Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1961, p. 2

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adpssmosiirisi CRISTMAS VISIT President and Mrs John 3Xennedy leave St Marys Ilospiial at West Palm Beach Fla alter bedside visit with Joseph Kennedy the presidents lather Admlring youngsters are on hand to gaze at the couple as they leave the hospital their sec ond visit at the day jiNNIeri NOTES Cookstown Village Inaugural Iany2 By RGS necvavclect lra Wilson of the newly incorporated village of Cookstown advises the council lwill hold its inaugural meeting ion the evening of Jan in the Cookstown Town Hall This will he one of the first councils in this area to become official nnd as this new corporation is making the start into the mun icipal life of the county we feel surethat all will wish for the best of success on the second day of their year JOINT MEETING The 1861 Council came away from joint meeting between themselves and West Gwillim bury Township Council last fall without coming to final agree ment re the joint maintenance of road which is the townllne between the two municipalities lnnlslll wants to establishthe point of take over at corner of the 10th slderoad and West Gwililmhury feels that the re sponsibility for costs should ex tend one lot west of this point and agrees to the tunLing point so long as lnnislil admits that they will cover the costs of half of the road It will cost lnnlslll over fifty dollars to attend joint meet ing and the difference in dis pute might be less than that amount Perhaps they could agree to allow the Highway en gineer to settle the dispute SOUTH BOUND By this time next week we hope to have relicenced our car and be ready to head into the duashine As in previous years it is our intention to keep our readers posted both on things at home and on those interesting things along our route In order to keep an eye on the doings of Innislil Council we have arrang ed with helper to get us do Boy 11 Charged In Childs Death VICTORIA HARBOUR Ont CPlTenyearvold Emery Lad tails which will reach us by air ouceur was killed by shotgun blast Christmas Day alter he re luscd to smoke cigarette of fered him by an 11yearold churn boy of ii was charng hiesday night under the Juve mail and be written into our nne neunquemg Act in the my notes and sent back to the pflp ing and was taken to the juve er We hope to give coverage which will be worth looking for Also if anyone will write us care ol Stroud Post Office we will be glad to look them up it we happen to get to your part of the Sunshine State or we might call on some of your nlie detention home in Barrie Police said Emery was told by his 11yearold friend he would be shot if he didnt light the cigarette by the time be counted to three Emery collapsed on cheater frlcnds and visit on your behalf field beside the Christmas tree For the first time since we commenced these winter tours we have headquarters down there However we will be moving about and will keep in and died in minutes from gauge blast that hit him in the left shoulder and chest Police said Emery and two much with our home base we friends went skating Christmas will try to make some oi those who have not decide this is the year to head south He sure and have our paper sent along TREE SAVED KITCHEN When car driven by Don Knisley of Mlnets Point failed to make the tum at the top of the hill and crashed over the embankment it was headed straight for the kitchen window of the Tompkins home How ever sturdy tree was in the way and the vehicle collided with that Damages to the car were extensive The driver will face charge of careless driv ing This was the worst accid ent handled by the innisfii pol ice over the Christmas holiday START STREAMLINING OIIAWA CP The federal health department is streamlin ing its administration to make its field health services more eflcctlvc departmental spokesman said Tuesday The changes involve amalgamating various field medical services under single directorate headed by Dr Moore di rector ol Indian and northern health services agara regions Windsor London fla milton Cloudy and turninh colder today few periods at light snow during the morning Mainly cloudy Thursday Winds west 15 to 25 Warning alter ghey hiad lJpened tcir