Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1961, p. 4

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811 i2 Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slaight General Manager SATURDAY DECEMBER 61an TO ALL OUR READERS Christ Holds The Mind And Hearts Of Mankind By LOYAL PHILLIPS Publisher St Petersburg Florida Independent Remarkable things are happening around the world today as the result oi the birth of child in manger 2000 years ago On New Yorks Filth Avenue and on Londons Regent Street there are trai fic Jams as million eager shoppers crowd the sidewalks and stores In Brazil in Germany and Canada carolers sing the same lyrics and the same timeless tunes although in dil Xerent languages Special weekday church services are held In most of the great cities through out the world Multimilllons of gay lights illumin ate the lawns and windows on every continent Billions of dollarshave been spent tor gifts for young and old of all races Our great iactorles are closed today but our hearts are open in spirit oi friendliness to our neighbors and indeed toward all people All these earthshaking developments represent the outpouring of brotherly love and no human being is entirely immune There is of course divine reason for these phenomenal occurrences and tor the explanation we must do 2000 year flashback to quiet little village in the Near East There at Bethlehem was born to peasant maiden Messiah who has changed the course or history In accordance with centuries of pro phecy the virgin Mary brought iorth in Judean cave the promised Savior of man His permanent influence on mankind ls due only in part to His divine con ception He has held the minds and hearts of mankind also because His teachings and His ilie exemplified spirit of goodwill and philosophy by which men can live together on earth and then find eternal life beyond the veil Plainly the divine birth oi Jesus and His resurrection were the most signif icantrevents since the creation For The Barrie Examiner Authorised second class imii Past Dillon Department Olin and or payment oi you in cash nniiy Sundlys Ina Statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher gt BRIAN ELAIGHT General Mung ltichiflan Managing Editor CHARLES WADOE Businesg MinBI HARRY WILSON Adlrllllnf Millage JOHN OLDER Clrnnhlinn Manager Subscription ralo daily by cnrrler 350 weekly stun your Single copy 7c By mail in Ontario £100 your sum six months $25llithrco months slim month Outsida Ontario 3000 year an $2000 year 0mm 415 University Avo Toronto Mn concur ltreoi Montreal 1120 West doorgin Street thcou Vcr Member oi the Canadian Daily Newspaper run inner Association Canadian Pm and Audit Bureau circulations The Canadian Prcss Is exclusively entitled to the no ublicstlon or all news dripcams In this oer on no lo ltor The Aaron ma iPressior enters and sin looi nswa pupilind tharoin tion Outsid carr God so loved the world that He gave His Son so mankind through iaith might have everlasting life Little won der then that 000000000 Christians in their gratitude drop their worka day cares to reilect on the miraculous gift or Redeemer Fortunately lor the world the pro mised Messiah was destined to be or more than the Oriental monarch ior which his contemporaries hoped For His mission unlike Abrahams or Sol omons or Mohammeds or Socrates was to redeem mankind to alter Himself as divinely conceived vehicle to raise each individual to aposition of spiritual importance The Christmas story enables man once more to stand as the child not simply the creature oi God For the believer Christmas is day of hope However its invisible inllu once is felt by everyone the rich and the poor the mighty and the humble the believer and the nonbeliever In this age of tyranny distrust and hunger man must have hope The message or Christmas is one of hope in the lace oi multitude of problems which at times seem hopeless of solu Yet the hope that came to the world through the manger has carried generation after generation to greater heights of aspiration and achievement And the star symbol which led the wise men burns just as brightly today for those who lift their eyes above the tinsel and turn toward Eethiehem Most of all the Christmas story is story love love so compassionate and so winsome as to elevate mankind for an interval from selfish ambitions to