TIIE HIGHWAY 400 motel site at Dunlap Street the cause of heated controver ta7 sy before council when re zoning was sought will soon be enhanced by Swiss AI pine type building similar to the architects sketch shown here The owner of the lux ury accommodation will be Lorne Jackson Barrie autolt motive dealer The Ontario Municipal Board still must approve it Controversial Motel Backer Is Head Of Automobile Firm Lorne Jackson president of Jackson Motors in Barrie will build own and operate the pm posed $500000 motel to be built at Highway 400 and Dunlop St West it was announced today The Continental Inn as the luxury enterprise will be cull ed caused considerable con troversy when approval for the project was sought from city council several weeks ago The controversy began when Bruce Owen Mr Jacksons lawyer appeared before council on Oct 10 and asked that the sixvacrc site be rezoncd from industrial to highway commer cial for the purpose of building the motel petition objecting to the re zoning was presented to coun cil by 100 Barrio business men Main objections of the opposing group were that the motel would be in preferred location in direct opposition to all similar businesses in Bar rie and that its construction in the immediate area of Highway 400 would tend to starve the commerical areas of Barrie PASS BYLAW The rezoning bylaw was fin ally passed by council on Oct World Champion Will Headline arnival The world championship fig ure skating team of Barbara Wagner and Bob Paul will headline this years Winter Carnival arena show Barrie winter carnival committee an nounced today The winter carnival which has in the past few years at tracted thousands of people in Barrie for several days of win ter revelry is to be bigger and better than ever Chamber of Commerce spokesman said It Is hoped that the appearance of Paul and Wagner will in crease attendance at the arena show this year Purported to be the biggest and most varied of its kind in Ontario the Barrie winter cam ivnl drew reported 10000 people last year to the outdoor rogram on the ice of the bay IIhe only winter carnival that is bigger is perhaps the Boo Homme carnival in Quebec City mardi graslike winter spectacular Barrie Chamber of Commerce and Barrie Junior Chamber jointly organize the carnival Carnival committee chairman Chuck Wadge of the Jaycecs has asked that anyone with ideas or wish to participate in arrangements contact him through this newspaper He added that the committee wants to increase participation by local people in the affair THREE DAYS The carnival will be held on Feb 10 and 11 The festiv ities will commence on Friday the 9th with an informal dance at which name band or per sunality will appear The loca tion of the dance has not been decided yet but the chamber has hopes of securing the arm oury for the affair The Saturday and Sunday pro grams will take place on the ice on Kempenfelt Boy par ade on Saturday will get the shenanigans fonthe day Start ed Gokart races skin divers under the ice sky divers from BARSARA WAGNER ANIO BOB PAUL airplanes plane and helicopter ndes an ice sculpturing can test tin can curling real curl ing exhibitions midway an international speed skating com petition dog races and the ever populor monster fish derby featuring prizes for the biggest fish caught through the ice will be some of the earnivals activ ities The RCAF has notreplied as yet to the committees request for flypast The arena show will be an entirely new program Al though the show drew capac 30 after stormy meeting in which both factions were rcpre sented by lawyers The bylaw was passed by vote of eight to two with Alderman Roy ltiarsellus and Williams voting against the rezoning Mayor Willard Kinzie and Alderman Les Cooke left the council chambers while the vote was taken because of declar ation of interest and were later criticized by several parties for this action Although the project has been approved by city council there are several other bodies which Skaters ity audience last year the ap pearance of Paul and Wagner should increase interest even more Mr Wadge said Tickets for the Florida draw will be on sale soon The win nor of the draw will receive an allexpense trip to Florida for two for one week The committee has been working on the carnival since last March and final prepara tions have begun Mn Wadge said We want to bring the biggest and best show possible to the people of Barrie and On tario llrea Councils Hold Inaugurals Commencing Early In January Monday Janka will be the date of inaugural meetings of most new councils in the area Essa Oro Vespra and lnuisfil townships will meet and get acquainted with duties of office on the Bth but the new Cooks town village council will meet on Jan Alliston council has not set date for the first meeting it was reported today No special or outstanding Berlin Hopes To Become Center Of European Culture Education BERLIN Reuters West Berlin hopes to become cen tre of European culture and education to counteract its loss of importance as the show window of the Western world since the closure oftits borders with East Berlin An ambitious program launched by Professor Joachim Tibertius the city councillor for culture and education will clude the development of uni versities theatres opera houses and broadcasting The aim of the project Tilt bertius says is to give students from abroad the opportunity to study here and see for them selves the tragic reolity of the divided city the place where the battle is waged