Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1961, p. 9

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home of Mr and Mrs Dalus Robert Glliiland son of rs Lila Glililand The wedding SKIRTING THE BAY as RESOLUTIONS The beginning of the garded as the time for reso quires planning which in ByEILEEN DIXON ew Year is traditionally re lutions Sincere resolve re turn creates action The resolutions wishes and proposals offered by wives of Barries aldermenclcct if acted upon could result in complete shakeup at the citys future civrc elections In which the present council would be completely re placed by their chosen counterpart In all fairness to the ladies on whose shoulders fall the task of soothing upset tempers and digestive disorders in an effort to relax husband ing council chambers ladiesinvcounc week should rior to enter he endorsed As most alderrnanicelect wives agree that men talk too much their own resolves would and efficiently be acted upon while the city won week of progress hitherto wrvss péoross Led by Mrs Les Cooke Euickly mark unknown to history who refuses in 1962 to be come overly excited during unpredicted domestic or social pressures she will do whatever she can to assrst her husband in his new role Be Prepared is Mrs Charles Newtons resolute slo gan for the new year Her preparedness reaches out to many fields but particularly in creating quiet order ly and soothing atmosphere during Mondays evening meal Mrs Gerry Roberts wh second aldermanic term casts ose husband will serve his keen eye in the direc tion of Kern enfelt Bay where she hopes natural re sources will summer beach areas Since opened to facilitate winter skating and learned to swim in Kem gpnfelt Bay as child would like my children to have same opportunity Mrs Roberts stated Mrs Arthur Morrow presents words of wisdom in her hope that the new council will be righteous re sponsib and rational in its perturbed by rows ridicule In wishing the citizens deliberation refusing to be or reporters of Barrie progressive and prosperous New Year Mrs Les Jolliffe conveys the ope fthat the friendly sp season will be extended in irit which prevails at this the coming year She also hopes that joy and happiness will come from well thoughtout BETTER OPPORTUNITIES Mrs Fred Smith firmly stand behind the men She the home fires burning his duties in civic affairs the New Yearin stating that better opportunities for our able to make their future in are making their friends now Mrs Everett first aldermanic term deavour to assist her ions articipation in Is an ut will definitely plans and pleasures for others believes that wives should feels it is her duty to keep while her husband goes about She sums up her feeling for Barries growth will mean children here they will be community in which they Emms whose husband will serve his says she will make greater en husband and others by conscient activlties She so busy man that cant see how possibly spare him for another evening during the week resolve to cooperate in possible in his new civic role ys My husband the family can any way Mrs Earle Williams says she will not make any new resolutions but endeavour to live up to last years HOLIDAY HIGH LIGHTS The Holiday season brings near and for to your homes giving occasion for festive celebrations This column will attempt to seep you in touch with the social activities Ink lng place In the city over the Chrhsmns and New Year Hol Iday Any social news may he submitted by phoning the Womens Department PA 6531 Extension 17 SASKATCHEWAN VISITORS Among the guests at the Lee Marcus Street during the holiday week were Harry Rit chie and son Chris of Prince Albert Saskatchewan and Miss Aleneth Ritchie of Toronto HOLIDAY GUESTS Mr and Mrs Cecil Rainville Toronto were holiday guests at the home of their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Bruce Abbott Thomson Street MICHIGAN cunsrs Mr and Mrs John Borysiuk Baylield Street are entertaining Mrs Borysiuks brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Earley and Miss Lois Grover of Wyandotte Mich dur gi the New Year holiday week en HOLIDAY 1N mourns Mr and Mrs Ken Mac Donald and family Bothwell Crescent have retnmed to the city from Timmins where they were holiday guests