Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited is Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher WEDNESDAY is Brian Sleight General Manager as nu Pua HIGH TIME THE OLD FELLOW HAD LITTLE FLING Nehru Shattersr Indias Posiure Of Innocence Asthe old saying goes My how the mighty are fallen Prime Minister Nehru of India has been mighty man with mighty high principles but it would appear that those principles are for others and not for India India has preached non aggression peaceful solutions to world problems has glossed over suchrevolt ing events as Red Chinas rape of Tibet has suggested neutralism as the only fair course Thus it is enlightening to see that India speaks with two tongues India has posture of innocence for the world and posture of land theft and ag gression for home consumption it is impossible to uphold Portugals colonial system which surely ranks as one of the most brutal and nonbenevo lent in history But it is equally im possible to uphold Indias resort to arm dd force to liberate Goa Liberate as word has an all too familiar sound to most of us It is the word used by Communists as they swallow up yet an other nation It was the word used by Italy in Ethiopia and even by the Nazis he were not too concerned about hid ihg their plans for world conquest under the umbrella of polite words India has tough record at home on matters of national dealings with her neighbors She has talked and acted tough in Kashmirend in earlier armed conquests to add independent portions the old lireIndependence India to en nation following the granting of Independence grind yet this has been the nation which so stoutly has condemned others particularly the West But it has also been the nation which has not con demned in any loud voice the Russian suppression of Hungary or Russias rs sumption of nuclear testing Perhaps it is all for the best that we can now realize that India has no greater right to preach world morality than any other nation Thus we who held to the determination not to allow the Soviet to dominate the remainder of the world will not view Indias const ant protestations as coming from any particularly moral or righteous source More than any other aspect one strikes us as of great importance That is the future direction of the Common wealth We vieWIndias aggression as the possible death knell of the Common wealth which already has taken on twofaced complexion South Africa was rightly encouraged to leave the Commonwealth as result of racial policies Yet Ghana firm dictatorship with the complete closet of totalitarian tricks including suppression of freedom of speech and freedom of the press and the casting into jail of opponents of the regime has been al lowed to remain South Africa and Ghana are ag gressing against their own people at home India is aggressing agalnst neighboring colony perhaps even with the full support of the Indian people there Why should Ghana and India remain in the Commonwealth or why should there be Commonwealth at all India couldnt or wouldnt settle her difficulties without resort to force What right of moral leadership can India pretend now Poor Ghandli Poor India How the mighty have fallen from the professed heights of international morality Other Editors Views DANGER IN DOITYOURSELF sudbury Star At Flint Michigan machinist spent more than two years building plane in the basement of his house Lest Sep tember he removed wall of his house to get the plane out and take it to the airport for final adjustments On MN The Barrie Examiner Authorised as second class null Pall Ollie Irlmlnt ttswl for payment of postgs in cash Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted munch WAIA Publisher BRIAN Imdlfl aonsrsi Mimi If MoPIIIBIDN Mlll ldltor CHARLIE WADGI III MI HARRY WILSON Ad rtising MI JOHN HOLDIR CINE tion Msnsnr subscription rats tilliy by csrrisr sun weekly 1F year so copy To By mail in 0mm no or uoo omn nso hm meet 00 nt bums on srio it outside 02000 yssr Ollie fille AVI Toronto Ithclfl sst deems rut noon we idonlrulx ms if min sul no II Audit eumil ofcnclroulatic Tile Canadian Press is are use for re ubilostion EIPOP ll tailed and knowledge periy test their eclipse the experts clattlld Wednesday he took his plane up on its maiden flight before civil nernoautlcs inspector Two hundred feet above the ground the engine failed The plane cigasthed killing the 83yearold builder lo Perhaps an investigation will disclose why the plane failed But in the tra gedy there is warning to doityourself people who build boats planes and automobiles Many are the homemade boats that have taken their homebuilders to their deaths Many are the doityourself hotrodders who have been killed in their homedesigned motor vehicles What the average doityourself man may forget is that skilled designers and craftsmen are employed to build fac tory product Prototypes are subjected to all kinds of tests with facilities and available in the home equipment not