Cabinet Changes May Be Thursday OTTAWA CPIane Him trl Diefenhalicr is expected to leave for Quebec my today With as many of his ministers as are available amid reports that changes in the federal cabinet arc to be made there Thursday Although the Quebec trip has not been conï¬rmed officially aourcos said two special railway cars were being readied to leave here at 430 pm EST and are due to return Thursday night In the event of cabinet shuf fle the trip to Quebec would be ncccssary to havp new mini lcrs or those changing their portfolios swam in before Gov ernorGeneral Vanicr who is at his Quebec City residence for the holidays Considered most remote was the poSSIbility that the trip to Quebec might be intended for dissolution of Parliament and the calling of an early election This theory largely has been re iectcd because Parliament has tch called into session Jan to and dissolution would not rc quirc the presence of all cabinet ministers ENDS bPECULATEON Reports that cabinet changes would take place in cnrcmony Thursday at Quebec City wore the culmination of months of speculation impending shifts aimed at realigning ca binct composition before the next fedora election cxpcctcd Ill 1962 Among observers Inn nature of these changes is matter for conjecture Should the shuffle occur it is certain that replacement would be named for lion Paul Comtois who left the mines min istry Oct to become lieuten nntgovcrnor of Quebec Speculation has it that the mines post will be filled by Quebec member of Parliament and that the province also will be given seventh representa tive in the cabinet Three MP5 mentioned for those posis are Martial Assclin MP for Charlevoix uel Flynn MP for Quebec South and deputy Speaker of the Commons and Paul Martineau MP for Ponunc Temiscamingue and parliamentary secretary to Mr Dieicnbakcr Most speculation concerns Fl ozuice Minister Fleming 1122 theory is that radical changes in budgeting before an election would be easier if there were new finanre minister HAY TRADE JOBS The most persistent rumors are that Mr Fleming wul as sumi the justice post perhaps in straight exchange of poer Iios with DovieNton or that he will replace Arnold Hcgnoy as ambassador toihe United States Another WSdlbtllly for Mr fuxlon is that he would become health minister thus Tracing Waldo Itfontcith I01 ll Pleni ing job 0thcis see Mi Jrin teims post being filled by Ernest Halponny minister with out portfolio and graduate druggist from London 0nt with furl Fultons job going to State Secretary Dorian who was wellknown in Quebec as Crown prosecutor Still anodior forecast is that Revenue Minister Nowlan who suffered series of heart at tacks last summer will assumo lighter duties However the feeling is that he would remain in the cabinet perhaps as min lstcr without portfolio Seven Waybrant Children Spent Christmas Under Four Roots SARNIA CP The seven Vaybrant children spent Christ mas Day under four different roofs Childrens aid society officials deciding meeting would be upsetting kept the children apart Ellen 17 and JovAnn 16 are Still with Mr and Mrs Bill Mur ray in nearby Brights Grove Robert 13 and Sharon 14 are In CAS home in Courtright seven miles away Stephen 12 15 with the family of Sarnia policeman and Wendy and Heath are with foster fam ily at Alvlnston 85 miles away The seven children were forced from their rickety house by tire 11 days ago Six weeks larlior their mother Mary Iicd of cancer Their father Al lan left the family five years ago Mrs Vaybrants dying wish was that Ellen keep the family together She had been making rnds meet on slim welfare pay ments until the fire destroyed all the family owned Each day the family receives offers of adoption The CAS is studying at least five fund sponsored by news papch and radio station has swelled the family resources to more than $3000 and Ellen and JoAnne have received almost $200 in cards and letters Girl 14 Hurled From House Fire CORNWALL CPlRhea Saba ourin 14 of Cornwall was in lured mosduy when her brother threw her out of second floor window during fire at their East Cornwall home Roger Sabourln 19 52 flames coming from closet and led his mother and six brothers and sisters out of the house The flame had reached the second floor when he went upstairs to get Rhea He smashed window and threw her out Hospital officials did not be have her injuries were serious Roger