cannon DOWNEY Majority Of People Asked Havent Made Resolutions The Examincrs Enquiring Re porter sci out to determine whether the good citizens of Barrio are in the habit of making New Years resolutions In the limited time available it was found that most people asked no longer go in for this commendable but often futile gesture The general consensus appears to be that people just try to do the best they can in all situations without botheri to make resolutions that none of us manage to keep anyway The following eight replies to the question are typical of an swers received Ernest Chretlcn welding shop owner No certainly will not make any New Years resolutions and never have The way look at it is that have been good enough fellow during the whole of last year so why should be bothered making one for this year Sylvia Gable student have not made any New Years INlerIl NOTES Tax Arrears Create Problem For Council By RGS The amount of tax funds re ceived up to the end of the is cal year in 1961 were below average which meant that more than the expected amount was carried over into the red for to the delinquent side of the ledger It means that pan olty was added to greater Znumber of accounts than usual It also means that in order for the treasurer to pay the cheq fues needed to cover theSZZZ 88184 which the council for 1961 approved before adjourn Ztneut it will be necessary to borrow against assets these be ing the balance of unpaid tax es ft is apparent thatsome plan 1s needed which will helpto overcome this annual collection deficit Many municipalities have solved it somewhat by in troducing quarterly system of tax paying the belief being that it is easier to raise $25 four times year than $100 on the 14th day of December This is problem whichsour new council might put at the top of the list with clerk treasurer with ability to guide them accountantwise and good and sufficient reason through failure of the past method there seems little reason why cor poralion handling the amount of money Innisfil lines should continue to operate on borrow ed money while many of its tax payers pay tax arrears penalty WHERE DOES IT G07 We have placed the question Where does our money go before the treasurer and he has agreed that percentagewise he can give us the answer All we would have to do then is to fig ure where our dollar fits into the picture Suppose one lives in an area where the total mill rate paid is 45 mills and ones assess ment is multiple of thous and dollars By means of graph it would be possible to estimate the par tlon of taxes paid for adminis tration saiariespolicing roads assessing and other township expenditures so that taxpay er would be able to compute the portion of his taxes for all municipal costs Mr Groh has agreed to assist by producing such graph WANT ROAD SIGNS Sandy Cove Golf Course of ficinls wrote council asking consideration of sign near their entrance which would at low better facilities for people on foot to cross the road They were advised that the matter would be submitted to the chief of police for his approval STREET LIGHTS Another street light has been requested in the Big Cedar Point area for summer purpos es but as these lights are now left in use on yearly serVice petition will be required so that all who have to contribute to the cost will be aware of the extra charge ASKS TO PURCHASE Wilfred Taylor owner of subdivision which is under plan ning at the present time asked permission to purchase lots from previous plan which had ey years $2500 was ordered sent JEAN GABLE resolutions for this year us ually do but never end up keeping them For example those made before were to promise my mother to do better in my school work but the marks never worked out that way Eleanor Offallam havent really given it much thought yet have in previous years though When lwos little girl would make resolutions to help my mother something along that line Fred Smith photographer and council member quit making New Years resolutions long time ago think the best idea is to do the best you can and let it go at that think things look bright for Barrie in the coming year Corntan Downey Reeve of Vaspra Township No make no New Years resolutions never do have no ambitions and leave it at that As far as been offered him at $5000 each IIe desires to incorporate these lots into the new plan and when approved by the Planning Board Will present them for ap proval He enclosed cheque for the amount of the previous offer on the lots in the 12th Con CESSIDIL RETURN 0N ROADS The Roads Committee was an able to use all of the funds allocated to them in 1961 not because there were not roads that required the expenditures but just that the Road Works Department