By STEVE JONESCU Sports Editor STILL REMEMBERING I96l April was the day Barrie Lakevicws won the COHL Intermediate championship over George town Raiders More than 2400 fans took in the excit ing contest at Barrie Arena Rinks from London and Oriiiia won top trophies and prizes at the Associated Canadian Travellers bon spiel at Barrie Curling Club Around the middle of the month it was reported that vandals had done considerable damage to the greens at Barrie Country Club Marj Hickling was triple winner at the Barrie Garrison Badminton Club finals 0n the 24th Lakeviews were eliminated from fur ther competition by Napanee Comets in the Ontario semifinals Consumers Gas won the Industrial Hockey Lea gue championship It was this month too that directors of Barrie Country Club voted themselves free playing member ships Remember the mild furor it caused MAY Barrie started speed skating club and elected Stan Bobbette chairman and Bob Golds vicechair man Mayor Willard kickedcff to officially en the Newmarket and District Soccer League at Fair Grounds Barrie City defeated Bradford 42 Bradford BradsFords defeated Port Dover to win the Ontario Hockey Association Intermediate title Lakeview Dairy sponsor of the intermediate hoc key club threw party for the players executive and their wives The team members were presented with beautiful mirrors Judy George and David Coffin championships at Camp Borden Don Russell Art Powell and Bob Garner tied for low grass in the whole golf match as part of the opening stag at Barrie Country Club Brian Wiles established hop step and jump res cord at Camp Borden Wiles established another mark at Guelph but was only second in the competition Mrs Jean Jansen and Miss Bea McQuade retained the Ferguson Golf Trophy at Barrie Country Club Jack Nixon was elected president of the Barrie Curling Club on the last day of the month JUNE Fisheries Research Board of Canada camped on the Nottawasaga River near Angus to fight the 1am prsy in local waters The scientists won Professionals Moe Norman George Knudson and Frank Vyse along with amateur Jim Small thrilled large gallery to 18 holes of golf at Aliandale Golf Club Barries loss was Pickerings gain when teacher athlete Doug Kettle announced he was leaving to greener ï¬elds Mrs Grace Ough hadthe low gross scores for the Stung County Ladies Golf Field Days through the man Joel Wells retained their gym son Lionel And Green Sobered On Mouse By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Sports Editor The late Lionel Conachcr loved to spin yarns about the Old New York Amcnmns swashbuckling band of hockey players who knew the address of every speakeasy in Manhat tan That was in the mid205 the days of bathtub gin mara thon dances and prohibition Lionel grant National Hockey Le gue defenceman oouldhondle the stuff as well as or better than any of his old teammates His favorite story concerned the time he and Shorty Green sobercd up on couple of mickeys remember said Lionel shortly before his deathgii years ago one Sunday morning we arrived in New York by train alter Saturday game in Ton onio or Montreal dont call which Shorty and had few nip and tucks en route and we were both hung over when we hit New York We had game that night and we decided to take Turk ish bath And we made pact no drinking before the game We decided to meet at the bath in half an hour and went our different ways Unknown to and other we went to liquor stores and bought mickey was in the steam room and all of sudden see guy sneaking down the hell Its Shorty followed him and watched as he took mickey out of his coat pocket Well broke down and got mine We sat around finished the bottles on the spot and sobered up And we played hcliuvugame that night Lionel was talking about his athletic career shortly after he had been chosen Canadas out standing suiieie of the half cen tury in the 1950 Canadian Prue poll At that time he hadnt had drink in is yearssince the birth of his oldest son Lionel Jr The day Lionel was born gave it up be said Conachers reminiscences were recalled when story from New York last week told how coach Doug Harvey oi New York Rangers had set up the drinks for his players in Chl cngo pub after the Blueshirts had lost six straight games Something had to be done about the situation and Harvey calicd meeting at tavern We talked things over Hor voy said afterward We came up with few ideas dont think itll hurt eh Well between gulprof beer they came up with few ideas that were agreeable to the coach Rightwinger Andy Bath gaie moved to centre