who descended by the stairs escaped with singed hair The house was heavily dam aged Tarzana Badman Trainrobber Evangelist Governor Is Dead TARZANA Calif AP Death came quietly in bed Tues day to Al Jennings 98 pint sized badman of the Oklahoma Territory who claimed he robbed 15 or 20 trajns Jennings was convicted of train robbery in 1097 and sen tenced to life imprisonment After serving five years he was paroled and in 1907 President Theodore Roosevelt pardoned He went straight and in 1914 ran unsuccessfully for governor of Oklahoma He later became lecturer evangelist and con stant critic of the badmen of television He ridiculed the gunsliiigers described on TV dramas as the fastest of the West Jennings barely five feet tall once told newspaper man gt There was no faster gunman in the world than me Jennings claimed he know most of the famous gunmen was standing around Dodge City one day he once recalled Bat Masterson and some of the boys were hanging around man wearing stovepipe hat and long black coatgot off the train He was an actor head ing west learned later Hat pulled his gun Jen nings related and said Ill plug that hat He fired and the actor fell dead Guess shot too luw Bat said RAN AWAY TO WEST Jennings horn in Virginia ran away from home at 11 lawyer brother convinced AI he should study law He was ad mitted to the bar in Kansas in 1804 At El Reno Okla he was elected county attorney in 1092 By then he said he had quite reputation as gunslinger He said he turned outlaw when his brother was shot dead and the jury freed the menwho did it Jennings said he killed the men in gunfight and be came wanted man He said he rounded up band and held up 15 or 20 trains His estimate has been revised down ward by historians Jennings came to Hollywood before the Second World War and his reputation as gun slinger was strong enough to earn him jobs as motion pic ture technical adviser He made enough money to buy small chicken ranch in Tarzana 10 SAVED FROM SORMBATIERED DEDGE This aerial View shows the stormtossed dredge Cartog eno after ten crewman who took to life raft were pluck cd from the raging north At lantic by Coast Guards after Nations PULP Pap er Output Exceeded All Previous Years MONTREAL CPDOutput of Canadian pulp and paper mills in 1961 topped all preceding years Iii Fowler president of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Assoclotion says in yearcnd review The total was some 12000000 tons or 211 per cent higher than 1960 Over all capacity also in creased by per cent and thus the operating ratio of mills as whole remained at about as per cent World capacity to produce pulp and paper products Mr Fowler says is increasing isomewhnt fosterthan demand and while consumption will likely increase In 1962 there ap pears little chance in the imme diate future of any narrowing in the gap between world capacity and consumption Total pulp and paper exports from Canada increased by about per cent Exports occountcd Car Cracks Ice Reunited Family Is Wiped Out PHILLIPSBUIIG Que family of five reunited just week ago was wiped out Tues day when car crashed through the ice on Lake Champlain Dorothy Carr came from Al liance Alta just last week to join her husband David in Bed ford Qua where he was super intendent of poultry proces sing plant She brought their three children Leslie Stephen and Jacqueline 14 months The parents were both about 30 The Carrs after happy Christmas visited relatives here Tuesday and Arthur Carr Da vids brother suggested drive after lunch Arthur about 40 had driven less than onehalf mile off shore ice He grabbed his daughter Lee and escaped but his brothers family was trapped and drowned customs officer in this bor dar community 40 miles south east of Montreal said number of ice fishermen have driven on the lake in recent weeks with out mishap Try Ari Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 IMPERIAL Now SHOVIIING EVES 700 900 futile efforts to tow the huge craft about 150 miles east of Nantucket With the bow and stern completer awash Capt Adley Leblanc of Mem phis Tenn ordered the crew for about fourfifths of produo tlon As most exports are priced in United States dollars the indus try bcncfitted by the midyear drop in the foreign exchange value of the Canadian dollar However wage levels and some other costs continued to in CTEIISC Wood pulp output setting new records was up on