HOLIDAY HIGH LIGHTS Theiloildny sensx bring Immmbyearhnm livlagemsion or lathe cekbnthnlisulmnnim in place in the city over the Chrbtmu and New Year Eda way Any social news may be nhmltted by phonlng the Womens Department PA 31 Won 17 CHRISTMAS GUI31$ Mr and Mrs Nell Dempster Newton Street are hosting fnrnily dinner party Ls will be Mr and hire Chnrl Bush Illr and Mn Donnld Bulb Miss Linda Bush Mr and Mrs Alan Bush and family all at Angus MmW Dempster Mr and Mrs Sandy Dumpster and family Nelson Street Mr and Mn Cliff Goodnesd Lakeview Crescent will host family dinner party including Mrs Goodheads brothers and sistersimlaw Mr and Mrs Syd Pike Lois and Billy all of Windsor Mr Goodheadl mother Mrs Goodhcad Ton onto Mrs Goodheadl mother Mrs William Abeil and Mr Abeli ER Barrie Miss June Browne Reg and brother John Browne both of Tomato will spend the holi day season with their pare nts Mr and Mrs Herbert Browne Na ier Street Other guests will in ude David Chambers Elm ira and Mr and Mrs John Harley oi tendon CHRISTMAS GUESTS Guests during the holiday sea son at the home of Mr and Mrs Bruce hirnhull Eugenia Street will be Mrs Brown Rutherford New Jersey aunt oi Mr ltIrnbull who will arrive at Melton Dec 24 and the couples son and daughter inlaw and family Mr and Mrs Jerry hirnbuil Wendy Bobby David and Stephen oi Essa Road airistmas day guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson Rose Street will be their daughter Miss Doreen Coulson son and daughterdn law Mr and Mrs Donald Coul son all of Toronto Mrs George Coulson Angus Mr Coulsons mother Mr and Mrs Forbes Br lckcr and daughter Miss Anne Hricker Listowel will be din ner guests at the home oi their son and doughtenialaw Mr and Mrs George Bricker St Vincent Street Dr Calvin Brick er Grenfel Saskatchewan will also be Christmas guest at the Bricker residence Phil Little of Kitchener visit ed friends and acquaintances in the city this week Phil was formerly resident oithe city and attended Barrie Central Col legiate He is now in second year dentistry at the University of Toronto Phil is the son of Mrs Harvey Little oi Kitchener and the late Mr Little GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs Brandon Hillsdaie will be at home to their friends and relatives Dec 27 from 25 and I9 pm on the occasion oi their 50th wed ding snnisversery Christmas holiday guests at the residence oi Mr and Mrs William Parr Cumberland Street are Mr and Mrs Jim Ward Toronto and Mr and Mrs Noble Newmariret Mr and Mrs Dick Cutler and daughter Marta oi Hex dsle will be holiday guests oi Mrs Cutiers parents hit an Mrs Arthur More Queen Street CHRISTMAS IN BERMUDA Don Kinloch Manager oi the Roxy Theatre is sp on ding Christmas at the Belmont Mam orln Bermuda On Boxing Day Golf Tournament has been or ganized by former members of the London Scottish Regiment and Gordon Highlanders Mr Kinioch will be returning for New Years CHRISTMAS GUESTS Miss Anne Kearsey student at University oi Western Outan in London will holidayat the home of her mother Mm Ch arles Kearney Valley Drive Misl Audrey Sariunt Xenon sister of Mrs Kearsey will also be Christmas guest It the Valley Drive residence Mr Ind Mrs Douglas Brown Thompson Street will holiday at the home of Mrs Browns parents Mr and Mrs Howcroft Gait and at thePort Dover residence oi Mr Browns parents Mr and Mrs Adam Brown Mr and Mrs William Paulln and family Meirose Avenue will be Christmas day guests of Mr Pauilnl brotherlnlaw and sist er Mr nndMn Simpson Brampton John Goodfeliow student at Ryerson institute of Technology Toronto will spend the Christ mas holidays with his parents Mr and Mrs Ward Goodlellow Edgchlll Drive Mr and Mrs George Hollo way RR Barrie will host their soninlew and daughter Mr and Mrs Alan Jackson and family of Oakviilc and daught er Mlss Barbara Holloway of Tomato Misses Karen and Susan Tay lor daughters oi Mrs Morrison Highland Avenue will be home from Victoria College University of Toronto Miss Car ol Morrison daughter of Mr Morrison will also be home for th Christmas holiday from Waterloo University