between East and West between slavery and freedom Mayor Willy Brandt has given his support As West Berlin can no longer be shopwindow for East he says it must be made showwindow of our will to survive The cultural program will be linked with plans to stimulate the citys economy Together it is hoped they will give the city new sense of purpose and encourage West Berliners to remain With border tension abating the exodus of West Berliners to West Cermany already has slowed to trickle other plans under considera tion include establishment of pedagogic centre to attract education and im proved conditions for teachers scientists and artists West Berlins 10 theatres in the newly opened Deutsche Dper Berlin will receive higher subsi dies to lure actors and singers of greater calibre and stage better plays Another theatre is being built my fellow countrymen in the business will be taken up at any of the meetings reported above The municipal clerks contacted in each case said the councils would be busy with minor af fairs and that last years coun cils had tidied up most big business Reeve Ira Wilson of Cooks town said the new council would be busy meeting one another and getting acquainted with du ties at their first meeting We will have lot of guests pres ent so not much business will be discussedflhe said It is of the recently Incorporated vil lage Anglers Hunters Hold Convention WINDSOR Ont CF Nearly 350 delegates are ex pected to attend the 34th an nual convention of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunt ers to be held here Jan 19 to 21 Speakers will include Ontario Lands Minister Spooner and fed eral Northern Affairs Minister Dinsdale smear woos PITTSBURGH AP Singer Jill Corey wed third baseman Don oak of Pittsburgh Pirates Wednesday in fiveAmfnute ce remony The marriage was the second for Hoak He received divorce from his former wife IS 25 must give approval before the project can be begun It is presently being consider ed by the Department of Mun Icipal affairs which is expect ed to give decision on the matter at the end of January PUBLIC HEARING lf approval is obtained from this body public hearing will thenbe held before the Ontario Municipal Board It is expect edthe Barrie businessman who 0chch to the project in city council will state their case once again at the Munici al Board bearing If final approval is given by the various bodies it is hoped tchonsltrtuction can be started in ewinter or earl rin Contractor on the progeciJ will be Griffin of Essa Road in Barrie The Continental lnn if and when It Is built will be one of Lhemost modem and luxurious projects of its type in Ontario will not be acting as an agent for outsiders in this pro Ject Lorne Jackson said to day dflltei inn will he built owne an erated self my Architectural design of the proposed motel will be of the Swrss Alpine type The project will be built in three stages and final cost ex clusive of land purchase cost Is expected to be $500000 FIRST STAGE The first stage is expected to be completed by December 1963 and will cost $200000 It will consist of twostorey mo tel of 30 units restaurant con srstiog of coffee shop and Eggs and slmzlill banquet room enslve an sea in and 50x25 loot heatedp gswimming pool which will be enclosed at later stage Second and third stages of building add 80 additional tennis count motel units horseshoe pitching area and enclosure of the swimming pool Builders hope to have the pro iga completed some time in Nov 20 Hoakis 33 Miss Corey ERIE EXAMINER THLTSDAY DEC 28 14 Travel Flow Still Heavy Extras Run The tremendous Christians crush of travellers and out of Barrie has slackeoed only slightly with the paging of the holiday weekend commercial transportation officials said to day The bus traffic was reported heavy all this week with no letup at all in the local use of this means of travel Gray Coach Lines reported that extra coaches are still be ing run to handle never diminishing flow of travellers The bus company started run ning extras two weeks ago and terminal manager Byrne saiu they will continue to run untll some time after New Years He added that 2500 passengers passed through the terminal on Boxing Day CN RUSH IIEAV CNE spokeman reported today only slight decrease in the heavy traffic adding that extra coaches are still nrnning The heavy traffic is not slack ening very Vrnuch he said and the phone here hasnt stopped ringing for the last few days He said the traffic now is mostly civillnnwhere before and up to Christmas the travel lers were military Local travel agencies report ed steady business with not much change from Christmas to New Years substantial New Year weekend traffic anticipated however No Decision Made Quebec Charges QUEBEC CPlPremier Jean Lesage sai Wednesday night the Quebec cabinet has not yet reached decision on the report of government commission that investigated the administra tion of Montreals JeanATalon Hospital Health Minister Alphonse Cou turicr who emerged with the premier from fivehour cab inet meeting told reporters the cabinet is awaiting the recom mendations of the Quebec Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons which has been studying the re port MOSCOW APlSoviet Com munist propugondists assem bled at time of reported food shortages in all parts of the country have been instructed by propaganda chief Leonid flyi chev to get on the ball The more ideology you teach the more grain cotton steel cast iron and meat you get from the workers Ilyicbev told Moscow