as PREPARE The scene resembles Santas workshop as members of the Third Barrie Senior Scout Troop prepare small centre DECORATIONS pieces in the form of Christ mas trees for distribution to the 1001 Home on William Street and Royal Victoria FOB ELDERLY Hospital Queens Scouts Bruce Daigle left and Ken Cook are in the foreground Examinenr Photo Injured Motorist Loses TwoDay Battle For Life Kenneth Doyle died yes terday in Royal Victoria Hos pitai after twoday battle to overcome injuries sustained in an auto accident Wednesday Mr Doyle who resided at 39A Glcnelg Street in Lindsay received multiple injuries When his car crashed into an abut ment on Highway 400 four miles south of the Hayï¬eld underpass WEATHER FORECAST ForecasLs issued by the Tor onto weather office at 430 am Synopsis high pressure rldge extending from Hudson Bay to Southem Ontario dom lnates the weather picture and has produced fair weather and Ieasonablo temperatures low pressure area centred in south ern Iowa has tended to weaken during the night and does not appear to threaten any severe weather for Ontario over holi day weekend However there imay be some light snow in southwestern Ontario Tempera tures will remain below freezing and the mantle of snow which covers most of the province will persist over Christmas Lake St Clair region Wind nor Overcast with intermittent liluw today and tonight Sunday cloudy and little cooler with snowflurries Winds east 20 to 25 becoming north is Sunday Lake Erie southern Lake Hu ron region London Cloudy to day with little change in tem perature Occasional light snow tonight Sunday partly cloudy Winds east 15 today becoming northerly Sunday Northern Lake Huron Niagara regions Overcast with intermit tent light snow today and Sun day Not much change in tem Heath or Britain Coming To Ottawa LONDON Reuters Deputy Foreign Edward Heath leaves by sea Thursday for weeklong talks on the Eu ropean Common Market and for eign affairs in Canada and the United States it was announced here Friday Heath will arrive in New York Jan and fly direct to Ottawa or meetings with Canadian gov ernment officials gt Usually reliable sources said eath will probably have infor mal talks on foreign affairs with Howard Green Canadas minis tor for external affairs and dis cuss Britains proposed entry into the Common Market with Finance Minister Donald Flem ing Canada is uneasy about the repercussions on its trade of Bri tains possible membership in lthe market TRY US FOR REPAIRS Automatic Transmissions Repaired Free Estimates JUNEAUS GARAGE CROWN 111117 USE OF REFRIGERATOR AND STOVE CART PLUS LARGE INSULATED MOVING BLANKETS IF YOU MOVE IN THE MONTH OF Mausvvouk RESERVATION II pcrature Winds light northeast erly Lake Ontario northern Geor gian Bay Hallburton regions Toronto Hamilton Sunny with cloudy intervals today and Sun day Not much change in tem perature Winds light northerly Timogami Cochrane North Bay Variable cloudiness with occasional light snowflurries to day and Sunday Not much change in temperature Winds light Algoma Sault Ste Marie White River regions Sudhury Sunny with cloudy intervals to day and Sunday Not much change in temperature Winds light Forecast temperatures Low tonight High tomorrow Windsor 25 28 St Thomas 18 28 London 18 Kitchener la Wingham 15 Hamilton 15 St Catharines Toronto Peterhorough Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing White River Moosonee Sault Ste Marie HOLIDAY GREETING When Mr Doyle was first taken to hospital there was in sufficient Rh blood on bond and OPP cruiser was dispatched to Toronto to get more blood for the critically dnjured man During Wednesday night Doyle was given in pints of blood and the hospital issued an appeal for donors of the comparatively rare Rh negative plasma Hospital officials said today the response to the appeal for blood from local residents had been very good DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Trail BC Mrs Hugheua Corby McCorquidalc 80 staff writer and editor of the High River Alta Times for almost 30 years WinnipegHon John Evans Adamson 77 chief justiceof Manitoba from 1955 until his re tirement last February and the first Manitobaborn jurist to sit on the Court of Queens Bench in the province TorontoMrs Ethel McClel land 77 wife of book publisher John McClelland president of McClelland and Stewart Lim ited TorontoFrederick lrvine 63 retired manager of purchas ing for the Master Feeds divi sion of Maple Leaf Mills Lim ited CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines May your home be aglow withuitl the toy of the Christians season ROY andJOHN CHRISTIE and Staff TI NOW ANUARY The postman and letblack cocker spaniel have outshone Santa Claus and his renowned reindeer in bringing Christmas cheer to one Barrie family Last March Mr and Mrs Revle of Napier Street brought twins sons home from Royal Victoria Hospital to meet their other two children and their twoyearold purebred pup Beauty Unfortunately It soon