Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele hone PA 52114 The tdepbons number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 66537 97th YearIND 299 botanic scanner Sen uits OTTAWA CWSenator llenrl Courtemandie accused by Quebec hospital inquiry commis aion of an attitude unworthy of an honest citizen is submitting his resignation from the Senate today Prime Minister Dieicn baker announced Mr Dietenbuker told press conference he had asked the 45 Yearold senator for his resigna tion some months ago follow ing testimony before the com mission that he had accepted money from JoanTalon Hospi tal in Montreal The prime minister said Sena tor Courtcmanche said at the time that he would not do that but would await the commission report The commission report was is sued Thursday and Mr Dieien baker said he has received telegram from the senator stat ng am sending today my res ignaiion as senator to His Ere cellency the GovernorGeneral The commission rejected Sen ator Courtemonchos testimony that he received more than $60 Dont be our guest over the weekend says Staff Ser geant Alex McGetrick of Bar 13 fit Examiner WEEKEND GUESTS ARE CERTAINLY rle Police Department as he holds cell door open City Barrie Ontario Canada Friday December 12 196 it NOT police will be on the alert for errant drivers over the Christ NOT WANTED ERE mas holidays Photo tExaminer 000 from the hospital for legal services only It concluded that the money was more likely kickback on provincial govern ment grants he obtained for the hospital Mr Dlefenbaker sold press reports have stated that Mr Courtemanche received the pay ments between 1953 and 1957 lot airliner crashed and burned shortly after taking off Thurs et Crashes 20 Perish ANKARA British Comet Dief Speaks Seated in his office with Jus tice Minister Fulton at his side Mr Dlefenbnker said he wished to emphasize couple of points abppt the payments made to Easter Courtemanche One was that press reports had stated they were made be tween 1953 and 1957 Mr Courte manche he said was not member of Parliament between August 1053 and June 10 1957 Secondly he did not become member of the cabinet until his appointment as secretary of state May 13 1050 and he re signed his seat in the Commons Jan 1960 the day before his appointment to the Senate pointed out July with ref erence to another matter which is equally applicable here that when there is wrongdoing it were killed after the crash but died in hos pital leased after treatment for minor injuries and the other six were given good chance of recov ery EEAJaid Turks Three of the crew were British passengers were adjusting their safety belts about two minutes after takeoff from the Ankara airport day night in light snowstorm The airline British European Airways said seven of the 34 persons aboard survived and that the survivors included four Americans Twenty passengers and all seven crew members One person was found alive One survivor was re Most of the passengers were Cypriots and Israelis The crash occurred as the Fighting MONTREAL CF The Ca nadian Pacific Railway today described the latest demands of the non operating unions as fantastic and agreed with Ca nadian National Railways that there is little hope of an amic able settlement In new contract demands of ficially made public Thursday the nonop unions asked for revolutionary job freeze and called for an immediate 22cents anhour wage increase In prepared statement today lMcNelil vicepresident of personnel for the CPR said The demands made on the railways by the non operating unions are nothing short of fan tastic and consequently no pos sibility is foreseen of any amic able settlement to the second dispute this year between the Stop School Dropouts Council Urges Government TORONTO CPlA report by will not he condoned in any way That want to make clear That has been my atti tude throughout He said there is no authority for aprime minister to remove senator from his post That is lifetime appointment The only way Senate seat could be vacated other than vol untarily by senator was if his $4000 property alifications were reduced below the require ment if he failed to live in the province for which he was ap pointed if he became bankrupt or if he were convicted for trea son felony or an infamous of fence TSHOMBE RETURNS FROM MEETING Katanga President Moire Tshombe holds on to his hat on arriving at airport in Ndola Northern Rhodesia er was on blaway back to Mmmwumv cause dustrial representatives for al most year the report was re leased Wednesday Metropolitan Torontos social planning council urges govern ment action to prevent school dropouts that are aggravating unemployment and causing other social and welfare prob lems Federal and provincial gov ernrnents have already begun toimplement number ofthe key recommendations in the councils lengthy detailed re port Under preparation by so cial workers teachers and in The colutcil report demands revrsed system of education Katanga after meeting with Congo Premier Cyrille Adoula at the United Nations base in Kitona in The Congo AP rail 1ys and these unions to train Canadians for employ ment under changing technologi cal conditions that by 1976 are expected to reduce to 10 per cent the number of all jobs open to unskilled workers Despite greater need for train ing in technical skills about one thirdvof Canadas students drop out of schoolat the end of Grade and only onethird complete Grade 12 The council concluding that many students leave school be cause they cant complete an academic course recommends greater emphasis on provid ing variety of nonacademic courses in high schools POPE IOHNCIlLlS VATICAN CITY APtPope John in his fourth Christmas message called on the leaders of world full of strife to