presents ther omes ya At noon they went to the 11 ycaroids home to watch TV The 11yearold offered cigar ettes to Emery and 12yearold David Bent The pair refused to light them WEATHER roaouro or Olflclai orecasts issued by the Toronto weather office at 430 am Synopsis An area of light snow south of the Great Lakes expected to affect extreme southwest regions during the morning and then move east ward south of the lakes Mainly cloudy and colder weather with few snowflurries is the fore cast for the most of Ontario on Thursday Lake St Clair Ler Erie Ni sauthem Lake Huron Trial Jury To Hotel To Deliberate Today NEW YORK CPlA federal jury spent Tuesday night in hotel after failing to reach ver dicts in the trial of ii men two of them from Torontowho the govemmeut charged were members of gang that smug gled more than $150000000 worth of heroin into the United States from Canada and 1taly during the last 10 years The iury cat the case at 525 pm Tuesday alter lithour charge by Judge William ilerlands The lodge ordered the jurors sent to the hotel for the night alter they had deliberated for more than four hours He recessed the deliberations until 10 am today in summing up testimony at the trial which began two months ago Herlands noted there was basic issue of cred lhllityI concerning testimony by two key government witnesses Indians Query Goa Seizure NEW DELHI AHinternal disapproval of Indias military seizure oi Portuguese Goa Dlu and Dnmao grcw Tuesday An editor joined one of indias el der statesmen in criticizing the takeover as violation of the moral principles oi the late Mo handas Ghandl Eric da Costa an editor writ ing in the Eastern Economist said that after nearly half century of reliance on Gandhis principles of non violence the current question is What faith do we now profess Da Costa declared the basic common element of Gandhis teachings was that the best ends cannot justify the means inconsistent with the doctrine of nonsviolence except in selfde lence What message does India carry now in world on the brink of moral collapse he asked The lirst significant sign of to protest came from Charkravarthi Rajagopalas chartknown in India as the only lndian ever to serve as goveunorgeneral of the coun try The 82year old statesman who broke with Prime Minister Nehrus Congress party two years ago to found the right wing Freedom party declared that as result of the Goon in vasion india has totally lost the moral power to raise her voice against the use of military power She can no longer speak as she used to FORECAST Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaioe Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Youth Orchestra Opens Workshop MONTREAL CF The Na tional Youth Orchestra opened weekltlong music workshop at the University of Montreal Tues aasnans from across the country Ages range from 14 to 21 The workshop is the third ar day for 98 selected youngsters Salvatore Rinaldo and Matteo Palmierl Both men turned states evi dence at the trial admitting they had been accomplices in an international narcotics combine the government says smuggled the heroin into the US Their testimony was the basis for much of the governments case in seeking to link the ll delend nuts to the combine Judge Herlsnda told the jury that the defence had argued that testimony of the two men was not to be believed but that the gdvernment argued it had been corroborated by clrcunr stances In summarising defence argu ments the ledge pointed out how completely irreconcilable are the facts advanced by the government on one side and the defence on the otheri He cautioned the Jurors to weigh the credibility of wit nesses with an interest that may create motive for false testimony However he warned against dismissing such testimony and said the government irequeatly must rely on witnesses who have taken part in conspiracies ANN LANDERS Continued from page one chasing youuntil you catch Her adventurous views and idiom as the Digest points out clothe an oldfashioned ortho doxy She believes that mar riage should be permanent even when disturbed by mascu line lunacy women who can not make mnrriage work she finds faintly ridiculous She has little patience with people who neglect the duties of parent hood She has even less