BORDENBEAT By JIM STOIT Crime doesnt pay In most places but its likely to pay lowest dividends ol all in Camp Borden Wrongdoer in the past have been held in check at the camp by the air iorce police the army provost corps and rite Ible RCMP detachment Lile at the camp is going to be even harder ior the crim inal element with the terms tlon oi new boys club cal led The Camp Borden Junior Vigilantes IMPRESSIth The name vigilanles might give you the Impression that the club was iormed expressly lor the purpose assisting the police but this Isnlt the case It oiicrs the 83 boys from age to 16 variety act ivities to keep them busy on winternight TI crime angle entered the story in the tirst weeks of the clubs existence The boys were taken on tour of the Pro vost Cor extensive crime detection aclllties to show them real life methods oi crime de tection as compared to the slapdash techniques used by the private eyes and cops on TV Among other things the boys were shown police photography iingcl printing and portrait por to identiï¬cation Portrait parie is the compara tiver new technique where an artist draws likeness of suspect based on descriptions given by the witnesses Aitcr this look at crime dc tcction as it really is several members of the club have de cided to make career of po lice work and all the boys tool they could spot criminal at 100 yards The Vigilantes Club has been In existence now or six weeks The original idea was proposed by Lt Col Scotti Lieu tenant BIII Smith and Sergeant Mathew Mecradi run the club Vigilantes can look iorward to some expert tips on boxing Ser geant Mecredi has been heavy weight champion oi the army three times NOTE TO CENTRAL COM MAND Youve probably heard the jokes about the Pentagon and how civilians and BOmbed Parade Forgiven SACRAMENTO Calii AP Warren Billings 68 con victed with Thomas Mooney in the 1916 bombing of war drive parade in San Francisco hasbeen pardoned by Governor Edmund Brown Billings was convicted of ï¬rst degree murder and sentenced to lite in prison after the bombing in which 10 persons were killed and 40 were injured He was released irom prison Oct 19 1939 after Governor Culbert Olson commuted his sentence to time served Billings who now lives in san Mateo Caiii has servedthe 22 years without parole supervi sion and without incident majority of the justices of the Caliiornia Supreme recommended the pardon gives me great peace of mind Billings said of the par don The bombing culminated pe riod oi labor strife in which Mooney and Billings had been trying to organize San Fran cisco streetcar workers Mooney was nced to death but wide protest move ment led to the intervention of President Woodrow Wilson in 1918 and the execution was postponed year later Mooneys sens tence was commuted to lite in prison Organized labor and liberal organizations tinned the campaign for 20 years charg ing that the case was contrived to weaken the labor movement on the west coast Mooney was pardoned on Jan 1939 the same year Biliings sentence was commuted and he was released IEAIDN Glrls Special Perms £500 up 20 OFF Perms 850 and up REGINA CURL SHOPPE PA eonIa 5s Dunlo st in its complex maze inthls regard Camp Borden is on par with the pentagon This reporter has rather poor sen se oi direction and bad to week with array intelligence on recent tri to ï¬nd the army PR oliicer ut even longterm Camp Borden types We talked to dont know the whole layout ol the camp Perhaps map at the main gate showing the location at each unit would be at value to wondering civilian types like myseli We hear that coaches oi the many hockey teams at Camp are drawing straws to see who will get the services of Major Gordon Bruce who arrives at Borden Jan to take com mood oi l5 Coy RCASC The major is former NHL player who put In time with the Bos ton Bruins Hershey Bears oi the American League and play ed with the Sudbury wolves in the World Hockey Tourney oi 193839 it the army doesnt snap up might AT THE MOVIES Currently at the Garrison Theatre Arm oured Command in which according to