HILLSDKLE Mr and Mrs Howard Crew John and Mr Scrsum of Pr Station visited with Mr and tin Alvin Dreonan recently Miss Ms Brittnia Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Jos Iph Les county honor pins and eertilics ies at the achievement Day at Elmvalo Saturday December were as follows Mary Lee usan Pottage Wendy Dunn en Units certliicate Lois Lockharts Unis Certificate Barbara am Units Cer tilicatc Bonnie Nelson Shar Scott Units Certilicate onna Mas Dunn lilary Hill and Joan Hill Each girl and the leaders re ceived sterling silver 4H Homemaking Club teaspoon The annual meeting oi the United Church WA and his was held at the parsonage Mon day December successful sample tea was held by the United Church lad ies December Their annual Christmas supper and program was held on Saturday Decemb or The annual meeting at the WMS was held niesday Dec ember IS at the home of Mrs Herbert Goddard with Mrs vil Ilam Richardson presiding The scripture reading and was by Miss Bessie Rowat Miss sion study by Mrs Matt Schil ler Alter briel business meet ing Mr Sinnc led the election of officers Only two changes were made Mrs Rob ert Martin assistant treasur er and Mrs Stewart Jamleson as assistant secretary Mrs Richordson thanked Mr to and lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Will Inm Richardson The lililsdalo Womens instit Dto meeting was held Thursday evening December at the Mrs liowat presiding After opening ode Mary Stewart Col lect Motto Happiness in your home icy In your heart and peace on earth was well explained in reading by Mrs Lea Roll call was stamped Christmas cards for shutins and Christmas poem This was answered by nine members as it was very stormynight Then brie business meetin followed lounge chair was bought for the school on which sick child would be able to lie As toIs was too Christmas meeting after exchange of gifts God Save The Queen closed the meeting Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs William Everybody brought sample of Christmas cake The weather seemed to act up on Christmas Supper night at the Presbyterian Church for it kept several away but those that attended enjoyed the pro gram and Christmas tree Christmas carols services will he held in both Churches on Sunday December 24 Presby terian Church Sunday morning December 24 at 11 am The United Church Christmas candlelight carol sorvice at pm on Dec 24 The annual school Christmas concert will be held Thursday December 21 at pm and from all reports should be an evening of laughter and fun BEETON Mrjund Mrs Butt visited relatives in Toronto dur ing the weekend Mrs Harold Pettigrow Saturday in Toronto Min rDavld Ferrler who is attending Teachers College in Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Frank Ferrier Centre Street Miss Burkhoider of Detroit accompanied by her uncle Mr William Burkholder and son Wil liam oi Quesnsvllia visited with 3nd Mrs Robson on Sun ay Miss Aitken is patient in Orangsvilio hospital as the result of an accident Mrs Kelly Mrs Butt and Mrs Watson seat Thur sday with friends in Barrie Mrs Spicher at Tottenhem visited Mrs Wiggins on Saturday Mr and Mrs Connell and fondly oi Cookstowa visited Mr and Mrs Nichol on Sunday Mrs Hooper and Mr and Mrs Cecil Farrier attended the CNIB Christmas party held In Community House in Barrie Saturday evening December Mr and Mrs Shepherd of Alliston spent Friday even ing with Mrs Wiggins Mrand Mrs Boater of Barrio visited friends in