did not get the work under way There has been re fund of $15000 of the funds set aside for construction work This cannot be carried over to next year and will have to be placed over again in the jobs assigned for next years work The committee never tabled report on their intentions and program so that all the infor mation available was the actual work in progress or constructed Funds are still available for any necessary maintenance or snow plowing which may come up for attention until the end of the year From then on funds will have to be appropriated by the incoming council The refund was made after Mr Cowan Roads Supervisor presented revised program on his 1951 budget COTTAGE ENTERED Innistil police found cottage in Alderslea Park had been en tered and among the articles stolen was 22 target revolver which was recovered in the poss ession of juvenile living in the area The matter of charge will be left to the Crown Attorn WRECKING YARD Barrie Metal and Salvage Co was authorized to have wreck ing yard on Highway 90 nearrtbc Fina Station providing they meet requirements as outlined in letter from the building inspec tor who passed his recommenda tions on to council One require ment is that the property be fenced to shut off the view of the yard GRANT T0 HOSPITAL grant equal to that of other to the Hospital for Sick Children for 1561 GWILLIMBURY COUNCIL The township of West Gwill lmbury will hold its inaugural meeting on Monday January at 1100 am in Ithe council chambers Following the meeting Ian cbeon will be served to mem bers and visitors after which the regular business of council will get underway They will have lady coun cillor this year the first since the municipality had council Reeve Herbert Hughes is candidate for the county war denship this year and if success ful this will be the first time the honor has been held in West Gwillimbury since 1912 CANADAS FIRST Canadas first two airplanes were built at Baddeck NS by McCurdy and Baldwin in 1909 eral grand jury returned indict ris and two other men in con victed previously on state wire post $3000 bond plug of telephones of Rabbi Marvin Reznlkotf and Rev Ben of Baptist church and now minister in Atlanta lot and member of the State Sovereignty Commission accused of intercepting con Vorsatlon and relaying it to sov ereignty commisryn officials FRED SMITH 1962 is concerned tlwugh would predict that we are com ing into very opportune fu ture Claire Cooper student Yes have made my New Years resolutions lots of them For one thing am going to study border next year and get good Erodes in school am also going to quit fighting with my sister Walter Goadcrham Ictiredr No dont bother with New Years resolutions and never have get all want and if want anything can go out and get It dont have to ask for anything hlrs Jean Gable housewife havent made any resolutions yet as havent had time to give it mud thought usual ly resolve to try and devote more time to certain organi zation or set some definite aim think if person accomplish es even just one thing they are really doing well OBITUARY JOHN DONALD GILCHRIST John Donald Gilchrist passed away suddenly at his home in Dro on Dec 19 as the result of heart attack He was the only son of the late Alexander Gilchrist and Isabella MacNabb He was born on Jan 1899 in Guthrie and spent all his life here As youth he attended Cen tral Ora Presbyterian Church and gave year of service in the choir Later he transferred his certificate to Guthric Pres byterian Church Which became Guthrie United Church Here he served efficiently and will ingly as superintendent of the Sunday School for many years teacher of boys class in the choir and as an elder for near ly forty years Mr Gilchrist was deeply in terested in whatever bettored community rural life He was very active in the Rural Adult Education Move merit and in the formation of the First Cooperative Packers of Barrie For many years he was secretarytreasurer of No School Section In 1920 he married Dorothy Campbell who predeceased him in 1935 They had son Douglas who lives in Oakville and daughter Barbara Mrs Robert Broadley of Toronto In 1936 he married Mary Walker and their daughter Isa belle is home economist for Huron County He is also survived by eight grandchildren and two sisters Catherine Mrs Norman Campbell of Guthrie and Miss Jessie Gilchrist of Toronto The funeral service which was largely attended was held in Guthrie United Church with Rev Mitchell conducting the service Many beautiful floral tributes and contributions to Gideon Bibles gave silent testimony of the very high os teem and reverence in which the late John Gilchrist was held by all who knew him Iury Indicts Senator Over Wire Tapping NEW