Canada To Thrash Out Euromart Dispute LONDON CPI Britain and Canada are to try frank talking at high level next week in bid to settle feud that has been simmering ever since the Brit ish decision to apply for mem bership in the European Com mon Market Lord Privy Seal Edward Heath minister in charge of the Common Market negotiations is to meet External Affairs Minis ter Green and Finance Minister Fleming in Ottawa Jan and in no effort to ease the strains that have developed fleth ls going to Washington Bell Telephone Asks Contracts For Long Distance UliAWA CF The Bell Telephone Company of Canada today tiled proposed rates for new kind of longdistance tele phone service for Ontario and Quebec subscribers The proposed tariffs were filcd with the Board of Trans port Commissioners with re qucst that they be approved In time for Feb start on the new service The new arrangementknown as wide area telephone service is aimed chiefly at large bu Iincsscs or industries which place considerable volume of longdistance calls With wide area tele oh service the customer will pay monthly rate to call mast tele phones in specified zones on direct distance dialing basis RATES WOULD VARY Monthly rates vary according to the area the telephone user wants to reach and depending on whether he chooses full or partvtime service The plan covers scvcn zones ranging from the central areas around Toronto or Montreal to all of Canada For example Toronto sub Icrlber may make long distance phone calls 24 hours day to anywhere in Canada for flat rate of $3625 month An al temstive plan based on 15 hours month would cost $980 plus $59 for each additional hour firm could contract for full time calling anywhere In it own home area for $425 month bell spokesman said the new service is designed to meet the growing needs of phone us ers who place many long dis tance calls The elimination of certain billing and handling costs will result in economies for the com pany and these savings are re flected in the proposed rate structure Negroes Stab Bishop Times In Broad Daylight GRAHAMSTOWN South Af rica Reuters Two negroes stabbed an Anglican bishop four times in the legs and stomach in broad daylight Wednesday Rt Rev Bill Burnett Bishop of Bloemfontein who had been picnleking with his wife when the attack occurred was taken to hospital and given blood transfusions but his condition was listed as not critics The 47year old clergyman was bleeding but stiu conscious when he was taken to the hospi tal by police The two assailants escaped taking with them the picnic has ket and rug which the bishop and his wife had been using for roadside picnic Burnett the first bishop in South Africa born and trained in South Africa has been strong opponent of apartheid segrega tion and assailed it at his en thronement in t957 Last September he urged his people to try in the name of Christ to break through the co lor barrier If state authorities seek to compel us to act in way con trary to Gods will he said then the state forfeits our al legiance Rockefeller Opens Election Campaign ALBANY NY AP Gov ernor Nelson Rockefeller of New York opening the formal stage of his campaign for reelection said Wednesday he has no other plans for any other of ï¬cer But Rockefeller mentioned as potential Republican nominee for the presidency in 1964 de clined to pledge to serve full fouryoar term if reelected as governor This stand was con tinuation of policy he adopted previously think its Very difficult for anybody to determine in ad vance course of action in political situation he said think great many people make conunitments In advance which they find verydlf flcult tofulfil Let me say that have but one plan and one DbJeCthe and that is to seek re nomination and rteelection as governor of Cantata Ito said and Ottawa for talks about Brit ains negotiations for Common Market membership tie is due in New York Tuesday on the liner Queen Elizabeth and win fly the same day to Ottawa From Ottawa hc will fly to Washington Jan for talks cx pccted to centre on proposed UlSl tariff reductions as well as Britain market negotiations DISCUSS TROUBLE SPOTS Diplomatic observers said Heath is expected to review with Canadian and v5 officials the latest developments in East West relations the United Nu tions and the trouble spots of Berlin The Congo and Kuwait ticath will go to New York Jan where he is scheduled to address the Overseas Press Club and the Council for Foreign Re lotions He plans to return to London late in the second week of January lnformants said one of Heaths molar tasks will be to try to allay Canadian fears over the Common Market talks in Brus sels Britain would like to see Con ado provide more assistance to special working party now studying the hypothetical ef fects of the Common Markets proposed tariff wall on exports of manufactured goods from the developed Commonwealth counlt TRAIN One man was killed crush ed to death and at least 20 other riders were hurt when Ape Keeper Held Oil Police With Rifle Fire SWEETSBURG Que CF Roger temporary guardian of the Granby Zoos prize baby gorilla pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charge of discharging firearm with intent to wound Preliminary hearing was set for Jan Charrons court appearance was the aftermath of boister ous Giristmas Day at his house in Granby 45 miles east of Montreal Police were sum moned around 230 am to in vestigate complaints of distur home They were held at bay by gun fire and had to force their way into the house behind barrage of four teargas bombs Mrs Charron and visiting relatives got out of the houSe unharmed Police said they found 30 tiecalibre rifle lzgauge shot gun lGgauge shotgun and quantity of liquor in the house Farm Cash Hits Record OTTAWA CWCash income from