Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1961, p. 9

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AROUND SIMCOE TOTTENHAM By MRS HEEL hi WICE The United Church Sunday School party was held Dec Boys and girls joined in the carol singing then received awards for attendance The church was filled on Christmas for carol service which was enjoyed by triends from all denominations in the oomrnunirx 11 candlelabras with 790 white candies burning made very elfective setting or the Christmas story told in scripture and song The service was in charge at the pastor Fred Laird He was assisted by his other Norman Laird of Toronto at the organ and Wilson Abernathy at the piano Mr Laird can on several occasions lrom Toronto to train the joint choirs oi Totlenham and Rich Hill for this special lervlce The annual Christmas decora tion contest tor outdoor decora tion was sponsored by the Wom ens institute and iircmens as sociation prizes were awarded Friday evening The judges Mrs Butt Mrs Hautun Bceton and Mrs Vul doski new Canadian on Tote tenhnm RR were the judges Prize winners were First Mr and Mrs Cliiiord Abrams sec ond Mr and Mrs Jim Stone and Mr and Mrs Gordon Mal lett honorable mention Mr and Mrs Anderson and Mr and Mrs Oral McClain The new lights on the water trver must not go unnoticed Travellers can read the name Tottenham as they approach or leave town during the night Mrs Walter Hurlbert will on tertain the Womens institute for its January meeting Miss Dorthy Ann Wilson is spending the holiday as on with friends in Boston new laundromat has been TELEVISION PROGRAMS opened in the nIiice recently vacated by the Bell Telephone Company it Ls being operated by Mr Lloyd Leggett Mrs Creighton of Mid land is holidaying with her mother Mrs Henderson Mrs Wice visited brist mas day with her mother Mrs John Easton Ark Eden NW ing Home Stroud Mr and Mrs Tim Wilson spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Harry WilsonDutton Ont Mrs George Cowan is visiting in Toronto with her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Hitchinam Mr and Mrs John Bulien spent Christmas with their tamily in Port Credit Mrs Marjory Rogers is visit lng her sister at Lake Rol eeau Mr and Mrs James Tough attended tho uncral of Thomas Armstrong Sr ANTIIN MILLS My MRS SCOTT Mr and Mrs Eldon pp Janice and Laurie are spending couple at days with lrionds in Toronto Dianne Cook arrived home Saturday alter being patient Collingwnod hospital Mary Jane Coughlin is visit ing iriends in Barrie tor few days The school concert held Thurs day night was success The children although low in numb ers excelled themselves The pupils and their teacher are to be congratulated Winners in the draw were Mrs Lil Hankin turkey and Cook Llslo Ontario chick en On Christmas Eve the child ren with Miss Halght assisted by Tom Park were out singing carols from house to house The contributions received totalling over $20 wore in aid of the Red Cross CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE TiiunsDAy necmmm 2s 00 The Womenl Show nn Lots Look Alberta Game Farm Rauie Danie nick Truce News Headlines Man From Min Farm Market Report News Don Jamiclon Weather Sports Pierre Eerinn The Flintstones The Real niccoys Sir Francis Drake My Three Sons The Delcndurs Country Junction One Step noyond OBGTV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Communtn News Naked city reassess gPFhsvw T°285283 Bis9828 35 FRIDAY DECEMnEn 20 1045 Test Pattern Romper Ftan Popeye and Pals Noonday an art News wm or Sport Farm Re ort Coming cnts Movie The TIII Texan Open Hausa Pat and Ernie Friendly Giant sun Hing Around The Womens Show Tim Fraser Maxie Colfluro 233222 CFTO CHANNEL THURSDAY minimum 28 no Professors Hideaway 500 Man From Cochlsu 1530 Sports When you move linen new baby arrives lir when you brateavnryupeciaifain ity ocueion Your Welcome W9 on Hostess wichaIi basket of gifts and friend greetings from our re gioua civic and business leaders When the occasion oiieea phone PA 66302 coooeu 500 Thule Danie Popeyal TV Party New Headliner Pnpayol TV Party arm Market Report cwr Don Jlmleson Walther Sports From herton Father Knows Best Donna Rood Show Country Haedown Car at Tommy Ambrose Perry Mason The