became obvious that lack of time and space weredepriv ing Beauty of the painstaking care and training healthy young dog requires so the Hevies reluctantly concluded that all concerned would bene fit if the pup were put up for adoption To avoid unnecessary heartbreak they left the de tails to their veterinarian Dr Spearin oi Steel Street and local official of the So ciety for the Preevntion of Cruelty to Animals Assured that proper home had been located the Routes sadly parted with their pal They purposely remained lg norant of tho dogs destination fearing they wouldnt be able to resist the temptation to bring her back As went on Beauty was often the topic oi conversation and the two oldest children nineyearold Linda and flveyearold Peter hogan Robert John Thomas RR Barrie who was charged with theft from the mail has been releasedon his own recogniz ance and will appear for tlial Jan Mr Thomas who was worle ing parttime at the post office in Barrie was charged with unlawfully stealing cheque deposited in post office be fore lt was delivered Assistant CTOWIM Attorney Kennedy told Thomas yes terday in magistrates court that the minimum sentence up on conviction is six months in prison Magistrate Foster stated lawyer would be appointed to take the ease omas could not afford to New Union Given Lake Certification MONTREAL CPl The newly formed Canadian Mari time Union CLC has obtained certification by the Canada La bor Relations Board as bargain ing agent for Canadian Pac ic Liners Assini bolus and Keewatin that carry both passengers and cargo on the Great Lakes The union also said it re ceived certification to represent the crew of the Hilda Marianne 700foot freighter crews aboard the Children HapPY Spaniel Is Too to wear long faces as they fac ed the prospect of Christmas without their pet Even the twins Douglas and Greg seem be crying oftener than us as But yesterday the gloom was shattered by shouts of joy and even the twins got into the spiru it of the occasion by sporting happy grins when the postman left Christmas card bearing the following message Hi folks thought you would like to know am well and happy in my new home Seems long time since you had to send me away and was pretty blue and lonely for while but lm real frisky again now and still get my way pretty well Just by re my big brown eyes can still sit up and shake hands and speak and lva even loomed to roll ovsr havent any kids to play with but my master takes me every where in the ear aoddo love that must go now and bury bone and then maybe can sneak sleep on the cheso terfield Love and kisses to all from Beauty PS The Revlcs still dont know the namo of Beautys foster parents but the card was postmarked at New Lowell so they are happy to know the beloved black spaniel is at least nearby Man Charged With Theft Released For Christmas engage one himself Thomas insisted he would defend him so Before Thomas entered his plea Magistrate Foster called an adjournment when court resumed Mr Kennedy told of the Crowns in tention to allow Thomas to sign his own recognizance would let Mr Christians with two children No evidence was given nor did Mr Thomas enter plea This Thoma spend his wife and WRAP PRESENTS FOB NEEDY Members of the Womens Auxiliary to the Barrie Kl wanls Club wrap presents for needy children as part of the joint Christmas hamp er program The lists of needy families were supplied to various clubs and agencies Turkeys find Geese Feature 0f Barrie Farmers Market Christmas geese and turkeys were on sale at the farmers market this morning Geese averaged 50 to 55 cents pound for 14pound birds Turkeys varying from is to as pounds sold at 45 cents pound Farmers wives contributed large quantities of baking goods as well as lnyettes and mlt tens Small mountains of tarts muffins buns cookies and small cakes loaded the tables Tarts were 50 cents dozen muffins buns cookies and small cakes 35 cents doz en Christmas centrepieces were on sale at one booth prices varying from 15 to 80 cents Pink white and green baby To our Many Friends and Qistomers our Warmest Wishes for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 78 WHITE ROSE SERVICES 18 BURTON AVE RAY MEMASTER munxxmugmnmxai PA 6045 MEL HOWE layoites sold at $3 each with pairs of bootecs being sold seplt orater at 45 cents pair Kid dles mittens were 60 cents pair PLAZA DRU WILL BE by Harrie Salvation Army but the gifts and food were purchased by the organiza tions taking part Examiner Photo satnrdln 3100 Barbers CLIFFS BARBER SHOP In Acton from llllndlll Ed GS OPEN BARRIE PLAZA Wellington St at Arms St 900 am 900 pm MON to SAT OPEN SUNDAY 900 tum to We carry complete line of DEC 24 900 pm New Year Nnhcmnkcrl J5 Gifts of health and oppiness we wish for you at Christmas JOHNSON SON Machine Shop Lackio Prop 96 Ross St TO ALL OUR MAN HERES HOPING BRIGHT AND YOUR DAY FlL GLADNESS OF THIS HOLIDAY SEASON THE COMMISSIONERS Management Staff OUR CHRIStJlAS TREE l5 BIG AND ED WITH ALL THE