AROUND SIMCOE COUNTYi BOND HEAD Mrs Evans of Newmarket spent Christmas with her son inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Joe Noble Mr and Mrs Fred Dueler and sons spent Christmas with friends near Sudbury Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith at tendethe wedding of their nephew in Toronto Tuesday Mrs Smart of Barrie spent Christmas with her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Charles Brown Special Christmas eve servic es were held in the local chur ches Sunday evening Douglas Reynolds and Donna Palmer were married at Rich Hill Saturday Kathy Collings and Terry Phillips were mnr ied at Kettleby on the same day The annual Sunday school con certWas held in the basement of the United Church with good attendance variety pro gram of recitations musical selections and short plays was enjoyed and Christmas film was shown Santa Claus arriv ed vilh gifts Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the info Mrs James Smith who passed away last Monday after very shortillness Mrs Smith spent the greater part of her life in this community and will be missed by her many friends and neighbors funeral serv ice was held in the United Church Thursday afternoon with burial at Thornton cemetery BEETON By MRS WRIGHT Mr and Mrs Cecil Farrier visited relatives in Barrie Fri day evening Mrs Henderson is visiting with relatives at Crcemore Mr and Mrs Edgar Ritchie and family visited with rela tives in Bradford Monday evee ning BEETON WI Beeton Womens Institute held its regular meeting and Christ Inns party in the library hall which was quite festive with the lovely Christmas decora Lions Mrs Butt presided and large number of members and visitors were present short Christmas program included singing of carols and contests Mrs Butt welcomed the speaker Rev Cath eart rector of St Pauls Ang lican Church in Benton Mrs Cathcart gave Christmas mes sage Mrs Hawtoa on behalf of the WI members thanked Mr Cathcart social hour followed with lunch served by the hostesses for December Mrs Butt Mrs Wiggins Mrs Palmer and Mrs Little Mrs Pettigrew spent the Christmas weekend with relativ es in Woodstock and Paris Mrs Rae spent the boil day weekend with relatives in Toronto Miss Georgina Barton visited with relatives in Toronto during the weekend Mrs Wiggins spent the weekend with relatives at Allistoa Mrjs Legge and Bon nie andMrs Palister of of Tomato visited with Mr and Mrs Wright on Friday Mr and Mrs Paul Hawtonof Ottawa visited Mr Hawtons parents Mr and MrsF Hawton during the weekend Mrs Eray spent Christ mas with relatives in Toronto Mr and Mrs Thatcher of Toronto visited Mrs Thatch ers mother Mrs Harvey on Saturday Thompson of St Jean Quebec and Legge of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs wright on Monday Mr and Mrs Thornton visited with their tarnily in Tomato during the Christmas weekend Mrs Wizgins spuit Christina with Mr and Mrs Shepherd of Alliston Mr and Mrs Wood of Tomato and Bobbie Hayes of Markham spent the week with Mr and Mrs Kearns Mrs Choate of Tomato is spending the holidays with her borther Charles Hammell Mr and Mrs Brennand and family of Kirkficld visited the Christmas weekend with Mrs Erennands parents Mr and Mrs Wildash Mr and Mrs Gerald Todd of Sudbury spent the Christmas weekend with Mrs Todds por ants Rev and Mrs Cathcart THORNTON By RITA CARR Mr and Mrs Londry are spending few days of this week with Mrs Landrys sister Mrs John Burns of Meav ford Mr and Mrs Torn McAllist er of Toronto spent port of Sunday here with the Johnson family Mr and Mrs Roy Nccdbam and sons John and Mich el of Port Credit spent Christmas here with Mr and Mrs Wil cox Miss Marina Arnold of Toron to is spending her Christmas vacation here with her mother Mrs Fred Arnold Mr and Mrs Angus Campbell along with Mr and Mrs Hoyle Campbell and Mr and Mrs Carr attended the funeral service of Mr William White sido at St Andrews Anglican Church Alliston Friday We were pleased to learn that Mrs James Lennox was able to attend Christmas festivi ties with her nephew and niece Mr and Mrs Lorne Carruthers at Ivy Trinity United Church Services last Sunday were well attended The senior choir led by Orval Carr provided special music for the morning service and the Rev Mr Warr spoke on the Christmas story The evening service was Christmas musi cal consisting 01 Christmas car ols with special numbers by the junior choir girls trio from Holly and special numbers by Rev Mr Wu and Mrs Varr