Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1962, p. 14

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Like Turkey This Page Is Stuffed With Good Things 107112 BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JANUARY S2 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS sszPstLNs To air and sin Doullu Siephena tau Marian Mint uuua 51 Royal Victoria December m1 ora oouslaa in Bob Plum In tho Roy Viriorls ilolol Barrie on sat urdly Ddcomber 10 ml to Mr and Airs Willisio rarrtnslon in mMnillt Dnve BIrrII drum ta KEYIll tn Royal Victoria Hospital orrir on Friday Dec eaabrr loci to air and Mrs John Keg IN Harris ODIIHDa ton cali alarrayl NAsiu Ant lsiPonTANrz Cam in more let your child should ba mi pieaaurc and other will wool to snow was cbolcs Narn your child an uirsiy vault and use to in llIdusi pain In slams Ex lnar limp Anpaud mom to or idad arimaoi am in hell ineIudlas ham and In will publish 131th Nation in tha naxi adiilon to only stso lalaphan PA nstu or this Clsuiilcd Sarvlc ENGAGEMENTS lizLWDoDIUICLIFFE Mr Ind lira oardon seiwood an or oarrir vian to Innouncs ills engagement at lbclr dauanter Muion portali Io liaam orant satriim son or am sat clliic oi Toronto Tha an Inn Mill Isiio place on satanlay Jsri usry so me st in am in Trin iiy Anrllcan Church coliiar Slrcri sarrlc DEATHS roomAI lilo lioscbonk Nurs ing llomo Ploiiorinlt on Monday January los rcder irli Popio in hia 7th Iorm any or Edar Ontario min at ihdScorborolioh Chanel or lilo Doulsli and aroan Ltd mo xinaaion lioad incur St Clair Ava sarti Toronto service in tho rllspci ai lm rnurrdy Inirrmeni Wort Oru Doollsi Com litry Ullflli nrrlinl DI molt ID proximately DlanAt any on dsr antlory rm Mary burn belowii Will or the lat Aiocst Disco in her 11m you Ilciovcd motllcr oi uarioria IMr licrvin Irnllcki Florcncn Clark iliddleloni and hm mum at ills Prinlcir Funcrsl Homo Doyllcld Street name or sorvicn in the ehaari on Thundly at am lniormrnt MineInn Conlclcly MlLLlPlned away Pene tnnr on rio on Turn Iran sry m2 llinry Juno lilannina bolovod wild at tho 1an rnontar lllills dclr molhor oi Edna iltl iiilion Train and Volma ill Leonard Arson bath or Eimv in her pain yaar linu inil It tho varnea ll Lynn hin arai Home cimvalo until noon Priory January m2 than to In aimvala Proaayierian Church ior iuncrsl aorviea at pan Tom parary oniornbrnont Elmvslo cent etery Chops wnnNicA aaddanly It in Royal Victoria liospttll same on ruerday lanua lost so an Carr boloyod wio nr wnlam Varnlra ol on William Strcal door naotlmr at William ll oi Wor mtnaiar Donald at Toronto and John of Owen Sound door iatar or pram Carr oi uarrie mm It the Jonnoit Funeral om I51 Brsdlord Stroela Horrily sorvlco ThursdIJY lanuar 230 pm Inlcrmonl suls Cemetery inniriil commonsAt lcnciong Gon urai Hosgitsi on iionda lana sry 1r Jimmie Colum us oP orator or 1111 Sorvlcp Station Elmvslo bolovod husband pan alda Clute dear ialhor oi iiary Iaan stanloy Jollonno and Ann all It horn1 brother lllorgorrt Mar orannlna oi Chlopalvs lolly tilra Stone or iholp ston illonlcn mu ollaiiaran oi Phal aton Amhrosa oi Nils nra PalIa ots 1111 niic lo Chsriil n1 ardand larry oil of Elinvolc in his in year link in at ilto Iamea 11 Lynn lIincral Homo until can am on rharada January than to St Patricks ch Plaalpaion for lloqulom lllnss nt in mm lnlcrmcnt st Pairiclta Comciory Pholprion IN MEMORIAM KELLYIn invlno mcmorv al deal wltc and mathcr Anna Kalllvvdn who passed away January Asleep In GDLI benutliul rardan Fret ram sorrow and noln Sold In Gods wanderiui kaoptnd LnIll lva shall meet asaln Evor remembered by husband and Iomlly KBNNINOToNln lovlna mt My 01 delir inn and brain Gregory llulr who passed away lanuary 059 Two little hands sro solilnl loving hcnrt is ailli little can we loved in waitinr