AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY MANSFIELD By EVELYN ARNOLD Mrs Ferris has gone to Barrie to spend the winter months with her daughter Mrs Gordon Forbes The many friends of Mrs Margaret Macartney oi Graven hurst wife of former United Church minister at Mansï¬eld will be sorry to learn that she has been patient in Tomato hospital following an operation for cataracts onher eyes Mrs Baker and her sister of Mealord spent the Christmas weekend with the McDonnlds Congratulations to Mr and Mri Alden Whalen tnea Noreen 44Murphyl of Alliston on the ar rival of their baby daughter on Sunday Dec 24 sister for Philip Ernest Nowell passed away last week in nursing home in Stayner He was the last sur viving member of the family of the late Mr and Mrs Hugh Newell who at one time lived on the 2nd Line of Mulmur His wife survives interment took place at Mansfield on Saturday The school concerts in the dis trict were well attended and re ceived many favorable com ments Perm concert was held Wednesday evening Stanton on Thursday afternoon and Mans field in the hall on Thursday evening program and Christ mas tree was held at the United Church for the Sunday School on Saturday evening The baptism of Guy Robert Carl Olson little son of Mr and Mrs Norman Olson took place on Sunday at the United Church Mr and Mrs Harold Curtis Patsy and David left Alliston by train early Sunday morning to Christmas with Mn Mb us sister Min Parker in Mont real returning late mudsy night Mr and Mrs John Greer spent few days at Christmas with Mrs Greern parents at Colborne Ont Rev and Mrs llac taggart spent Christina with relatives at Acton and Toronto Mrs Sid Wright of Collinl wood was with her sister Mrs Clarence Cook and family over the weekend MIDHURST STN Christmas Day visitors at Mr and Mrs Victor Reids were their two sons Verai Reid oi Sudbury land Mervin Reid of Toronto Harry Rhid of Owen Sound ent few days this week with brother Victor Reid Ruth Channen of Sonrboro and Paul of Oakville spent Christ mas holidays with their parents Mr and Mrs Channcn Jim Judy and Cheryle Reid are visiting for few days with their aunt and uncle in Pawns san Christmas visitors at Mr and Mrs Sam Hiltz were Mr and Mrs Verdun Hilts and family of Hagersville Mr and Mrs Stan Hill of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jim Dixon of Edenvale Mrs Betty Chown of Toronto has returned home after spend ing few days with her par ents Mr and Mrs Peacock Mr and Mrs Dangio spent Thursday with their daughters in Toronto Karen Webb of Niagara Falls spent Christmas holidays with her cousin Miss Carol Stewart CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dealer Neither side vulnerable KOBE 10858 OKQIO Opening lead two of clubs You cant expect an opponent to fall into the trap every time you give him chance to make mistake but it stands to rea son that the more opportunities be is given to err the more often he will do so It doesnt matter in bridge whether you win hand on strict merit or whether you win it because the opposition makes mistake All that counts in the end is whats written down on the score Here is situation on defense where many players would fail West leads club and declarer win in dummy with the king and returns heart Easts proper play is low heart not the ace but the fact is that very few players with the East hand could bring them Iaves to play low with dummy holding singleton heart First lets see what happens when East goes up with the ace South wins the club return caches the king of hearts dis carding club from dummy and then has no trouble mak ing ten tricks He loses spade heart and diamond Next lets see what happens if East plays low on the heart South can make the hand of course if he is smart enough to play the king but the chances are that he will play the jack from his hand it would be natural for de clarer to assume once East promptly plays low that West has the ace and he would therefore