Mr and Mrs Hap McWatcrs and daughters of Brantford spent the weekend here with Mr and Mrs Torn Cousins It will be interesting to his many friends here to learn of write up in the Newmarket Post of Dec 14 concerning the Rev Albert Doggett who retired from active church work 11 years ago and lelt here to take up residence in Newmarket where he soon found his serv ices as minister were need ed For the last five years he has been Chaplain at Greenacr es Home for the aged where he served 500 people with weekly morning service and visits through the week The ar ticle states From past that has included such diverse sur roundings as the Weslyan Theo logical College of 1911 to the wards of Greenncres in 1961 Albert Doggett will watch life while his sight lasts Failing eyesight has forced retirement Haircuts 75c Saturdays 5100 Barbers CLIFFS BARBER snor 2s am Roan Across from sunner sown STROUD ay MRS nutcrr Congratulations to Mrs Swe Elie of lmnards Beach on winning the handsome box of Christmas cake cookies and pudding at the free game of bingo in the hall Dec 15 Members of the Harold Webb inmtly and Harry Horton am lly and friends held their Christ mas party in the Stroud hail About 50 enjoyed happy time together All the church services were largely attended on Sunday Dec 24 At the Unitedlsunday morning service Rev Jackson chose for his theme Our Pil grimage to Bethlehem The church choir sang the anthem Break Forth Into Joy Sun day evening very impressive candle light niristmas service was conducted by the CGIT The United 55 Christmas con cert was held Dec 22 with the supe itendent Gordon Mn son presiding The program in cluded scripture reading by the primary department Christh poems by primary pupils chor uses by the Junior choir led by Mrs Pratt numbers by the rhythm band led by Karen Webb accordion selections by Marie Go od and Kathy Young vocal duet by Linda Small and Kathleen Fox piano instrumental by Carol Mulhol land violin selections by Billie and Bert Mulholland Santa made everyone happy by nr riving in time to distribute the gifts off the Christmas tree Christ as visitors here enclud ed Mrs Willoughby An gus William Cleary Mr and Mrs Stevenson Barrie at Norman Willoughbys Mr and Mrs Thompson Banting of Alliston with Rev and Mrs Jackson Mr and Mrs Cecil Cia rk Midland with Mrs McDonald and Kenneth Mrs Hedrich of Los Angeles Mr and Mrs Don Hnldane and Amelia Webb of Toronto at Lloyd Webbs Mr and Mrs Howard Leonard of Toronto Mrs Leech and Reynolds with Mrs lda Leonard Mr andiMrs Tille and Elaine Mr Edgar West of Maple with Jean and Wilson Vice Rev and Mrs Wanless and family and Mrs Adams of Grand Vai lay with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cumming Mr and Mrs Elmer Rugmnu and family of Midhurst at Lonnox Blacks Spending Christmas away in cluded Mr and Mrs Herb Black and family with the Browns at Bradford Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt David an Keith with Mr and Mrs Am old Banting at Ivy Mr and Mrs Gordon Rix and family with Stayner friends Mr Mrs Blythe Black and family with Mr and Mrs Alexander in Toronto Mr and Mrs Roy Gondfellow and John with Mr and Mrs Fldler in Cookstown CRAWFORD SCHOOL CONCERT The Christmas concert on Dec 21 sponsored by the Craw ford School and held in the hall here was largely attended After the chairman Brown opened proceedings the program included choruses recitations rhythm band numbers ri ll piano solos and four plays msunnxca AGENCY no DUNLOP 51 tumult PISTCN TYPE PUMP WITH so GALLON VERTICAL GALVANIZED TANK The Amazing Dlllill Mouser255 SHAlLOW WELL stinginx Up Junio Danni Quiet Evening The First Christmas Tree and Good Impression During the closing chants Santa arrived and de lighted everyone with his distri bution of gifts The teachers Mrs Houghton Miss Jensen and Mrs Kleinfeld and pupils are to be congratulated on their splendid entertainment Mr and Mrs Radwny Kingston at Thompsons Mr and Mrs McCraw and sons Niagara Falls and Miss Reid Barrie at Reids Fraser Donald and Don can Campbell and families with Mr and Mrs Campbell Mrs Young Sr Miss Wcll banks Mr and Mrs Young and Jack Young at George Youngs Palnswick in this age of rockets space ships and breaking the sound barrier our community has one who also has exceeded oth er records In 1919 Mrs Block became Stroud correspon dent for the Barrie Examiner 42 years of faithfulness 2184 weekly gntherins of news time spent preparing it and the trip to the post office is not this record