SERVICE MEN GIVE TREE PRESENTS Sgt Richards lelt Eruclc Sanders and AC Gaskc watch as LAC lit Patterson presents at Christ mas present to John Mc Eachern The men are mem bers of special photogra phic course at Camp Borden The studean in the course purchased tree and pres ents for the children in pedi atrics ward at Royal Vie toria Hospital Examiner Photo Predict Peanut Growing May Be Possible In Simcoe CAMP BURDEN Special recent article in the Finan cial Post told how an Ontario former ot Lyons successfully grew peanuts this year The growing of this tropical and subtropical plant this far north has excited some 0n tario agricultural lenders as they soc the possibility of new crop introduction for Sou thern Ontario Peanuts require light san dy soil plenty of dry heat and moisture and Home frost tree growing days The tobacco land of Simcoe County could possibly grow peas nuts however Most of this land is centered around Glen cairn New Lowell Erentwood and Angus and south of Allis ton on alluvial fans formed by violent glacial rivers of which the remnants today are known as the Boyne the Pine and the Mad Rivers This ligd is low only sou700 feet ovc sea level During cool weather cold air from the Niagara Es carpment the Grenfcl Ridge and the high land in Essa Township flows into these sec tions causing ground frost FROST DAPGEIV Crop killing frosLs often come in these areas as late as the first or second week in June and again as early as the last week in August Frost tree growing days some years will be as low as on days How ever there is another area along the Grenicl Ridge where tobacco is also grown on the Eighth and Ninth Concessions of Vespra Township Frost sel dom hits this area after May 24 and often extends into Octo ber before there is another kill ing frost The and is light and sandy and the weather is very often extremely hot and dry ideal for growing peanuts The peanut plant is low with Codringto School Pupils In Uniqw thristmor Program The auditorium of Codrington School decorated as the inter hr of space ship on Christ has Eve was the setting for the Christmas meeting of the Home and School Association Two controlmen with decor ated control boards complete with knobs dials telescopes microphones and other suitable gadgets lighting and sound ef fects steered the ship with its eight ambassadors from eight different countries and ca pacity audience to safety and ultimate success on mission of goodwill to the Planet Mars Being lonesome for their own families relatives and friends they decided to watch pro grams by means of space televiewer from their own countries this Christmas Eve The French Ambassador speaking in French called for program from that land Elashing occurred on control board with static sound but soon 16 boys and six girls from grade five class were found singing and acting the Christmas songplay Jeannette lsabella The ambassador from Eng land then asked to tune to his country Here they found groups of girls and boys from grade six class enrolling many of the familiar English carols These were interspers ed with recitation Aunt Kates Christmas segment from Dickens Christmas Carol and pantomime of Mother oose IN HOLLAND They then visited the landot the Netherlands with the Dutch ambassador to find on the screen short skit showing Dutch Christmas St Nicholas and Black Peter gave candy and presents to the children while the grade seven class sang carol from their land in the Dutch language The Norwegian ambassador requested to look at his land on through the medium of televis ion grade our class pan tomimed Christmas in Nor way where the eating of the traditional rice pudding find ing of the almond and receiv ing present proved an in teresting custom Silent Night was sung by the class in Nor wegian When the space televiewer turned to Switzerland for the Swiss ambassador dance by 10 grade seven girls done to Swiss music was in progress Then the scene turned to story with Christmas folk songs called Christmas in an Alpine Village narrated and sung by the grade seven and eight choir This included the story of the Advent season and Christmas Eve in Switzerland IN MEXICO They switched to Mexico for the Mexican ambassador and found Mexican scene by grade six showing family making preparations to receive their neghbors for pinata par ty The guests arrived in sol emn procession singing Adeste Fideles in Latin and carrying Nativity Scene which was placed reverentiy in an honored spot The gay party which fol lowed included Mexican dance and the breaking of the vividly colored parrot pinata with the mad scramble for the gifts it had held Then the Canadian Ambassa dor on turning to Canada was pleased with his countrys four scenes Three of these done by grade iour included Huron Carol depicting an In dian Christmas scene church scene with six choir boys sing inng See Amid the Winter Snovif fireplace sceneWwith children hanging their stock ings on Christmas Eve to the singing of the Christmas Song The fourth was special choir of boys and girls from the sen4 ior grades doing