an atmosphere or love and kindness Since the dawn of history nations have wrangled and fought and evaded the creed oi brotherly love proponnded by the Son of God Yet all the laws and treaties written these 2000 years would have been unnecessary had men girded themselves with goodwill and followed the simple rules of the gentle Nazarene The earthly voice of the One whose birth we commemorate has long been stilied by the sort winds of time But His spirit is with us today to transform worries and greed into the love and goodwill about which the angels sang Christmas is the feast of love and the faraway rumblings of our troubles are muted on this holiest of all days For unto you thisday Savior Is born ParagrephicallyeSpeaking Adam was created before Eve to give him chance to say something says paragrapher Say something to whom Insteado being their age as they should many oldsters make the ser ious mistake of trying to be the age they wish they were Girls who dance the naughty Twist Should be scorned and also hissed THE LIBRARY Simplicity Is Feature Of Callaghans Novel Pluicn In Room By Morley Clliagban Morley Callaghan Is Canad Isn novelist but be is probab ly belter known to many Can adians as the gentle witty ur bane doyen oi the CBC panel shows Passion In Home In hir Callagbnns iiilh novel and the Ilrzt lo have setting outside Canada His hero however is Canadian new photograph oi worldwido lame who has come lo lioine to photograph the iunerai oitho Pope and the events surrounding the el eclion oi the new one Sam Raymond cores nothing ior lhe lame his skill with camera has brought him up to the moment when he was assigned to Rome Sam caredonly ior pairlng Every spare moment has been spent pointing pictur es which have been rejected by the galleries consistently as his photographs have been be copied by the newspapers Now Sam has just becn made in realize that the desire to point however sincere and deep rooicd is not enough and that he has waslcd his youth trying Io do something ior which he lacked the roper qualifications without res izlng as yet just what It was he so conspicuous ly lacked In his disoricnlcd state he is as alone as child abandoned in alrange city snd as Innocent and he pan Ics as lost child might ponlc At this moment oi emotional disoluiion he meets on darkened and empty street girl oi strange and compelling beauty and In the brief mom cnis oi their cncountcr she giv es him back the stability he has Iosl Later he icets the girl again and learns that she is the mis Ircss oi an Italian movie pro ducer whom she holds In thra ldom helpless and unable to OTTAWA REPORT work and that even now when she has become confirmed alcoholic he cannot let her go lie learns also that she is not at be had thought an ital but an American oi Italian parentage who bad once enjoy sdsbrieicsreerinTVua singer oi lclk songs When he stands In the Sist ine Chapel beiore Mlcbaelang elos Last Judgment Sarn Raymond rcalim Ior Ihe first time the reason or his iailuro as painter He had brought talent and enthusiasm to the art he admired above all others bul bad isiled Io br ing the one essential the pas sion that blazed Irom lho writh ing iigures oi the true artists great work Strangely the real Itallon that he had had no pas sion is bring to his work as painicr instead of throwing him dccpcr Inio despair starts In him train oi thought by which he ilrinlly realizes that passion brought to any task can make the result work oi art ii he cannot paint with passion he can he ls su re bring passion lo the redemption oi the lost and lovely Carin who exercises such compell ing arcinolion over him Armed only in innocence and Ignorance he embarks on ask which might havc cppall ed psychiatrist Slowly pali ently with many mistakes and setbacks he restores Ca rlns coniidencc In herscli recreating her In Ihe image of the idea oi her that he carries in his heart But in ihe protess he Iulls dccply In love wilh her he rages with jealousy other men look at her speak to her take her hand Pygma Lion wonls his Gnlaiea ior him self alone Galatcu hns other ideas Carla wants to return to Iho world she has loit rcsums her career as nightclub sing or and generally live her own Prosperin Basis For WorldPeace By PATRICK NICHOLSON PHILOF SERIES The most hopeiul basis for world wide peace today is worldwide prosperity This