be likely to finesse the jack in the hope of its driving out the ace After all declarer does not see the defenders cards and might easily guess wrong in situation of this tyep If he does he goes down losing trick in each suit The point is that East who knows from the two of clubs lead that South has precisely three clubs and hence club laser can hardly lose by play ing low on the heart He gives declarer chance to makea mistake andhopes South will go wrong Tomorrow ingenious bidding TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE TUESDAY JANUARY 400 Married Joan Adventure of Blink Flowerpot Men Razzla Dazzle Mike Mercury News Headlines Movie Museum Farm Market Report News Don Januan Weather Sports Hen cuey Gary Moore Show Red skelton Front Pall Chalionlo ully Kin of Diamond ca Nowl The Weatherman Tools in Sports community News Internal Calllnl WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1045 Test Pattern hamper poem Popeye and ran Noonday Report News eather Sparta port Farm Re Coming event Movie So Goes My Love llille Paris nun Break Verdict Your News The Womens Show Friendly Giant Maggie Muggln Raul Dazzle Huckleberry Hound News renown Natlons Business Farm Market Report News Dan Jamieson Westhers on Pierre Be on Tba Law and Mr Jdnu Bachelor Father DESEEEGSEDSSE 22 11 um oarIV 500 900 10130 loan 1100 1115 Pllydlte Ferry Como News Magulnl Explorations cac TV News The Weatherman Today In Snort Communlt New Highway atrot THURSDAY JANUARY 1045 Tart Pattern 1100 Romper Room 1100 Popeyl and Fall use Noonnay aaport News Wests Sport Farm Re are Cnanl 100 atom in wun stun 230 Open House zoo American Musical Theatr oao Verdict Your no News 400 The Womens Show inn Lots Look no Rope Around The an up Mule nuan sao Dick Tracey 800 News Headlines am Man From Mars Mu Farm Market Report us News Don Jamluan Weather Sport sss Pierre Berton 700 The Fllntstonel 12 The Real McCoys moo Natuu of Things ago My Three Sans 700 The Defenders iooo country Junction moo Zane Grey Theatre awa nos The Weatherman Tod In Sports Community Nun Movie Pattern For Violence enta 1120 CETO CHANNEL TORONTO Tucson JANUARY 400 Professors Hideaway Man mun Cochin 59011 Weather Pierr Horton NoWs The Real McCoy sme Along With Mitch Naked my Checlrimate Show Own News Weather metering DNBSDAY JANllARYI WE Boyl Girls Home News we and Easy To Channel Theatr under Cover Erwin ra Hideaway MaliEton Cochise Wit er ay Hem Berton sports 700 wagon Train 800 77 SIInIQt Girl 00 NHL Hockey 1020 Jim Coleman 10 Thu Dltlcllvu 1101 News Ithll 1115 sen Late THURSDAY onNuAnY so gem an TBA Channel Nina Thoatm Band street News Professors Elldenwny Man From Cochise SPO wmnu av rtern aerton News Leave it To ueavor Bachelor Father Route so ChanneilNlna Theatre Gun Fury Peter Gunn Nawa wensr rt LI Sport peéseppeeer ef has assesseessa NEW FLOS Dy amsAwamm Mr and Mrs Milligan held wedding reception at their home on Saturday for brother inlaw and sister Mr and Mrs James Graham nee Sarah Gil christ of Toronto Mr and Mrs Henry Starling and Mr and Mrs Clarence Star ling of Tomato visited on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Nel son Starling who were celebrat ing their 25th wedding annivem ary on CbristmarDay Holiday visitors from Toronto with their arents included Jim and Harold Atkinson and Mr and Mrs Campbell Steele with Mrs Atkinson and boys Miss Doreen Smith with Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and boys and Miss Sandra Finlay with Mr and Mrs Ales Finlay and family Mrs Clarence Atkinson and family spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Shephard and family oi Everett Mr and Mrs John Vinay Susan and Sharon of Barrie and Thomas lliscy oi Brantiord cel ebrated Christmas on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Viney Bill and Gladys Christmas guests in the com munity included Rev and Mrs Orville Locke and Paul of Linda say Miss Doreen Locke of To ronto Mr and Mrs Fred At kinson