For us Just ovor inc hill Ivar remembered bv Mummv Daddy and Heather KENNINGTONln loving mem cry or are cry lialph Kennlnaton who pam awa January lull No one board taoiateaa oi iho nnaeia drawina near 1th took irnnr 11s our lovcti one The one we loved no door Lovinclv rcrncsnborcd by grandma Grandpa and Aunt 051v COMING EVENTS REV CANON AND MRS HEARN will be at homo to their iriends at the RECTORY BOND HEAD SATURDAY JANUARY to pm and to pm On the occasion of their 501h Wedding Anniversary uno Bravery Award To Tshombe NEW YORK IAPIPrcsldcnt Molse Tshombe oi Katanga will be given an award at March rally sponsored by Young Americans for Freedom The presentation at the con scrvotivo Rally ior World Lib eration from Communism will be to the embattled Katangon people ior their is our agaous stand against Communism and their continued light ior free dom the rally committee said Tuesday The group said lshombe ca bled ho would come to New York Speakers will include Repub lican senators Barry Goldwater of Arizona and John Tower of Texas the commiltcc sold The group describes itself as national conservative young peoples organization with 750 college and other chapters spokesman said it seeks to move boihmsln US political parties tarther to the right REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE nut bIATII onoxzx ntlrrm 513 out OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL AREA $13000 asking price Split lovcl bedrooms iinlshcd plastered rocrcalioo room aluminum storms and scrccns 60 loot lot Carrlcs ior $95 monthly includ ing inlcrcst principal and taxes Brick ESSA ROAD $10500 Four bedrooms living room dining room largo kit clien bathroom iull basement new iurnacc garage About 17 your old ldcol ior the larger imliy One mortgage SOPHIA ST 310000 bedroom bungalow hot waitr heating garage lire piano Vcry comfortable home for couple or the smaller iom lly Good downtown location NEWTON ST 512000 bedroom brick liv ing room kitchen and bath recreation room close to both public and high schools with good down payment will carry ior s70 monlhly including In lcrcst principal and taxes COXMILL ROAD PAINSWICK 511000 bedrooms double nt tocllcd garage lull bascmolil lorccd air all Iiooting both Abollt years old Excellent terms with one mortgage Taxes about Sllfl NAPIER ST $8000 lull asking price bed rooms living room and kitchen bathroom lull boscmcnt iorccd air oil heating largo garage povcd drllc largo lot 50 100 Carries for about $77 monthly interest and principal Toxcs only $16112 Act now on this one by phoning ior on appoint mcnt to inspect CALL any on EVENING PA 82379 iiambar oi the uarrlo arm District iiosl Estto Board HENDERSON REALlOR lo COLLIEII srllshr PHONE PA 1170 LOW COST INCOME INVESTMENTS Average 12 not coming on lull price Nearly now dilplcx good lo cation ncvcr vocant Down payment $5000 Commercial nrcd oldcr du plcx clean and chI main tained property clear price $12500 down 53000 Duplaxcd masonry home park area long term ton ants lull pricc $0500 Mod croic down payment Return to 50 per nnnum an cosh invostcd rental pays all hulonce Call Emerson Swain EVENINGS CALL itiTA SCANDlim PA stsos DOnOTiiY Wilcox PA Milt PERCY rono PA liiaio Btiolisrh SWAIN PA H505 blottith oi uarrle and alarm and Ontario non Eststo Boards CARSON nsni r012 45A DUNLOP ST Nari door to tho imperial lholtrs PA 66481 Monitor or Barrio Diltrifl Roll Estate Board MOVING Dont forget to translcr your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 641101 OR PA 51802 113 Dunlap St Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 82592 la CLAPPEIITON si isAnlllE MOORE PA 04369 FRANK NETLES PA 6009 Mombcr carrie an District Real Esisto Hoard OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN Three bedroom brick bungalow on well landscaped