Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1961, p. 2

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EDGAR AIR LAC FS Johnson son of hirs Johnson and the late Walter Johnson liiaple Avenue Burford Ontario was awarded the Canadian Forces an Decoration for 12 years ser vice in the RCAF LAC John son is mobile support equip ment technician at RCAF Sta tion Edgar Ontario and is married to the former Dor MAN HONORED athy Jean Flath of Bruntford Ontario They have four children two girls and two boys LAC Johnson is now living is married quarters at EdBM RCAF Photo Confirm Suspension Guard Who Dyed White Hair Black TORONTO CPJ Gra hum Ontarios deputy minister of reform institutions Tuesday confirmed reports of the sus pension of is Don juil guard who advlsed coworker where to Jrova his hair dyed black But be said the suspension of guard Tony Simonson was for his own good The man down there are up in arms about all this pub ity Mr Graham said But he refused to confirm reports that Kestlnge so who started the furor last week by LOCAL AND GENERAL TRAFFIC REPORT The interim report of the spe cial traffic survey conducted here last summer is now in the hands of council It is expected that the complete report will be presented early in the new year with subsequent early considera tion by council and traffic de partment officials puma man fire this morning shortly after sent local firemen speeding to the dump on Vespra St blaze was reported but no damage resulted CIIRISTMASKETTLE We are lnformcd that the Christmas Kettle operated by the local Salvation Army is not doing as well as last year in the matter of cash donations Citi zens are remindedof this wor TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled By Flynn INDUSTRIAL Dom round Dom Stem Asbestos Album at cma oe Aligimlntuns Vi Va 46 27 3533 28 75 iii Home Pit 205 so 15 1st am Edi4 Dom Tar Exquisite Atty Steal BLMMnntreai Bu N8 Ell Tel Enliiian BA 01 at Power cdni3k ofcom Cdn Brewerins CPR Canada Cement Can giliicnsical Can can Min Sin Con Paper Consumer Gal DU Sell Gt Lakes Cat Pow Hudson In Oil In Accc Inland Mac Powell Noranda mo Gianna HoliJnKer fit on on Can Eli Sullivan Faiconbridgc Geeo Mines Lamaqua metal emhla HVE lalconbridn Loin Dillalll nowoowé suspendis Industrial down 58460 lip 15 Famous Play Hordes Fatins Horne on ling Tobacco inter Nickil rov locklg Club Idbatt Mussy lerl KerriAddllon long Lso Maritime as so some uocns Martttmca Important of dune NEW YORK AVERAGES so Rail down 88 Utilities down ronoymo flora cannon INDEX Metal down 05 Gill having his prematurely gray hair dyed block had also been suspended Both men have been ordered not to speak to the press but an official of the Ontario Civil Service Association said the men have been suspended with pay pending an outcome of an investigation into the incident The two guards have alleged jail Governor David Dougall threatened to dismiss Keatinge for the dye job and Simonson for not wearing his guards un iform to and from work thy cause and of the fact that every penny received is spent in Barrie and district in an at tempt to bring Christmas cheer to many needy families CHRISTMAS PARTY Staff members of the County Court House will hold the an nual Christmas party at the res idence of Mrs Dyment High Street this evening SCHOOL CONCERT Pupils of Crown Hill School held the annual Christmas con cert at the school last evening Parents and friends were among the guests CORRECTION IN DATE Borrle Public School closing and opening dates for this years Christmas holidays are Dec 22 and January not January as previously reported 93Dunlop St Barrie Mid it iatt PM 12 i7 Nor Ont NA llIooru Corp cansz Pacific Pat Pens Pl Qlle Na fill Rel Rothmana Royal Bank flimlmn Saiada ElliHill Sim ion In St on Steel is CID Steinber Tor Dons Bk Trans Can Pl Trans sat pt grader HE Union Gal Wallsr 355W lidtn Riv nuemoat Sher Gordon Steep Rock United on Venture WIIXW INNISEIL NOTES Retail Ums tmas business in Barrie is the best in 10 years This is the consensus of store managers in all Barrie shopping areas interviewed today Many of the retailers were inclined to express themselves in superlatives Terrific one man said The best in my en tire expeidence as business men mmmented another Every day this week the stores have been teeming with steady flow of customers There has been no apparent lack of money as most gifts have been bought with cash rather than on credit People have been more sel ective Chris Botter manager of Walkers Store Dunlop St stated They are determined to buy what they want and they are turning more to quai lty goods Mr Rotter said Christmas sales at his store were terrific In fact would say this has been the best year in our en tire history ln the city he added Robinson of Robinson Hardware Dunlap Street said business has been exceptionally good He attributed this partly to the fact that employment conditions in Barrie are much better than last year Any one who wants job here can get one be remarked ibs Innislil Fortunate In Board Appointees By RGB We in Innlsfil have been very fortunate in the appoint ments made of men to repre sent us on the district high school boards Discussion is being given to the suggestion that these