ORLEANS APtA fed ments Wednesday against Loui siana state senator Wendel Har nection with the telephones tap ping of Baton Rouge clergy men Tbeothers indicted were Leon Patterson head at to Rouge business firm and Ba ton Rouge private detective Lawrence Hall The court released Ha rrls and Patterson on their own cog nizance hut Hall who was con tapping charges was ordered to All were charged in the tap jamin Irving Cheney formerly Harris leading segregation was TEE BARRE WEB THURSDAY DEC Duels Train Cheats George Henry Rickctts 20 of 154 Anne Street South escaped death last night when his auto slammed into the first car of CNR freight train at the MeafordAllondale crossing on Patterson Road Ricketts was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital with possible head injuries Homital authorit ies said this morning that his condition was an well as could be expected Death The injured mans 1961 auto mobile was wrecked and dam age was estimated at 51500 The llur diesel freight war enroute from Mcaford to Allan dale with engineer William Rob inson Graham 60 of 19 Carol bell Avenue Barrie at the con trots Ricketts was northbound on Patterson Road when the accid ent ocurred Two Air Force NCOs Fined On Impaired Driving Counts It was bad day for the Air Force at magistrator court to day Two RCAF Camp Borden non commissioned officers were each fined $100 and costs for their impaired driving antch at Camp Borden Sgt Dalshoug 44 of Al bert Street Alliston pleaded guilty to charge of Impaired driving following an accident involving taxi at the camp on Dec 22 No one was injured but police testified that over $100 damage was incurred by one of the vehicles and nearly as much by the other Charge Local Man In Hunting Death 111in Pine 33 of Toronto Street has been charged with careless handling of firearm following the death of his father inAlaw William Parker Priest in hunting accident at llflnA esing Swamp on Tuesday Plan will appear in court in Barrie on Jan 18 to face the charge which was laid under the Game and Fisheries Act The shooting took place dur ing rabbithunting expedition Mr Plno shot at moving an imal unaware that Priest had changed his position Priest Escape Attempt Nets Six Months Christmas day escape at tempt from Camp Hendry minimum security prison re sulted in an additional six months imprisonment for 19 yearold Ralph Green formerly of Trenton Ontario Green was apprehended in Thornton by Ontario provincial police on Dec 25 following his escape from the prison farm He was serving 18 months and six months for assault causing bodily injury Governor of Camp Hendry Zanrli testified that Green who had been at the camp for only two days was found missing from his bunk at 1130 pm He was captured at about am Green had been in Guelph re formatory since early in 1951 and had just been transferred to the minimum security pris OIL Green said he had previous conviction for theft for which he was put on probation He said his parents had moved out west but he didnt know where He had no home address to give to the court Magistrate Foster sen tenced Green to six months in jail to be served immediately before any more of his previous sentence was served TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled By Flynn 93 Dunlop St Harris mousmu Dom Found Dom Stores Asbestos Ablttbf Algumn Steel Aluminium Alberta Gas Atlar steel air of Montreal Bank or N5 Bell TeL Brazilian niA 011 no Power cdn air of Com Cdn Erewerlrs CPR Dom Tu Exquisite Gt Lakes Gut Paw Horns Pit Home nil Hudson Bay Imp 01f Inland n6 Canada Cement Can Chumlchl Can Oil Con ilin Sin Con Plper Consumer Gu Dis seas Labatt Mn Powell 21 may Norandr must Bila 76 7xn 1016 ts 1eo sati 27 can Husk Can1p Chfb Jen at Rio Con Dcnlson Con Hill rn Sullivan Falconbridno Geco Miner Gunnlr Hnulnner lelqlla Normetal Opemisln FIVE MOST an EA 011 lntL Nlckcl Murray Min nowunNza New r0311 avnmans Industrllfa up 404 Rails TORONTO srucn exams mnax Industrial up 163 Golds up 40 Metals up 20 011 up 110 DIVIDENDS Dominion Bridge Co Ltd 20 playabi Feb ox dividend Jan 10 The Wellington Hotel Suggests Their Newly Decorated GREEN ROOM the ideal Seflingfor WEDDING RECEPTIONS BUSINESS MEETINGS STAG PARTIES BANQUETS UP TO 60 PEOPLE And For Th TEE FISHERMANS COVE For Further Famous Play Horde Farm Imp Tobacco lad Accept Inter Nickel fnterpruv Plpo Jockey Club Massey Fart KenAddison Long Lac Maritime or Corp Graham 41 of Camp Borden was driving north the some night on chppo Road Provost officer testified when he swerved into the pathlof the provosts cor forcing him off the road The military ollce man gave chase and the corpornls car was weaving from side to side leaving the mad on both sides Graham finally