conference of Commun ist party activities Monday Highlights were reported Wed nesday in Pravda the party newspaper which llyichev edited In the final years of the Stalin era He is secretary of the partys central committee Ilyichev accused the propa gandists of failing in the com plex and diffith task of orientlt ing the Soviet people to the Communist viewpoint on world affairs The conference aiming among other things to help step up the output of farms and factories coincided with campaign by ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SETS $2000 FEE FOR UNINSIIRED VEHICLES IN I962 REVOLVER CLUB nervousness Barrie Revolver Clubs new building located on the eighth line in Vespro Township is ex pected to cost $5000 when completed Building will 11 shooting positions for mem bers house clubhouse facilities and Looalites Wont Be Lacking Ways To Ring In New Year What to do New Years Eve should pose no problem for funloving citizens of Bar rie and the surrounding area The various hell and dining rooms In Barrie will be stag ing New Years celebrations complete with dancing and din ner Kennys banquet ball will hold its New Years festivities on Saturday eventing from 12 midnight to am Sunday Dining fore will be of both Chinese and Canadian dlshes Dress is semiformal Dancing and noise makers and hats will be offered to as sist in welcoming the New Year Clare Anderson and his Comboalres from Alliston will begin playlng their music at the Embassy at 030 Sntur day evening The group will continue to play until 12 mid night when dinner of Ken tucky fried chicken will be served The music for the re mainder of the evening will be from records Get On The Ideological Ball Soviet Propagandists Told Premier Khrushchev to increase food production to level as suriog the population of some thing besides bare necessities TEACHERS ARE TARGET llyichev told the conference education of the young to ma jor party problem and should be pushed to the forefront Not only students but many teachlt crs he said need more teach Ing He denounced Stalins cult of personality but neverthe less declared the late premier dld some good work He implied the spread of athe ism among the populetlon could be attributed to Stalin The overwhelming majority of the Soviet people are con scious atlioiate he said REUTERS MAN ILL LONDON ReuterslSir Rod erick Jones at former choir man and managing director of Reuters news agency is seri ously ill at his London home IF YOUUSE YOUR CAR FOR PLEA SURE Including Driving to and from Work AND QUALIFY UNDER OUR AGE OCCUPATION IAND CLAIMS FREE CATEGORIES Cubarctsstyle dancing will be featured at New Years celc brations at Pinecrest dance hall in Anton Mills Dancing will begin at 11 pm and continue until am Cold turkey buf at will be served to guests Noise makers and balloons will be distributed MASS CELEBRATION The messes at Camp Borden will be holding semiformal parties in honor of the entrance of 1962 Buffet dinners will be the order of the evening Music will be supplied at the eight 11185595 Three messes at Edgar will begin their entertaining at 10 and run until Dress will be formal The officers and ser geants messes will feature otf station bands and the alrrnenn Mess guests will dance to the music of Al Grodys group House parties will be attend ed by many Barrie residents with neither the Legion nor Curl ing Club holding festivities the reason for this probnbly being the fact that Dec 31 falls on Sunday this year Karl Jennett owner of JK Novelty Shop reports he has received quite few orders of the some old lines of New Years nolsc makers and hats The people want the most var Iety they can get for their dol lars worth he said Ralph Weaymouth proprietor of Wcaymouths Book Store sold the New Year stock hasnt started to move yet We will sell lot the day before New Years he said Say Happy New Year to your Chinese friends on Jan This is year 5457 on the Chin ese calendar the Year of the Monkey The Cinese mark the coming of new year with three days at feasting on roast pigs ducks geese and chickens Ken Lem said in Barrie the celebration is mostly within the home but in larger centres such as Tomato the Chinese community stages Parade of the Dragon complete with ex ploding firecrackers iocm garrick HAIR STYLISTS announce con min for TEENAGERS evens wee moor 415 ear speckl student rum nppnlntmenl only PA H661 so Maple Avenue FOR Linus MISSES NYLONS Special Seemhee mlcromeshr practically flawlas Hinterlands earn corneas 53 cal sworn Now and Save Reg $100 none sues Save an stile rayon taco trims White and solemn Valm to $100 DRESSES Save $210 Carefree Amidund ootton Sizes 915 Isle24 1420 in the group Reg 899 43c 47c doz 67 688 ted pleat plaith and solid colours Sizes 1010 Reg $199 SKIRTS Speciall Slimline styling with invent FOR MEN BOYS THERMAL UNDERWEARI SPECIAL Monstrous Mens sizes Short Sleeves medium weight Reg $199 onnwens Boys sizes Ankle L33 we CAN leune You FOR PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE FOR $1000 momma Inclusive raro honors 157 97 L37 Length medium weight Reg 240 UNDERSHIRTS Boys sizesS Short Sleeves medium weight Reg 129 DRAWERS Boys sizes LeagthLmedium weight Reg 169 Monroe BUYS pron PAN 43 So ingsl Illdensity plastic in Angle nan II COLLIER ST DAYTIME rAessoa eveumos PA PROTECTION ls OUR PRODUCT SERVICE ISOUR business 4748 turquoise yollo communes removersnee $10m Sizes cotton in snappy strip Mx ublovingrcombed as long sleeves fed Extra deep Reg $100 57c 77 zsLLERs Lro 60DUNLOP 51 ens6537