of MacDonalds parents Mr and Mrs MacDonald ENGAGEMENT Mrand Mrs Harvey Beaton of Mansfield have announced the engagement of their daught er Miss Aline Ivadelle Beaten ceremony will take place in Collier Street United January 27 ENTERTAIN BRIDEELECT Prior to her wedding in C01 lier Street United Church today Miss Margaret Lynne ill Smith has been guest at sever al entertainments in her honor Cohostesses of luncheon par ty for Miss Smith were Mrs Gray and Mrs George Dangerfield at the Brookdaln Drive residence of Mrs Gray Mrs James Farquhar hosted miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs Bradley Mary Street The staff assacl rites of McMurrlch Senior Pub lic School Toronto held pre sentation party for the bride elect Mrs McDowell Leti tia Street entertained the brid al party to an alter rehearsal party The brideelect is the daught er of Dr and Mrs Smith Letitia Street The bride groomelect is Thomas David Marshall son of Dr Albert Haydon Marshall and the late Mrs Marshall of Dunnvilie NEW YEARS GUESTS Mr and Mrs Alan Pe coach John and Janetof Kirkland Lake are spending New Years holiday as guests of Mr and Mrs Pedlinghnm ER Barrie Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Williams Steel Street will include Mr and Mrs Frank Heslip and family of Toronto Mr and Mrs Dennis Jackson Fort Erie and Danny Lalferty of Hamilton RING IN NEW YEAR Mr and Mrs Hailghton Codrington Street are enter taininng at New Years Eve party Among the guests will be Mr and Mrs Jack Mitchin son Sr Mr and Mrs Harold MR AND MRS DONALD BONNEY Couple Celebrate At Open House Mr and Mrs Donald Bonney 135 Blake Street recalled events of their wedding day as if It was yesterday The couple proudly displayed portrait of their wedding day which has occupied place of honor for many years The br idc remembers every detail of her bridal gown which was hand made of white satin em broidered with French kn ots Tin floor length dress was fash ioned with an empire waistline and high mandarin collar Today is special day for Mr and Mrs Bonney as they celebrate the 50th anniversary of their wedding at an open house celebration this afternoon and evening Tho bride Is the tamer Muudc Watson daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Walter Web son of Dalston The bridegroom is the son the late Mr and Mrs John Bouncy of the sen ond concession of Vespra The celebrants were married at the home of the brides par ents on Dec 21 1911 The late Rev John Murray officiated Their first home was no the Bonney homestead where the couple resided for oneyear Mr and Mrs Bonney moved to Tomato in 1912 where tho bridegroom served with the Toronto Police Force from 1912 to 1920 when they returned to the Bonney homestead at Mid Brett Mr and Mrs Manse Powell Mr and Mrs Os home Mr and Mrs William Noble Mr and Mrs Ross Hickling Mr and Mrs Paul Tuckey Mr and Mrs William Fitzsimons Mr and Mrs Hugh Merriam Mr and Mrs Laws Mr and Mrs Monkman Mr and Mrs Arthur Hurray Mr and Mrs Jack Mrtchinson Jr Marlene Lambden Weds Harold Hill pretty wedding took place in Lefroy United Church Dec 23 when Marlene Lamhden and Hamid Hill both of Belle Ewart were married by Rev Mr Jackson The bride was attended by her sister Miss Elizabeth Lambden and Misses Doreen Peacock and Joanne Tromblcy John Hadley was groomsman The ushers were Ken Hadley and Robert Peacock all of Belle Ewart reception was held in the Belle Ewart Legion Hall where guests enjoyed buffet sup per Ontofvtown guests were from Toronto Brentwood and Pains wrck YOUTHFUL LOOK MONTREAL CP Arching eyebrows make womans face look younger says beauty ex pert Barbara Harmer who ad vrses eyebrow pencil be used shovelhe brow in short feath ery strokes The higher the brow the younger the face Mrs Harmer also said the basic curve of the upper lip should repeat the curve of the eye brow hit more than usual perhaps EImlinr Photo burst where they did general farming for so years They moved to their present Barrio address following retirement The celebronts are well known in the Midhurst area for their musical talent which has rub bed off on their two sons Wol son and Murray both residents of Barrie During their years In Midhun st they toured with various plays presented by Mldburst young people and