calls ior reversal oi the present trend of widening gap in liv Ing standards between the highly industrialized nailnns and the underdeveloped emerging nations Hence the West must achieve level at prosperity and pro ductiviiy suiilcient to enable NATO nations to carry the huge burden oi defence and yet to grant adequate assistance to the developing nations whilst also avoiding any crippling increase In domestic taxation This human and humane dc sire is exerting an upward pres sure on Western governments which are lugging far behind in Iormed public opinion Nowhere Is this more evident today than in the swelling popular demand for the advantages oi stream lined policies and economies which are foreseen in broad na tional interdependence CANADA GIVES LEAD Canadians have been in the Ioreiront of this new political creativity with constant prod being administered to govern ment since 1950 In that year our Senate passed resolution urging NATO convention to explore how far the NATO na llons can apply among them selves the principles of federal union Two years later our llouse oi Commons approved motion urging Canadian participation in any meeting convened td con sider closer political and eco nomic co operation within NATO In 1954 Canadian the news paper publisher Roy Thomson was selected to head the inflult ential delegation which pre sented The Declaration of Atlan tic Unity to the president and council of NATO This declare tion urged that NATO be strentghened as supra national organizatiun to pro mote interdependence and was signed by hundreds oi prominent citizens in leading NATO na lions including ex president Harry Truman future Prime Minister John Dieienbaker and Michel Debra past or iuture Foreign Ministers Christian Her ter Sidney Smith James Byrnes General George Mars shall Plan Marsha PaulVao Zeeland Gaetano Martinoand others In 1955 the NATO Parliamen tarians Conference was formed on Canadian Initiative as an un BIBLE THOUGHT Fear not little flock for It In the Falhers good pleasure to gin you the kingdomsDuke 1232 There is spirit oi deieatism abroad In this generation It needs to be replaced by faith ani hope Ii we put our trust in God my walk confident Iy through Ihs dark toward the div oiiiclal Parliament oi the Allnn Ho and has met every year since In1957 and again in 1960 iiie NOP urged the calling of conference oi leading represen Iative NATO citizensoiiicinlly appointed but instructed to act In accordance with their indivldlt ual convictionsto examine ex haustively and recommend how to develop greater cooperation within IheAtlantic Community as envisaged by the Canadian Clause in the North Atlantic Treaty Such conierence was also recommended by the i959 Atlantic Congress ATLANTIC UNION NOW In 1960 the US Congress passed bill lo initiate sucha meeting to explore means by which greater democratic free dom may be promoted by eco nomic and political means Thus 98 delegates from the iii ieen NATO nations will as semble in Paris next month Oiiicially named The Citizens Convention on NATO it Is al ready being hopefully compared to the citizens convention which met in Philadelphia in 1787 and which draited the constitution oi the USAThai political creel tion converted 13 underde veloped exBritish colonies into one economic and political en tity which In due course pro vided ior its citizens the high est standard oi living ever known Comparable on smaller scale was the win Cenr Iury German Zollverein or cus Ioms union of so tiny indepen dentstates which made possible theirsubsequent unification into the poweriul German Empire The Citizens Convention on NATO will include avowed ad vocates ni AtlanticUnity such as Christian Hertei oi the US Paul Van Zeeland of Belgium Senator Micora of ltaly and many others Thesevwiii prob ably have but one tho ght in as was expressed at the recent preparatory meeting the conventions only task Is to thrash out and recommend the most suitable method of attain ing Atlantic integration This urgent need was recently described thus by Britains Prime MinisterHarold Macmil lan Three years ago President Eisenhower andl declared or interdependence Today that Is not enough We needa wider unity transcending traditional barriers 2780 Soldiers Caught By Indians nova Goa ReuterslIndian Iorces in Goa have captured in Portuguese oiiicers and 2600 soldiers and