Oualll Househld linens al Money Sawng Prices Shop Earl and Save Sale Slarls Top Quality Fabrics JANUARY WHITE SALE PRIGED WITH SUBSTANTIALJSAVINGS Mill Clearance Save 20 to 59c yd Printed Percale cotton January White Sale yard Santerixad Save 20c to 50c yd 36 January White Sale yard Fine weave ln favorite green pink rose yellow blue red black and white Unrally 59 to 89a Canadian Fabric Save up to 25c yd Printed Flannelette Class weave tair nap Colortau shades that resist January White rading Sale yard Wide selection at patterns for nightweargrownups and chiI dren as wide Usually 59 re 69a Canadian made Buy 10 ydrSavo 125 While Flannelette 26widhwoven torbabywear Wall hopped sort and absorb Int lo ydx rnaires 12 diapen Usually 390 tor 10 ydr Washfast caiarr Big selection at novelty iloral and conventional pattch 3536 wide Unrain see one Seconds of Famaut Ibex Quality Artie Flannelette Blankets Defects slight Choice of borders pink blue gold or green Two sizes January White Sale 13f an so in pr The same aualiry as famous lbex but in seconds with slight defects wear should not be affected in large double bed size 70 90 pair 513 and giant 80 90 size pair 588 Quantity limited oa shop early Finest Sleeping CarnIort Feathcrpraal Covering tlme itirsott Foam Pillows Feather Pillows Faarn rubber will not sag at lump Washable white cotton zipa cover Theiarn size Sanitary chicken and goose feather filling Size 20 26 tits all standard cases Req 498 Law Sara prise each 915 AM 530 PM AM 1200 NOON FRI 915 AM 900 PM CLOSED ALL IJAY JAN IST WHITE SALE Longwearing Snow White Cotton renowned make January Sale Priced Wahasso Sheets Cases WABASSIJ FAMILY QUALITY SHEETS Walkers January Whiil Sale brings you special wvinnx In well known Wabasso sheets and matchin each size is pillow cases at tuckin comfort Shop now for these quality nationally known sheets while there are good savings WanderIuI value at regular prices and exceptional at these note prices Single lied 63 lot 72 100 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 419 49 unionlrlo rlLLow rinses 42 33 Plain hemmed SALE PRICE palr WABIASSU FITTED SHEETS Fitted sheets give the smoothest sleeping surface aver just sin them over each corner at the mattress and your beds are made ln ilg and when they are Wabasso you know they are made for long service in mi white cotton twirl or double bed site WABASSII PEHGALE SHEETS For those who have an eye for very speeiai value these Wabasso Percale sheets will 72 104 have special appeal woven or line too each count cotton with slight detects that close them as seconds but made to give years and years at good service Dose mm two sizes if rlrsrs 72 l04 each 349 or or 104 Twin lied January White Sale each Double bed 8i IOO SALE PRICE 99 PAIR 119 JANUARY WHITE SALE 277 8ix1043 rorh 399 each nitrollirlo rlLtow eases Standard 42 33 If firsts pair 179 SALE PRICE MiII Clearance Save up to 61¢ each Bath Size Terries Thick waterhungry rowel January White Samesubstandards and some so first Sizes 22 and 22 44 Thrifty homemaker with an eye to value will find It hard to resist these fine big bath towel all thickly looped terry on firm booking and wovenln stripes checks plain colors etc fine big collection cleared from leading Canadian Mills and priced with substantial savings some substand ards with slight defects and same first quality uraally 129 and 149 Valuer January Whit Sail each 88 Quality impart Reg 49 Tea Towels Pure linen towel Colorful cotton stripes rim aaaIlryl Law rrlcerll Dish GIOIhS Sturdy mesh weave All cotton Variegated colors Size 17 I7 £725 88 First Quality Sale Priced Printed Border Sheets January White Sale each 333 Heres an opportunity to purchase these tine Texmade sheets at good January Sale saving Firmly wovert of snow white Homestead quality cotton with colourful floral print borders in calorings to mix or blend with oimast any room decor Big double bed site 100 January Whit Sale each 333 MATCHING PILLOW CASES Standard size JanuaryWhitaSaIepair4se Raud TM By Taxrrrade nationally known Canadian maker Finished size 8I 100 Imported Goad T7 29 Buy TwoSuva so Goad big 22 32 mi FringedTeav Towels PillowProtectors Firm linen woavc witlr or tine washohla cotton pastel cotton stripes Standard size Highly absorbent dries pure white dishes better zippered end Reg 39a line in 100 JLA LK Sol Ronni Colorlbardrrs at pink blue Dec Lightweight Warmth Low Low Priced Gelaneseiv Blend lanhets January White Sale each Matching caiar satin binding Double bed size 72 84 The snuggest warmth you can buy for such little price woven of acetate and nylon yarns that offer the ï¬nest of looks with their matching satin binding good wearing and washable Choose from turquoise green yellow or blue Usually 59a January WIuta Sale 457 BIG DOUBLE EED SIZE ELANKFIS Maytair by ismsmi at acetate and nylon 80 90 Colors blue pink Washableacetate and ny Ian yarn green turquoise or sandalwood neg 698 EACH Savit inarralityr Mil Cladrancei Pillow Gases ierry Facecioths Serviceable quality whlto are selection of weaver oBtton and colors clearance from two known Canadian makers Same subs same irsts gold or green Full standard size Reg 129 Size l2 12 Law Salim Law Saia pai rrise 56 humor hit6021