Detective CBC News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community Nwe Movie The Invisible womm eATlJnDAY nncsnmnn so 140 Test Pattern News weather CroseCnnsoa Curlan Bowling Living world Bugs Bunny Countrytimc News Weather sports Jim Coleman Dennis the Monaco nohin Hand Have Gun wru Travel Peter Gunn NHL Hockey Juliette King Vhyte CBC Tv News Weather News Movie Man From Yesteryear TORONTO Mo weather 645 ey Pierre Berton 650 Now 700 The Real McCoy 730 Showdown v00 meatreo At Eight non ver can TBA iona slog Alon With Mtt 1100 News Walther sportch 1125 Men at nerttny 1150 Better Late iitiiJAY nscaMaEn 1000 Boys Girls Hon roan News 1025 he and Easy Piaybouso Channel Theatre The Denrsllyer News 999 $3383 BESS Esosnsnsss Sports SE Protessorn Hideaway Man From Cochise sports Weather By Pierre Berton News TBA Vefl Coast Wagon rnin Have Gun wui Travel Country Style Law one Mr Jones News Weather Sports Photonapps is Fun Friday Night Theatre Drango SATUnDAY hzcaamnn so moo Buys Glris House in Protessnrn Party om cohego ewe Weather Sports Movie fine stronger Won Gun av Boots Malone Vrertiingr Cartoon tine Cartoon Time Hi Time Within Four Wail sports Weather News Punch and Johnny The Flintstones Route so Naked City Jack Benny Show right or the Woe eggs presses995nm rs 3222 Johnny Erow Show gt Cross Canad nun nunco CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEiYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS STROIID By MRS DWIGHT NELSON On Dec 24 at the Presbyterh an Uiurch much pleasure was given to large audience by the choir when they presented their Christmas Cantata es of the Holy Night The prelude and hymns were read cred more etiective by the vio lin accompaniment at Ronnie Cook and Mel Hem with Janet Ayerst at the piano and Mrs Walker at the Church or gan Solo parts were taken by Janet Ayerst Mrs sherring Mrs Campbell and Cow an Tall bronze and white can delabras in choir lolt and at the altar gave twilight of tect to the worship service Hov Bell closed the service with the benediction After the choral Amen the postlude played by tho organist Mrs Walker was Night at Nights George Bert Billy and Flo lilulholland provided the music or dancing in Lakeland hall at the chion Christmas party Mr and Mrs Mel Cook were In Midland on Thursday vlsIt lng Mr Cooks mother We oi this community express our thanks to the Barrie Dr sminer for the coverage and publicity Elven to our commun ity during the past year With space at premium we ap preciate this good newspaper documenting the human hapcn ings of our district Mr and Mrs Blackett and Barbara and Patsy Mr and Mrs Ferguson Lynn and Wayne were visitors at the home of Ferguson Visitors were Mrs Hey nolds Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hey nolds and son Eric Toronto at Smalls Mr and Mrs Huthven Alliston and Irving Nelsons at Nelsons Mr and Mrs Ken Carson and family Kingston at Mrs Hilda Wices Corinne McNabh Tor onto at her home Those who were away Mrs Small at Ajax Mr and Mrs Gihbina with their daughter in Port Credit Mr and Mrs Hand in AIIIs COUNTY tun Mr and Mrs Mei Cook with Mr and Mrs Rodgers Thornton Mr and Mn Hirlav hey in Washington DC with their son Mrs Webster with her son Ted in Brookstile Albert Third at Manitoulin Il land with his mother Mr and bird ember at Morrisburg Mr and Mrs Reg finndiii at their sons Toronto CRAIGHIIRST By GASTON Mrs Evoy Is in Orilila to spend the winter with friend Mr and Mrs Lewis Carr ce lehrated their 35th wedding on niversary Dec 23 There was beautiful Chrtst mas service in St Johns Church Sunday Dr nghtbourn preached the choir sang music that was enioyeri Flowers were placed in the church in mem ory of Mrs Snider Sr by her son Arthur Miss Nancy Kirton is ome alter Spending the summer at Tilden Loire Christmas visitors theme and away Mr and Mrs Kendrick at North Bay Mr and Mrs Arthur Snider with Mr and Mrs George Snider Mr and Mrs Lewis Cnrr at Big Bay Point Miss Janet and Wilson Graves with Mr and Mrs William Graves Mr and Msr Shctiield and lamIIy in Toronto Mr and Mrs Max Craig and iamlly and Miss Craig oi Barrie at Dalston Mrs Hodgson Sr and Mr and Mrs Prince and Gayle with Mrs Currie Baldwin Mr and Mrs Ernest Mowiorth oi Tor onto with Mrs