lot in East End Must be sold this week Make onolicr PHONE PA 640 Classified Ads get rev suits Phone PA 82414 Its wonderful the way MORTGAGES aionrososadat and 2nd aavrht raid Innd nrranirca Commorcisi nnpuroridfinual money loisncd air ll of 310 arre or lilo Bunkers P9 04504 hfi Tunisia nobnoom spiltlavci with 81151 REAL ESTATE ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET Em First in Barrll Homo SaltsForemost in Quality oi Sonics PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENDIGS CALL MOORlPA 11 DonsPA was SmPA CONNflJrPA mom BALM DISTRICT IIAL UTAH BOARD CLIFF BROWN as 8163 STREET BARBIE PHONESI PA sow PA limb or II ML CmPhIUPA pm hm OlrvlymIA am Pianos PA 52410 tiAozL MARSHALLPA Htaa ROI but loud so LootPA um Chlllll EliotPA basis CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER 00 Dunlop St CORBYPA was MWIZL IHFZRYPA GB Norman DUNLOP sr SheIsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 00961 PA 65742 First Mortgage Funds Available interest 60 oi Voluo No Fact Chorgcd Evenings Colll Jo Loo iin PA loud mordtt hollwlli Ora Nil rink Willsoo PA 84d Norman Shslswlli PA Smi Howrd Norril PA ENG MORTGAGES RENTALS MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation oi Bills Home rcpoird etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlap St PA 66477 APTS HOUSES TO RENT Two pennant Aparlmani Now rclrlurstor and now Washer and dryer Now hulldlno Available im madlatoly Telephone PA 12 UNIUltNltlllEn liouria two hcd flimsy rhlrnlcof nlvcd drive as Tclaphonr PAl unto nUnTaN hvaNus Throd room unlurnilhcd aparimant oil hoaicd hot water Slovo snd roirtlcrstor Prlvsto bsth Apply to Centre 51 UNItiltlellizn haaicd Irimcnt lor rani hour room sun EDITH Ind hslh Overlon Ind ialto onlrli location Avsll lo now Tolophono PA 350 LARGE IIIOB room apartment or PM NIL Id llflhII III oiled Rcssonsolo April CnillhunI Gon filll Stoso loop flnfl PA 59575 immediate IST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unllmltcd privatu iunds avail able ior any type oi dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation Nu Obligation CALL PA 00981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 120 Dunlop St East OVCI SlMPSONSSEARS FINANCIAL $5000 470 FOE WEEKS NEED lMINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST asx r012 LEO McNAMARA PA 60203 RENTALS Low cOsT oPAcE or rent figdéiamraodclrnl huiillililggsl gultlbll are or Tulophonl PA 60575 nun NURSING HOMES ARK anon Nunsmo uoliip Built tar this work semi sud privata roomr kind on no cars and food TV rooms tioo WI aon ior antiaaa raiap in cont Stroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT $75 MONTHLY Heated iiva room unfurnished apartment downtown location private entrance Available at once TELEPHONE PA 83588 Beside Lake 011a and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and rclrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 84068 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Modem home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area 01 heat with air conditioning laundry tubs serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes 586 month PHONE PA 82740 Popularloo ior Hint at Elrrio TlinLa 1100M lurnishad spart merit lliltlhio or husioufl llrl Telophono PA 112967 osonoom uniurnirhcd hours all month ldoli location on Kemponleli Bly Adultl Tole pbone PArirway 01407 ONLY room or srtment no Torontop street our art Class to schools MD monilIlly Available JIHHIYYIU Telephone PA $7259 HOUSE to rent IIX rooms also sun room at tailpanlop sitnut Availaaia immediately rolepaona PA 83711 1100M BUNIMLOW or rent Ill convonicnco toll hutod ideal on psycd road oar Alan room iully lumilttled snorimdnl liult rotllod mo Prlulrk phone Each Timon banrIooal thllurnlshod aflamlgniac heating