of Wosaga Beach with Mr and Mrs Everett Edwards and family Mr and Mrs John Wilson of Schomberg Mr and Mrs Allen Sinclair and daugh ters of Collingwood with Mr and Mrs Steve Rawn Mr and Mrs Alfred Collins and family of Weston Mr and Mrs Blake 0g ilvie and family oi Georgetown William Rainford of Barrie with Mr and Mrs Archie Waoless and family of Elmvnle Mr and Mrs Preston Dean and Lorne of Phelpston with Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and fornily The young people have been making good use of the rink ba hind New Fins School KILLYLEAGH Congratulations to Ian John stonand the students oi Killy leagh School for their Christmas concert presentation Jolly old Santa distributed gifts and candles to all the chil dren Christmas guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Bruce Sutton were Mr and Mrs James Cur tis and son Panl Drillla Mr and Mrs John Hopkins Mrs Wrightman and Mrs James Sut lion all of Newmarket Mr and Mrs Cutting and family oi California visited with Mr and Mrs Alfred Johnston Mr and Mrs Gillett and Mrs Gillett of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Chlslett Wonch and Miss Sadie Wonch attended the funeral of their cousin Mrs Tran in Orillia Mr and Mrs Leslie legace bad Mr and Mrs Frank Rawn and son and Mr and Mrs Art Legace of Barrie as Christmas guests Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Byron were Mr and Mrs Robert Noble of Barrie Mr and Mrs William McArtbur and family and Mrs John Shep herd of Stroud Mr and Mrs Castleman and Mr and Mrs Castle man of Toronto were recent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs farce Cutlennn and Mr and Mn Castlsnun Mr and Mn Wes Wench Mr and Mrs Jack Wench and iam lly at Toronto Mr and Mrs William Greener and Mrs George McDonald of Harris vis ited with Ernie and Mia Sadie Woncb for Cbrlsunu holiday EDGAR Christmas visitor included Mr and Mrs McMaster Mrs Harris Mr and Mrs Tattersau and boys Mr and Mrs Hutchinson and family of Barrie Mr and MraH McMaster and boys of Grenfal and Mr and Mrs Bates and girls of Shelbourne with Mr and Mrs Ellis Hutchinson Mr and Mrs McDowell and son Ibronto end Mr and Mrs Hayes of Whitby with Mr and Mrs Hayes Mr and Mrs Slessor Mr and Mrs Slessor Orillia and Miss Kissick of Toronto with Mr and Mrs Slessor Cecil Dicker of Toronto with Mrs Dicker and Miss Link Mr and Mrs Jim Stracban Debby and Stephen of Graven hurst Mr and Mrs Stra chan Melanie and Corey of Ore iilia and Mr and Mrs Booth Brian and JoAnn of Toronto with Mr and Mrs Stlachon Miss Lush Mr and Mrs Lush and girls of Pete erboraugh Mr and Mrs Earl Cooke and family of Orillia with Mr and Mrs Cooke Mrs MaeAlary of Willowdale with Mr and Mrs Parts ridge Mr and Mrs McLean and Robert of Toronto with their parents Mr and Mrs James spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Crippa in Barrie Miss Janice Handy is spend ing the holidays with her par ents at Codrlngtou Mr and Mrs Partridge spent Christmaswith Mr and Mrs Handy at Dalston Mr and Mrs MacLeod and family and Mr and Mrs Howell spent Christmas with relatives in Atwood Mr and Mrs Patterson of Scarborough and Mr and Mrs Stuart and family of Hall burton spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Lea and Mrs Lees Mr Smytha is spending few weeks in Toronto The Christmas concert in the Community Hall on Friday night was well attended The program consisted of plays Chrjstmas carols rhythm band recltations and soles Gordon Bidwell very capany acted as chairman Santas presence added touch of humor Miss Handy and pupils are to be con gratulated for their splendid concert The turkey draw was won by Georgina Crum Mrs Sheardown and Doug las Mr and Mrs Shear down and daughter of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cecil Sheardown NIGHT WASHING VANCOUVER CP Late night washing has been stopped at three coin laundries to foil robbers Owners of the laun fries said they are closing at midnight to stop thieves