the advertising gallant soldiers tangle with orgeous German spy We aventmct soldier at Bord cn yet who had the good lor tune to tangle with gorgeous spy in the course oi his dut lfos You live in hope dont you yr Lost and not yet found dcp artment According to the ad coluI ins beagle hound wear Ing lien collar and II grey Persian cat with an orangetl ped tail have gone AWOL We wonder could they have cl oped togethch Poppies Tax ment has decided to refund the three per cent sales tax coi icctcd on the sale oi poppies by Royal Canadian Legion branches in Ontario on Rememe brance Day Premier Robarts said He said in press release that he has taken steps to correct this situation and have ar ranged that the sales tax which was paid by the provincial com mondwili be refunded imme dlately Legion spokesmen and opposi tton party members of the leg islature protested during the re4 cent scssion that the tax was un lair since the puppies were gen erally made by disabled veter ans and the proceeds from their sale went to help such veterans May the radiance of the Christmas spirit shine upon all men BARRIE AIRWAYS LTD We still have good selection oi gilt ideas for everyone in your home 4q COLLIER 57 Bay City Falcons To Be Returned TORONTO CPtThe govern Kennedy Wants Macmillans Help By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press stall Writer in the new attempt to map coordinated policy on mid war issues the Anglo American summit talks in Bermuda are likely to touch on Christmas but not the kind associated with SantaCiaus President Kennedy is under increasing pressure at home to OLD SPORTS DEPARTMENT atmospheric nuclear tests in the wake oi oiilcial con clusions that Russia made slg nulcant gains In hcr atmos pheric series that included the biggest man made blast the world has ever known But to resume such tests Ken ncdy needs new site He also needs diplomatic help to dull the brunt at world reaction that undoubtedly would be awak ened by new atmospheric cxplo slons Kennedy is reported eager to seek the help of Prime Minis ter Macmillan in two ways To allow the United States to use the British test site at Christ mas island in the South Pacific and to back the United States diplomatically if the US delt cides such tests are necessary SENSITIVE ISSUE This is highly sensitive dip Iomatlc and political issue Khrushchev has warned he will answer sth tor shotthat II the US goes to the atmos pherc and continues her current underground explosions Russia may set all new atmospheric tests of her own Mikhail Men shlkov Soviet ambassador to the US adds an ominous note saying these Russian blasts might even include Immega ton bomb which Khrushchev says he has In his cupboard The biggest Russian blast was experience snow the glories of holy nigltta shining Star AUTO RADIO and IiiFl For your last minute prescription and gilt shopping we are OPEN SATURDAYUNTIL 930 pm OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12 NOON To 500pm 700 pm to 830pm PHARMACY PA 5454 about so megatons equivalent to some 58000300 tons oi TNT and about our times as power iul as any weapon detonated by the US contest by the US and Russia on new atmospheric shots could well increase the dangers oi nuclear war This is not likely to be the kind oi de cision Kennedy would want to make without sympathetic un djerstanding by his closest al Macmillan has stated he hopes the Americans will not resume atmospheric blasts But he says he will support such tests it they became necessary to maintain nuclear deter rent GALA cIIINIEIMI Beiore the 1956 tesllnc more lorium the US used such situ as Bikini and Eniwetok in the South Paciï¬c Marshall islands ior nuclear tests But these lands are administered by the US under United Nations true teeship and trusteeshlp council members inrJudlng lndia have been highly critical oi the American operation Christmas island is about 000 miles east oi the Marshalls and the use of this area could not be challenged by the UN ii Britain consented to the tests Such agreement could also cloak the test operation