FOOTLOOSE LADY 1masaammmmmmavmaun Guard BreaksLeg Fighting lsntic Diefenbakers Hello To Queen Opens Cable OTTAWA Cpl110w does prime minister open transat telcphone conversation with the Queen lie says Hello She says Are you there hir Prime Minister Prime Minister Dieieobaker and the Queen engaged in carelully gseripted iii minute conversation Tuesdaywith the whole country eavesdropping to mark the inauguration of new multipurpose cable under the AtlantiC the ï¬rst link in new NundlIIGWflllti Common wealth cable iilr Dieicnlmker received the call from Buckingham Palace on white telephone in the con vention hall at Ihe Chateau Lau rier Hotel here The Ottawa ce remony and the conversation were televised by the CBC Mr Dleienbaker said the new Huge Takeover Planned in UK LONDON Routers Shares In imperial Chemical Indus tries Britains biggest industrial concern climbed tow cents on London Stock Exchange nies day following lCls announce ment that it planned the big gest takeover in British history Shares in Courtnulds worlds biggest manmade iibra vtlrrn and subject oi the iCl bidalso rose slightly iCl closed at 565 $824 and Courtaulds to 395 $546 ICls shareexchange otter tor Courtnulds will take some to reach the textile groups shareholders and it is not known yet whether their di rectors will recommend the of fer ii the £180000000 $504900 ODDJ bid comes oi it will result in virtual monopoly ot the man made tihre business in Britain and giant £1000000 ooopius concern EYES MONOPOLY ANGLE Labor Member oi Parliament Richard Marsh eyeing the mo nopoly angle rsaid today he would call ior the proposed deal to he referred to the monopol ies commission London dealers were asking to day Will the deal come off Paul Chambers ICi chain man has said he is coniidcnt Courtaulds will agree to his terms Courtnuids however hss mar ely said it will study the otter Financial quarters were spec ulating today that it might be the beginning at record pe riod oi takeovers For months there have been growing warnings that it Brit ain joins the Common Market smaller iirms will have to amal gamste or go out of business LAT cable carrying voice picture and teletype messages was an achievement in which Britain and Canada could take pride based on ownership and manu lecture The Queen whose voice car ried crystal clear through the facilities tulated the technicians and other workers and enquired about the radio link which will carry the serv ice across Canada and ultimat ely by cable under the Pacitic to Australia and New Zeaiand hlr Dieionbakcr said These new cables will enable us at all times to talk to each other and will strengthen the bonds within our Family oi Nations which bind us together The Queen sent her best wishes to Mrs Dietenbnker to the Governor General and liime Vanier and to tho Cana dian people Mr Dietenbaker wished her and members ot the Royal Family tin joyeux Noel happy Christmas and tho Queen said thanks with bar ely detectable chuckle oi appre elation While the Queens conversa Dam F0 tnry Duncan Snndys prcsirtcd nt tion with the prime minister was taking place other cir cuits in the new cable were be ing used to send written mes sages by teletypc and to trans mit picture at the Queen to Canada and of air Dietenbaker to London The new cable taming part at the greatest telephone pro ject ever undertaken is nljoint Anglo Canadian pmiect cost ing £9000im in London the conversation between the Queen and Mr Dieienbnker was relayed to gathering at Canadian and Brit lsh niiicials at Lancaster llouse Commonwealth Secre the ceremony and gucstsjn cuded George Drew Canadian high commissioner in London Douglas Bowie prcsidcnt and general manager at the Crown owned Canadian Over seas Telecommunication Cor poration said earlier the Com monwcnlth cable grow out oi the Commonwealth Economic conierence held in Montreal in l958 Roar IN COUSINS CARE TORONTO CP loot loose little lady found at am hiesday carrying nearly $10000 in bills has been in stalled with cousin or Christmas But she took some persuad ing An inveterate wanderer hirs Annie Elizabeth Arnold is 79 And with career at sehoolteaehing in Fort Wil liam behind her she has mind of her own Annie was met by pa trolling policeman on dovmtown street She politely asked where she could Iind room or the rest ol the night Tile policeman asked whether site had any money to pay Out came the bills and on come tho police de partmcnts headache Annlc was persuaded to spcnd the night at the Bel mont Street station while in spectors John Storey and Leonard OHara scorched or relatives They locntcd An nies cousin it it Jermaine and two outottuwn nieces iamily conference was organized and Annie ï¬nally agreed to put hersoli in the care of her cousin and her money in hank FOR BIGGEST TOY VALUES VISIT MINUTE STORE REMAINS OPEN EVERY NEXT DOOR T0 FLEMINGS MAIN STORE Holds upto 12 complete place settings has cutlery baskets and interior andtop Does everything automatically First theres nflush rinse 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