Ila11E BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER 191 US Impatient Over WASHINGTON iCFI Quail Iied iniormants ay United States military planners are showing signs oi impatience and lrustration with the Canadian delay in deciding whether to al low storage at American nuclear warheads in Canada The storage question centres not only on the effectiveness the two Bnmarc missile bases in Ontario and Quebec but also on the Iighting power at Canad inn interceptor In North Amor Icsn nir defence and even in the location at strategic nuclear bombers At one time or example the US had hopcd Canada would permit the location at several American nuclcnr bomber bases In the North including one near Edmonton lniormants said it still would be nice it Canada would pcr mtt such buses and the atomic bombs that would go with themI but the Americans have been able to work out alternative or rangements and the matter no longer is criticaljust irritating NEED CLEARANCE Each tlmc the US Ilics one of Its strategic nuclear loaded bombers over Canada it must get Canadian government per mission Canadian source said such requests get pretty close attention but he didnt think they caused much delay Ho suggestcd processing of such ro qucsts has almost reached the automatic stage But It Is an extra nuisance to contribute to American frustra tion and impatience Earlier this year the two PLAER DROPPED GALI tCPDetcncemah Ted ltiaki of Gnlt Terriers was ndA vised Friday that he wont be needed by Port Arthur Bcarcats on their exhibition hockey tour eastern and northern Europe The Eaarcats had asked to borrow Mki IIom the Ontario Hockey Association Senior Terriers for 10 days to strengthen the team for our contests against Swedish and Czech competitors Makt was to have lctt Dec 26 and return Jan missing only one Terriers game The Bear cats cabled Friday that they had decided to continue without ex tra player help neighbors completed big plane swap whereby the us placed large order or mom lighters in Canada while Canada ngmcd to purchase 56 Voodoo lighters from the us So or 32 V00 doos have bccn delivered Thc loodoos main armament is the Genie aintoair nuclear rocket and the Falcon conven tional missile Because the Ca nadian government wont allow nuclear warheads in Canada the Voodoos go to their Cana dian bases without the atomic rockets Military men on both sides at the border 1ch this sharply re duces the value ot the Voodoo as an interceptor As tor the Canadian Bumarc sites US authorities all along have felt they can do their best Job Where they now are located near North Bay and Mont Lnurier Que but that they wouldnt be much use without their nuclear loads WE WISH OUR FRIENDS SHINING HOLIDAYI GOLDS SIIOE SERVICE 11A CLAPPERTON ST The Wellington Hotel Suggests Their Newly Decorated GREEN ROOM the WEDDING RECEPIIONS BUSINESS MEETINGS Ideal Setting for OFFICE PARTIES BRIDGE PARTIES STAG PARTIES CHRISTMAZ PARTIES BANQUETS UP TO GI PEOPLE And For The Discriminatlng Customer THE FISHERMANS COVE Preferred Lnunle For Fortni FROM THE FOLKS AT Information Dial IA 12445 KLEERPAK FOODS 245 Titfin St PA 60501 THANIt YOU wish to thank the elect ors oi Barrie and Ward for their vote of confidence in the past election Merry Christmas and Happy New Year MARSELLUS THIS CHRISTMA Surprise the family with Floor Coverings from marvel at the variety of choose FREE ESTIMATES Ferguson Reid the Perfect Family Gift Youll patterns from which to BUDGET TERMS Installed by Experienced Carpet Layars FERGUSON REID FLOOR settva II MULGASTER ST PA 82613 Speculation Grows Over Cabinet Reshuifle Fleming May Move OTTAWA CPI There is growing speculation in Ottawa that federal cabinet shuttle is in the oiling with the key more shitt for Finance nIs ter Fleming to another portiolio Changes in portlolios might coincide with appointment at new mines minister to succeed Hon Paul Comtois recently aplt pointed Iieutennnt governor ot Quebec Prime Minister Dielcnbaker told press conference Wednes day that appointment oI mine minister is close at hand One theory about shift tor Ittr Fleming is that preselec llon budgEL ls anticipated in the II MANAGEMENT AND STAFF LA EMMS ELECTRIC lTD 47 Dunlop St PA 82493 next session at Parliament op ening Jan iii and radical cnonges In budeeIing are more easily made with new minis tcr He has held the ï¬nance portfolio since the Conservatives came to power in June 1951 The speculation is that others who might be involved in the shuttle are Justice Minister Fulton Health Minister Moo toith Revenue Minister Nowtan and possibly Labor iiinister Starrthe senior members or the cabinet who have not held other portlolios Another is Hon Ernest Halpenny minister without ponlolio WALTER ADAIR Inwranu Agency I47 nERczv sT PA 89298 LITTLE WISH WITH LOT OF HEART T0YOU AND YOURS The Management and Staff BiRite Drugs SIMGOE SHOPPING PLAZA Look fbr enchantment this wondeiful night Look for Saint Nicholas to come intosight STORE CLOSED TODAY SATURDAY 530 inT AMI RE MAINS CLosso TILL wen osc 27 Ni 915