town Wednesday Mrs Ailan Logan of Toronto spent Saturday with her father Mr McDormott Mr and Mrs Mel Smith and family of Rexdaie spent he weekend with Mrs But er Mr and Mrs Percy Whiteley of Toronto spent the past week with the latters brother Mr SelbyDobbs Mr Earl Smith of Alliston visited with Mr and Mrs Nichol Wednesday Mr and Mrs Doa Letts mov ed into their new home on Te cumsath Street during the past week Mrs Wiggins visited Mr and Mrs Stewart of Bond Hcad Monday The girls who received their gt home of Mrs Joseph Lea with Mixedliuls THE FINESTSELECTION COMPLEIELY CLEANED SPECIAL GRADE APREDRESSED URKEYS I0 TO 18 LBS 45c SPECIALI FINEST QUALITY GRADE FRED 49° SPECIALI IDEAL FOR POULTRY DRESSING LOBLAWS LITTLE PIG Pork Sausage Meul 450 SPEClALI SWIFTS PREMIUM kindless Side Bacon as 69¢ SPECIALIJLYING ns Breaded ShrimpBiIs 89c AVAILABLE IN MOET MARKET ï¬nmaaiammmummuummmmflm ammmmmmm IMPORTED ENGLISH BISCUITS AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTED BISCUITS AND SHORTBREADSIN ATTRACTIVE GIFT TINS IN ALL LOBLAW MARKETS LoaLaws sNoLIsII srvss Iucn DARK Ehrisimos Filliei 65wer l27estsl85 LoflLAWI 159 PCSIIUG season LOBLAWI Deluxe Fruit piling Loaraws Princess Iiing LDILAWI FHESHLV HUIETED Paris of lirnbm Coiiee iké 69c tit LosLAws Queen Iinne lIlIOCIlllIIGS are LosLAws Continental Chocolates egg CHRISTMAS Nurs IN SHELL 49 Wulnulseamur 59 ju 43a IilIIerls 47 43c Pecnns 53c APPROX lLI EA Brazils has Almonds ï¬rst Dundee Shortbread as lxxxmxynxw OVER 18 LBS 39 SPECIALI FULLY SKINNEDMINIMUM FAT COOKED wiiqsithxolï¬ 59c SMOKED HAMS SPECIALI Hickoruy Smoked No Bone Minimum Fol IDEAL To HAVE HAND FOR ENTERTAINING SNACKS BUFFET AND DIFT aAsKETs 5x cooxco HAMS as 269 Also AvsllsbI Attractiver Priced CANNED Hangs and ms lir ALID Foil voun SELECTION OTHER AnRAcTIvELY PRICED POULTRY ANDSMOKED MEATS PREDKESSED eHIcKENscAPDNs GEESE DUF FET STYLE HAMs AND aoNELEss sMoKED HAMS ALso LIMITED DUPPLVDF szFTs PREMIUM DIJTTIR eALL TURKEYS MAPLI LEAF Christmas Crackers eras 333 89c ssavss Chrislmus Crackers are 312 109 IFECIALI HOSTESS Festive Shorllsreucl 5th 33o IPECIAL Warrens Chocolule Shorlhreud tttf 33c lPEclAI WEsToNs Festive Iclble Fingers no 290 svscIALI wssrows gt qurivcliuckers vAm 25 sPEctALI PLAIN on IALTED Westons Soda Crackers we SPECIAL MecoRMICKS 23 33c 33c SPECIALI Motormicks Speakers are 23o ttt sasciaLI 45° Mallormicks Cheese Sneakers size 216 Lobinws Salted Peanuts Muttsu 39c Hmuwmmmuaxxxx an llose Sweet Mixed Pickles PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC 20 21 22 23 SPECIALI FANCY libigï¬liua viii5 SPECIAL HONEY POD ï¬glglgcas one 53 APPLE JUICE IACH 55¢ IUY ENOUGH FOR THE HOLIDAVI SPECIALI CHOICE UNSWEETENED IPECIALI LUILAWS KITCHEN PRIDE LOBLAWS WHITEWHOLE WHEATCRACKED WHEAT liiESll BillIII earns at 20° MITCHELLS mm MINEEMEAT PIE hits 65 FROZEN FOODS lPEclhll runner rsacr sures srnswsssnrs 59¢ IPECIALI CCNCENTRATED iiiiii hilt 51a 79a AVAILADLE IN Most LOILAW MARKET LEBLAWI ALPINE PLUS EEPOSIT Ginger tile or lame IlIckey Us LCBLAWS ALPINE CLUB PLUS DEPOSIT Double Soda torersr 21¢ OLIVES AND PICKLES szï¬isn 330 Bielts Sweet Mixed Pickles err 53o Club House Olives sittitifu 0551 410 iiylmer Plain Queen Olives sin 45 Lobluws AlmonchssIe it 35o Mrs liamillons Mincemeui errv 33o WHDLI OI JILLIED Crunlso Crcsnlserries err 330 WHOLE 0R JILLIED fleesrlSpray Cranberries are 21° Reel Marcschism Cherries statL 21 Toastmaster Bread Stuiiino mm $125 11e Club House Poultry Dressing 310