who damage washers and smash open coin dispensers during the early morning hours DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Pooled 5me commanda Lion ooiioq 10 Exchange premium 1Morc optimistic 13 Shaded walk 14 Word of disgust 15Aatnn Shrub 16 Foreword DOWN Pusegaway in pulsing gasago Edible seaweed 311mi with many names Am Golferl vehicleo Suppom Mooed given credit 226w away along 251411le rock 265mm 27 Comedian Fred 28va5 out maroon loyal ailStresses 82 Thoron Byml 33Cooked as tanderhln 87 Outcast class Gap 3DYesSp 40 oceanbot eondeposit Relative rank ABZGirla name 1239 VAVAJEIIIIHHII sea flllï¬ IMF yï¬ï¬‚ll Ifl The Wellington Hotel Suggest Their Newly Decorated GREEN ROOM the ideal Setting for WEDDING RECEPllONS answers MEETINGS STAG PARTIES OFFICE PARIDBS BRIDGE PARTIES cmusrnis PARTIES BANQUETS UP meoraorm an an Dllcrlmlnatlng Customer The consensus coy relma iLunllO Information rur NEWS OF COOKSTOWN Herb Nixon who has been patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston is now can valescing at the home of his daughter Mrs Merv Walker Stayner Mrs Stanley Osborne of New market is spending the Christ mas holiday with Mrs Leadly Mr and Mrs Ken Pegg were with Mrs chgs nephew Earl Elliott and Mrs Elliott of TOlt ronto for Christmas Mr and Mrs Jack Finley and family Huntsville and Mr and Mrs Earl Mcllinster and family Toronto spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Meifaster Mrs Shepherd Toronto is spending the Christmas holiday with her soninlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Jim Fildey Mr and Mrs Merwood Burl lag of Niagara Falls NY vis ited with Mr and Mrs Art Hansen December 20 Mr and Mrs Elsworth Flldey held pre Christmas party for their fam ily Mr and Mrs Doug Fildoy Hamilton Mr and Mrs Ken Fiidey and family Barrie Miss Betty Fildey and friend of Allis ton and Mrs Jim Fildey Miss Nancy Airth of Deep River is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Airth Mr and Mrs Dick Wiestra and daughter Melanie of Brad ford spent Sunday with William Baker Mrs Broley spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Norman Eroloy and family Mr and Mrs Link and funuly Mr and Mrs Link and family Mr and Mar Sinclair all of Toronto Link of Penetang Mrs Boyer and Mr and Mrs Ewanchulr and family of Orillia were Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Art Hansen Mrs Herb Jebb visited couple of days last week in Le froy With Mrs Walter Allan Mr and Mrs Harford Fisher of Alcona Beach Miss Lottie Dodd of Barrie Miss Marjorie Eldridge of Toronto Bob Eld ridge and Sandy Thompson spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Hector Smith and family Mr and Mrs Walter Kor chuck and daughter Carolyn of Toronto and Mr and Mrs George Gould of Barrie spent Christmas with their parents Mr and Mrs Earl Carr Dr and Mrs Irwin Peever and family of Winnipeg and Clarence Goodfellow of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Wilbur Goodfeiiow Mr and Mrs William Me Keown and sons Billy and Don of Dpsala are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs Frank MKceown Miss Ruby Davis of Barrie and Miss Helen Davis of Hamli ton spent Christmas with their parents Mr and Mrs Henry Davis Miss Audrey Mapes Mr and Mrs Nelson McGrath John and Cindy Mr and Mrs Gary ol lywood andDehbie all of Dar ne Mr and Mrs Harry Thomn son Paul and Bill spent Christ was With Mrs Herb Mapes Mr and Mrs Charles Jevons and family of Smiths Falls ara spending three weeks vacation With Mr VJevona parents Mr and Mrs Charles Jevons Mr and Mrs ArtStorey and familyof Toronto spent Christ mas with Mrs Storeys parents Mr and Mrs Charles Jevons Mrs Jack McLean and Don McLean oi Tomato visited on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bruce McLean Miss GazyKidd Ewart Kidd and Mary Alice spent Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs Art Kidd Mr and Mrs Doug Lemmon spent Sunday in Creamoro with Mr Lemmons mother Mrs Lemmon