OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tats bone PA Hut The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept PA 54831 LOCAL WEATHER Mainiy cloudy low snowflur ries turning colder law to night to High Thursday 20 For summary see page two 97th YearNo 302 Yule T011 Is Highest Since 1952 By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Yuletide violent death count continued to swell through Boxing Day to the highest num her since 1552 By midnight Tuesday 84 holis day fatalities were counted in coasttocoast survey by The Canadian Press of these 53 were in traffic accidents in in tires and lit in various other accidents The count began at pm local times Friday Boxing Day added to to the lourvday count By midnight of Christmas Day 68 Violent deaths had been counted 43 in traffic But Tuesday live members of family died when their car crashed through ice on Lake Champlain near Phlllipsburg Que oil the Vermont border Hamilton lnotller and her two sons died in Ontarios third ma or Yuletide fire The three fires claimed total of 10 lives There also was annthcr Toronto death in fire The holiday tail was the worst since 1952s record count of so fatalities during four aday Christmas period Last year tll persons were killed in Dime day weekend Thrce persons were asphynh aled in Alberta woman died of exposure in Manitoba one person was drowned in each of Ontario Quebec New Bnins wick and the Yukon man was accidentally stint in Ontario and tour other latallties connected ported in British Columbia Only Newlnundlalld and Prince Edward island remained lrce of fatalities The survey does not count industrial occi dents normal deaths slayings or known suicides Breakdown lor the tour day period Ontario 28 Quebec 20 British Columbia Ll Sa chewan Alberlu Brunswick Manitoba Nova Scotla Yukon The other multiplenlentli On tario fires were at Minden and Toronto At Mindcn 40 miles north of Lindsay four persons died early Christmas morning when fire levelled twostorey frame house in Toronto is fire which started in the basement of west and building housing paint store and an apartment claimed three lives 50 Die Violently Drunkenly In South Alrican Brawls JOHANNESBURG APi At least 50 persons died violently during the Christmas weekend in South Africa in what many South Africans deplored as the worst ever Yuletide for drunk enness and brawling The Johannesburg Star and the South African Press Associ ation reported that more than 1000 white and non whites were admitted to Johannesburg hospital nFtfdayrafier noon and Tuesday noon for treatment for injuries resulting from brawls and assaults Of these some 20 were white believed record in this metropolis of 1000000 About two thirds of the inhab liants are non white The Johannesburg pro gov ernment Atrikoner te noon newspaper Die Vadcrland gave picture of what it called Black Christmas Weekend Vaderland said 620 whites re ceived treatment at Johannes burg General Hospital Traffic accidents claimed 20 lives 13 whites and seven non whites But it was the booze and knives and clubs drawn in drunken brawls that caused most injuries Between Friday afternoon and Sunday night more than 500 Af ricans were treated in hospitals of Johannesburg and neighbor ing Pretoria for mostly stab wounds One doctor said Drink is the gt cause of most of this some of the patients both white and non white were still fighting when they came in for treatment lighting anybody within sight There are several reasons Theres growing animosity be tween the non white majority and the ruling white minority in this country which heightens as more and more African contin ent countries become black ruled and yet blacks here are denied voting rights This was the last Christmas when white bootlcggers were able to sell liquor to blacks at inflated prices Next year bot tle stores will he opened to all non white adults and they will get liquor at legal prices Police Plan Spot Checks TORONTO CPlAll leave for the remainder of the week has been cancelled for Torontos pol lice trafficsquad Deputy Chief John Murray head of the squad said his men would continue an intensive spotcheck program which has checked more than 39000 vehi cles this year 6008 of them dur ing the Christmas holiday Deputy ief Murray credited the spot checks with trimming the accident toll from 888 during the twoday holiday last year to 162 over the threeday festivities this year with holiday activities were re Janice Hartley is surA rounded by toys in hospital at Toronto but she has no smiles for the camera man Janice and her twin sister Janet were thrown to safety rut FATHER PEBISHED IN FLAMES by their lather from the see andstorey window of their homo at Minden 0nt during fire in which four died Their father John ilartley is perished in the flames after trying unsuccessfully to rescue their mother aunt and cousin Janice given the toy dog by nurses at the Hos pital for Sick Children Tor onto said cant smile any moreit hurts too much CP Virephotot BOSTON AP The coast guard cutter Acushnet pushed through galewhipped seas today with 10 men including three Ca nadians rescued from drifting dredge morethan 200 miles out on the Atlantic One of the men Merlin Rabin son of Hattiesburg Miss was apparently dead when picked up the Acushnet reported and was revived by medical corps man with routhtomauth resus citation His condition improved to such degree the coast guard cancelled plan to lift them ashore by helicopter The Acush net ith all 10 of the dredge Cartagonas crew headed dir ectly for Boston The US coast guard identi fied the Canadians aboard as John Philip Smith 13 the sec and engineer of