Thousands oi pilgrims are expected for Christmas in the Holy Land this year Many will pray like these women in black right in the crypt beneath the Church of the Nativity in Bethldrem where ny Christmases to come greatest gift you can gift of fine jewellery is the becausevthe manage it carries is one but is ever young appeal that never dies Jewellery everlasting in its beauty and and so the ieweliery this year from Reeves Jewellers everlasting tlhe greatat gtit it is scoordlng to tradition Christ was born In Jerusalem they will see tieftt the narrow Via Dolorosa th Way at Pain the route from the judgment hall oi Pilota to the scene of the Crucifixion CF Photo eeled JEWELLERS LTD 1690310 l960 WE DNESDAY DEC Ill 17 Gagarin Best Remembered Young Man Of The Year mum costume Canadian Press Staff Writer It was the year of the Ber tin wall the Urban Invasion the Santa Maria incident But 1061 may be best remembered as the year when Yuri Gagorin went into space inat historic breakthrough camc April 12 with the terse Moscow radio announcement Russla has successlully launched men into space The young Russian major completed his world circuit in 108 minutes travelling as high as 183 miles above the earth son at speed of more than 17000 miles an hour Less than four months later Mai Gherman Tltov followed wltiflh 25hour flight In which he orbited the earth 17 times and travelled 7500 milesal most the distance to the moon and back The United States also ac complished twu suborhltal manned nights but was forced to concede Soviet space lend Gagarin flight came at Trusted Jewellersand time when Washington was pre occupied with another trouble some matter the proCom munist regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba But the attempted cure was worse than the disease On April 17 some 1200 antl Castro rcbels trained in the US and Central America were put ashore at the Bay oi Pigs un Cubas south coast For three tense days they struggled for foothold as So victAmcricnn relations follow ing the thaw that came with President Kennedys inaugura tion Jan 20 deteriorated into series of sharp exchanges be tween Kennedy and Premelr Khrushchev Then on the night oi Aprille the invasion became fiasco as Castro announced The in vading army which occupied Cuban territory for less than 72 hours has been completely crushed ON TO SUMMIT Despite the space and Cuban setbacks Kcnncdy travelled to June to talk frankly flatlon Western Europe swept equally prosperous new year in terin Europes apostwar eco similar products with Khnishchev about such it sues as disarmament Berlin and the Laotian civil war On the Laotian problem there was some progress The two leaders called for Laotian Lode pendence and neutrality statement that helped to pres erve shaky ceasefire in the Southeast Asian kingdom There was no such agreement on Berlin however and the crisis over the divided city worsened steadily or Khrush chev put on pressure for rec ognltion oi East Germany and cuboii of the massive flow oi relugeu through Berlin to the West WALL GOES UP The climax came Aug 18 as East German troops and police threw up barricade between the Communist and Westora sectors Throughout the autumn the battle at the wall was waged with tear gas loudspeakers water cannonand occasionally bullets At one time Soviet and American tanks faced each other across the barrier for several nervous hours As the cold war grew colder ltussla broke three year moratorium and launched series of nuclear tests climaxed by the biggest munmade blast in history equivalent to some 57000000 tons of TNT The US countered by resuming teats alsobut only underground CONGO CONFUSION in The Congo year of con tinual crisis opened with the slaying in February oi Patrice Lumumba the countrys first premier who was saidto have been massacred by tribes men after escaping trom prison in Kutanga province The report set oft violent demonstrations the world In the United Nations1 ltussla demanded that Dag llommnrskiold be dismissed from the office oi secretary general as an accomplice and organizer oi the murder The Congo troubles were to cost Hammarskiold his life be fore the years end On Sept 17 In the midst of bitter week long fight by the UN force to clear whitc officers out oi Ka tanges army the Swedish dip lomet died in the crash or his plane while en route to cease iireJnlJts with President Moise Tahombe DARING 00 Perhaps the strangest story of the year was the epic voy age of the Santa Marla the Portuguese luxury liner seized in the Caribbean in January by Henrique Galvan and band of 70 rebels bent onoverthrow Another By MILTON MARMOR LONDON AFlDespite po litical turmoil and threat at in through another boom year in 1961 andconfidentlypredlcts an 1962 countrybycountry survey by The Associated Press showed 1901 as another glowing chap nomic miracle It was picturevcf higher liv ing standards generally lavish lystoclred store shelves more luxury goods no Ever rising curve in production low unem ployment increased car sales and more people buying radios television sets refrigerators and