and visited Monday in Barrie with Mrs Lemmons parents Mr and Mrs Trask Mr and Mrs Bill Lemmon and Nancy of Painswick visited hiesday with Mr and Mrs Doug Lemmon Mr and Mrs Cause spent the Christmas holidays with Mr andlllrl Keith Cause and family in Tomato On Tues day the family visited with Mrs Henry Couse who is 103 years of age On Friday afternoon Mrs Molly Dc Montion left Maltou by jet for Frankfurt Ger many where she is spending the Christmas and New Year holi days with her soninlaw and daughter Sgt First Class and Mrs Carl Tierney Miss Joan Fildey and Mr and Mrs Jim Purkls and Bobby of Toronto spent the Christmas hohdaya with Mr and Mrs Wil fred Flldey Mr and Mrs Emery Bassiog thwaite and family spent the Christmas weekend with Mr and Mrs Eldon Eassingthwaito and family in Oshawa Mr and Mrs Vern Abrams Miss Wendy Drayman of Toron to Mr and Mrs Keith Daniels and family of Barrie spant Christmas with Mr and Mrs Mel Brayrnan Mr and Mrs Ron McComb of Stratford spent the Christmas holidays with Mr McComba parents Mr and Mrs Ed Mc Comb Mrs Georga Mayes who had been patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston is convaleseing at her home Mr and Mrs Fred Haller Jr and family spent the Christmas weekend in Windsor with Mr Hallers parents Mr and Mrs Holler Sr Mr and Mrs Bruce Pinkney and family and Mrs Pinkney spent the Christmas holidays in Goderich with Mr and Mrs Lyle Pinkney and son Mr and Mrs Murray McDow ell and daughter Heather vis ited on the Christmas holidays with their parents Mr and Mrs Walsh and Mr and Mrs Mc Dowell Sr Belgrnve Mr and Mrs Leonard Amon of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr Amons mother Mrs Dot Amon Mr and Mrs Jones of Midland and Mr and Mrs Clif ford Scbram of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Bob Riley and family Mr and Mrs Henry of Toron to visited on Christmas Day with their aoninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Jim Ney Mr and Mrs Norman Ryan and daughter Eleanor Ann spent the Christmas holidays in Wal iaceburg Mr and Mrs Ken Coutts of Toronto spent the Christmas weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Coutts and Mr and Mrs Thomas Relve Dr and Mrs McKay spent the holiday weekend with bia parents Mr and Mrs Percy McKay Stouffville VESPER SERVICE December 17 at the United Church the CGIT girls staged vesper service under the dir action of Mrs George Faris and Mrs Dave Whiston They were assisted by the MissionBand and the Explorers The Boy Scouts acted as ushers CLUB BONSPIEL The Cookstown Curling club held mixed club bonspiel on nar on man ElfIv REPAIRS Phone PA 61 142 TONYS APPLIANCE and seach IMPERIAL mwmnum NOvv SHOWING In Ives and pm nut EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY Decanber 26 Prize wnners on the oclock draw were Jack Edneya rink Blrbara Edney more Rowe Edney prize Sandy Thompsons rink Lynn Smith Donald Smith Thompson Wallace Smith skip prize Doug Browns rink Wally lockhart Hector Smith Doug Drown Jim Currie skip Winners on the eleven oclock draw First prize Lloyd Bughes rink Elaine Gadsden William Gadsden Jean Hughes Lloyd Hughes skip second prise Wally McAmmnnds rink Alice Baker Bill McKeoWn Norrie Coutts Wally McArn mood skip third prize Harry Ross ri Howard Cola Harvey Don Brown Harry Ross skip Hill Vernon won the lucky draw in the nine oclock draw and George Gould in the eleven oclock draw WOMENS INSTITUTE meeting of the Womens Institute willba held January at the town hall with Miss MeMnstar as convener The topic of the evening will be Cit izenship Tire motto paper will be given by Mrs Trotter it is great to be Canadian The roll call will be answered by Something intend to do is year as good citizen Hostesses will be Mrs Smth Mrs Trotter Mrs itiley Mrs Cooper Mrs Graham HOLLOWS By MRS SID WRIGHT The December meeting of the Hollows wt was held at the home of Mrs Button with 14 members and one visitor attend ing The meeting took the form