hreinfpritailnmi en so In Talephano PA ems FllllNlEliED two room runcl to rent convenlonc on line suit migploared ladyI couriio man is rcn no 04024 or PA audio Amzlicriva our room hosted IfIllilIl SIOVB and NIPIHOYILOL owiy decorated Availaala lanu ary Telephone PA Mica ior minor part cuisn NEW AND iliodcm ons Ind two bedroom aparimantr avoriooirlnr scenic Kcmoooraii Day Holt wa or union and Ianltor sorvloo inciu cd Automatic washing it ciililes PA E2001 FOUR noon Aplrlmonl lilo bath unturnlanao Stovo and ro iriarrstar all piled Cnnirally lol lltcd No Children Itysllobla im mtdiolely For lurlher inlarml iioil tolonhono PA 30141 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT 111an loan unfurnished hous Ior gill ACotliveoielnN than any Izd Drive or runner iniomsuon 35 man per month lindent brick bunsion and bed menu AWL noun or Council ltulipn telephone PA Hus snobs Pour room balm with ham uolumtaiaed Ap iv to IL Hobsmoo isolation now Available immediatcly must BEDROOM boon ior R111 located no bus liar vicinity Con sun school play he sun or 9111 In anonm1 at Two ooonOoM butcd nicnt tor uni on 51 street bottom liobr oi modern tripics so manihly Availbis tools Tollohooo PA H201 11mm Linton Rooms Iod bs uhor Ind dryer orivsts soda and olrklnl Avuis mmldlsltly Tollohonl PA 841931 or evening PA blots stooan twp bcdmana Iosrtouot unmmishod nui Dominion sum Automatic math Ind drytns nailltlu srhlns Avlil abe oow Prion M019 uPon purLax or root not moon and hlth prints entrance nilcnotlloRd outed No oblige 16133010 no child levobooo court Vinceni Timon human noun oil heat so All onyenianrer Guns and Available immediately mi south or Simud on lighwly l1 Tilphoto 731121 ailcud rwo noonooll nunslow or hint Tlsloiuliy decorated 011 Aluminum storms Itll acncns All conveniences writa Box as Barrio Exomiodr or pbouo VA NIDO oahvillr UPPER DUPLEX or not two bedrooms living room Ind hit on any tilod our place or room 011 hosted Laundry lsc tlrs lmmcdlaia nonunion Tel pnon PA 113100 Two nznnooli Unfurnished apartment In modern apartment bulldln in east end notrlaompr siovn not water starIre no In and laundry iacilltlcr and now Telephone PA on Armacsiva hosted madam aparimant roiilconiained rlvsto eatranoa ldosl ior bunt or or caupir Pririna racllitiar Stove Ind reirla rotor ruppliad unit ha soon to no appreciated Tolophooo PA so or PA 114104 UNPunNisiiiib and and two bcd rooIn apartments heated Centrsl iy located Kitchen with builtin cupboards nant ssa monthly and up Telephona PA Miao 010 pm PA Mass HEATED Aparinmnt living room largo kitchen Ono bedroom pri vsie bathroom Available inmach stoly Close to Catholic Church For iurthcr lniorrnatlun oooiv toi lliuicostcr Sircrt 111an noon lurnishcd merit tor rent Heated tor heavy duty siovc iloors Soil contained immediately Armrtronas woro PA mm onlLLlAr Upper apartment thrco lar brlrht rooms unturnlshod In eatnd Third place bath soli cunts rind silo monthly Adults only ideal ior Edaor parlonncl Tolcphono PA 257 ROOMS TO LET tailor Ipolt ilclillicro hardwood Avoilshlo Hard Tlvo PunNisllsa iiouaekeoplna goals or mm It is Dunlap ori Rooms To RENT sin weak or iurthcr dutaiil telephone PA to noon Pan RENT hcoicd turn ished Iiln attc rcrrlaurator and linen suppl pd Apply in Mary st norms ior mot Also notice shop on the rcmlau Opcn lrom nun to pm Apply nit Brentwood NTCELY Furnished Apartment Control Avslllbio now Nonsmok er abstnlncr suitbin or also or two adults Siovo and rcirlzcratar heat and water Box Barrio Lxsmincr THREE ROOM uniurnlshc ot cd oJIIrtmoot or root Sollcon tollIo lopanlo cntrsnoo pos month Avollohlo immcdlotoly Tolcphono LPA 52770 or PA 82313 our AND Two bedroom apart locnts Etovo rorrlrorstor limiter tame and laundry scultics soot in Iron $8000 monthly Toiopbooo Looch PA BZIITD Moian