Only Britain seemed to be laggingin the Western Europe boom But despite heavy toxe tion Britain is chockfull ol consumer goodsand has one oi the highest standardsyot llving iatheworld LABOR SIIORTAGE To many oneot the most re markabie economic develop ments of 1991 was that almost every country hadlabor short ageseven ltaly long bothered by chronic unemployment and still big supplier of labor to other countries All this happened to years after disastrous Second World War that brought misery and hunger to most oi Europa Diamond Merchant For More ThénlTWo Generations lnte1eat onldans skyrocketed to Trade BRITAIN This nation had international economic emergency aid dur lag the year Britains adverse balance of payments in interna Uonal trade forced the country to take restrictive steps to etop spending The country also had to get huge loanfrom the International Monetary hand The bank ratewhich governs seven per centthen was low ered Things looked brighterior the future FIIANCE boomed and production expanded France had favor took oil his lug dictator Amati Salem For days the world looked on in astonishment as the rebels eluded strips oi three navies be Iore finally being mmered lad 1an to put in to Reclie Bra SOUffli AFRICA OUT Comoilefliih crisis came in March when Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoero deiendtn South Africas policy oi rants separation beiore critical group of prtrne ministers in London declared that his gov emment did not wish to retain membership in what is becom ing pressure group On June South Airlca ended Its Conn monwealth association as it be came republic EICHMANN TRIAL in April Nazi LtCol Adolph Eichmann hunted down by is raeli agents in Argentina went on trial in Jerusalem mourn room charged with the wars time murder of millions oi Jews For weeks witnesses recounted hormrs oi the death camps while Elchmann listened stole ally then maintained thnt he had been only Natl bureau crnt Milestones The war in Al geria continued into its bloody eighth year and French Presi dent de Gnulie weathered an at tempted rlght wing coup by some French ofï¬cers Dom inican dictator Rafael Trujillo wnsielied by auesslns bullets and more liberal regime took power Britain movcd gin gerly toward Joining the Euro pean Common Market Syria broke with the United Arab Re public and Princess Mar garet gave birth to baby son Viscount Llnlcy Singers Family LONDON CPtSlr Malcolm Sargent the wellknown British conductor has openeda fund ior the family at James Milli gan the Toronto baritone who died recently in Switzerland of heart attack Sir Malcolm in launching his appeal says Mllllgon was singer of international repute Since his arrival from Cen ndn few years ago he had quickly made himself respected as an artist of outstanding technique and musical sincer ity Aged 31 he was taken from us leaving young wife and son aged without fin ancial support Contributions should be sent to Sir Malcolm care of the Musicians benevolent Fund at Carlos Place London Milligan won the top male award at an international com petition in Geneva six years ago He was the first Canadian to win the award TENTS PROVIDED DAWSON CITY Yukon CP The first annual Dawson City Gold Rush Festival next sum mer wlilprovlde tents as sleep ing accommodation for visitors tent city of 100 two and four bed units will be put up in the heart of the community for 350 persons Bright Year May Follow contihucd favorable trade bal once There was growing conildence in the franc as hard cur rencylhis is reflected in the fact that private credits and in vestments totalled four times whatthey were in 1059 wasr GERMANY The poet war boom levelied off in the second half of 1981 Mostlbueiness observers how ever remained optimistic ihelevelllng off was looked upon as normalization after period of overheated business activity An unwelcome threat of inflation had lurked behind the boom rum Theltalian boom continued in 1851 but at slower rate then 1960 business circles and gov ernment officials lookto 1992 with optimism The nation had favorable balanée of trade sanctum lheeconomy seems to he go inggetrong despite the afterei fects of the loss of TheCongo and despite cloudy internal political future Economic fig ures generally were excellent THE NETHERLANDS Amid Hollands economic im provement came warnings of inflationary tendenciea Home expenditures were expected to grow faster tirannatlonal pro ducticnrnext year An acute in bor shortagepill continue SCANDINAVIA All Scandinavian counlt tries have been enjoying boomfor several years There are no signs of any imminent reversal of the upward trend Unemployment is low in Swer den Norway Denmark and Fin land Where is shortage of skilled labor in many fields was nieanoaa VANCOUVEE tCPiéA thief gtgot coldfeet despite the fact thot hewas 3700 richer He broke into the Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church here shoes found the able balance oftrede The out look for the cominglyear is for continued expansion and for at money and fled lie fleft his shoes in thechurch and it Will pouring rain