Pat Han nlgan switched to Bathgatos spot Earl logarflsid was moved to the third line and rookie Jean Natalie to the bench it worked in their next game Rangers socked Detroit Red Wings 61 Three nights later they blasted Chicago 73 and on Christmas night best Red Wings again Bathgate picked up five as sisis in the Christmas weekend games to take 10point lead stop the NHL individual scoring race Maybe Phil Watson should take the cue from Harvey His Boston Bruins arent going any where in the NHL and on off beoi trip to tavern just might help After all it only cost Har vey $55 to set up the drinks for Ranger players OHA Postpones Protest Hearings TORONTO CPlThe Ontario Hockey Association Wednesday night postponed consideration of protests from two senior cluhs Woodstock Athletics and Cha tham Maroons against de faulted games earlier this sea Senlor convener Patter son told the OHA executive sub committee that Woodstock is definitely staying in the league Last Friday club manager Art Worsuop said Woodstock was ready to leave the league to make them the OHA enforce the regulations The subcommittee will con sider the protests at meeting Jan and expects one of the defaulting teams We Tigers to appear with rebut to St Thomas Royals the other defaulting club have been sus pended Woodstock protested to the OHA when Waterloo refused to fill in for the suspended Royals Webster Start In NY Backfleld By JACK CLARY NEW YORK APlWhat spe cial preparations does team make before playing in Na tional Football League cham pionship game Anyone Can Win In Iitney Proof of the pudding that al most anyooe can win prize in curling jitney was provided last night at the local club Two sixend games were played and Harry Young he can curl and Steve Johnson the merely tries won top pri zes with 19 points Three playerstied at 18 Clare Mills Gord Henry and Marks Knight George Jack son had 17 Pat Bertram Rab ert Nelson and Gene Finkbein er 16 Ralph Hayter 14 and Card Spring Don Emery and Doc Haslettwon the 18point prizes Four others had 13 points but lost in the draw Theres another mens jitney Saturday aitemoon at one oclock Out the weekend local rink of Gord Needham Art Powell Jack Lovell and Jack Rodgers qualified for the second event at Don Mills They play there again Saturday Hockey Activity Around Bradford Bradford Firemen and Aurora played to scoreless draw in North York pcewee contest at Aurora Ted Bulpit and Rich ard Moore were the goaltend OAS BRADMARSH No games were played in the Bradfordllolland Marsh League Bradford North thump Springdals 51 in the first will Marks and George Hunt ad three goals each for the winners Pete Rnpke scored for Springdale Msnorvcldt got four goals Allie Sherman coach of New York Giants who meet Green Bay Packers this Sunday in Green Bay for the NFL title says the only difference is the amount of time team has to getready This is the third time were going to play Green Bay this year and we are getting ready the best way we lmow how he said Wednesday before sending the Giants out for their second isst fullscale drill at Yankee Stadium Because this is champion ship game doesnt mean we re vamp our whole method of prep aration or change our system be said We must treat this as another game we have to play The only difference is that we get an extra week to get ready And even this extra time can be dangerous he added For one thing you have to be sure that you dont overprepare but that you carry out your normal game preparation plan in the from Thys Schaiy and Jack Oosterhuis in hopping Dons De livery 123 Singles for Ansnor veldt were by1om Oosterhuis Pete Bienterna John Schaly sndRaiph Dykstra Wally Hunt had two goals for Dons and Navio Kalegaric had the other HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 some amount of time taking little extra care to see that all details are attended to Sherman former Win peg Blue Bomber coach worked the Giants for 70 minutes and planned the same again today with 45minute or hour work out set for Friday After that the team leaves for Green Bay SHOW GAME IN CANADA Kickoff time for the game Sunday is pm EST The game will be televised in Canada on the CBC TransCanada network Sherman NFL coachof the year indicated he probably will go with the lineup that finished the season That would put NFL rookie Joel Wells at halfback slot ahead of Bob Gaiters with Kyle Rate at flanker and Alex Webster at fullback Wells and Webster are former tresl Alouettes gt He said he had not made up his mind Whether Charley Con erly or Tittle would be his