some of the wellknown songs to brighten the Christmas holiday FREE LEATHERCRAFT INSTRUCTION New classes for 1962 will begin Wednesday Jan 10 Register NOW to learn this rascinanng and useful hobby Cali PA 82481 or come to CLARKE CLARKE LEATHERS John Street Barrie Hours 800 500 pm MomFri bright green round type leaves The peanut is formed on the stems above ground as they grow the weight bends the stems over and they penetrate the ground This is why they require loose sandy soil and mature at depth of four or five inches The peanut seed that the On tario farmer used was obtained in the Southern United States where the lowly out first be came famous during the Am erican Civil War when both the Union and Confederate troops used them as food The fam out negro scientist Carver did his most notable work develop ing new uses for the plant and the peanut He discovered more than 300 ways it could be used COULD GROW HERE Can peanuts be grown in Simcoe County They have been grown along the Grenfel Ridge One farm family grew small palettes on an experim ental basis several years ago but never tried to expand their efforts The peanuts grown were good quality probably even better than those you can buy in the stores in Barrie There is at least 1000 acres of land in the vlclnity of the eighth and ninth concessions of Vesnra Tawn ships where peanuts could be produced If this crop can be grown economically Perhaps this small portion of Simcoe County could produce special ty crop ProbIem Coping With Load General meager John Mur phy oi the Barrie Public Utili ties Commisioa askai Barrie citizens today to bear with the Commission at this their dark est hour Mr Murphy was referring to the spasmodic periods of black out in areas around town due to power failures of one type or another The light failure out on Shanty Bay Road and the surrounding district inst nlait was another case of no overloaded transformer he an plaincd The manager went on to say that December is the time of year when everybodytries to outlight the next door neigb bar and overloads are quite frequenL Were buying transformers like orangeshe raid and they cost 00 each Mr Mun pby pointed out that the On tario Hydro pinned down the peak or highest period of load as December 12 in the next week or so we Will have our 99 lire Present As CBMC Meet Ninetynine men gathered in Burton Avenue United Church tocelebrata the 14th annual Christmas dinner of the Chris tian Business Mens Committee of Barrie Broiley was in the chair Morley Thornton led the singing and Bill Sivyer read the scripture Seventeen first timers were welcomed liclno From transport driver from Scarboro sang three numbers Mr Promm later told of his escape with 11 others in small boat from Estonia when the Russians came Mayor elect Les Cooke in troduccd the speaker Ray Fox oi Trenton Ont The next meeting will be on Jan when Charles Hare treasurerot the Dominion Cab lnet of the Gideonslntcrnation n1 will be the speaker Three Uniniured Ontario Provincial Police at Victoria Harbour reported to day that car driven by Law rle Shannon of Victoria Har bour went out of control on slippery Highway 12 last night left the road and snapped off the pole Mr Shannon and his two pas sengers were reported not in jured hut police said the car was extensively damaged and the pole broken off DROPS us roun LOS ANGELES APtJacit Kramer said Tuesday his pro tennis troupe wont tour the United States in 1962 Its tremendous gamble to put up expensive prizes the promoter said adding that his organiza tion Tennis Tournaments In corporated dropped about $75 poo on the last two American ours lAST CHANCE DRAW TAKES PLACE SATURDAY on 23rd pm LATE SHOPPERS DONT MISS UR FANTASTIC DISCOUNTED BARGAINS ENTERNow IlliMMflNllS DISCIIIINT FREE TRIPio NEW YORK Nailiing CONTEST ply Fill In Coupon and Deposit In The Ballot Box at Hammondsl FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR TWO Return From Malian Airport Fly TCA PLUS $2500 CASH OR $10000 CASH HAMMONDS CH NAME ADDRESS PHONE RISTMAS BONUS FREE TRIP to NEW rout Arranged by Barrio RenthCor and Travel Smieo EXTRA COUPONS with $500 Purchase EXTRA COUPONS with Sl000 Porchasn The More Coupons Yoli Enter ThaBetterAIa Your Chances its Car Hits Pole Hydro pole as the car crashed simultaneously into tree and most diificulty what wim peo ple lighting up their Christmas lights store Window displays and win the days so short the lights in homes and factories are on most of the time added TRANSFORMERS The commission has our chased about 20 new transform ers in the last week Mr Mur phy said The type be referred to is the type seenon the poles that service small areas These are the transformers that are bought during our peak periods Next year at this time we will probably be doing the same thing Commercial and industrial transformers are bought as the need arises and the distribution type are parl chased for new subdivisions He added that with this the commissions peak load period some difficultiesmay arise and some people may be without light for short time But be said