Iplrtmonll our rooms and private bath hot water hooiv ed utilities supplied Located in Angus Tolephono Camp Bordon llv lullLia and attcr p111 TWO DEDRDOM is lrimsrit ior Mnt in modem bul ding in out and Refrigerator nova neat waiar norm laundry trauma and parking Telephone PA 1445 COMFORTABLE three room on tarnished heated apartment pri vote both ilun Ind Pork notiltlcl spa mon lily Ab ly to Anna smut south or to enhan PA IN THREE ROOM heated npsrtmant sollrcontsinod Private ootrsnod 150 Collier st Palkins facilities Suit business girls or couple Ime mediate nossossion Coll PA $5539 cvoninss 51291 UNFUILNISHED upltolrl Inlrt mani mains firlvsts bsth cam tulioeauan hosted Privat hot water tonk In grivots home No other tenants hone PA 9151 Avolllhlo now V5 IN LUXURY New spacial tromoddrn iivs room splrtmpnts with stovo and rairiacratbr lionI Laundry Ind urklnl ilc gisghloioohono PA sea or PA Tunas noon Apartment tor rent privata hath retrizerator and stove ovarioolunsdalta 1m mndiara persuasion No eaudran Eololhoos PA old so turthar TWO nEIiltODM Apartment for rent upppr floor completely pri Vote Control location Hot water heated Gliolo Hand to school Available Dooomhor PA 7002 altos p111 UPPER DUPLEX tauc rooms and both rat contained hosted apart men private entrance Close to downtown Good oarkin Immod into possession Tolop out PA 117571 attar 520 pm MODERN two ballroom apartmont with liovo refrigerator woshar and cir or on main door or apart mont alfdin Availablo lanaa Adinlépply 12 Cool aim or NEW MODEBN cantrslly located two odroom apartment or rent fleirieflior stovs Ind laundry incliiics Avallble immediately llnitoi sorvice Tolophond PA G000 or lurflslr lutorioltioo FUansnED bedroom or hedslt ting room Use 01 automatic washer and dryer Bu Album PA dooli evonlnaa PA PURNlSilElJ heated room ior rent with ranscttu on use oi retriacrstor Central loca tion Telephooo PA odosz ROOM BOARD liiAnY sTREET vicinlt Gentle man proicrrcd Will one lunches close In downtown area Homo prlvliaaca ao llisry stroat lcle Phone PA 68665 non AND board available tor business girl in now home Closo to bus stop Home privlirgel Telephone IPA Mata == ARTICLES For SALE Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 1st PENETANG STREET PA aom STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of 1old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in perfi fecr condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20c CIearing at 9c ea lus PROVINC SALES TAX Commercials Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 ordlaltiln cuNTnALLY Donated now bung low near schools and churches in prciorlod rcsitlontlai orbit Three bedroom flroDlacE rooto atlon room garage all treated Box 10 Dorrie Exlmlncl molt BOOM around iloor sooth went Into nutrition and hltll plied Close to school ran room modsrnly do rtment with nuracry lilblo Docmoor Tolu Pbono PA 31218 cortad NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x10 Ideal iorlinlng hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25o PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario ARTICLES for SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prints oi any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please call at our Busi neu Oiilcs We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 10 $125 $100 plus tax FURNAQES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Pbooo Collect Stroud 41115 WOODWARD do SONS Heating Contractors RR Siroud Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Hos all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy colitcot lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 Low Tim hp Lycomlns on in tor raie Phone Toronto Harry solal ar Ipoly Box 11 Bsrrlo Examiner cAsii LOANa5loo ass or month Tolcphom PA do as