Waterloo CHRISTMAS IN FLORIDA Mr and Mrs lrvlng Hobert son Wellington Street are leav ing today for Florida vaca tion Mr Robertson is the driv er of the Coop Bookmobile and Mrs Robertson is member oi the teaching staff of Harris School board NOVA SCOTIA HOLIDAY Miss Peggy Hunt Eccles Street left the city yesterday afternoon for Hollrax ova itla via TCA from Melton Miss Hunt will spend the Christ mas holidays with her mother Mrs Hunt Bill Wardle student at Un iversiw of Tomato will spend the Christina holidays at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs George Wardle Holgata Street Miss Eileen Wright into will also be Yule tiilde guest of Mr and Mrs Wor BLIND BOWLING PARTY Mr and Mrs Douglas Ander son Parkdale Crescent hosted the mbrs oi the Blind Bowling League oi Barrie at Christmas party Dec 18 The party followed the annual turk nil Wally Kennedy presid ent presented the prizes Christ ina turkeys were won by Jerry Smith Mrs May Corbett and Gary Bradley Winners oi chocolates were Rod Wren Mrs Eleanor Howard Charles Striker Mrs Ann Ball Gifts were presented to the hob and score keepers Art Howard Lawrence Mclson and John Corbett FESTIVE DANCE PARTY The Blue room of the Queens Hotel Duniop Street was the setting tor Christmas parw hosted by Angelofi Hol gate Street Guests were the tenants oi 8993 Duniop Street and the Johnston and Company staff Jack Findley ofTCA Toronto was guest Mrs Kathleen McHugh won travelling bag donated by Johnston Travel Bureau bui fet supper and dancing were highlights of the evening John McDowell University of Toronto student is spending the Christmas vacation period at the home of his mother Mrs MdJoweli Letitia Street David Wass son of Mr and Mrs Wass Wellington Street West is home for Christ mas from University of Water loo Waterloo Other guests dur ing the festive season will be Mrs Wass sister Mrs Moore and sons of Detroit Michigan Mr and Mrs Warren Wilgar Owen Street will entertain ANDY NIELSEN Mas HARRISON RALPH WEAYMOUTH so nunlap sr fweAYMouTIIfs BOOK STORE PA 84055 their minlaw and homag and granddaughter Mr hlrl John Daniel and Lisa at Toronto JIm Vulgar student at Universiw of Waterloo will be out at his parents Owen Street residence 11 family of and Mrs Rel Snelgrove ereustreet it maï¬a mm days L831 udent oi Lakeshora Teachers College New Toronto Lisbeth at Havergal College Ion Tim student of Ashbury Collage Ottawa Jemima guests at the home oi Mr and Mrs Calvert Rose Street will be Miss Mar garet Ooughlln Moto sister of Mrs Calvert and John Cai vert student oi University of Toronto son of Mr and Mrs Calvert Miss Jeanne McKenrle stu dent of University of Wele Ontario lcndon will spend the holiday season at the home oi her parents Mr and Mn Ken neth McKenzie Wellington Street West other guests of Mr and Mrs McKenrle will be Dr and Mrs Kenneth Lamont of London Mr and Mrs Kenneth Walls Theresa Street will catert ain their sonlninw and tor Mr and Mrs Keith Camer on Toronto during the holiday weekend Miss Lynne Walls student of Branlsome Hail To route will also he guest at her parents home Mr and Mrs Robert Hnuck Codrlngton Street are entertaining their son and daughterinlays Mr and Mrs Robert Hauck and children Christopher and LesiieAnn of St Paul Minnesota during the festive season Miss Karen Emberson enrol led in the College of Music University of Western Ontario London is holidaying at the Letitia Street residence oi parents Mr and Mrs Emberson Holiday guests at the Ike Street residence oi Mr and Mrs Peter Sinclair will he sons Sandy member oi the teach ing staff of Arthur High School Peter student oi Scoilard Hall North Bay daughter Mary student of University at Western Ontario London and Miss Mcrn Parker Huntsville sister oi Mrs Sinclair Mr and Mrs Lawrence and daughters Wendi and Judi Oak ville will be Sunday guests at the Sinclair home Allan Drury son oi Mrand Mrs Herbert Drury Wellington Street West is home for Christ mas holidays Allan is stud ent of University oi Wisconsin Madison Wis Miss Joan Tribble student of Waterloo University Water loo ls holidaying