everyone should try to understand that the Commis sion is doing everything it can and that the public wont be in the dark for long Elections Are Favored For District Board Alderman Charles Wilson Barrie city council made news this week when he suggested but didnt recommend that advertisements be placed in an attempt to secure representaA tives for the District Collegiate Board Alderman Wilson was speak ing in support of previous statement that perhaps dis trict collegiate board members should be elected rather than appointed by the various coun cils involved The Examiner has subse qucntly contacted several pres ent board members all of them ointed and several local ran with view to determ ining the thinking of interested persons in this matter Some of these comments are as follows Clifford Lockhnrt chairman Barrie District Collegiate Board There are advantages and disadvantages to both me thods Personally am in fav or of board members being selected by the voters through election But on the other hand know number of good men who would not consider duty on the board if they had to go through an election Pratt vicechairman There isnt too much comment than can be made hear that Mr Wilson suggested that an ad be put in the paper This is rather ridiculous state ment There is merit to hoth sides The provincial govern ment in its wisdom has decid ed that in the district type of board where several municipal Mmmldok at thatnew PRESENTS PUBLIC SPEAKING AWARD Aldermonrelect Charles New ton presents tbe Charles Newton Elementary School Trophy for Public Speaking itios are involved appointment is the best method believe that this mcthod attracts bet ter type of person and provides continuity of service have nothing against an election but think this would would lead to the possibility of some people on the board who might not be able to con tribute too much Crone innlsiii Township In my opinion members of the present board wouldnt do het ter job than they are doing now it they were elected Person ally would hesitate at carry ing on campaign for an elec tion Christie Barrie mem ber would not have aspired to position on the board un less hod been appointed litany of the men on the Barrie District Collegiate Board are busy executive who would never have considered board duty if they had not been ap pointed The men on the board try togct along with the rural representatives If they were elected there would be prob fem Mrs Jack Dawson Caro line Street Yes think it would be good idea to have high school board members elected It would give the par ents chance of getting some one in that they want to get in if the members are appointed it doesnt give the parents much choice does it Mr Hodges 89 Dun lop think it would be very good idea to have them elected it would be in line to Anne Garvey 12 of St Johns Separate School Jo Anne grade eight student is the daughter of hlrr and Mrs Fergus Garvey of RR with the method of choosing the public school board Al though by appointment we have had very high calibre gt person on the high school oar Mn Jack Botmnn 83 ï¬eld Street wouldnt know about that dont have any chil dren in high school Mrs Elmer Hubbefl 71 Alfred Street dont know much about the situation Elec tion might be fairer way of doing it That way youd get better idea oi the publics view on whom they wanted Jack lilacLoren member of Public School Board Anybody spending public money should be elected School boards are not like the planning board which advises council but does not spend tax money think that if people are elected it puts them in position where they realize the value of man ey more than an appointed per son Barrie The trophy hal been presented annually since 1952 James Quail principal of St Johns also congratu lates loAnoe Ys Men Year Iii tin End Meet Bowl The Barrie Ys Mens Club wound up this years activities with bowling tournament at the Holiday Bowl following the weekly dinner meeting at the Rob Roy Restaurant In the first round Gordon Watts team won with George Henderson and Glen WlddlfirJd as the top scorers with 115 and 122 respectively in the return match Bill Evans team won in close contest In this match Evans Taylor and Nesbitt were the lead ing bowlers Projects reports indicated the sale of Christmas trees and mixed nuts was progressing satisfactorily The proceeds of these activities are devoted en tirely to the work of the Barrie YinYWCA an organization now serving nearly thousand of Barrias young people The Ys Mens Club will re sume in the new year with dinner meeting on Jan Going home for Christmas Get tickets and reservations now Plan dependable train lournay Ask about low weekend fa res groupcoach rates gift travel tickets Barrio PA 400 Mlandnle PA 3411 wadian National streamlined decanter The mellow maturity of this superb light whisky means inï¬nite smoothness In its new streamlined decanter IMPERIAL is easy to carry easy to pourand so easy to eujoyWhy not enjoy it tonight HlRAM WALKER SONS llMlTEDwALKEerLLE CANADA emitters or rtnswmsmss FOEOVERiOOYEARS ESTD IBSB am mm