CVrexfonl Plasma 75 Dunlap St at CARRIAGE crib and matt play non and high chair 25 co plctc Aim davcnoort good Dona ditlon 15 Telephone PA dam runNAc coal and wood Iorccd sir Inntaco with minor ilro box la oilllvcrcd Inglon tabled rco no on 9228 or COLEMAN net Iluotcr tor lhormostllicoly conlrollcd llcstl aix roams Only eight months old Egg reasonably Tclcphann PA EGG CUSTOMERS muted Largo or mcdluni candied whlta cites Delivered weekly at chain rtura nrlocs Telepnuna Russ illnlv lnnins 121 sranao combination radio and rrcord player rar solo Phillips Io LPs included year old and 7512 vary llttlc Te canon1 PA on FISII SHANIIES well constructed us each also aim alien and sod silon minnow In 111 VI rivo almcr 104 Kent eniol Telephone PA out yATszn iIEATEn for solo nuln Mr with tncrmostst and nut or Ipproxlmuiely one your old Price slo Telephone PA M911 or PA 09128 PLANER lzrlnoh haavy duly tap ainglo pharc motor ideal ior woodworking shop or boat build or 51200 or lhest oticr Telephone PA aim liter p111 FUR lvitAPs Jackats and Costs ior sale or exchanKo Ropsirinl rennin and remodelling aiodon sto rccs ply alumina and an is unlpp Strut lvut Barrio Tolcphollo PA ozszs TYPEWRITERS bpuaht sold rant ed rapaircd studan rental rates Ask about our Rant Try then any Plan star Iypuwrltcr Cm landlord St PA 505 1111ch or sale 150110 to 20000 coins and pick them up this wcck cent each Congo door 12 lo st Linup garage door not Folding garage door to root storm windnwa radia tors etc PA no or PA Mats DOGS 8t PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lilies by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds hudgles and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 530 PM DAILY PHONE PA 8036 Form sllonsqumED puppies seven weeks old two male two female Will not grow tlli Will give away to good home Please telephone zoos Ivy RADIO TV HIFI NO MORE TV REPAIR BILLSI Say New Sat Now with LowCoat LifeInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NuVA SCOTIA FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK sum vomit Pics or rate rainr tech old Abo purebred Llodnco Blur years old Tcl ephone URI ivy Invicuou Halrtaia bull iron blah record Very Good dam tho lush and apnnrina can Accredtied sud lasted Jenner on same Lionrm row years duo in on week Aim inrca Quaker rpm heater in road candiuon Apply mo ilcsiaerry lot con mrioa inniaiu FEED SEEDGRAIN aoxzp IIAY moo paler will sell cheap Av to admind umvalc Unirip You UAVB Oais want or burly or rain please no air Poster Toronto iiudaon um We buy ior cssh FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE llillkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Ports ior any milkcr HANK BROWN RR HARRIE IHOLLY PA 60333 01 saves liamnaar 11111 com oleledly overhauled less motor Also Dominion Show blower 1hr yers old compleia with time point hitch Telephone PA sodas WANTEDPrivate owned used sllrldlrd tractor in load condi tion also and grain roller with or without cIactrlc motor llisli lull particulars Clmpbzll shanty Bay AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE HAROLD 106 MOTORS TRIUMPH rind STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0111 ond NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 last NAsii tumbler ior sale no or best oiier Applv 6th ham oui school on Patterson Iiosd ma Donal Royal two door hard tap us down no 101 month Tclophona PA 00ml aitcr run cAns Pan sun1957 Ford llnocr $5115 1055 Ford sills 154 Ford 5195 last Mercury was Above cara hsvo boon relin Iahad and rocondltlonld Sornuls supertost lillhwsy 27 rolls mum at Thornton Pnono ivv ll CARS WTD T0 ELIY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WlLL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR I76 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84272 