they are still com Ing in the Indian Military gov ernor oi the former Portuguese territory said Friday cJGen Kenneth Candelh holding his Iirst press cooler cpce since the Indians took over the territory Ihls week said to tal Indian dead and wounded in the two day campaign in which Indian troops took Goavand the territories of Damao and Diu were less than lothree killed and 15 tom wounded liie She icels Ior Sam Bay mond profound gratitude and ai iectioo but no love It ll the iinal test oi the passion Sam Raymond has brought in his seliappoinled task oi redemption that he must now set her ireo lo be the person she is The decision is bitter one Once it Is mode howe ve Sam discovers that he himseli is tree In way that he has never been irec bclore Selling Carla ireo had been lhe lost most necessary not in the win ning of his own irecdom the achievement oi his own mat urily ltlr Calloghans siory is ab sorbing and his characters Ihough they seem somewhat thin and scpcclrai at Iirsi gain in substance and become sympathetically human as the story proceeds The theme oi the novel is perhaps noi now but the approach ls ircsh and interesting Despite these vir lues however Passion In Rome is mildly disappointing This is due In large part to Mr Callaghons literary sty which Is simple and direct to the point oi iiuincss Simplicity and directness in creative writ ing are virtues to be sure but only when they are suriooe qu alities liir Caliaghons prose is simple without subtlety direct without Iorcc and the over all ciiocis Is ihot oI llsiening to good speech delivered in monoione and suggests an al titude oi indiiicrcncc on the port oi the author This is rcgrcitablc for here is no doubt that Morley Callzr hon is man oi ideas who may well have something im portant to say II he cannot be bothered Io say it well it is doubtiul II many will Iisien LETTERS TO EDITOR THANKS FRIENDS Dear Editor We are spending our second Christmas away irorn Innisiil Township since we removed in Saskatchewan our mail imm Barrie vicinity has been heavy We find it inst about impossible to address all the envelopes ii would take to cover all Iriends who have sent us such nice messages oi remcmbrance As we still read The Exam iner via gilt subscription we feel we can ask you to tell by the press ourmany friends that we do wish lhem Merry and Blessed Christmas ii you are thinking of trip lo see us it would be better to wait until summer was 30 below zero last night Todays Dimerick Christmas comes like no other event On mission like no other scnl Bringing joy lo the earth Through heavenly birib And liic on divine purpose spout time It and intends to be the same lo night We note that RGS keeps up his lnnisfil Notes though bave learned that he threatens to get away south as the snow is building up We send our warm wishes to The Examiner stall and Happy INew Year to all who remem El Ill Sincerely REV AND MRS ROWE AND FAMILY Wawota Saskaichswan INSURANCE QUALITY WITH ECONOMY PROTECTION iS OUR PRODUCT SERVICE 15 OUR BUSINESS BENTLEY CO PA 56583 II Collier St Sulic 302 THE QUEENS HOTEL is proud to announce they will be OPEN MONDAY DEC 15 FORCHRISTMAS DINNER Irons 300 to 800 pIn Io serve you and your lamin pbcre CHRISTMAS DINNER Childrens portions served in completely relaxed aimed at moderaie prices Group and Family Rates lllllldilmulililmlmrnmlllltslli The QUEENS HOTEL also have HOME CATERING service ior your Christmas and New Years Parties Nona loo large or small For reservations ior Christmas Dinner and Rome Catering Service Call PA 2424 FREE TOYS AND CRACKERS FOR THE CHILDREN iANUARY DAY CLASS HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN OUR COMPLETE BUSINESS DIPLOMA COURSE tiiher with or wilhouI shorthand in our new day class beginnlng Wed Jan 1962 Be ready ior bciicr lob with good pay by the end oi May This course Includes Type writing Shoribnnd Bookkeeping Business Correspondence Filing OnionProcedure Rs pid Calculations Spelling and Vrliing on THE DETAILS NOW And Plan To Join Our New Day Class on January 3rd I962 BARRIE BUSINESS 66 TORONTO sr BARRIE COLLEGE DIAL PA 8478l Our Wis1 to 1411 listmt of St Nicks HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL GOOD NIGHT Management ind Staff PIERCE MOTORS YOUR VOLKSWAGEN DEALER oi essa pom I7 BRADFORDST

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