farming operations reached record $2121000000 in the firstnine months of the year despite drop in special federal payments to Prairie farmers This estimate reported today by the Dominion bureau of sta tistics is four per cent higher than the 52039700000 91 the corresponding period last year and 31 per cent above the pre vious peak of $2056800000 in 1959 The bureau emphasized that the figures take no account of prtduction costs recent agriculture depart ment report showed costs have continued to rise and estimated that because of heavy drought losses to Western crops not than returns this year would drop to the lowest point since 1949 Main reasons for the increase in cash income were higher re turns from wheat flaxseed to bacco cattle calves hogs dairy and poultry products Potnto sales were greatly re duced There Ias some reduc tion in income fromoats and barley triesCanada Australia and New Zealand WANT OPINION The British government wants the Canadians to give some in dication of whatethey would consider acceptable terms in any European trade arrange ment The Canadian position as seen In London Is one of treating all trade matters particularly Can adas access to the British mar kct under Commonwealth prcl erentiol trading arrangements as vital interests Essentially Canada is saying thc imperial preference system was agreed on after lengthy ne gotiations Since Britain now wants to join the Common Mar ket its up to the British gov ernment to say what compensa tion will be offered in return for on end to the preferences Canada apparently feels she is under no obligation to ads Vance possible solutions until this is done Reiterotcd assurances that neither Britain nor the Com mon Market countriesFrance West Germany ltaly Belgium The Netherlands Luxembourg want to do anything to leopard Ize the Commonwealths trade patterns have not induced the Canadians to change their post tion so for morn causur this Philadelphia elevated train wu derailed nearly toppling to the street below Attack Only Hours After Plea Nehru NEW DELHI Reuters Prime Minister Nehru disclosed today that lndian troops invaded Portuguese Gan few hours after the United States appealed to him for sixmonth morav torium on the use of force Nehru told press conference the US approach came so late it was almost physically impos sible to reverse processes al ready started The prime minister also dis closed the invasion was twice postponed and his government hesitated almost to the end over the use of armed action Nehru said the us approach was made Dec 17 on the eve of the invasion through the Indian ambassador in Washington and the American ambassador here Kenneth Galbraith He said the in rather vague message urged him to announce sixmonth delay in the use of force pending efforts by some powers to try to evolve means to solve the Con problem any real thing to hold on to we would have tried our best invasion with nothing coming out of it was not feasible pro position who approached the lndian en voy in Washington did not give much hope of results anxiety of the United States to help solve the Goa problem at midnight Dec 17 after long doubts over the consequences of the armed action in the tension ridden world and rejected Western criticisms that it conflicted with Mohandas Gandhis teachings of non violence dead If it wants to come back if any attempt is made to bring TEE am mm THURSDAY DEC 181 Teachers Vote Aid Mass Strikes BRONTO CPIThe Ontario Public School luco Teachers Federation voted Wednesday to compensate financiahy teachers who participate in any federa tionapproved mass resignation to back up salary demands The federation which repre sents approximately 1500 mole teachers in elementary schools also authorized continued at tempts at amalgamation with the Zhiwmember Federation of Women Teachers Associations of Ontario similar motion passed by the male teachers last year was rebuffed by the women The federation also voted to investigate the relation of the parent Ontario Teachers Feder ation to the four elementary and one higheschooi tenchers association under it The motion to pay teachers in valved in mass resignations was approved overwhelmingly after the delegates agreed to refer back to the policy committee at tempts to define mass resig nation The executive was given temporary authority to make tho definition The teachers also adopted report aimed at preventing the the provinces school systems from becoming too examinab ionconscious The teachers delegates to DEliT Ilii Co The accident occurred at the York and Dauphin streets sta tion in the citys northeast Nehru said if there had been But he said to halt the planned Nehru said the 115 official But India appreciated the He said he ordered the attack Nehru defended lndias action The world of colonialism is it back the world will go up in flames it will not be toler ated IMPERIAL ru uelN buotflING EHNARD EEHESSLAW ammslnm nu LAST SHOWING TODAY SAIL CROOKED SHIP STARTS FRIDAY To Financially Against Schools the annual assembly of the On tario Secondary School Teaclr ers Federstlm agreed that testing of the freeresponse or essay type should continue to be regarded as of primary import ance in testing procedure This would mean retaining ex aminations based on the stu dents inlelligence to comple ment tests based solely on faclt tual knowledge The report of the testing com mlttec brought in by Bay of Mitchell said there is great danger in concluding that the student scoring the highut marks in an examination is besteducated Evaluation of the nt would always be necessary part of the educational process Mr Hay said but testing was not education The committee concluded freeresponse testing should be continued in irado examina tions provided there is con stant study and