In an atmosphere oi AngloAmerican nity that might keep the US from beini the lone target for mid critici Well woth trip to TORONTO PREMIERE FRI DEC 22nd MAIL ORDERS or Minn rmncm min wonmammalmum HMMQHE NOV IRAVELOGUE ROLLICKING ADVENIUHE STORY fOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY MICHAEL TODD Ias OLIDAY IN SPAIN TECHNICDLOR MAGIC CAMERAS FILL THE GIANT SCREEN vmmcs RM Inc sun MONDAY TO FRIDAY ORCH ms LOGES 3200 SAT sUN HOLIDAYS until 3225 touts $250 Mum DAILY LIA rM WEDNESDAY ORCHESTRA 5150 mass $175 SAY SUN HOLIDAYS DRcH $175 106$ 52 Do AII pticos intludo tu Theta will be mutlnees doll irom Sat Dec 23 to Wed Jan 3rd Holiday prices Wi Svevull In matineas and evening pedomaness Dec 5th 26th and Jan lst anvm sun oN SALE AT Ionornrr Io AM To EGLINTON THEATRE 400 GIINION AVE THE DNLY cINEMIRAcLI THEATRE IN cANAIIA ml Itll lint on Nu sums Iiunus nnm FRI DAY TOM CROWE SATURDAY ADMISSION 75 Old Tyme and DANCING ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY and his Quintet WEBSTERS ORCHESTRA REFRESHMENT BOOTH NO SLACKS OR JEANS PERMITTED Modern Dancing sand RU May we extend to you our warmest greetings and good wishes for Merry Christmas to you and yours IFendloyrs Flowers 14 BLAKE ST BARRIE gt PA 85975 TEE mm WEB $TURDAY DECEMBER LI IllS Dismiss Ch OTC men Injuchon TORONTO CF Churches shouldnt be torn with disscn lion during the Christmas sea son Mr Justice Spence said in dismissing an application by church board or an lniunc tlon against its minister The lntunctlon sought by dl rectors oi the italian Pentecos tal Church would have pre vented Rev Daniel lppollto from iunctioning as the churchs pastor Emanuele Paterino suing IIS Elli SIIIIIIE md rmy tile for Christmas abound in your heart always RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 1H DUNLOP ST PA H4 17 ESSA ROAD PA 85811 on behalt oi the board said meeting at the directors held at his home had passed resold tioa terminating the ministers services He contended the board had the power to appoint and remove all church oilicers at pleasure Mr Justice Spence said It appeared irorn church bylaws that the directors had exweded their powers He said it was up to the church elders subject in the congregation to retain or dismiss pastor RESERVE NOW For NEW YEARS EVE CLUB PAVALON DRILLIA In Barrie Tickets no Inletnation Available At JACKSDNS GRILL ST Dunlap St PA Mon Well wort trip to TORONTO SIMIIIIIIIIIISIIIII PRESENYa iHIIHlIllII HISIIIII AND SflPHIIIflHIII Tammsurnncunnmnommmv oi ORDERRESERVED SEATS NOW MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED PI nxapiiiiriidiii nllldmnl It won muncmmm am Wm HuirImIr but mun awn EVESIi PM SUN 730 MON T0 FRI $200 SAT SUN HOLS $250 MAT PM WEI SLED There will he matinaes dai SAT SUN HULS 5100 iyfrom Sat Dec 23 to Wed Jan 3rd Holiday prices WlII ravail tor matinee and evening performances Dec 5th 26th and Jan Isl NOWSHIIWING TIVOLI THEATRE RICHMOND AT VICTORIA 81s TORONTO cMPiRE44a4i AT THE CITY CAFE WE OFFER YOU THE VERY BEST IN DISHES COME IN TRY SOME Take Out Service CITY CAFE 29 Dunlap St PA 5M WWAW IMPERIAL The management and Itan of the Imperial Theatre wish each and everyone very Merry Christmas datum T0 ENABLE OUR STAFF TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS WITH THEIR FAMILIES TIIE THEA TRE WILL BE CLOSED 0N CHRISTMAS DAY STARTS TUESDAY Continuous from pm KIWI wwwimcnma ZEZJJhmsnmum LAST snowmo TONIGHT OPERATION MAD BALL PLUS cocKLEsHELL HEROES NO BIGGER HAN and no more than handel But the loving devozion of this raggedy little waif won him the key 20 the oily WALT DISNEYS Greyï¬iars TUESDAY BOXING DAY MORNING SHOW AT 12 NOON JUNGLE MOONMANIn PLUS CARTOONS FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE BOBBY DONALD uuRENcE CRISP NAISMITH NACIlENIIE wiiSH STARTS MONDAY FEATURE TIMES Shows At 700 and 900 MINUTE Get ready to lose your heart to new Disney herd whose adventure was BIGASLIFEJ IIKIWIlinerflhudIclllfl uummsn oIsIAIsIquIErIJIIo TEGHHICOLOR Color GREYFRIARS BOBBY LAST TIMES TOD AII Colo all ONALN Qr WICUWR and the