provided mus icnl entertainment between acts They recalled the opening night at the Township Hall in Mid hurst where they played the opening dance Mr Bonneys vocal talent has bewltcbed many audiences They attended the Midh at United Church for many years and were faithful members of th church chair The couple still believe that rural life creates closer bonds of friendship than city life One of their greatest pleasures is driving through the country in the spring and summer ts so peaceful there the bride groom cemented Mr and Mrs Bunney attribute their long wedded life to show ing consideration for each other sharing their life to the full est taking an active interest in the community and believing that every cloud has silver lining Congratulatory messages were received from John Ilobarts Premier of Ontario and Mrs Bonneys niece Mrs Reddy of Quadra Island British Columbia The couple also re ceived cards and gifts from friends and relatives Among the guests at todays celebration will be Mrs Eon neys brother Rex Watson of Dalston and the couples five grandchildren THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Sudden ci affect ing your home and career may prove unsatisfactory Bestrain an impulse to act in haste or speak without thinking Your leisure hours may be limited so make the must of them For The Birthday it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that caution and conservatism will have to be your bywords during 1992 This does not mean of coursethat you cannot progress as well as others but you will have to follow most circum spect program you would achieve willingness to do the advancement of some one usually progressive ideaespe cially in early June in midJuly or during Novembercould turn the trick But even if not keep on plugging You can accum plisbeven if not spectacularly In May yourwlli enter Into cycle which will be unusually generous where personality de velopment is concerned and both late July and late August will be excellent for travel Avoid nervous tension in Sep tember extravagance in No vember December brings an uptrend in your affairs with promise of more stimulating period in early 1968 child born on this day will be extremely Independent ar tistic and personable 50me THE HARRIS EXAMINER SATURDAY DEC 30 I961 CAMP BORDEN SOCIAL NOTES Headquarters Coy RCASC School honored one of the civ ilian employees when the School bmmaudant Colonel Henchan presented William Car rail of Barrie with special gift The entire staff of Head quarters Company gathered to gether lo the lounge for this presentation Bill Carroll has been on the staff ol the School for almost 12 years and for most of these years he has been in charge of the daily cleaning maintenance of Headquarters our different Colonels have commanded the RCASC School LieutCoionel Lapointe Colonel Coiling Colonel Surantos and the present School Commandant Colonel Heuchau Josephine Dickinson of Camp Borden Headquarters sit relatives In Detroit Michigan during the Christmas boll Paul Newman from the rmy CPOs office and Wasagn Beach visited his mother Mrs Kuzyk at Lisle at Christmas Bud Knapp CMST QM sect lan travelled north with his wife for the holiday staying with relatives at Sudbury Company During those years Bill Jack some scotion went cost to Montreal for the Christ mas season Botb are from Barrie Elmer Woods of Barrie has joined the cleaning staff of the RCASC School Hmcr is well know in trotting horse circles across Slmcoe County both as owner and driver at of the Countys Fall Fairs Captain Kowbel Assis tnntAdrninlstrntiveOlficer at the acasc School will be pro moted to the rank of maior on Dec Si Major Kowbel will then assume conunnnd of Ad ministrative and Clerical naln ing Company of the RCASC School Major Kowbei enlisted In 1950 as Private Clerk now he is in charge of all clerical training In the Canadian Captain Gorrie will take Ma jor Kowbels place as AAO at the School early in January can gamck HAIR STYLISTS announce corn min for manna nvsrtr wan nos 15 PM speniu Itndrnt rum or appointment only PA H661 88 Maple Avenue ESSENTIAL SENATE the Montreal Womens chm MONTREA CPI Senator said the female point of Hon Ll Josie Quart in speech In essential In the Senoic Low Cost Package Vacations Whats