men should be elect ed The question seems to be would it improve the calibre of the representatives and would they be men who could give more and better service So far as men who represent Innisfii on the Barrie District Board it is doubtful if the bai lot would bring out more con scientlous fairminded men Their report to council gives concise account of their activ ities during the past year Tell ing of the additions plannedto Barrie District Central Colleg iate they mention the difficul ties experienced in attempts to get the auditorium cost down to $250000 They tell of the ap pointment of an advisory com mittee on vocational education with six members from the board three from industry and three from the ranks of em ployees and the engaging of director from the Drilila Col legiate to get the training un derway at Barrie The increase in enrolment gave the board much concern and Francis Crane chairman of the transportation commit tee and representative from Innlsfil found nearly 200 more pupils to handle Innisfils Clifford Lockhart served his year as board chair man and was given credit for the businesslike method in con ducting the meetings The work of members who served last year on the Brad ford board was also much ap preciated and when Eben Saw yer was elected to council this year he was given the task of finding substitute for him self on that board IIereported to couer that Ernest Gilmore of Lefroy would accept the appointment and Will with Keith Kell represent the township on the Bradford District area board Had these openings been re uired to be filled by an elec ton would we have bad men as eager and determined to Serve That is the question and over the years it has been proved that the appointee method has given us reliable represents tives If the salary or remuneration were such that it would be worth the time of the reel lent to give his services and the results were given the publicity that goes with membership in council then it might have sufficient glory and enticement to bring out men who would strive to be elected We hope to discuss this mat for further with some of the municipal heads in our area and get their opinions WELFARE IS BUSY We called on lnnisili welfare officer Gordon Mason and found him deep in the details of see ing that none in the township go uncured for new family had been re ported in the area and he was going to make the preliminary inspection as it was said they had come from another area and were without means support He had found new house for woman and her family who had been forced to move when the house they occupied had been condemned as unfit for human occupation Service clubs had been in and checked lists and removed dup lication of names Churches and other local organizations were standing by ready to place has kets and other Christmas treats where they would be appreciat ed Lefroy Belle Ewart Legion called and left toys which they were giving this year instead of food baskets and they alsohelp ed with information on those in that area who were in need of Nothing is being left undone to help make it Merry Christ mas for all throughout the town ship but just in case someone lmows of an individual family that has been missed it is hop ed that this information will be sent along to where it will do the most good George Young of the Strand IGA says he has had some cash left with him which is intended to be used where it is known that persons are low in dollars to make their shop ping sufficient to ensure Merry Christmas LUCKY ESCAPE VANCOUVER CPlKinslcy Brameil 75 threw himself down on the seat relaxed and hoped for the best when he saw freight train coming at him at crossing His car was demol ished but he escaped with scratches in ENGINE HEATERS Save Wear and Tear On Your Cars EngineAnd Battéfy result is that most people are Working and are able to shop eliout for Christmas Welham secretary msnager of Barrie Chamber of Commerce said his own sur vey of retail business indicated that business is doing very well Unseasonaole weather in the fall had been inclined to tsllzovfldown flail said but uni up auteur when people began to realize that Christmas was Just around the corner Grant Casev manager of the Sinices District Coo alive Services Allendele sales have been consistent Iiia firm has had better then av erge season in the sale of elec wcsi appliances clothing and ya Sidney Kadlsh manager of Pine Drugs Barrie Plaza de scribed business at the plus as simply terrific stores have been jammed but people have been friendly cooperative and patient too Its the Christ mas splrlt he observed Ken Hartley assistant mau eger of the Power Supermarket Consumer Buying Is Best In Ten Years Barrie Plaza said his store is doing bangup Job of selling all its Christmurmcrchandise The Christmas spirit has really hit the people this week he added Mrs Beasley wife of poultry farmer at alidhurst had good news for families She said turkeys are cheaper this year and stocks on her farm are in heavy demand We have had to turn down more one ne bank er said be bad no officialmliugurel on tbcvolume of business but he had received most optlrnia tic reports on results to date of course we would have to go over balance sheets to