Wallaceburg Ont Vaughn Slack 27 also of Wallaceburg and John Sawyer 22 of Chatham Ont HAWSER SNAPS The dredge went adrift Christ mas Day when hawser parted as she was under tow from Que bec to Baltimore by the Cana dian tug Foundation vigilant Efforts by the tug and the Acushnet to get another hawser rigged were frustrated by fierce wind and sea The crew left the dredge hles day on raft and was plucked The writer from the sea by the Acushnet Katangans Expected To Join Central Congo Parliament Today LEOPOLDVILLE APlTlte central Congo parliament today awaited the arrival of Kotangan delegates to take their places ill the assembly as promised by President Moist Tshambejtt his Kitonn unity agreement with Congo Premier Cyriile Adoula UN sources indicated that the 15 legislatorswould be flown to KILLED William Priest 65 ronto Street who was killed yesterday in hunting incident at Minesing Swamp See story page three of To day from Elisabethville capital of their secessionist province to Leopoldville in UN plane and housed in quarters guarded by UN troops The Kitona pact signed by lshombo recognized the central governments control over Ka tanga but the deputies and son ators were expected to bring proposals to amend the consti tutionand give the provinces more freedom from Leopold villes control The constitution drafted by Belgium prior to the granting of independenceto The Congo in 1960 has never been ratified by parliament and Tshombo ob iects to its provision for strong central government His Katsnga cabinet ruled that it was not competent to ratity the Kitona agreement and passed it to the provincial as sembly move which Premier Adoula said torpedoed the last effort to Irsoive the Katenga crisis by peaceful means KIMBA DENiES in Paris Evariste Klnlbo Katangan foreign minister to day denied that Tshombe had signed the Kitona deelalation He said tne Kalanga parliament would meet Jan to act on the declaration and the counter proposals Mr Tshomhe made to Mr Adoula After the parliament has noted the government of Elisa bethvilla will decide What alti tude to take Kimba said LONDON CmBritish olli clals today disclosed little armada is hurrying toward the Persian Gulf oil sheikhdmn of Kuwait to meet suspected Iraqi military threat The admiralty said that at least six warships led by the 27000ton aircraft carrier Ccn taur have sailed from the east African base of Mombasa for an unannounced destination Other officials reported that the shipswhich include two lrigntes tank landing ship and two big fleet auxiliariesare heading for the Kuwait area They added several other pre cautionary British fleet moves are under way but still are sc cret MASSES FORCES During the Christmas weekend intelligence and diplomatic re ports from the region indicated to the British government that lraqi Premier Abdel Karim Kas sim has been massing troops possibly as the prelude to an in vasion to achieve the annexation of Kuwait he threatened last summer The efen ce ministry an nounced that 300 troops most of them transport aircraft crow members had been put on the alert and 200 troops were reported standing HERES ONE MOSCOW ReuterslThe Sovle Union has held its firstContest of beauty of the human formnnd the winner was an oarsman and weightlifter Vladimir Sdo buy the Soviet news agency Tass said Tuesday night The contest at Sverdlovsk in the Urals east of Moscow will be an annual event Canada Third In Telephones MONTREAL CP Canada has the third largest number of telephones in proportion to her population among countries of the world Bell Telephone Com pany of Canada said Tuesday Canadas 5728000 amount to 3032 for every 100 persons The leaders are the United States with 4080 and Sweden with 3681 Canadians were the worlds busiest talkers for the ninth con secutive year however accord ing to the 1961 issue of The Worlds Telephones publica tion of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company They averaged saaconversa tions per person in1960 the latest year for which figures are available compared with 520 in the US and 349 in Sweden Ann Landers ToWrite For Examiner Column Read By 25 Million Dain Ann Landers whose bright and breezy advice column ap pears in 510 newspapers in Canada and the United States will write for ThebarrieEx aminer starting Jan The decision to obtain Miss Laoders daily column in keeping with The Examiners policy of steady improvement in services to its readers since the newspaper became daily three years ago Ann Lsnders is pen name is actually Mrs Eppie Ledcrer Chicago housewife whohecame news paperwoman by accident rath er than by design In the six years since she started to write her column she has become North Americas No advice writer with 25 to 40 million readers every day ANN LANDERS Ann Landers columnist for The Examiner and 510 other dailies is originally of Iowa Her husband Jules Lederer is president of manufacturing firm with interests in Illinois California and Puerto Rico Their only child Margoa uni versity sophomore studying anthropology and boys her mother reports cheerfullyhas reached her Zist birthday The oldfashioned advice to the lavelorn writer was grandmotherly rtype who spec lalized in folksy platitudes Ann Landcrs set ainew style which will be evident in her writing for The Examiner Her electrifying effect on her readers stems from the fact that she boldly prints and bold ly answers lettersreflecting the whole spectrum of human dif ficulty yet at the same time manages be enormously en tertaining She is brief frank and realistic to the point of bluntness endowed with gift for the quick and ironic phrase she uses it to harpoan tho fuzzymlnded