workshop However is one of the products of the times that men who lack expert skill or the means to pro work wiilcontinue to More Than Million Workers Get Jobs Through Service By ROBERT RIC OTTAWA lCPlinc National mnploymeni Service estinistu thst by the end of this year it will have placed more than 1100000 workers in Jobs it will break its 1966 record of 1047000 placements and head toward its n1ltime moords of the warboom years from ms to 195 The placement total is yard stick in measuring bow well the employment service is inkling the manpower challenge The service wsa set up in 1041 as the ioblinding wing of the Unemployment insurance Commission whose main field is he in Jobless workers finan cisly until they get back to work new emphasis is emerging for the emp omcnt service as the positive side of twowsy attack on the general unem ployment roblcm Our tee is to provide assist sncs in workers by finding them jobs and to employers by find ing workers to fill their job QUEENS PARK openings said NES chief Wil lism Thomson HIGHER THAN 60 in the first 10 months of El NBS placements were running in per cent ahead of the com parable period last year in only one month the peak unemploy msni naonth of February were we placements below 1060 With two months to go the service had placed 9240 work ers in Jobs compared with 796 in the corresponding period Placements to Quebec and Ontario were well ahead oi the lepercent national nversgs in crease Ontario led with place ments up at per cent over 1960 in Quebec placements were up is per cent The Pacific region was up 11 per cent the Atlantic region nine per cent and the Prairies eight per cent The utoplen ideal of course is for N35 to work itself out of slob an impossibility What were really after is the best possible organisation of the labor market so as in last year Judicial Inquiries Not The End All By DON OIIEABN TORONTO Thls is being written before Premier Roberts makes his announcement on crime it is being done so intention allyso that there can be no question of second Drinking and because there is an important point to be brought out The poinii That commissions probably stems from the fact we are mentally lazy and really dont want to take the effort to recognize that all reports are based on human investigation and human decision if we did recognize this we would have to make the mental effort to decide just how good they are And it is easier to accept them bolusbolus Judicial inquiries or any other type of investigations are not absolute Not the endall They are iust as variable as humans themselves They can be good poor thor ough or superficial strong or weakend often are just about middling GODS TRUTH We are inclined to be lazy mlnded bunch in this society of ours and perhaps this is the cause Whatever it is we are inclined to give anything of an official nature the status of infellability Anything that comes in the form of report we are liable to accept as Gods truth It is un infulllbility we also glvefo the bench and even are inclined to give to statements no matter how ussinine they maybewhich are delivered in these legislative bulls Speaking as member of tho publicatlarge one can say tbil SEE THROUGH Why bring this up Well the upcoming inquiry into crime promises to be the most controversial in recent years at least There will be political sccu nations thrown back forth and over the boards And unless we keep in mind that this is human investiga tion by human beings who will be making human decisions we will be in an awful mess trying to figure the rights from the wrongs This is good point to keep in mind under any circumstan ces today We are having more and more commission boards and reports To keep balanced eye on government you simply must be able to look at them with an objective eye and try and see through them And it aint easy REPORT FROM ILK Shows Remarkable Housing Record By MclNTYRE HOOD Special London England Correspodnent for The Barrie Examiner LONDON While the London County Council controlled by Labors majority is coming in for severe criticism for the ser ions housing shortage and the lack of accommodation for 3000 homeless farfillies it can pre sent substantial record of achievement in the field of housing activity In fact what has been accomplished since the end of the second world war might well be considered remarkable Drastic measures ware necessary not merely to house people in London but to get them out of London and Erovide them with em loyment their new commu ties As soon as the war ended the magnitude of the coming roblem became apparent The Eondon County Council tackled it boldly The councils plan ners drew up scheme in build ring of 15 new housing estat es round the fringe of the cap ital This was the beginning of what has become known as Operation Oversplli ALMOST COMPLETE Todey ls yearselnier allrbut two of these estates all within 25 miles of Trafalgar Square have been com leted The ter gct set was provision