your pleasure Relaxing Sunbathing Swim ming Fishing Sightseeing The choice is yours Round Trip Air Fares from Toronto ANTIGUA $15300 I7 Day Excursion BARBABOS $19900 17 Day Excursion BERMUDA $13200 Regular Fara $9900 10 Day Excursion JAMAICA $16800 17 Day Excursion MEXICO $21600 Regular Faro NASSAU $11000 17 Day Excursion TRINIDAD $22900 17 Day Excursion Hotels First Class or Deluxe Rates on Request Including Transfers Meals and Sightseeing £33115 West lndlss South America Howell Mediterranean Orient Around the World From 14daysIo months Fares from $35000 up Call or Write Us For Further Information and Reservations 0K JOHNSON CO LIMITED The World Wide Travel Service 107 Dunlop Street East Barrie PArkway 66525 697 Bay Street Toronto EMpIre 69488 could time passing The folks who lived in the day of the hourglass had psychological advantage They could see time passing IHl CHURCH FOR ALL ALI FOR Tlll CHURCH And as each fine grain slipped through the neck of the glass mans conscience would whisper within him less time lettl The Churdr in the grant factor on urfir for III budding of character and good cilizcn ship It is sturchonie of spiritual values Without mag Church neithrr dunnericy nor dvilinbion 12 survive T5 are Ion sauna mm my person oul liken nervlu regularly and support the Chuldr They III For bl own nice it For his childrens sake For the oak of his mm munlty and nation For the sake of the Church itself whidi needs his moral and krill rapport Plln to go to church rlgrilarly and read your Bible dad Du Dori Espla Sunday Matthew 25 Monday Promo Tucsday rain in Wednesday Loki 12 5317 Irma Friday Ham Saturda1 made right now Var 113 615 1118 162 13i7 18 courage and faith 1le Hebrews THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTEDTO THE CAUSE When we look at clock its hands seem motionless Is that why millions put off the important decisions that ought to he Whatever its cause procrastination is disease It iuils the senses into indolence it wastes our energy on trivial pursuits while important laslts remain undone Espficiaiiy it attacks the soul tempting man to believe that there will be plenty of time later In tend to his spiritual needs But the cure is simple and immediate Just set the alarm clock and begin the New Year with worship in your Church Youll soon be facing every important task with eagerness and Myron rm ran at moon OF THE CHURCH OBY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS BERTRAM BROS LTD BUILDING MATERIALS PA 50254 429 Blake St JOHNSON 3n SON MACHINE shoe Mr hackle Prop PA 83994 96 Ross St DENIS SHEARD LTD LUMBER AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES PhOLes Stroud 68 Painswiclr BARRIE IRON WORKS GEORGE REID PROP mm mm PA 85046 11 High St Earria MARTIN MODEL KITCHENS MARTIN PROP SANDERSON PA 60781 ILR No Barrie MONUMENT CO PA III4821 IHERRIEN CUT STONE DENNIS THERRIEN MGR PA 58083 44 Ellen St BLOXOM CONSTRUCTION CO LTD PA 83021 28 Cundles Road saloons FUNE RAL norm PA 85553 Worsley St The Wellington Hotel Suggests Their Newly Decorated GREEN ROOM the Ideal Setting for WEDDING RECEPTIONS orrrc PARTIES BUSINESS MEETINGS BRIDGE PARTIES srac roams CHRISTMAS PARTIES BANQUETS UP TO 60 PEOPLE And For Thu Dlscrlminntiog Cnstornei THE FISHEEMANS COVE Preferred Loan Por Further information DIE PA sells 154 Burton Ava HURON MOTORS PA 82045 158 Vespra BL MAYFAm CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY AND RUG CLEANERS PA Mom 65 Baylleld St BILL BARRY SHELL SERVICE STATION PA 87128 281 Dunlop St NEAR GRUMBLE HILL RR THORNTON At this Happy Holiday wishes for Merry Christmas May the Yuletide bring you joyous happinessand 1963 the good things of life GORDON SPRING ENTERPRISES Gordon Spring Pres Season we want to send warm COOKE DONS TEXACO SERVICE CARTAGE nd STORAGE LTD DON COWDEN LESSEE BUILDING CONTRACTOR PA 56575 43 5553 Road PA 85301 s4 Tifflnst PA $5097 185 Codrlngton 5t ATIEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Barrie drummer Church Announcements for the Times of Services and Religious Activities be filled to overflowing with all This is our sincere wish RUMBLINGS FROM ROCK and ROLL RANCH IE Osteopathic Physician new wmsoN nsa no mDillHflhlhhllflflmhlhilmmbg

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