estimated three to four cent with virtually all grades of pulp up margin ally and bleached and un bleached kraft pulp up substan tially na it of the Cartogenn to abandon ship after tow line from cutter snapped in mid morning US Coast Guard the Coast Acushnet Guard Photo via AP erephoto CHRISTMAS $2000 $1500 LESS 50 Till Dec til 1961 RU EYS BEAUTY SALONS DUNLOP 51 PA 84423 iv Essa ROAD PA 89811 BARKER mm WEDNBDAY DEC II II Very Regretful Senator Says MONTREAL CPI Former Progressive Conservative sena tor Henri Courtomanchc said Tuesday be In kicking him self for having helped Dr George Hort convert JunTalon Hospital from private to public institution Mr Courtemanche submitted his resignation from the Senate Friday after Quebec commis Ilon of Inquiry into the affairs of the Montreal hospital criti cized him for receiving more than $60000 from the hospital and suggested the sum was probably kickback on provin cial govemmept grants He claimed the Payments were for legal services The former senator said In an interview he was told by Dr Hort and his administrative aslt sistant Romuald Belhumeur that JennTalon had to be converted to public institution to receive provincial grants That task was entrusted to 66 TORONTO ST me But the way things turned out Im kicking myself for haw lng accepted their proposition Mr rte mnncbe first elected to Parliament in 195 and former secretary of state in the Diefenbakcr cabinet said he will run in the next federal election He did not know whether he would run as Progressive Con servative or as an independent nor what riding he would coir test DIDNT URGE discussed It with Mr Die feabaker who didnt urge mo one way or the other Mr Courtemancbo said Ha simply told me was very solid in my former constituency of Labelle Mr Courtemanche said the commission was not exact in saying he received more than $60000 from the hospital will explain myself more fully beforo the Montreal Bar Association If am called to tes BARRIE lily but an rim that receipt $25000 for propriation work lawyer1 usual Inc Tbs Montreal Bar Association said earlier it will study the commission report to Sc whether there are grounds for fonnal complaint against Mr Courtemanche The former senator said he will continue to practise law and is ready to appear before the bar and repeat his testim ony at any time RESERVE NOW For NEW YEARS EVE CLUB PAVALON OBILLIA In Barrio Ticket and Information Available At JACKSONS GRILL or Dollop at PA sodas JANUARY DAY CLASS HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN OUR COMPLETE BUSINESS DIPLOMA COURSE either with or without shorthan In our new day dos beginning Wed Jan 1962 Be ready for better job with good pay by the end of May This course Includes Type writing shorthand Bookkeeping Business Correspondence Filing Office Procedure Ro pld Calculation Spelling and Writing GET THE DETAILS NOW And Plan To Join Our New Day Clan on January 3rd 1962 BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE DIAL PA 84781 SUBSCRIBERS GET BIG VALUE IN PROTECTION s10000 Accident Insurance Thut Grows Up To 5000 This offer is being so enthusiastically ro ceivsd because it gives 24hour accident pro tection at most economical rate You get protection that helps pay for ambulance med ical treatment and professional services 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GREASEAt no cost to you the entire benefits under your Scottish York Policy will increase in value by l0 per year for the first years At the and years its maximum coverage reaches up to $5000 PERSONAL POLICY for any individual subscriber to the from the age of 179 cost less than to per week FAMILY PLAN for coverage at both husband midwife ar mm or wife and all unmarried children under the age od 19 years living at home costs less than 91 week NOW PLAYING morons TIMES AT 700 and 955 pan Data PLAYERS THEATRE Such tiny dart mate siirha Blsfmst WAIII DISNEYS Git9W moon CRISPtllliSMllHdlADKENZlEWAlSH IIAmn minn TEIiIiIlIIiIILIlII The undersigned hereby makes application for the Travel and Pedestrian Insurance Policy with Hospital Inde tor Pollomyelltis issued by the Scottish York anca Company Ltd It is understood and an out the applicant will subscribe mun EXAMINER during the we or the Policy when issued and win pay no regular subscriptionyprlce NAME BIRTH DATE ADDRESS BENEFICIARYv 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