon The museum of natural hls delivered as required to my hero identifies them as mountainminimum be in the handY moszlsuurs marina contompo undersmnei by 12 Jam rnries of the dinosaurand dur Mali 1952 ing the lust two summers the lowest 01 any lend 03 95 museum has removed the re Woridrillltvtrunvea essarily fliCEIIIedi mains of two of them from the BELL ClerkTreasurer shaly basin of the South Snskni Before Y0 take it to the 53°F 39 DENNEY Kenya Chewnn River dam van on riummillm