plunged his vehicle into snowbnnk and stopped When he emerged from the car he was weaving himself police tes fled lie too Picaded guilty to an impaired driving charge was hit in tho stomach by bullet which passed through his body He died Instantly Five other men including son Gordon Priest of Ottawa were present when the incident occurred Will Expell All Britons TEGUCIG Honduras Reuters President Miguel Ydigoras ntea of Guatemala which claims British Honduras said here Wednesday he will break off relations with Britain and expel all Britonsirom Gua temala within the next two months He was answering questions at press conference about his plans for porating British Honduras in Gnate mala Britain and Guatemala have longstanding dispute over the Guatemalan claim to ritish Honduras former Spanish terri tory settled by woodcutters from the British West Indies and British colony since 1862 The Go maian claim is based largely on old Spanish maps showing the territory as part of the viceroynlty of Gas temala Britain has repeatedly proposed to ask the Interna tional Court at The Hague to de ride the legal issue In San Salvador Field Mar shal Viscount Montgomery said he would ask the British gov eromcnt to find peaceful solu tion to the problem of British Honduras Montgomery spoke to report ers Tuesday before leaving by air for London after visits to both British Honduras and Gus temala 55 15 WA 17 18 35 Illa ano Nor om NG Moora Corp Orbw Pacific am Fem n1 Que No Gar Run nourmns Royal am nioAirom smil snirriu Simpson Stafford Steel of can Stefnbers Tor Dom ax Tran Can Plpc Trans Mt Plpl mam Fin Texaco Union on wnlrer new PM Min Riv Quemont Sher Gordon stun Rock United Oil Ventures wilrov slocxs In Steel of Canada Northlltn up 38 Utilities up 19 DECLARE OFFICE PARTIES BRIDGE PARTIES CHRISTMï¬l PARTIES Discriminating Customer Preferred honors Information Dill PA nus One New Trustee Is Named To Separate School Board One new member will sit on the Barrie Separan School Board during 1982 Dr Alfred Crosslnnd one of the six members of the retir ing half of the lzman board did not stand for reelection and was replaced by George Vannispen Members have twoyear Appointed Canon Clergynian Served Barrie Shanty Bay TORONTO CPI Appoint ment of one honorary canon and four canons to St Jamei Catho dral was announced today by Rt Rev Wilkinson Anili cao bishop of Tomato The honorary canon ll Rev Thomas Arthur Nlnd of Port Hope He had been priest for 50 years before his retirement ln 1952 The canons are Rev Clinton Dufferin Cross rector of St Georges church Oshawa Rev William John Lennox of Tor onto Rev Walter Whitehead Jarvis of Toronto and Rev John Richard Thompson of wit lowdale Ont Canon Nlnds career began in 1901 with his ordination as deocon by the bishop of Osaka Japan He came to Canada in 1909 serving first In Minded Ont and later at Bowmanville Bobcaygcon Markham Toronto Port Perry Brooklin and Grafton ORDAINED IN TORONTO Canon Cross was ordained deacon in Toronto in 1938 and became priest here the follow ing year He has also served in Shanty Bay Ont Lindsay Ont Barrie and Oshawa He was rural dean of Victoria and Hali burton from 1044 to 1948 and has been rural dean of Oshawa since 1958 The early service of Canon Jarvis after his ordination by the Bishop of Algomn in 1934 was in the northern part of the province After his ordination in Toronto In 1942 Canon Lennox served in Coboconk Hastings Campbell ford and Warkworth before moving to Toronto in 1949 From 194749 he was rural dean of Poterbomugh and since 1060 has been rural dean of Toronto east TOP HEALTH Continued from page one sists is to know how to take care of it rather than to worry over the rare diseases which probably will never strike dont ignore anything that people want to ask about he explains The simple fact is that people sometimes want desperately to know something concerning health and are too shy even to ask their own phy sicians suppose at times they spend several days work ing up courage to ask and then get letter about it N0 REAL NAMES never use the name of person who writes just the initials and sometimes even change the initials to conceal identity But try sooner or later to answer most questions that come to me Sometimes hundreds of letters ask essen tially the same question so an answer in the column address ed to one person is really ad dressed to many The variety of questions Dr Molnar admits is enough to give any physician the jitters because as he says Medicine today is such big subject that no one man can master it all or even try to Actually his column is main ly the work of three men him self at the centre close friend and neighbor who is specialist in internal medicine and