at the home oi her parents Mr and Mr Trihble Cook Street NEW YORK GUESTS Mr and Mrs Jack Graves Potsdam New York will be Christmas guests of their par ents Mr and Mrs Charles Graves Newton Street and Mr gage Kennedy Owen GREETINGS FROM HOLY LAND Mrs Ebby Harris oi Dunlop Street West has received Christmas greetings from orphan children at the Holy Land She also received bottle oi water from the River Jordan where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist color photo of the Jordan Rivenwhere the children oi the orphanage home in Bethlehem are shown filling tiny bottles with water from the river was included in the par ce Mrs Morley Nash and child ren Sylvia and Andrew of Pa gei Bermuda are spendingthe Christmas holiday with Mrs Nashsparents Mr and Mrs Spiers oi Codrlngten Street Dr Nash has returned to Bermuda eiter visiting in the city He is medical super intendent attheiing Edward Sincere Christian Spirit ACCOmpanies Christmas Season mmmduh medehratetheblrthnf Jean Nearly two thousand years ago he llved upon this earth and went about doing good Every person be met wu an important person regardless of who he was no matter what his race or color no matter whether he was rich or poor whether he was dreued in rags or in the finest clothes whether he lived in hovel or palace or had any home at all So tender kind and was Jesus at the poor and troutr led and discouraged that they ccgowded amnadmhulm Ice cery lympa Ice hear his heartening worded Th who couldnt walk were carried to sea Him or hear Him He never was too busy or too weary to give them his personal attention He considered every one of them avery precious per son Jesus helped the sick to be well the lame to walk the blind to see the deal to hear and the dumb to rpeak He also cured those who were sick in mind renown our Today we call such persons mentally sick few unkind peopii call them crazy in Jesus day they were supposed to have evil spirits in them and were thrown out to wander in the fields and forests Jesus healed such persons and lestored them to useful happy ves The loving kindness shown by Seventh Memorial Hospital in Bermuda and will be on duty Christmas day Mrs Helen Dixon of Hamp stead Quebec is holiday guest at the residence of her son and deughtsnindaw Mr and Mrs Dixon and deu ghterpHeathcr Mrs Dixon ar rived at Molten via TCA Friday afternoon CHRISTAMS IN TORONTO Mrs Smith Sophia St East will spend the holiday weekend as the guest of her daughter Mn Peggy Smith acPherson Leacrest Drive ronte Miss Gay MscPheb son Collier Street will also be Christina week guest at her mothers Toronto residence Mr and Mrs Harold Casper whl be Christian mo ng guests of their sonlnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Hardle Aurora Later Mr and Mrs Coo or will entertain their son an daughteniodaw Sgt and Mrs Kenneth Coo and son Harris at Downsv ow and Mr and Mrs Elgin Han rls and Mrs Tiflln oi Bar rie at their Rose Street resi deuce Ross Gilrey is home for the holidays from Mount Allison University at Sackvllle New Brunswick He will be conduct ing the pm service at Cen tral United Church Sunday Guests for the holiday week end at the residence oi Mr and Mrs Aleck Foley Little Lake will include Mrs Foleys bro theninlsw and sister Mr and Mrs Long and son Chip and Mrs Foleys mother Mrs Woodstock all of Toronto HOME FOR THE HOLIDAY Bflfirintcgalkï¬ oiiChllliwack urn spending the holiday vacation wth his father Harold Walker of Ada iaide Street KIDDIES PAHTY Santa Claus was special guest at the DeVllblss Christ mas irlddlesparty held at him ity Parish Hall Collier Street One hundred and my children attended the party Entertain ment for the afternoon includ ed cartoon carnival followed by distribution of presents by lolly old St Nick Miss Shirley Dawson Lon don daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Dawson Vancouver Street will be holiday guest at the home of her parents other guests of Mr and Mrs Dawson will be son and daugt tablalaw Mr and Mn Gen don Dawson Hillsdsle sonin law and daugter Mr and Mrs Jack Anderson and inmily