siartingquarterback Tittle started most games dur ing the season In thedefensive backfield Joe Morrison will keep the slot he inherited in the regularseason Green Bay game because of in juries to regulars and held for the rest of the campaign Joe does fin ejob back there even though hes played mostly offence in the pros Sherman said The Packers are slitpoint favorite to capture their first ti tle since 1944 That year the Packers defeated the Giants 144 Wuflumuunfluwmummmwmwu RUMBLINGS FROM ROCK and ROLL RANCH NEAR GRUMBLE HILL RR THORNTON At this Happy Holiday Season we want to send warm wishes for Merry Chrlshnas May the Yuletidebring you joyous happinessand 1962 be filled to overflowing with all the good things of life mu is our sincere wish EDWIN WILSON BSA any play another roundrobin in game last Friday at Wood stock The Athletics said they could not operate without home game each week Their letter of protest asked for league standing credit of two points and financial com pensation for the cancelled game it said Waterloo should be severely punished No mention was made of Wood stocks reported threat to with draw from senior play Patterson Wednesday night left open the possibility that the leagues informal rescheduling result of Rnyais suspension might share blame with Water lgo lfor the default at Wood 0C Although he had not given per mission for Waterloo to skip the fillin game said Pntterson Waterloo had never fir agreed to play TOLD BOTH TEAMS Patterson said he informed both teams of Fridays arrange ments earlier in the week and expected them to get in touch with each other and work things out He did not icoow whether they had Patterson said he heard re ports the sharpest thorn in Woodstocks side was that We terloo wanted to have Christ mas party Friday night instead of playing hockey When the DEA meets Jan it will also have on its hands the demand for compensation from Chatham Maroons given only 12 hours notice when the Roy als failed to play scheduled game in Chatham Dec have asked for $1500 to cover ex pensss Ladies Tankard Has Many Its Barrie Curling Clubs Lsdies Tankard picture can be cleared this week but only if ifs are done away with It Peggy Hayters rink can defeat Jean Adams rink Fri day morning then Hayter will be the partner skip for Edith Corby However should Adams win then three rinks Adams Hay ter and Grace Ough will prob to decide the partner rink for Corby Yesterday Hayter with Marj Hickltng Helen Ideson and Muriel Fendley edged Ough with Mary Lou Hamilton Mar ion Parker and Audrey Webb Schoolboy Spiel Has 11 Rinks district schoolboys bon spiel started this morning at Barrie Curling Club Eleven rinks are competing Osteopathic Physician Bloke Credits Plante For Habs By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jacques Plants the goalie with the mask is the chief rea son why Montreal Conadiens are atop the National Hockey league Thai at least is how mach Toe Blake of the Canadians secs dont want to take anything away from the other players says Toe But lets face it Without Plants we wouldnt be as high in the standings as we are Plants was sensational again Wednesday night when nctmlnd ers stole the spotlight in games at New York and Toronto At New York Planio shut out the Rangers 34 with stout usava performance that cos abled Csnediens to open up the biggest bulge any team has en joyed on top of the beep this season The second place Toronto Maple Leafs dropped five points off the pace when they bat tlcd to scoreless tie with Chl cogo Black Hawks ggrcwxcv Ego JACQUES PLANTE Veteran goelcrs Glenn Hall of the Black Hawks and Johnny Bower of the Maple Leafs each mode so saves for the NHLs Says Youngster Should Wear Mouth Guards In Contact Sport By MARVEN MOSS MONTREAL CHA Philo delphia dental expert says mouth guards should be made compulsory for all youngsters playing body contact sports such as hockey Dr Abram Cohen 60 gave the view in an interview while here to attend this weeks an nual meeting of the 1500irmem her international dental frater nity of Alpha Omega He said the protective device cuts down substantially tooth mouth and even head injuries Dr Cohen practitioner for 39 years is director of dental services for Philadelphia board of education and member of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Five years ago he launched pilot program in Philadelphia dealing with mouth protection for young athletes it has since gained American Dental Assoclv ation endorsement Now it is mandatory for all high school football players in Philadelphia