improvement Greater stress on testing in teachertraining programs was advocated to make teachers more familiar with good testing procedures The deicgatci representing 13200 secondary school tench crs approved the committees re nmendotion that the report be sent to all Ontario second ary schools for study section along the Delaware river AP Virepboto School Bans Tarzan Jane The Unmarried LOS ANGELES APiThere may be move afoot in subur ban Dowuey to ban all Tarzan books from elementary school libraries The objection is that there is nothing to show Tarzan the one man and Jane were legally married Superintendent Bruce Moore of the Downey unified school district said Wednesday the is sue was raised at the last school board meeting Robert Ryan board member said hed been told librarian at one of the schools took out all the Tarzan books Tarzans honor was defended by Cyril Rothmund who was manager of the late Edgar Rice Burroughs author of the Tanan stories Former President Eisen hower puts an arm around his granddaughter ltloryJean as his wife Mamie right gets into the spirit of things and loans out of an oldtima OTTAWA CWTho Board of Broadcast Governors says Can adas second television stations are having financial troubles and it is concerned about the ef fect on their programming The board referred In state ment Wednesday to tho privat eiyowned stations which began competing this year with CBC or CBCaniliated stations in Hob lfax Montreal Toronto Ottawa Winnipeg Edmonton Caiglt ery and Vancouver Although these stations are in relatively favorable locations they are experiencing some difficulty in meeting their obli gations the statement said it did not elaborate Dr Andrew Stewart board auto as the Eisenhowers pose for photographers during tiieir visit to Disneyland in Anaheim Calif Another Eis enhower granddaughter Bar bara Ann 12 poses with her TV Station Cash Worry Broadcast chairman said later that up to Oct It all of those second sta tions were exceeding their op eratingcost estimates and only two were obtaining the adver tising revenue they expected He said the result of their over optimistic financial fore costs is that they are hard pressed to meet some of the pro gram commitmcnts they made to the board VARIETY MISSING He indicated the main BBG concern is that while the sta tions are meeting the require ment for capercent Canadian content in programming there is lack of variety in their TV shows and they are not providl ing Canadian programming in TORONTO CF The Globe and Mail says the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Ind now is taking strike vote of its 4600 members that could lead to tieup of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways early next year Ballots are expected to be tal lied by the end of January the newspaper says Two weeks ago the union con firmed its executive had ro jected to conciliation boards majority report in its contract dispute union spokesman said at that time the majority report would be passed along to union members without any recom mendation from the executive Locomotive Engineers liiay Vote On Strike To Cripple CPR CNR Polling of members on whether the report was to be accepted would take about six weeks the spokesman said Union sources were unavail able for comment on the news papers report The majority report of the conciliation board made pub lic Dec 13 proposed pay in creases totauing 61 per cent over three yers it also recom mended series of reductions in arbitrary allowances paid to CNR engineers for certain du ties in preparing for or ending run This would bring the al lowances into line with those paid by the CPR and the North em Alberta Railway Both railways announced nc ceptance of the report DANCIN IS FUN PRE NEW YEARS DANCE Sat Dec 30th Kentucky Fried Chicken Server at Midnight $500 Per Couple Phone PA 63967 For Reservations Ample Parking IHE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Hall 386 BLAKE ST Beside Kempview Bowl EISENHOWEBS IN DISNEYLAND grandparents Her brother David is partially visible in background The children are the son and daughters of Lt Col John Eisenhower and his wife Barbara AP Wirepho to Troubles Board the prime viewing period to 11 pm Dr Stewart said winter TV schedules and the recent na tional economic improvement probably will be reflected in an improved financial picture in subsequent monthly reports which the stations submit to the EEG Meanwhile the board did not intend to apply any pressure to the second stations In conned tion with their programs The BEG said earlier it was meeting with the station operat ors to discuss ways the board could help them meet the 55 percent Canadian content re quirement that goes into effect next April and at the same time improve programming The BBG statement said that because of the present situation while the EEG is prepared to hear bids for other sean stations it is the view of th board that alternative scrvica beyond the molar centres will proceed slowly it added Even in the most favorable situations the board does not believe that the oondidona jus tify the provision of third serv ice by rebroadcasting stations or otherwise at the present time BIG IMPROVEWNT Canada had 53 cases of dl theria in 1960 compared th 9057 in 1924 RESERVE NOW For NEW YEARS EVE CLUB PAVALON onmun In Barrie Tickets and Information Available At JACKSONS GRILL 51 Dunlop st PA acorn THE lAW THE LAWLESS THE OVERS EACH THE HUNTER EACH THE HUNTED TODAY ONLY WALT DISNEYS GREYFRIARS HOBBY Matinee nt Wm Evenings At 100 and 955 p111 FEATURE TIMES MATINEE AT 200 p111 EVENINGS At 715 and 925 pm JiiHIIWAIIIE hgifltiii 75 Plus THE UNSUNG In Tlehnicoior CIN MAScoDE IIEHEIiiii CDSTARRING SlUARlWHllMAN INABALIN NEHEMiAiiPERSUtF lEEMARVlN by DE LUXE FAMOUS PLAYERS THEAIRE