OUR TELEPHONE For Examiner Want Ads Talo hone PA suit The telepbou numberitc call for the Busing or Editorial Dept tl PA 6517 95th YupNo FIRST BOBNIN BARBIE IS Gilli Miss Nancy Joyce Richel the first baby born in Barrie was presented with silver cup today by Mayor Willard Kinzie at Royal Victoria Hose pital The fateful babys mo ther Mrs Orley Richet of An gus holds her daughter roud ly as the Mayor intones is ob ficial reception Private Rich et with the Alll was posted to Germany in Septem ber and could not be present for the big event Mrs Ricbet received bouquet of red roses from the Mayor and congratulations on behalf of the people of Barrie Ari 11year old Victoria liar bouijhoy was found to be juv nnlle delinquent this morning when he appeared before Judge MarJoric Hamilton charged on der the Juvenile Delinquent Act The boy was specifically charged under the Act wllll criminal negligence in the hand lingitll firearm Judge Hamilton told The EX qu Freight Rates Enters Retirement OTTAWA Mr Freight RatesLeonard Knowlesretires today from the board of transport commission ers which regulates the coun trys $15000000Wayear rail way husiness As dean of the freight rate men Leonard Knowles 75 to day returns to private life alter 44 years in the railway business and 10 years with the transport board Fore more than 50ycors be has played key role in setting freight rates on the railways thus influencing the cost of just about everything in the country from toys to timber His place on the six man board will be filled by Alfred Kir 65 the boards traffic di rector since 1939 Born in En land Mr Knowles joined the in 1907 He left the CR in 1912 to join the Ca nadian Northern Railway which later became part of the CNR system When he retired from the ONE inkissz he was as Shdots Wife Self mnouro or niancwho had Anglican priest shot in the bedroom wounded in the head oakville Girl Missing oAKvLLLnoni CP Provincial reported missing Monday telling her the girl had got Miss Arbon was driving new from OakVille to Sudbury dealer and was due back New for Frances Arbdlli 21 celved telephone call what was coming to her Years Eve Divorced nStabbed GALTL ca Police declined to releasedetails of llywood alley last other 01 no ciiisiliiied HOLvaoooitAr Mrs era Betty and Marion Hutton iii because room of Mrs Huttons Holly cigarette GP Canadas IN NUTSHELL his wife to death wounded himself Police who hurried apartment found the body of Alfreda will Zzcalibre bullet in her chest Mason was found lying said investigators shabpened thewrolig door Fle men said the fire started in an overstuffed chair in the living or apartment aminer that she would reserve judgment in sentencing the young lad until January 11 in Midland in the interim she has requested social history of the boy Following the hearing this momng he was released into the custody of his parents The incident arose out of the fatal Christmas Day shooting oi leearold chum of the ac cased boy sistant to President Donald Gor don He has been the key witness for tbeCNR in some of the big gesl rate battles of this century nnt only before the transport commissioners but also before the Interstate Commerce Com mission in the United States HERES ONE Mother dashed into thenurs cry when she heard her five yearold bowling His baby sist er it developed was pulling his hair Never mind counseled the lad Your abysister do esnt know that hurts you couple of minutes later Mother had to come back to the nursery This time the baby was bowling Whats the matter with tb baby she denlanded Nothing much replied the fiveyearold calmly Only now she knows been studying to be an Sunday then fatally the couples northend Mason 37 near the door police are searching after her monier re car 23yearold divorcee ge of capital murder tmmoas was remanded troubled daughter of was found unconsci and ne er bel Button mother of Sunday in an apartment hell But because scratched the hall door during pack of strays followed Police indicated that the boy was shot when he and another friend refused to light cigar ettes given to them by the boy who was charged shotgun charge is reported to have struck the lad in the shoulder and chest and he died before medical aid could be sum moned 400 Arrested As Coup Bid Unsuccessful BEIRUT Lebanon AP About 400 persons were reported under arrest today following the unsuccessful uprising by right wing extremist group seeking to push Lebanon into anantiNas ser bloc with other Arab coun tries Large stores of arms were also seized Monday in raids on villages where the Popular So cial party maintained strong holds The party wants lraq Syria Lebanon Jordan Pales tine and Cyprus joined under one Arab flag but strongly op poses President Nassers pan Arab movement led from Cairo Premier he Karamis cabinet dissolved the party and announced restrictions on polit ical parties the press and for eigners This followed reports that many of the plotters were from Syria Jordan and Pal estine Two captains who spears headed the uprising on Sunday were still at large Capt Food Awae all and Capt Shnwki Kairala 35 led an armed band on Popular social party mem bers and 40 soldiers in futile assault on the defence ministry At least five persons were killed in ï¬ghting before tlie plotters fled PORT ARTHUR CPJA six yearoldgirl was pulled down and killed by pack of stray dogs Sunday attackedobout 170 yards from the commuai hall at Auden after being le out of her fathers small truck to attend Sunday school