or selfpitying correspondent 1ND NUTSHELL Duchess0i Kent Expecting COPPINS England mentors The Duchess of KEnt 28 yearald commoner puke of Kent inJune it was announced Tuesday Indians Die In Freeae Katherine Vorsley who married the is expecting baby next summer NEW DELHI Reuters At least 230 persons have died during the last 10 days when the temperature dropped below freezing in Kanpur Lucknow and Allahabad Tuesday for the first time in living memory Empire State Building To Be sin NEWARK NJ tAPl New Yorks Empire State Building will be snldto the Prudential insurance Company today for 565000000 Turbine CarMayBe MasSMade NEW YORK tAP The Chrysler Corporatiofi displayed an experimental turbinchriven automobilertoday and made it clear that mass production was being considered You need lawyer she ad vised woman whose husband had moved his inamorataand her 12yearoid daughter into the family home Miss Land ers added You also need doctor for yur head Her answers as the Readers Digest saidin an article have the ring of honesty and com mon sense aad even at their sharpest of genuine compas sion When one woman wrote that she was sick to death of staying home every night at the behest of door and nig advised Tell the old buzzard you hear the movies have sound now You two must have mar ried for somereason Try to remember what it was She wasted low wordswhen 16yeaerld girl asked her what to do with boy friend who wanted her to express love to the fullest and who insisted that nobody should condemn the idea before rtry ing it Ask him if hes tried jumping into cement mixer she suggested Tell him he shouldnt condemn it until he has But when panicky lib rarlanpleaded for some quick method of thooklng an attentive gentlemanly hut alarmingly conservative assistant los or Miss Landers wrote on tinue to give hillr tho pleasuro Turn to page two please gardly husband Miss Landers Not Moro Than par Copyl8 Pogo by to be flown from Nairobi Kenya if needed Britain forestalledan lronl la vaslon last July by landing troops in Kuwait at the request of the Kuwaiti ruler alter Kas sim renewed his countrys claim to the little neighboring terri tory Arab League troops which replaced British commandos Jet planes and warships in Ku wait last September amount to only token force in Londons view the Arabs would not be able to stop any fullscale as saulLby the lraqis The British show of strength clearly was calculated to deter any lraqi thrust against Kuwait where British American Build Shelters SHIPS RACE IO KUWAIT EMERGENCY French and Dutch all interest have huge investment Besides sending the small or mada toward Kuwait the do fence ministry put on the alert elements at the strategic re serve in Britain the Middle East and east Africa for possi ble movement on I2hour notice Ships sailing from Mombasa included the frlgates Plymouth and Lock Alvie the tank land fng ship Striker and the supply ships Tldcsurge and hetalner About 300 men RAF and army personnel who had been on standby in Britain during the weekend have been flown to the Middle East apparently to Boll rain only about an hours flight from Kuwait For Newlyweds To Preserve Human Race Mead DENVER Colo AWAnthro pologist Margaret Mead urges bomb proof shelters for the worlds newlyweds to assure continuance of the human race in the event of nuclear war Dr Mead of the American Museum of Natural History of fered the suggestion in talk to the 128th meeting of the Ameri can Association for the Advance ment of Science Tuesday Let the United States pro pose she suggested that the United Nations he asked to de hate the feasibility of an inter nationallyfinanced shelter sys tem in which crosssection ot the most productive and highly motivated members of every country on every continent could be saved Let us propose prograri in which each country is ass stcd to build blastproof shelter sufficient to accommodate all of the people married in that coun try during twoweek period and that during the first six months after marriage tthey spend two weeks in the shelter Addressing special sympos ium on Problems of Survival Dr Mead said such shelter system for newlyweds would en able the survival of group that would be the most highly molt tlvated to try to continue their HUNT Ddl vc FRIEND Baluba boy ban dagiafs across his eyes and onhls chin isoscarted by nfrielid past queue of Baluba trib men andfarhilles to land line at refugee camp near ï¬llsa lives together and to reproduce themselves They would be she said the stall of which young immi grants are made and they would indeed be immigratingif there were to be an allout nu clear warinto world that no man has ever known As long as survival is dis cussed in terms of one nation or one group of nations of one race of one kind of culture we are closing our eyes to the known risks and are weakening our own internal position and our moral position in the world Seymour Melman an associ ate professormf industrial and management engineering at Ca lumbia University told the sy pnsium insofar as American indus try operates by means of tlnelyintegrated division of la bar the fire effect alone of modest sized nuclear attack would render this society no longer viable as significant production centre of the world He said that if the 65 major industrial centres of the coun try were ench hit by 20moga ton bombs the immediate effect from fire storms would he to ill hillill ls HELPED reduce the United States to thirdrate industrial nation ibelhville Katanga in The Congo The youngster was hurt during recent disorder inltatanga loneSwedfsh United fNatlolis soldier stands guard AP wlraphata via raï¬ dia from London