strive for peace and brotherhood among men The 80yearold head of the Roman Catholic Church urged those who control the worlds economic forces to risk every thingbut not the peace of the world and the lives of mento seek every means that modern progress has put at their dispo cal to increase the welfare and security of the world The Popes message contained Railways Come Unions Wilson CNRs vice president of personnel said in statement Thursday that the de mands of the unions were stag gering and appeared to doom to failure any attempt to ne gotiate settlement Frank Hall chief negotiator for the 15 CLOaffiliated nonops unions said that despite the CNRs pessimistic statement he expects the railways will meet the unions across the bargaining table before Jan as the un ions requested SUNKEN TREASURE AUCKLAND NZ CPlVis itors foryears have been toss ing coins into the crystalclear Hamurana Springs near Ro torua Skindivers trying to find the source of the springs failed but found piles of coins on rock ledges to great depth and are busy recovering the money to buy Christmas toys for handi capped children Shopping days before Christmas cast by the Vatican and Italian radio and by the networks of many European countries Translations of the message will be broadcast by the Vat ican radio in more than score of languages during the next three days The Pope said the appeal for peace that rises up this year from the crib at Bethlehem should be an invocation for goodness and appreciation of true brotherhood He urged men to shun all in powerful appeal for more equitable sharing of the worlds wealth The pontiff spoke as he had said he would like the father of family to his children He recalled that he hadthree times appealedfor peace in pre vious Christmas messages This time he said he isadding an appeal for goodness SEES GOOD SIGNS We cannot believe he said that the terrific energy now under the control of man will be released for the worlds destruc tion For side by side with ele ments of fear andapprehension there are positive signs of good will that in constructive and pro ductive of good Wirepboto via radio from Ndolal Pope John spoke Thursday from his private library in the Vatican His lwords werebroad 93 7Together For Christmas SARNIA CP The seven motherlcss Waybrant children will be together again for Christmas Provincial child welfare die rector William Bury announced this Thursday and gave the youngsters new hope of per manent home together He said theChildrens Aid So ciety in Sarnia and provincial officials are choosing from three or four possible foster home ior the children gt The news reached the chil dren just before they entered hearing which made the iive youngesLJstnporary wards of the CAS for one year The so cicty has decided to keep the children in the present foster homes until permanent arrange ment can be made Ellen 17 the oldest has been struggling to keep the brood of four sisters and two brothers together since their mother died of cancer Nov 13 1960 Turkeys Hit Montreal MONTREAL CP Thous ands of pounds of turkey left over from last Christmas are being dumped on the Montreal market warehouse manager said Thursday Roger Leblond superintendent of the Montreal harbor cold storage warehouse said some 3000000 pounds of turkey have passed through his ware house this year en route to re tail poultry dealers in Montreal Most of it was from Western Canada federal agricultural official said yearold birds usually are all red and dried up but this was hard for the average shop per to detect HAMILTON Bermuda AP President Kennedy and Prime Minister Macmillan today were reported in complete agreement on their next steps in the Berlin crisis the results of the recent Soviet nuclear tests and the lit tle they know about the con fused Congo situation The two leaders of the West ern alliance were expected to go deeper into all three situations and others as well in further talks before Kennedy flies back See Picture lower to Palm Beach Fla late this afternoon to the bedside of his seriously ill father They conferredfor five hours their first session Thursday and there was every indication that the atmosphere was bann onious But their spokesmen emphasized that each subject was discussed only to limited extent In their talk on Berlin White House press secretary Pierre Salinger said Kennedy and Mac millan concurred on steps that Headlirie Hunters Rebuked mnwaetceifu Agricul ture Minister Alvin Hamilton Thursday night attacked heade linehunting reporters On 039 radi program Sounding Hamilton ap peared with Charles Lynch chief of Southam News Serv ices Walter Gray parliament ary correspondent for the Tor onto Globe and Mail Richard Gwyn Ottawa correspondent for MacleaolIunter business publi cations Farmer Tissington Ot tawa correspondent for The Barrie Examiner and Chris topher Young editorof the ot tawn Citizen HERES ONE PHILADELPHIA AP Last Sunday morning Dr Robert Rommel found kit chen window had be en forced open and pair of gloves and $45 in cash stolen Dr Rommel bought new pair of glovesbrown leather lined with furfor 515 Thursday he and his wife Ann 26 found the same window jimmied The new gloves weregone and so was $20 from Mrs Rommels purse The old gloves were re turned FOB BROTHERHOOD PEACE Risk AllThing But Not Peace trigue and all those discordant elements which we have ealled and which we will call again without disguising our words Pride greed ealiousness self ishaess The need for this said Pope John is all the more pressing because mutual mistrust is making conditions progressively yvorse Man is no longer brother good merciful and loving to his fellow men but has become HWV0 stranger calculating suspicious and selfish Under the cloak of fair words there is often spi rit