of 45000 new houses and apart ments Today only few hun dred remain to be built at the two uncompleted estates These are at Edenbrldge in Kent and Britwell near Maidenhead Buckinghemsiiire The biggest of these county estates at Harold Hill now houses 7831 families Three others at Debden Boreham wood and Oxiie each have over 4000 new omes Aveley has become the home of 5800 families from London Thus the first phase of the operation has been very successful THE SECOND PHASE The second phase wasto ro de for the ension 14 provincial towns srthcrsiield and to persuade industries to move thereto cm lay the Lon don zovers ill Will technical nndilnsnc oi help from the ndon County Council several aistbom have already luken total of 4000 families from the LCC area plus another 3000 from Greater London Phase two involves the im plementation of plans to move further 50000 London families in the next 15 years to such places as Ashford Kent Aylesv bury Basingstoke Biatchiey liaverhiil Luton and to Thed ford in Norfolk JOBS PROVIDED Moving people to new com munities is one thing Provid ing them with jobs there is quite another lhis has also been tackled with success Over 80 new firms are in production in the expanding towns and an other 29 hope to be operating in 1062 furiher27 compan ies are negotiating the estab lishment of new factories and offices Finally with the cooperation and assistance of the govern ment there are the eight gov ernmentsponsored new towns in the Home Counties in which homes have already been pro vided for 334300 people The ultimate target for these is combined population of 435000 in the county of London itself the LCC has built an average of 3600 new homes year most ly inn apartment blocksAnd in addluon the Metropolitan Councils of Greater London have built another 65000 homes in spite of the fact that there is still housing shortage in the whole London area what has already been done to solve the problem ranks as fine schievement in taking care of its surplus population BIBLE THOUGHT Tbere bails no temptation aka on you but uch as is common to man but God is faithful wife will not sufferyou in its teamed above that ye are able bui wiliwith the temptation nisp make way of escape that yemay bcvsbchobesr If Corinthians 1019 ihisiis promise that is made only to those who are in the family of God His children are more than conquerors in em stuetion through Him use achieve the fullest utilisation of the countrys most valuable rcsourcomsnpowu ssys lfr iii or means nu ng right man in the right fobsimple to say but hard to achieve it also means massive savings in terms of money manpower and min ny For example it has been es timated that lopercent re duction in labor turnover would save Canadian ind up wards of $100000000 annually To do its Job properly the ear pioyment service must know who is looking for work and who has jobs to offer it has pretty good idea of the work seekers because they must reg inter if they want to draw un employment benefits NEED SKILLED MEN There are indications the gov ernment may decide on come pulsory registration of Job openings still leaving industry with the final say on how they are filled Yet even if NES had all the facts at its command it couldnt do much if for ex ample the job needs were for skilled workers and the job seekers unskilled men We need to train workers for Changein fit them out with basic skills so they can cope with the rapid technological changes going on new in Cans dds says air Thomson in the next decade the indi caiors point to surplus of young inexperienced workers moderate supply of skilled and experienced workers in the up perago brackets but shortage the 7544 age group What faces us in the future is that we are likely to have both surplus of labor and shortage at the some time says the NES director There is also the secular un employment chronic long run Joblessness that the Senate manpower committee alied creeping unemployment This problem say some observers is caused because the economy is not growing fast enough its rcmcdy lies largely with govern meat NWT Court Rejects Bid WHITEHORSE YT lifr Justice John Parker of the territorial Court re jecied three applications from Norman Chomborlist for court erders arising from Mr Cbam berliste expulsion from the Yu kon Territorial Council and subsequent move by the coun cil to hold byelection to fill the vacancy The justice said he had no jurisdiction over the Yukon councils decision to declare the Whitchorsc East seat vacant He said Mr Cbumberlist has the right of appeal Mr Chamberlist was ousted from the council and the sect declared vacant last month after firm in which he had held on interest was declared the suc cessful bidder on government contract He said he had no in tercst in the company when it OTTAWA REPORT Canada New Land Oi Christmas Parties Dy PATRICK NICHOLSON Canada so long the had of Christmas trees has become the land of Christmas parties lsvish different and