for children who rebel against rea sonable authority and feels that thousands of them would he better off for good kick in the pants She regards loves young dream with an extremely sus plclous eye considers pre marital unchastity inexcusable folly it not sin and is sternly opposed to mixed or inter racial marriage simply be cause marriage is dillicult en ough without extra handicaps Aa straightforward lnher pets sonal relations as she is via her FlEETHAM BEST BUYS nest Burlnave ect nnoy duality zoos Tins YORK CREAM CORN tor 55c because such witnesses are the only ones who can tell about the conspiracies Ali ii men are accused of conspiracy FACE EMUGGLING COUNTS No of them Rocco Seopeliittl and Vito Agueci both Torontonb ans also were named on counts of smuggling heroin into the United States Six other defendants were named in counts of rcceivingn concealing or transporting ber oin They were Michael Maielio Charles Shilfman Charles Tan dier Matthew Palmierl Anth ony Porcelli and Robert Ginn pone Two other delendants were slain and three others disaplt peered during the course of the lengthy trial The murder victims were Al bert Homes shot to death last summer and Albert Agued whose strangled burned body was found boundin field near Rochester NY Nov 23 Defendants Frank Caruso and Vincent Mauro jumped ball of $50000 each and Salvatore Mam eri bail ol $10000 The three are still fugitives TO WRITE column Miss Lenders recently informed her readers in print that she is 43 years old Shes celebrity known from coast to coast but she wont take cocktail even Just to hold or cigarct She has curly black hair smoky bluegrey eyes beguil ing dimples mind as fast and functional as an EM machine and the warm heart of wo man She deals daily with hu man anguish and despair and still is moved near to tears by it because she really cares deeply about people This then is Ann Lenders Her columns should prove to be absorbing reading Watch for her Jan in The Barrie Examiner CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lina PA 66555 THE BAR EXAMINER WEDNBDAY DEC fl L9 Alliston Heifer Top Choice lit Michigan Cattle Auction bred heiler consigned by Gienalton Farms Ailiston Outv brought top price oi $3500 at the Wolverine invitational sale held at Williamston Mich She was Glenalton Symbol Maud Adecn whose 14 nearest ancestors have all been classi fied ll of them excellent the highest possible rating and three very good the second highest rating She is daughter oi Resale Signet who was recently sold for 335000 by Glenallon Forms to Richard Schleissner Jersey vilie Ont Adeen is daughter of the excellent and honor able mention aliCanadian two yearold Glanafton Nettie Bon heur Maud who is by the ex cellent sire Resale Centurion The buyer was Demos Sha kariah Downey Calilornia The second highest price re ceived for Canadian animal DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS New York Dr Otto Loewi 38 winner of the 1936 Nobel Prize in medicine for his dis covery of the chemical trans mission ol the nervous impulse Kingsgaie England Frank Richards 86 an author who do lighted Erltish children with his stories about fat school boy named Billy Euntcr Montreal Catherine Smith 84 prominent Montreal district piano teacher who published two treatises on piano playing at the age of so Ottawa Dr John Robert OBrien 07 prominent member of thernedlcal profession who was $1150 received by Irvin Brubacher Bridgeport OnL from James Chestnut Al iegan Mich This was for six yearold cow Dunrobin and EIlnClDII Farms Benverlon Ont sold six yearoid daughter of the cellent sire Elrncrolt Scepter to Ralph Piepkow Springport Mich for $950 while Graham Erin Ont received was from Smith William ston Mich for bred heifer sired by Band Haven Rag Ap pie Maple James hicCague Alliston Ont sold fiveycarold cow to Smith for $700 and Houck Brampton received 5675 from Leon Miller St Johns Mich for sevenyear old cow The 31 head sold realized $29310 for an average of $935 esc established his ottswa practice in 1902 Houston TenJohn Vincent Murphy 66 one of the eight FBI agents who shot and killed John Dillinger in 1934 Montclnlr NJ Donald Savage 42 former third base man and outfielder for New York Yankees after year long illness Tarsans CniilAl Jennings 