another longtime friend science editor of newspaper HEADS EXPERTS As health commissioner of city of more than two million population Dr Molnar la the chief of department of ex perts and in charge of four hospitals with capacity of more than 2800 patients Some of his most useful columns have been the result of research work done by staff members in these city hospitals Dr Molner adds never let readers think am an or acie draw on every possible source for the answers give and one thing tbathas pleased me immensely is that other doc tors specialists in their field have come to me and volunteer ed lnformation that has taken them years to assemble term with one half of the board retiring in alternate years The timer five board mamtr cu standing for renominat in were Jim Kelly Joe Saso Dr Spearia Bill Moran and Monsignor Clair The 1961 Separate School Board will consist of these six plus Reginald Lodxance Bill Merrick Father Itoscttls Ray Gariepy Ross Saunders and Dr Joseph Aikens Since only six names were put forth at last nights nonunr atlon meeting the six were acclaimed to the board The inaugural meeting of the new board will be held January 10 1962 croncc vnklercN WEATHER FORECAST Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather office at mo om Synopotu Arctic air covers all of Ontario and cold cloudy weather is expected to prevail over the province today and Fri day Some snowflurriea will oc cur 0ver most of Ontario both days with few snowsqualls in the vicinity of Luke lfuron and southern Georgian Bay Mid nftemoon temperaturcs both doys will range from the 205 in the south to the icons in the north Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Ontario Niagara Halibur ton regions Windsor Hamilton Mainly cloudy with few light snowflurrica today and Friday DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS TorontoPoul Brelthaupt 53 brother of the late Louis Breithaupt former lieutenant governor of Ontario Port Stanley On Gcorge Ponsford 66 chief of the pro vincial air service division of the lands and forests depart ment Pasadena Calif Duo Hendrix 56 superintendent of the optical department of Mount Wilson and Palomar Observa tories for 15 years and de scribed by astronomers as one of the worlds great tellscope opticians Kimberley EC Mrs Tom Lyons 23 one of Canadas two amputeeskiers who continued in tiM sport with speciallyrmadc sklecrutchcs after she lost her left leg above the knee due to bone cancer TorontoAemilius Irving Jar vis 67 member of one of Tor ontos oldest families and squadron leader In the adminis tration branch during the Second World War Aemilius Iarvis Dies In Toronto TORONTO CPI Aemilius Irving JarvisI 87 member of ohe of Torontos oldest families died after several months illness The son of the late Edward Aomilius Jarvis banker and sportsman he was great great grandson of William Jar vis United Empire Loyalist who came to Toronto with John Graves Simcoe first governor of Upper Canada in 1794 Mr Jarvis was educated at Ridley College in St Catharines He and his brother Jarvis played on the Belgian Olympic hockey team on invita tion while visitingEurope in 1912 of the RCAF Colder today Wind westerly to 20 Toronto Mainly cloudy today and Friday Colder Winds west erly 15 to 20 Lake Huron southern Georg ian Boy regions landon Cloudy with occasional snow flurrics and few local snow squalls today and Friday Colder today Winds westerly 15 to 20 Northern Georgian Bay Timo gaml Algomo Sault Ste Marie White Rivcr Cochrane regions North Bay Sudbury Mainly cloudy with few light snow Ilurrlcs todoy and Friday lit tic colder today Winds light to day northwest 15 to 20 Friday Forecast temperatures Low tonight and high Fridii Windsor 10 St Thomas 15 London 15 Kitchener 15 Wingham 15 Hamilton 10 St Catharine 15 Toronto 15 Petcrborough 10 Trenton10 Killnloe lifuskoko 10 Nonthy Sudbury Earlton Kapuskaslng Whi River 10 Moosonee Sault Ste Marie asasaoaseunuusncnonï¬ preferred by tourists and Cunadar but room vulva TV airconditioning in heart of human ihoppinp and antennlnmont rim meeting mono and service Pyramid lounge nightly Inlarialmnsni FREE OVERNIGHT PARKING Cali EM 3435 FREE FOLDER AND INFORMATION ON REDUEM KING AND VillIK SIS bikini OWNED BY OPERATED Bx JANUARY DAY CLASS HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN OUR COMPLETE BUSINESS DIPLOMA OOURSE either with or without shorthand In our new day class beginning Wed Jun 1962 Be ready for better job with good pay by the end of May This course includes Type writing shorthand Bookkeeping Business Correspondence Filing Office Procedure Ra ptd Calculations Spelling and Writing GET THE DETAII NOW And Plan To Join Our New Day Class on January 3rd 1962 business met