111 um mm WEDNPSDAY DEC musucmav SAYS LAST WEEKS Canada Russia TURKEY Can Cooperate WINNERS OTTAWA tCFl Soviet Pre among nations the Soviet gnv 311 Smlth Gleason mier Khrushchev said Tuesday erumeut will do is best as it Sham 53° 70 Metros Avenue that there are no objective did betore to lessen interna BUT Barrie reasons that can prevent lruit tional tension and to improve in gWHs JlmelMumo ul cooperation between Canada relations with all the states and 17 km 75 an Street and the Soviet Union in the in it will spare no ettorts to seek Lab 70 Barrie terests oi the whole world settlement at all dispumble in gt CMH Miss lreae alum Mr Khmshchev made the ternationol issues on the basis fldflnxtnn Street at upler Stud statement in telegram ed at mutual understanding Bmle dressed to Ron Hayter ot the throung negotiations Edmonton Journal in reply to The Soviet premier said an invitation to the Ru ssian great importance is attached leader to attend reception ar to the maintenance and devel ranged by TheJournnl in Ed opment of good relations with monton all Russias neiEhbors and also The ZDmvord telegram also with Canada conveyed Mr Khrushchevs best The telegram was dated Deni wishes to Canadians or the It was sent in reply to on coming new year invitation for reception last Let it be the year oi peace Saturday prosperity and wellheing said Addressed to Esteemed Mr MEXICAN the telegram released Tuesday Hayter it expressed gratitude gt 203 night by the Soviet embassy In or the invitation and added Ottawa Unlortunately was unable HULEN In spite oi the plottings at to accept It due to business BROILER TURKEYS those who try to strain relations commitments Icebreaker Ready To Clear N6 PURCHASE Reogutggé ENTRY FORMS AT Rivers But There No Ice OCEAN SPRAY PKGS MONTREAL CP Six fed This would beat the previous eral icebreakers are ready to record or normal departure FRESH CUT UP CHICKENS swing into action on the St made in 1953 by one day Lawrence River as an aid to The ship is bound or Genoa winter navigation and tlood eon Italy trol So far generally mild ï¬ï¬‚lflcgfrflekw OPPONENTS cuosEN COOPERSNWN NY No1 IMPORTED usA Willisiiï¬liinhï¬lil New York Yankees and MH Pcsééo dlbervillewill work mostly in wankee Braves wxll play In the the St Lawrence Gulf keeping unnuul mnlor league Hall of paths open into the ports at Fume same here July 23 it Quebecs north shore and help 05 maimed Tuesday BLADE BONE REMOVED ing shipping BLADE There are no plans despite SHORT RIB frequent suggestions or keep BONELESS POT ing the St Lawrence open as far as Montreal STARTS THURS Meanwhile the 7131lon Brit lsll freighter Mu ll Hill an HEM BATTLE mil Hal docked in Montreal Tuesday to take on load of scrap iron flPERATlnfl and became one of the latest arrivals on record it is hoped that the loading will be com pleted late Thursday so that she may sail Friday END LB RESERVE NOW murmurunrth CUTS lllllllll IltlltlllllIlmflflm or aux3 THE new YEARS EVE zmwgeaemw NECE CENTRE curs La 69 ADDED FEATURE COCKLESHELL HEROES Starring LEA JOSE FERRER CED maven HOWARD COOKED ln Cinemaseope CLUB PAVALON and Colour ORTLLTA TODAY ONLY Baffle MATTER OF MORALS Tlckets and Information SW gt gt Available At and CARTON OF 200s ALL POPULAR BRAND JACKSONS GRILL THE BRIDE is MUCH T00 51 Dunlop St were BEAUTIFUL Adult ROSE BRAND swear MIXED Thursday Night Is Kinsmen Bingo NightI gt No15nADE BARRIE REATT KlllSMlill Th3ï¬Â£3lfï¬m BUTTER lb 67c rs YOUR ssnA 20 GAMES HEADQUARTERS CARNMwN WWW Mltlt 3lll 44 JACKPOT $24000 FOR $2500 Consolation Prize JAYS FANCY HELP KIN HELLKIDULES °W°WG 65555 W°fg JUICE 100 it FAMOUS FEATURE rlMEs PLAYERS cosmos AT 700 and 1010 CEAN SPRAY SAUCE on ETS LIKE KINSEV REPORT mm 29c THEATRE PHARAOHS AT no THE CAMPUSLwAuEa wmcusu MAPLE LEAF lt SItttlllENJHYNEMEADOWS EM WHHERWINGHMHMIEUHNDUHEN lNCEM 45 EGE EEG 55ng 10 SERVE AGOOD ASSORTMENT or emanaemm CANDIES lluTs Au ALBERT zuathru PRODUCTION Um MICKEYSNNJGNHEXSYUm055WNEREWTIMSMLWIMAVWIWRMWSFMK umammoniasllzltllttmwmvnlsautommsotmmmmmww WHOLE lRVING SHULMMWWWMALBERT ZUGSMITH AUNNERSALINKEHNAMMLW ADDED FEATURE FOR UElt EMBRACE rim 1an AN EMPIRE mm an LlltllA CRISTLHIDM BIlEtllllllllllll FllAlllJlilLl lllll lllllltl EUlllDWlltl lllill SASSD 4le RESSI in llJllllIflIlllllll DREW BMW mmsmmmuuwuwmmmmm Adult Entertainment anmmmmmmm=z==zm