99 pintsized badman of the Ok lahoma Territory who claimed he robbed 15 or 20 trains Boston Reinhold Etuden berg 7U renewed electrical en gineer who invented the electron microscope Toronto Alfred Ward 78 commissioner of the Toronto Parking Authority and Toronto labor executive GOING WEST Ask about CNs plan to Winnipeg and west Get More for Lessl Go by Train ALL lNCLUSlVE travel Barrie PA 84400 Allandnle PA 84114 cannons NArloNAL 535 FEATURES PesturelSsve leiWelchl GRAPE JUICE 35c 01 Site Btl Fuily Cooked skinless Shanhiess SMOKED HAMS Shank Porticn 59c lb Butt Portion 65 lb ranged by the NYC The first was held in Toronto last Christ mas and the second in Strattord last summer Aim isto teach young Cane dian musicians to play in sym phony orchestra under proles slonainconditions Toronto Cloudy with afev snowflurries and turning colder today Thursday cloudy with sunny intervals Winds light increasing to west 15 this alter IIOOIL Haliburton Lake Ontario re gions Cloudy witha iew snow iiurries and turning colder to day Thursday cloudy with sunny periods light winds Timagami eorgian Bay northern Lake uron regions North Bay Sudbury Mainly cloudy with few snowflurries today and Thursday turning colder Winds northwest 15 to 25 White River Cochrane Al goma regions Sault Ste Ma rie Mainly cloudy with few snowtlurries today and Thurs day light winds Forecast temperatures Low tonight and high Thursday Windsor 20 Best nulllave asc MIDIs Leaf CANNED HAMS $139 am Burrsave lei Fancy Quality GRAPEFRUIT JUICE BEII EnylEsu BI SOLO MARGARINE 1112 Packages for 47 Feature Bunsen sweet Mixed PICKLES TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled ByA Flynn 03 Dunlop St Harris Pennantll seal sud White INSTANT COFFEE Gun sos In 99c FunnelSue zsowustluu JAMS or ELLIES obs hrs DIDDSTBJAL Dam Found Dom Stores Dora Tu Exdllillto LP Famous Ill Gt Luke Ont Pow fllfllul Farms Home Pit or On Imp Tobacco In In Oil Acne Inllnd Intlr Nickel interp Asbestos Abltibl Naom Steal Aluminium Alberta Gn Atlll Steal El Manuel Bank of NS do 13 Nor Ont NO Moore Corp Oshawa Pacific Peta Pens Pi Que NI Roi Itothmnns Royal Bank liloArgon Salldl Shtnifl mm st ford Steel Can Stetnbelg Tor Dam air Tran Can Pipe Trans Mt Pipe Traders Pin 55 Union Gas Walker Glow 191 53 Red Envoy Going Home WASHINGTON AP The Soviet embassy said Tuesday that Ambassador Mikhail Menshikov will complete his norrnai tour of duty here and return home to Moscow for re assignment early in January HiSsuccessnr has not been named The greyhaired Soviet diplo met who was dubbed Smiling Mike shortly after his arrival Feb 11 1958 is holding fare well reception at the Soviet Em bassy next Friday for American officials and diplomch col lea es rsva mean some ssocas as on Cdn Dyno Laredo Pacific Pm Nonigala sixpi aowuouss NEW Yuan Amaretto sva 10c on this Giant Tndlutfllls up 409 full II Ol Utilities down I1 01 dll TORONTO ITITCK EXCHANBB WIT Industrial up 214 Gold up 11 Metal up 4st cos up GHERKINS 69c In soc on this Giant The Economy Smoked MeatPhillycooked Smoked PlCNlCS 45 lb For those who prefer BeefExtra choice branded RIBSTEAKS rename lb SALAMI 37c pkg SUMMER SAUSAGE EC Power con Bk at Com Cdn arawsries CPR Clnlda Cement Cm Chemical Ban on can Asia 5m Con Paper Consumers GI me sell Mae Powell Riv Massey Ierl Nornun more Gunnsr Is Homngsr KernAddison lelqul has he Mssitlmes as Maimm openrisks FeaturelSue ml PINEAPPLE Crushed or Sliced 5for Cln Hus Clln Chi Can al1ua Con Danlion con Hall Sullivan lllconbrldll Glen Mines Quamont Sher Gordon steep Rock United on Venturu Wllroy IM GOING HOME TO SUNOOO COMFORT NaturalCs see too on Puk NESTLES cum lb size Til39c pkg Sunnoo blended heatingoll give clsln own beat all season long you to Sunnco today FREE LEATHERCRAFT INSTRUCTION New clasSes for 1962 will begin Wednesday Jan 10 Register NOW to learn this fascinating and useful hobby Call PA 5248 or some to tiloz Jar IIiscounl Specielsi GIANT 25s AlKA SELTZER DeceivcnsrANz DRISTAN TABLETS Regular $150 CLARKE actARKE LEATHERS Hume on Jnh an Blrri Molebyflomlnolupofflsmmmlmdod NugSunaegGgsoliM Hours 300 500 pm thejSARJEANT CO LTD MARY 51 PA 8246 Regular 78 599 nan communes 99 IANACIN TABLETS are 43¢ Slze$0s Regular MonFrl $125

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