wido lpaccd Tn the children of the lands of the Old World the eagerly swaited Christmas lasts but one day But in Canada it has be come the prolonged highlight of the year reflecting the Old Country customs of tbe many nations who have contributed amigrsnts to add to our popula on Canadas Chrisimssmonih is especially strongly marked hm in ma national capital for we not only bsveihs various racial groups making up the Ca nadian population but we also have three score foreign diplo maiic missions here which each celebrate Christmas in their own traditional manner and at their own traditional time For many of the smaller groups here the embassy of their Old Country is the focal point of their celebrations The ambassador invites not only his diplomatic staff to bring wives and children to his Cbrlsimas party he invites many or all of the local immigrants from his country to bring their families to the celebration too GAIETY AND GIFTS The Netherlanders start off the Christmas festivities in 0i inwa on Dec each year St Nicholas visits their homes to bring gifts to all good children and to threaten any naughty children with his big stickbut of course all children are good on that day Nicholas was bishop of Myra in Asia Minor i700 years ago He won fame and gratitude through making anonymous sur prise gifts to the poor and needy Thus he began our tra dition of gifts deposited myster iously by an unseen donorper haps at night when children are asleep and it is safe to clembcr down the chimney The first Dutch settlers in the New World brought with them their tradition of the kindly longago Bishop But the name of Santa Nikolaus was mis pronounced by the early Eng lish settlers and Santa Klaus became to the children of the New World what is still called Either Christmas in Old Eng Ii The next prominent celebra tion is the feast of Saint Lucie On Dec la the Swedes ccle brute highlighted by pretty girl dressed in white wearing crown with six lighted candles and chanting the old folksong named for the saint she repre eenis FIRST FOOT substantial part of the popu lation of Greater Ottawa is FrenchCanadian They have it all ways On Christmas Eve they traditionally attend mid night mass which is followed by gay supper parties in the home Christmas Day is the great day for their children but their old tradition still bids them visit their friends and give gifts Oitawsa Chinatown celebrates as strict religious observance on date accord ing to their own calendar which genmfly falls after our Christ mas There is no dancing and Tom and Gerry have to ro msin corked in the bottle on first holy day Christmas Day is of course universal holiday here and so is New Years Day when the Governor General still molar thins the tradition of the old French colonial days by holding morning Loves of which he receives good wishes from all his officials the commissioned officers of his garrison and pri vate citizens and merchants Christmas has its last fling on Jan which in Little Christ mas to the Frencb Twelfth night to the British and full Christmls to the Ukrainians Thus full month after Santa Klaus made his first appearance In the homes of the Netherland ers hisiask is done the trees are traditionally burned in huge bonfires on the thick ice cont ing the rivers and Ottawa gets back to the serious business of government Molherless May Be Apart For Christmas TORONTO CF Ontario Travel and Publicity Minister Cothcurt has started move to reunite seven moiherless chil dren whose home in Sernla burned down Friday but there is little hope they will be toge iher for Christmas Ellen Waybrsni 17 head of the family since her mother died of cancer Nov 13 has pleaded in vain to fulfil dying wish to keep the family together The Childrens Aid Society ruled it would be better if they re mained in foster homes over the holiday liir Cathcart who represents Lambfon West in the legisla ture discussed the plight of his seven young constituents with Deputy Public Welfare Minister James Bond and Child Wei fars Director Bury As result Mr Cslhcart said welfare department of ficial will meet Semis township and Childrens Aid Society offi cials today The official Mr Cathcart said will be going there to see if it is possible to arrive at longterm solution that will sol idify the family the youngest of whom is six The childrens father Alan Woybrant has been separated from the family for five years lost Supposin Supposin we all traded lobl Tommy Jones and Count Vincent de Hobbs It might bring something through For the whole blinkin crew Then again it might mean only sobs wdn the contract on New Years Day Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskiee each With its own distinctive oharacteristicsrand then aged them in special oak mks Now Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavourof Adams Private Stock This custom blend is presented in Its crystal decanter at popular price ldriVateStOCkf Aflm5 GHSTQM BLENDEDGANADIAN RYEMJHISKY