clisli Fort your car Lian paid OH We trldo up or down Al lndsla lilotors 11 Bass Road on ria PA 09321 MOBILE HOMES 1959 GREAT LAKES iiiobllc Homo dcluxo model 42 10 two bed room large refrigerator and stovc Telephone PA olaso or up thcr information It ou Li PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN BEA no coldant elk by ccniiicd hairdresser in your own home Phone or at PA was or PA asset == LOST FOUND poo Losr Wednesdu ta Peel Etrcrt vicinity small rcddlab Irish Terrier oule IreP1111 green on non lands mom on tar Tele Phons W76 LOST lied billloid ranging rpm an aorrio Loriw esdlv oosalblv between Puplle Utilillri and Dana of Com merce Finder olesse phone PA Mm steward LOST Brown lulhu biilIald containing money drivers no once and outer irn oriani open Lott December posal Ly In viclnii at Dunlap and Bsylt Held iruu Reward Plun irIe Phons PA um 10 HELP WANTED MALEHELP ACT AT ONCE ONLY TWO MORE PAID MILITIA SURVIVAL COURSES All vacancies on the Canadian Army Militios second sixweek survival coursc beginning Jan uary have now been tilled but them is still time to apply or one oi the two remaining courses February 76 to April or April is to May 27 it you are between is and 50 years at age and meet enmi ment standards you can helps Canada and yourscli by taking part In lhisspeciol program to train on additional 100000 cilizcn soldiers ior national sur vival operations In tho event oi nuclear nttuck During your course you are given allday training five days week You live at home and receive the same pay as regular soldier plus is living allowance To be sure oi vacancy how ever you should act immedi ately Get full details TODAY without obligation at theod dress below that is nearest to your home AHMOURY HIGH AND SMALL STREETS BARRIE ONTARIO aerosol LEARN ELWONICS now Tlosldcrit or Home Study Schools Toronto sad Alontxul RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Sond tor Free Book Canon in Electronics to Klnl 5L Tomnto Ontario Two MEN to won to or $50 or weak Apply to Box Ba Examiner daily PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Through training in all brail ches oi beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST BUSINESS DIREC Ask About Low Rates PA 83962 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 56071 FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtlaod and other varieties grade Moos 5150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 09201 POTATOES iar sale For turthnr details ply to Fred Dobson telephone $71147 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paldior dead or crippled cattle and horses Small aaixnois removed free For fast service phone BARBIE PA 07751 collect or ask for ZENITH 94130 NOCHAEGEI 24 hours day7 dsyl week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmesd Ontario Licenso No 130Col LIVESTOCK EXCAVATING FILL GMTEL TOP 5011 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Hall yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street Barrio PA 2907 HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 00491 lNSULATION INSULATION With No Rockwooi THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUIR AirTito insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed work Punaanoa HERD snd nuts or solo south churchli Aaoly Box 17 Barri laxamlnsr WILL EXCHANGE 790 ior 00 hours or week Apply Box 15 lamta Examlnor MAN with chain saw wanted to cut cedar bush May have cedar post and aromas tor edition orne Telephone PA 04528 otter Em MEN or WOMEN start your awn Watkins holiness rail or part time Nothing to invest No ex arlence necessary ertn suthiol sso St liDCh strut Montreal 15 Que SERVICE TORY By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging 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