The father Gordon operator of asawshop at Auden 200 mil northeast of here on Lake Nlplgon had driven his daugh ter to the hall Bot classes were cancelled 59 the ball could be partyand the ing bome The family owns German shepherd dog which usually waited for Deborah ou girl began walk ad recent SundaysMr Richards decided to take it home The Rlchards dog frequently fought with pack of sixto to stray dogs from thenearbyln dian village of Oabablka As Mr Richards drove ham the him barking at the Germanshep herdvln the back of the truck probably froln Whenha got home the turned back andmct Deborah Police aide Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday January 1962 New Bordeaux Jail Riot Damage Set At $50000 mournnnl or Mont roots riotstarred BordeauxJoil was geared for more trouble to day when guards begin the job of moving 400 rebellious prison ers back into their own cells The prisoners who staged wild fourbour New Years Day riot may be in sour mood after spending cold wet night in the wreckage of two cell blocks where they were herded LtCol Leon Lambert acting governor of the Human jail Find Teacher End 11Day Search CAYUGA Ont CP young school teacher and the lsyeargtold girl he is charged with abducting 11 days ago were found by police Monday hud dled beneath blanket in their car less than seven miles from the girls home Charles Richeson zoyearold teacher at tworoom Roman Catholic separate school was brought to jail here He is charged with the abductionof attractive Susan Vermette With fraud in connection with the pur chase of car and with tie sortiun of his 17yearvold wife and their sixweeksold dangle far The hunt for hicheson and the grl had spread across Canad Bite the Uni States couple appa ntly went to Florida and were en route to Hamilton 20 miles north of here from Jacksonville when their car ran out of gasoline near Ca ledonia HUBBLE UNDER BLANKET Provincial constable Bruce Fraser found them in the TWentyEight Canadians Die In Holiday Road Accidents By ran enunle PRESS Twentyeight persons died in roadaccidents in Canada dur ing the New Years holiday weekend the exact number predicted by the Canadian way Safety Council 7A Canadian Press showed that at least44 persoos diedin all accidents during the High 78hour period which ended mid night Monday This compares to 42 accidental deaths during similar period over the Christ mas weekend Oaly Manitoba Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island re ported no accidental deaths By far the heaviest tollwas in Ontario where 14 persons NEAR PORT ARTHUR gt 6YearOld Killed BY Dégs Deborah June Richards was decorated for aNew YearsEve ethe lost their lives on the roads and worked up by their chase at tacked the girl because they smelled the scent of the Ger man shepherd on her Tbedogs tore off nearly all her wmter clothing aodmaulcd her body severely police The fatal attack shocked the son residents in the company town andpolice authorized two men to track thedown Five dogs fromthe pack of strays had been shot by Monday igbt Several others were still onthe loose Anybody you talked had ars in their eyes said Coast Dorigo nfthe Ontario 31 Pollc who helped rm ity in search of ually corigre cookhotsa of New Years Ross Maxwell 16 gt No ore1n mesa car They had apparently had dled under blanket for more than three hours to keep from freezing in the 15 degree weather Susan second oldest of seven children was last seen Dec 21 when she got into car and disappeared She was pupil at Bishop McCarthy School where Richeson taught The tiny school is closed now for lack of teacher and is not likely to re open until next year Police said Richeson had no money when found The Mr contained suitcase food bought at grocery store womans white overcoat two pairs of shoes toy panda and sevcralr billsfrom Miami mou gave her the Christmas presents under the tree and the family celebrated both Christians and Its thebest New Years gift could have said Hubert Ver mette her Steelworker father Were glad to have her back seven in other accidents Among these was sixyear old girl who was killed bya pack of stray dogs at Auden on Lake Nipigon Ontario also registered drowning when loyearold boy fell through thin ice while skating on Lake Simone Quebec had six traffic deaths and two in other accidents while Alberta reported four traf fic fatalities In Saskatchewan there were two road deaths and two by fire New Brunswick and Newfoundland each reported three accidental deaths includ ing traffic fatality in each province There was only one ac cidental death in British Colum his EIGHT DIE INFIRES In all there were 23 traffic deaths eight in fires two in buntiiig mishaps oner drown roe figures do not include known suicides or industrial so old ts tariofataliliesr car he was testdriving in ct tawa smashed into tree Werner Fink ZoyeanoldTor truck was in collision with car inwestend Tomato Mrs Doris Morgan Blld both North Hay in headon colli near Bay Rev Campbell Bannerman Smith president of the Pente costal visible College at Pet borough in threecar collision on Highway near Napanee James ArthurBurgman of Preston killed by hotgun blast mine back ehun ng with two companions ne ï¬ngeviile Gerald Johnson of Hiverwhenhis car of control on Highway 7ou ida Peterborough Mrs Ross Jackson ode Olgrien ninth which dest yed her thnvHuroncoun ISEOJEBWEMII arry Martin 21 whenthe onto truck driver when his ent ut onald Curriepabout 35 says he expects more disturb ances when the