to wear mouth guards They are supplied free by the board of education NEEDED IN CANADA Dr Cohen said in Canada where so many youngsters play hockey there is big need for similar program While walking here the other day came to an outdoor rink where kids were playing and the attendant told me at least once day some kid loses tooth or suffers some other injury He said its up to parents to make sure their children are adequately protected but to get the project off the ground across the country would require pro motion by national organiza tion such as the Canadian liicn tal Association im hopeful they will get something going Dr Cohen said good mouth protector also guards against head injuries Concussions sometimes occur when the mandible the lower jaw is forced back against the skull sharply Wearing guard the athlete instinctively clamps down on it with his tooth when there is blow and the injury is nvolded because the impact is lessened in the first year of the Phil adelphia ment guards were given to of 597 high school football players None of the 84 suffered tooth or head in juries Among the remaining 513 there were 21 tooth injuries and 2A head injuries Dr Cohen said that in the four years since thenwith all play ers wearing guardsthere have been only two tooth injuries and three head injuries PLASTIC USED He said his tests have shown that the best guard is semi hard plastic shell with soft plastic insert moulded to the characteristics of the athletes mouth and fitted over the upper teeth No part is visible on the out side and it can he wom com fortably for extended periods Cost in the United States is about $3 Tests alsowere conducted with guards mode of rubber similar to those worn by boxers nnd other materials good first double shutout in one game since Dec 21 1951 The pre vior scoreless tic was between Boston Bruins and the Hawks at Chicago The one point gained by the Hawks snapped fourthplace deadlock with idle Detroit Red Wings These two teams meet in Detroit in tonights only game The Rangers who remained third had plenty of scoring op portunities hut Planie aided by strong of ale thwarted everything tossed his way He even stopped sizzisr by Ted Hampson with his should ers bending over in pain for 30 seconds after the save Bobby Rousseau Ralph Back strain and Glllcs Tremblay scored the goals for Cansdleos who havent lost game to Ran gcrs this season The Elucshlrts havent been able to beat Canadians with Plants in the nets for is con secutive games They won two games from the Hahn last sea son doing it against substitute goalie Charlie Hodge BEATS WORSLEY Rousseau rookie right winger got the first goal at 20 oi the second period boating goalie borne Gum Worsley after splitting the New York dc fence Backstrom made it 20 at 1002 of the second jamming closein drive bchlnd Worslay from scramble Gilles Trem hloys goal came with less than three minutes to go in the third The Rangers had scored 19 goals in winning threeeinarow before running into Plsnte Plantes shutout was his third of the season Hall also picked up his third while Bower got his NHL LEADERS Standings Montreal won 19 lost tied it points 46 Points Bnthgate New York 46 Goals Provost Montreal 20 Assists Bathgate 85 Shuionis Sawchuk Detroit Penalties Footinsto Mont real 101 minutes Show second in the game at Toronto The leagues goose egg leader is Terry Sawchuck of Detroit who has four Sophomore Dnvc Kcon oi the Maple Innis missed big chance for the heros role in the Tomato game Keen broke In the clear with about two minutes to go and had Hall at his mercy But the Chi cao goalie dropped to the Ice in the last Instant to make one handed grab of the puck right on the goal line Red Kelly Frank hiohavlich and defenccrnan Curl Brewer of the Leafs also were foiled on good scoring chances Bower made his best saves against Bohlv ii Stan Jlkltn and Ah McDonald The Hawks and Leafs did just about everything but dump each other in the box souls in the first period Seven minutes were handed out by rcforee Dalton iiicArthur In the first 20 min utes but things quickly settled down and only three infractions were called in the second riod and none in Ihe third capacity crowd of 15925 saw the game otNcw York while 13644 fans were on hand for the Toronto game REPAIR IIIIW PAY LATER on our handy Budget Plan Dont delay repairs to your car See us today DANGERFIEIII Melon Ltd 65 Collier SL PA 82457 flit Will Save You Time During The Busy Holiday Hams Turkeys Fowl Cakes of all kinds Pies Hers doeuvres etc ROSS BONHAM Phone PA 68I27