Mrs Blacks copy was always regular interesting intelligent factual and possessing human interest It was greatly enjoyed by the subscribers of this pep er As of Dec Si Mrs Black severr her connection as cor respondent It is almost as though she says to her succes sor To you from falling hands we throw the torch Be yours to hold it high MM IRVING CARSON Ferguson turner and pupils are to be commended on the splendid program of plays recitations and carols given in the school Mrs Clarence Carson was the pianist Santa was in attendance to pass out gifts and there were treats for alttho kiddies from the Board Among those away for Christ mas Day were Mr and Paul Carson and family in Barrie Mr and Mrs Gerard Moran and children in Barrie Mr and Mrs Carson and daughters with hagman at Alienwood Mr and Mrs ll Kanix were with their family in Toronto Guests with Mr and Mrs OHaiiamdncludcd Mr an Mrs Leo Olinllnrn and family of South River Mrs Annie Ke hoe and family of Brechin John McHugh of Creighton Mrs Reg Stephens of Oshawa Mr Gardiner Toronto Larry Lal ondemf Pensions and Mr and Mrs Bob Devitt of Vases Miss Eleanor OHnliarn it been successful in passing her exams at lhe Marvel hair dressing school in Toronto Relatives with Mr and Mrs HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 Bernard Lolita included Mr and Mrs MeGilJ Mr and Mrs MLGill and family Phelps lon Ind Mr and Mrs Hav eion and daughter of Tomato Miss Joan Moran Toronto spent ChrLstrnas at her home here Miss Janet Lucas Tomato was at her home over the heli day Mr and Mrs Ronald Pasting and children Barrie were with Mr and Mrs Pooling Mr and Mrs lrving Carson and family were at the home of Mr and Mrs Gillan Sunnidale Corners on Tuaday STEELES CORNERS By MRS EVA DALIZS Mr and Mrs Jack Rumble attended the 25th wedding anni versary of Mrs Rumbles brothcrvinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Sheldon Walker Dec I7 John and Mary Dales Tor onto spent Friday with Mr and Mrs Earl Dales and Mrs Dales Other guests were Mrs Porritt Harold and Fred Saturday visitors at the some home were Mr Get In On The Savings FOOD and FREEZER 32L 1250 55 KlEER PAK FOODS PA 6050 Walt Cook Mr and Mrs Spragg Tomato Mr and Mrs Jadson and Garry spent Chrislmll day with Barrie friends Mr and Mrs Jack Rumble Mac and Jackie spent Christ mas with Mr and Mrs Orville Decenan Woodhndge Mrs Dales Mr and Mrs Earl Dales and Betty were among guests of Mr and Mrs Alvin Hell Stroud Mrs Porriit Hamid and Fred were Christina quests of Mr and Mrs Gregg Davis Churchill Mr and Mrs Matt Kneeshaw and sons and Miss Pat Dew were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs JackCoulis Cooks town Mrs Edwin Knccshaw Christina with her sister Mrs Neilly Barrie Mr and Mrs show and Bob straw and Bob Ernest Knce wereguesls to were guests of Mr and Mrs Edgar Sturgeon Churchill for Christmas With Mr and Mrs Viif aiwlyl sin prompt courteous service Ask your doctor about our phamnry next time write rpxeicripuon or you Prescription pickIdup and delivered freo or churn CUSDENS PHARMACY Dunlap PA 35959 to Collier st PA Kneï¬hnw were Miss Noreen Kaceshaw Kitchener Miss Mus i=1 Kneeshaw Toronto Mr and Mrs George Jacksgn and farm ily Montrml Mr and Mrs Charles Diagman Stratiord Mr and Mrs Milton Hambty Bradford were with Mr and Mrs John Kneeshaw and am ily Christmas Day With Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales Christmas were Mr and Mrs Elmer Dales Mr and Mrs Hamid Dales John Ronnie and Heather Willinm Kirkpatrick all of Toronto Mr and Mrs William Hunter and Robin Mount Dennis Archie Adam and Carol Ann Weston Norman Neilly was in Collin wood for Christmas MOST TELEPHONES North America in 1953 had 68470600 telephones in use 58 per cent of the world total Before You Elly Fur Compare To owonmlANsurP AND naovr ALL ourcn Lam selection To sort nun linden lnrlte Your tnspectlol No onustron ousnsma OREPAHIING coLD STORAGE Satisfaction Gunlmterd warms runs Barrlos Exclusive hirrlcr who makes and sells furl only Barrie Toronto Dunlop St PA 84863 000 YEAR GUARANTEE PLUMBlNG ANDHEATING DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR SUPPLIES BLDG ovens Rad Cap delivers flavour satisfying hillbodied flavour that cant matched by any aIe Tall order You bet it is ButRedCap lives lipid it Taste the oncyale that satisï¬es Prove itizo yourself Snapper cappa RedCaprAle today dished 259 iNNisru STREET TH DARLING BREWERIES LllVilTED at wuwhf VIWthuymmLkmAunvumaN nugget WinAA was