ct Barrie Miss Elspeth Cameron on Our sincere thanks to those of the community who have helpgd and encouraged us during our first year To Barrie Merry Christmasand Happy New Year IMPERIAL EASTMAN coaroaATloNKIcAPIAnA LTD Junstothe Inmade to ihlsdsycaustngustoprovids hasnitalsanddoctnrllndnursel to cure protect or care for these alfllcted thousand years age old people and little children were not usually treated with the kindness they are today lin agine how most people then wire astonished at the turtlen ness which Jesus showed toward very old persons and little dili in the New Testament we rud in several places tor uampia that the disciples of Jesus tried to push aw the mothers bring ing little dren in their arms to In Jesus mue disciples like other people of their time Ill pond that babies and little ldren were not important enough for Jerus to neticw But Jesus rthuked them for treating these mothers and their little children so unklndly Then He invited the mothers to bring the lttle one to Him and He tenderly took thorn into His arms and blessed them Jesus also told the grownup people crowded about iilm that unless they become as good and lovely as these precious little sons they could not hope to cog in the Kingdom of He yen Most of us who call ourselves Christians worship Jesus as our Lord and Master Hut Jesul nevir telddir speak no or mkln ward anybody sicktwn rolled at Victoria College Uni versity of Toronto is spending the Christmas vacation at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Cameron Mul casler Street Miss Mary Peel Etoblcoke will he guest at the Cameron residence during the holiday vacation DINNER AND DANCE Christmas dinner and dam to party was held at Waugh beach Golf and Country Club last evening for the Itaii of Bay City Motors Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Wass Mr and MI PEARSON SHOES Vania i7 MULCASTER ST THE BEST student It University of West orn Ontario London Mrs Daniel Hart of Clark weod celebrated her 10m birth day recently Born at Crown Hill the centurion still enjoys knitting in llpte of having lost her sight to years ago She claim her only problem is that the drops stitches occasionally Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Allen Fisher Sun nldnle Hood during the holiday will be son Mark student It University oi Tomato daught or Mrs Joan Gerrard Tomato wnininw and daughter and Mn Mlddlebro and their small daughter Tanya of 5111 BAR mum WAY DEW II an Central United Church WM Hold Final December Meeting Central United Oiumh WES held its final meeting to the church parlors delicious iunlt dreon was enieyed by members and friends Rec Brena laid grace Mrs Gillam president opened Montreal Quebec Min er and Min 15 Fisher Oe bourg listen or Mr Finer will also be Christmas week guest Mr and Mrs John Cutler and daughter Nancy of Toron to will beChristmas guests of Mn Cutlers parents Mr and Mrs Edward inesoo Rose Street CHRISTMAS IN CALIFORNIA Mr and Mn Joseph Whaien and children MaryvAnn and Paul Eugenia Street ieit the city by train for Hermosil Beach California where they will be Christians holiday guests oi Mrs Whalcns brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mn Bel Ir for three weeks Miss Judy Sarieant daughter of Mr and Mrs William Sarjeant Dniry Lane will be in the city for Christmas hell days Miss Sprieant is nurse in training East General Hospital Toron ALI GOOD THINGS com IN SHURGAIN BAGS RE Mn Evens conducted the devotional on The Birth of Christ and meaning of Christ mat with ocripiurtreadlng Mn thewZiiLShewaI assisted by Mrs McLean Mrs Boneir Mrl Fred Adams and Mrs Murray Mn Margery Dobson sang Chriltmu number aceempanlod by Mrs Hugh Mrs Sally Bishop gave de llghtlul reading her own composition on The Magic of Christmas WE WOULD LIKE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND SEASONI GREETINGS AND in WIer You VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY AND PROSPrPous NEWYEAR mi QUALITY AND SERVICE cALI HILLSDALE PLoua AND Peso musnam DENNIS BRADFORD IRA WILSON neoxsmwn census cuMMmo PA 10561