of Christmas party which all enjoyed euchre was held In the com munity hall on Dec 27 spon sored by the Hollows W1 Prize winners were Gents lst Smith 2nd Woodcock con solation Bowden tied with Nellly and Sid Wright Ladies 1st Joe Vernon playing as lady 2nd Mrs Quinn con solation Mrs Sid Wright Christmas visitors at the Wright homes were Charles Wright and friend of St Cath arines Harold Wright and fam ily of Guelph and Mr and Mrs Robert Couison of Toronto ST PAULS Mr and Mrs George Stun den and Paul visited her moth er Mrs Ethel Reynolds pa tient in Guelph General Hospi Mrs Reynolds formerly lived in Barrie and the Thornton dis trict Mr and Mrs Wouch North Bay spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs George Stun den and Mr and Mrs Laurie Gregory Christmas guests with Mr and Mrs Robert Green and sons were Mr Smith and Wens dy of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Al Emprinflanm Agln court Mrs Green Sr Agin court remained with her son and family for few days than Allan Green returned for vi sit with his grandmother at her home Mr and Mrs Leo Gibbons and JoAnne of strand Mrs Dales Mr and Mrs Earl Dales John and BettyAnn Gil ford spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Elvin Kali and family Christmas guals with Mrs Beamifl and Lida were Miss Pat Rowe and Arthur Rowe of Toronto and Ralph Rowe Sud bun The Paulettes first meeting in the new year will be Jan 515 pm in St Pauls Sunday Schoolscoma Welcome to Mr and Mrs George Julian and family who have moved into their lovely new home on the 12th line POSTWAR INFLUX Between the end of the Sec ond World War and 1959 Can ada admitted 1941119 immi grants IVY MRSWILMEK WES The annual school concert Bl Ivy was well attended and 11 gratulalions go out to tea and pupils for the nice ro gram Rev Harpin as chairman After the progr Santa Claus arrived and di tributed the rnanygifts Tb teachers distributed bags candy to all children Mr and Mrs Harry Road Uxbrldge visited Mr and Mrs Jenaett recently Mrs Claude Boating and son Brian Barrie called on friends in the community on Dec 24 Mr and Mrs John Rims and daughter Scarborough spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Earl Rirons Mr and Mrs Bruce Brainy and son Scarborough called on Mr and Mrs George Davis on Dec 21 Mrs Major celebrated her 85th birthday on Christmas Day Anglo ilarpur celebrated her 7th the same day TEACHER LEAVING Children of Ivy junior room were sorry to bid farewell to their teacher Mrs Taste vln who left on Dec 21 She and her husband will be mov ing to Toronto in the near fut tire The annual candlelight ser vice was held at Christ Church Ivy on Dec 24 with good attendance Mrs Frank Phalr Niagara Falls is spending Christmas holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Jennott Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson and family Barrie and Mrs Maude Wilson spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wllr son and family Mrs Harper and family are spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs Harpers parents in London Ontario Visitors at the home of and Mrs George Davis Christ mas Day were Mr and Mrs Elwin Smythe Ajax Mr and Mrs Bert Belshaw Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Skilllng and family Sudbury George Da vls Jr of Tomato Mrs George Davis and Arthur Barrie Mr and Mrs Jonnett spent wristmas with friendl in Toronto Miss Dunnlll spent Christmas with friends in Mea ford SMALL CROP The tiny British island of St Helena in the South Atlantic exported 365 pounds of coffee in 1959 only one WELCOME to yearn of experience foatoring oodwillin we me For information on doomaWagon WI PA 66302 STARTS WEDNESDAY mum MATINEE TOMORROW IHIAIRE THE ROMANTIC RENDEZVOUS THAT GAVE 200 pm THE RIVIERA ns MOST MADCAP AFFAIR September TECHNIDULOR momInn mnomrnnmaunï¬mimson mm lvmmflmmIW mun ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LAST TIME TODAY JOHN wav In THE COMANCHEROS