opposed to peace He then spoke bitterly of this opposition to peace It is the pride of the man of power who under foot be said It is the greed of the man of weath who har dens hisdheart to the needs of his brothers it is the callous ness of the complacent man who pays no heed to the great cry of stiffening which exists in the world man who thinks exclusively of himself GOODNESS LACiflNG In every case it is the good ness of Christ which is lacking ad which above allrnust pro vrdethe antidote to this spirit of contradiction xand hardheart ednessfl The Pope also cautioned those who form public opinion 0nnot few occasions in modern times and this we state with candor andregret the press has eontribu to the production of an atmo here of averslon enmity and discor He concluded his message by giving his best wishes and hen ediction to his listeners Christmas Day he will appear on the central balcony St Pe ters basilica to give his bless ing of urbi et orbito the city of Roma anti tboworld LOCAL WEATHER Variable cloudiness today and Saturday Light snow lbw toe night 10 High Saturday II For summary turn to pageiwo can be taken in this particular field Info ants said this meant the position the West should take in trying to negoti ate peaceful solution with Moscow WILL TALK IT OVER The next step it was agreed in Paris at the Big Three for eign ministers meeting last week will be talks by US Am bassador Llewelly pson with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei romyko in Moscow to determine if there is chance for formal negotiations on new Berlin agreement but informants said they still must decide on further ap preach to Moscow whether for example to work toward for Man Found Dead ll Week BRADFORD Dec 22 iSpec tallWilliam Linton 87 of Whitchurch was found dead at his home on the sixth conces sioa last night Neighbors con cerned because they hadnt seen him for several days call ed at the house and found him lying on the floor Police said the man had been dead for over week They believe he had been trying to light fire in the stove at the time of death Cause of death has not been determined An autopsy is being performed to day Mr Lipton had lived alone for several years His nearest known relative is William Lin ton of Barrie nephew Police Seek Private Eye In Hijacking TORONTO CPtPolice are checking on former Winnipeg private investigator in connec tion with $65000 hijacking kidnapping near Guelph Mon day it was learned today Ontario Provincial Poli ce said the man whose name was not disclosed is wanted for questioning in connection with the hijacking of part of truck load of cigarettes by two men who posed as policemen The truck driver was handcuffed for more than 14 hours in his cnb befoe he was found Police said the man being checked on left Winnipeg around August and has been in the east since It was understood his present whereabout are un known lnformanls said also police are searching for car missing from Winnipeg and equipped with detachable articles that could make it look like police car including an amber flasher for the top It also carried siren The car used to stop William Gregory and his transport had this equipment plus twin radio Not Moro Than par Copyla Page PM AND JFK MEET AGREE ON BERLIN eign ministers meeting and ul tlmateiy an EastWest summit They also must discuss ways to bring Frenth President dc Gaullc around Dc Gaullc in sists that the tension over Ecr lin is all of Russian making and therefore the Russians must take the first steps towards cas ing it Salinger said the discussion did not extend to policies whether the United States should resume testing in the at mospherehut it was felt the conversation may have stren gthened Kennedys hand with fearful European allies if he do eies the United States must re sume testing above ground to counter Soviet advances One source of tension between the two Western allies was eased by reports of an accord reached in The Congo between Premier Cyrillc Adoula of the Leopoldvllle government and President Moise Tshombc of Kotanga The United States has sup ported the United Nations mil itary action in secessionist Kit tanga while britain has been critical of the fighting Union Fate Hangs TORONTO CP The tough union battle for supremacy among Ontarios hardrock min ers was fought through new round Thursday before the One tario Labor Relations Board The board reserved decision on whether there is to be quick vote among 15000 work ers at Sudbury to determine whether they want to stay with the International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers 1nd or switch to the United Steel workers of America CLC 0n the outcome of the vote bangs the fate in Canada of the controversial Mine Mill union for Sudbury Local 598 is its fi nancial breadbaskct with about half the Canadian membership The smaller Port Colborne local already has defected to Steel Factions in the local remain ing loyal to MinoMills national leadership called on the board Thursday to reject Steel ap plication for prompt represen tation voteyand instead to delay the ballot in three ways Monstarrat Marries Again LONDON AP Nicholas Montserrat 52yearold author of The Cruel Sea and many other best sellers was married today to Miss Ann Graiffiths 24 British office worker Montsarrat now lives in Ot tawa where they will make their home It was his third marriagefiod the brides first is the selfishness of the On Man ntcentra is not MEETING IN Brannon roe TALKS British PrimeMinister Hat old Maemlllan greets Presid cnt Kennedy riflit on his ar rival in Hamilton Bermuda entir vfied Kennedyfleu in from Palm Beach Fla for two days of talks with the British leader AP Wircphoto by radio from Hamilton

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