guards face the prisoners today He estim ated damage to the two prison wings where the riot centred at Four men Firemen Robert Way and three prisoners were injured none seriously Way was stnlclr by piece of metal thrown by prisoner Col Lambert said the cause of the injuries to the prisoners tbey walked to the ambulance which took them to the hospital could not he deterrained im mcdiately THROW OUT NAKED They probably got hurt fighting among themselves be said One prisoner thrown naked from his cell was bleed ing from cuts over ills whole body Apparently he had been slashed viciously with broken glass Cause of the riot was attrib uted at least partly to the use of goofballs barbiturates smugglcd into the prison Col Lambert said some of the men looked drunk probably from barbiturates The uprising began with grum bling shoutsamong the prison ers in two wings of the at 239 pmEST ft burstltit major riot two hours later when prisoners from the ftrlal block where those awaiting trial are kept began serving supper of roast beef to fellow prisoners prison official said trial prisoners are habitual trouble makers rd ea ux on the shores of Riviere des Prairies in the north end contains only criminals serving sentences of two years or less Prison Controller Piloo said cell doors were wedged so they wouldnt shut tight by the trialers before they setï¬ut to serve the meals of interest to readers of The Examiner will be the colums of two new writers or thepaper appearing for the first time Ann Land ers one of North Americas best lmown advice colum nists begiha daily colom which appears on the Wom ens Pagein this issue Dr Joseph Molner Detroits Health Comrniss ioner andione of North Am ericas outstanding public health authorities begins daily colum To Your Good Health which appears on Page Locn wrlrinii Snowflurriu continued cold Winds light law tonight high tomorrow 22 For oom pletc details see page two Not Morn Than per Copy12 Page PORTUGAL REBELS Intensive Ilunt Underway For Associates Leaders BEJA Portugal AP The hunt was on today for political associates of rebel leader who tried unsuccessfully to Belle military barracks and touch off revolution against Premier Antonio Salazars government Capt Joan Mari Paulo Vnreia Games an army officer turned politician lay near death in the Ecja hospital Manuel Serra former Roman Catholic youth lender vh authorities said shared leadership of the rupris JonN halo Local Lawyer is Named 9c lhe only Simcoe county rc sident named in New Years honor list Barrie lawyer John Labatt Held was made Queens Counsel according to an announcement by Attorney General Kelso Roberts Just returned from ajtwoweek vacation in Bermuda and At lantic City with Mrs Reid the prominent solicitor had told his paperboy to resume deliveries and was as surprised as could be to readabout his own honor in the first issue left at his home native of Prescott Ont Mr Reid graduated from Osgoode Hall in 1926 then practised lawv iohis home towntor 14 years Also graduate of the Royal Military College at Kingston he enlisted with the Canadian Army Forestry Corps in left and ser ved as Captain Onheadquart ers staff On his return to Canada in 1945 Mr Reid opened ins of fice in Barrie where he has practised ever since Describing himself as loner Mr Reid worked with law firm oniythe first year after his graduation The rest of the tirne he has been inbusinessi on his own Angelcsi cdmpleti continental testirun rom ew City The gum rsé ing with Games was captured whilc heading for the Spanish border with four heavilyarmed companlons Between 40 and 50 persons most of them workers were apparently in the band that en gaged Salozars troops in threehour gun battle Monday at the barracks of the 3rd infantry Regiment Officials at first nna nounced all had been killed or captured But so far the government has announced onl one rebel killed two woundéï¬gild an other cap turcd it appeared some might still be at large although the rebel casualties were believed to have been much higher than the government said Most notable casualty on the government side was Lt Col Jaime Filipe do Foaseca under secretary for war who rushed to this southern city los miles southeast of Lisbon He ordered the government forces to hold their fire and then walked into the bar packs to demand that the robe surrendcrThey shot him down and he died later in the hospitals gt Dr Antonio Marques Fracoso civil governor of theBejo dis trict said in radio interview dio said several Communists were among those heldIGoéhgi nor Frncoso came from and ordy two soldiers inside co opï¬aled with them Reuters sa Sukarno Claims Dutch New Guinea JAKARTA AP President Sukarno has proclaimed Neth erlands New Guinea province of Indonesia He also has or dered special military com mand set up to direct any inva sion of the Dutch territory but announced up date for thala vasion gt Indonesian military leaders fflvorspostponing an invasion until late this year when their forces will be strengthened by ships and planes now on order from Communist coun es Netherlands New inea 159000 square miles of jungles mountains and swamps that saw some the Second World Wars bardest fighting has been claimed by lndonesia ever since it won independence from The Netherlands 5111949 The Dutch say the Papuans in the disputed territory have ethnic relationship to the donesiaos and are only begin aing to learn selfgoverbment under Dutch tutelage gineer charge All prolt icctJ was accompa ed by Jenl