give an accurate picture of volume he laid Norman Bowen manager of BlRite Drugs Slmcoe Plsu said he was well satisfied with Christmas business Our store is new to Barrie and conse quently we have advocate for comparison with other years he said However am more tharhsstisgfid with the response nu especially during this past busy week WEATHER FORECAST Synopsis The trend toward colder weather will continue in all regions today and Thursday disturbance moving eastward from Montana ls expected to spread snow across southwest ern Ontario late Thursday or Thursday night LakeSt Clair southern Lake Huron Lake Erie regions Wind sor Cloudy today end Thurs day Light snowflurrles today Snow beginning Thursday even ing colder Winds northwesterly 15 to 20 today light tonight bc coming southeasterly Is to so Thursday Niagara Lake Ontario glans Hamilton Toronto Cloudy today and Thursday Light snowflurrles today Snow beginning Thursday night col der Winds northwesterly Is to 20 becoming light early Thurs day and easterly 15 to so late Thursday Northern Lake Huron south ern Georgian Bay regions Cloudy today and Thursday and flurries Occasional snowsqualis today Winds north westerly is to 20 becoming light late tonight and easterly 15 to 20 late Thursday Northern Georgian Bay Kalb burton Algcrra Sault Ste Ms Fleetlium BEST BUYS assr surf savn so swm ROSE MIXED PICKLES 1602 JAN 27c BEST BUYl SAVE lol FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE Libbys iaoz for 79¢ FEST BUYI SAVE kl DELUXE KRAFT CHEESE SLICES 502 mod 29 EEST BUYI SAVE lei FANCY QUALITY STOKELYS PEAS HONEY POD 1502 TINS for 55 DIST BUYI SAVE ci FRUIT COCKTAIL DEL MONTE FANCY 2002 N54 1502 ms fat 49 awn GUY SAVE cl came GIANT NIBLETS BRAND CORN 1401 me later 35c MINCEIVEEAT rle Tlmsgaml Cochrane re gions North Bay Sudbury Cloudy today and Thursday Light snowflurrles today colder Winds northwesterly 15 to 20 becoming light Thursday Low tonight and high flaiirlday Windsor 15 London is Kitchener 15 Winxham 15 Hamilton 20 St Catharine 21 Toronto so Peterborough l5 Muskoka DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS WinnipegMrs John Du foe Di widow of the longtime editorlnchlef of the Winnipeg Free Press Toronto Alfred Harry 8e guln 73 who pioneered bank ing in mining communities in Northern Ontario and Quebec and was partner in the brok erage flrrn of Barrett Seguin and Compsnyauntii retiring in I956 30 30 30 80 30 30 so 25 so Maureen Campiissoo left office secretary of the Bar rie YetYWCA and Mrs Ur sula Kirchner Director of tho Women and Girls program help carry Christmas tree to the front of the it build ing on Owen Street The trees are being sold by the Men as service project in support of the local Examiner Photo Policeman Surprises Thief Three Others Arrested Later BRANTFOED CWProvin cial Constable Bernard Goctz findkig the front door of serv ice station at nearby Stafford ville broken open early Tues day wolked in and found man behind the counter lie was arrested at gunpoint while another man ran out Later police arrested three men For Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL SMIIII SIIIDIO 38 Dunlop St PA 84 over Hunts TURKEYS The Most Delicious Youve Ever Eaten Fully Coo ort Shank skinless SMOKED HAM sensor eonsion 55 lb SNACK CHUBS found sitting in truck near the service station Charges of breaking and en tering and attempted theft were laid against Guy Verkull 19 Tillsonhurg Kenneth Clunas 20 Harold McIntyre 22 and James Thompson In all of Aylmer CHRISTMAS PERMS 2000 $1500 and $1000 LESS 50 Till Dec rest RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS DUNLOP ST PA 84428 11 Bass new gas soon CHECK THESE luprsms CHRISTMAS CAKE llb atze 59c zlb sin $115 Paar MIXED NUTS 49 SAVE PcAYLMER STUFFED MANZANILLA LP OLIVES Bvol Jars for 49¢ Isms 49 MW relaunts VITAMINIZED APPLE JUICE 54 tins 59 save lintSTUART HOUSE ALUMINUM FOIL WRAP for 59 vs dotSUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING 14471 Jar 49¢ SAVE oclTREESWEET LEMON JUICE 50 tins 49 By installing An Electric Engine Heater in Your Car The Engine Hester Will Produce Rapid Starts For Less Than One Half Cent Per Hour cm Pm Now is The Time in M2 rm oANAnAs nuns COFFEES mo white lb 77c Aunt Marys lb 69c Early Riser lb 61 PRODUCE FEATURES Luscious nea emperor California GRAPES No lbs 29 Smooth Ilfll Waxed TUNNIPS lb Party Pals varieties Braunschweiger Liver and Bacon Tasty Sund wicb Spread 65c pkg Swifts Premium Extra Lean Well streaked lililtiiss BACON Your Red and Whitestore features complete variety of weights Turkeys Ducks Geese Chickens Smoked Hams Peameni Cottage Rolls Smoked Picnics and Bacon All nL tructtvely priced to suit your familys budget airs Eye Bahquet etc and would like Door Prizes Frozen Foods And would like an easy way to get real value Just phone Reeves Jewellers col 49 leaf Our shopper will be glad to choose andgift wrap for you from $100 up To Have Your Dealer Ins Strawberries An Engine Heater in Your fzzrpkfi Car Whole Kernel Corn any poly bag 49¢ Reeves sznisns no 76 Dunlop St East Established 1890 TimeClock May Be lnsthllediifoiurri The HeaterWhenReqLilred some TPUBLIC nmms COMMISSION Barrie Ontario PhonePA 83745

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