Mowlortm Mr and Mrs Cliff Brown and iam liy of Barrie and Craig at Ern Costons Mr and Mrs Prince of Orlllla with Mr and Mrs Don Prince Mrs Sheridan of Toronto at her home here Allan Sinton oi Chalk River at his home Rev Newman and Mr Holden with Mr and Mrs Ernest Elismere Mr and Mrs David Summers and Len in Barrie Mrs Susie Coward in Barrie Mr and Mrs Thom as Dunn at Midhurst CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER Snuth dealer Both sides vulnerable Norms AKst vxu Jo gqrso near VQIOBBL 9623432 4974 scum 479642 VAT QAK5 sAKm The bidding South West Pass Opening leadten of dia mantis Doing the impossible is sort of contradiction in terms but there are situations in bridge where what appears to be im possible can be accomplished nevertheless For example look at this hand South arrives at con tract oi six spades reached in an entirely reasonable manner South would ordinarily ens counter no trouble making the contract but in this case he has his hands full because West has all four missing trumps Suspecting nothing out of the ordinary declarer wins the die mond lead with the ace and plays low spade West fol lows with the séven dummy plays the queen and East WEST Aios1 vase 91097 4632 North East 34 Pass shows out It now appears that West has two sure tnimp tricks Appar ently all he has to do is sit and wait for them But it de clarcr pays attention to his knitting West winds up with only one trump trick Souths only hope is to at range trump endplay This can be successfully accomplish ed if West has the right distri bution in the three side suits Accordingly South cashes the ace and king oi hearts and trumps the jack then he cash es the king of diamonds and trumps diamond and next he cashes the AKAQ at clubs to bring about this position North West East 10 Immaterial South The lead is in dummy and th ejack of clubs is played South ruiiing with the jack What can West do If he overruifs with the ace he is on lead and whetherhe returns the eightor the ten declarer makes the last two tricks West is likewise in trouble it he undermits the jack So uth simply plays spade towards dummy and West scores only the ace It just goes to show that no matter how tough the going sometimes is you dont give up Tomqrrow Responding after an nvercall DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Gold Const Scotch cape tribe bEnergetio 11 All correct vsn 12Uttered 13Pollsh title address 14Moasure meat elee 15Anasal 3131 mug name 1I Cupid 0Evee 18 Molar or garden incisor 18 Nourish 20 Liquid men measure IDAstrolo 23 Mans 85 name forecast 27 Vinelt covered 28 Girls name 29 Guns shag 30 sham rock 31 Auctions 33Rowan tree 36 State or agreement 40 Summer coated ermine those 42BIhlicl name 48 Unbleacth China Hill 44 Agony 45 Haath 48 Formerly archaic DOWN 5p niIing my 3311 of are 411sefliclent 5Arthure abode Heavenly body To Overturn Fhosted 20 Twirl ing object 21 Miss Gardner 22 Illumi nnted 24 Bill garish coin 25 Goddess or Yueterdeyl Answer mie Jud tinHO Chief Sign 26 Very much 35 sharpen 28wa 87Eskera valley 38 Nile cap 30 Shuts thin van 32 Performed 391mm mar 4110 mature wm gt4n0 m2 flWm LII mnnilv on ltmr ring Amri or Omlz mm lt Emm rnram tsz union row LARRY RAN NON IRE IULLEY I5 our THING Ou AD 05 FIRSTAID KIT ilt you PACK now loom AND DRESSINGO BLONDIE LookneARTHE BANK GAVE ME LITTLE 80x TO START MB OFF ON SAVINGS PROGRAM THE MAN EtPLAINED THATIFL ourn4 QUARTER DAY AT mg eno 0FTHE BUTTHERE an illSTART JUSIEUR DAYS LEFTTHIS YEAR JULIET JONES MEAN WHEN HE SAILA DARK UGLITHING HAD HAPPENED OUT DONALD DUCK LOAD oF THE CHICKCHAT lN THE TuNENIGeT HOBBIES DADS HOBBY ls COLLECTING oLD COINS HE CARRISTHEM IN HIS WALLET He HASNI 3pm MUSI WINGS ANY ON ME HAVE Loror oLD MONEY 1N CELEKY 5A6E MANGO POMEéRANATE ANISE GOOSEBERRY CUCUMBER CARAWAY 5EEDiMM LET ME 0P5 AFRAID THATS ONE JASMIN PLEASE new new newsroom eIeeEw flees THGGETY 900 67475 IIIAZ TICK TALK TIGK TALK iCK TALK TICK TALK WHO nouns you MAIN EFEING EAL fo THE FLIGHT DECK GRAN DMA GRANDMA YOU SURE on No MORE THAN usUAL Guess NECK iF WASASYOIJNG AS FEEL rIgt BE srAizTIN KINDERGARTEN IN 714 MORNIN BUZ SAWYER summon ms mono WEDflit cemetery lNVETlfiME OUYIVE MUGGS AND SKEETER

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