Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1961, p. 14

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Help Santa Sell Those Not Needed Items With Want Ad PA 82414 TILE MERLE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 20 161 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS NAMES Alix utiPoitTANr Chou tog name tar your chud should be real plum and others will Inst to know our chalca hams your child as nickiy as posan and use the is lriduat Inns in Barfla namtosr birth Announce meat lust call our mustard Do rarmtui give tho tacts including name and we will publish birth Notice in tho out edluoa tor only 50 Tclsphaas PA um lot this Clauuled service DEATHS GILLIIIIISTSuddlflb II BIA home Om Township on htcsday Member in loot John all ehrlsi in his 1am tar Delovcd husband or Mary Walker dear ether or Douglas or Dairvule naroara Mn Robert nmaoleyi ol raroma and isaornc or cIIa ton our brother or static lhirs Norman Cam brill or Guthrie sod Jessie Gilchr st Toronto Rut lar at the Sterliey runeral home VDHIQY Street Barrie Fun eral aerviee It cuthrie Unllcd Church on Thursday December 2i at pm interment Gulhria Cemetery Vault Casket will be open In the church train pat until um at service Iiicit iT her home Tuesday Sarah Jane widow or Knight and dear mother or John George and Florence illirs III Slclaniuiri in her 17th year Ruling at her home until noon Thundl Doremhor at service in Baxter Presbyterian Church at pan interment Illusion Union Camcitry Casket will rcmatn open in the church irons rm until commencement at scrvcc LotiA No lloJ iiaxtcr service at coo ptn Vcdncsday In lien or liowcrs donations to the Canadian Cancer society will be apprecia ted shuntPassed away alter brlal illncts on Monday Decem ber la tool ltottle Sophia liior rit or hand ilead Ontario In her oath year Bciovcd wire oi the lite James Smith and door IIIOA titer or iiarold or Willowdalr and Alvin or hand Iicstl dear slsler ot Nellie hirl strain and Edith liiorrls both of Torento Resting at the Ilughcs Funeral Home Cookstown liii ii ans Thursday December ti Ihcrl to Band Head United church tor service at 220 Interment Thornton Union cmcicry test ket will be open in the church Irom one oclock till hour of ser vice IN MEMORIAM nitisTowIn loving mcmor or dear husband and other Ethos Drittow who passed away Decem her 20 1058 Aalcop In Gods honutllul garden Frcc Iront sorrow and aid Sun in Gods vnndcilil keeping Until We shall meet again Passed aw at naxtcr Ontarl on December l9 IMI lJehnlc Copeland the late James Me Loviagiy rcmcmbcrcd by his wile Vera and nmlly antarow in loving memory at dear Iathcr and grondlsther Elmer arlstaw who passed away December 20 less Than We love we never lose For always thcy will he Lovcd rcritcmbdrcd treasured Always in our memory Sadly missed Harold Isohcis and boys COMING EVENTS Turkey Shoot WEDNESDAY DEC 20 pm Ted Pattersons Turkey Farm Turn left at the first sideroad past Varcoes and follow signs SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE All the Dutch people in the Barrie area are invited to SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE on THURSDAY DEC 21 ATB0IJPM In the Chrrsiianflclormed Church corner St Vincent and Penetang Barrie The program is made up at recitations oralions and carol sihging Refreshments served afterwards KEHSTWYDING Allc Nedcrlanders random Bar rie syn velkcm op 21 Decem ber 800 pm in the Christian Relormed Church corner St Vincent and Penelang Barrie Een Noderlatldse KERSTWYDING wardt dan geliuden Kuffie wordt gereserveerd na alloop CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824l4 Condensed and classitiat adver tisements are inserted at the rate oi do per word per insertion for one and two times be per word lor three tour or live Itintea and Zinc per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 74 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 011 $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PERSINGLE IN SEETION ERRORS 0a CORRECTIONS Advertisers nsu reminded that all phone insertion orders are once ed as convenience to you to odvcrtlscr Thcrctoro tha classincd Advortisin Department rconiras all adver sers to kindly racheclt their advertisement immediately alter first insertion in order that any errors or omissions may be reported berorca sn in order that amt may no rectided tor tho loliowing days insertion order we wish to point out that The Barrie Examiner is responsible or only one incorrectly printed imortldn on any advertisement and then only to the extent or portion or ad that involvesuha mlwflut Error which dotnnt lclrdnthu value at tho advertise moat are not eligible or when tiahs by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $50 Birth and Death Notices for upto 25 words over 25 words do per word extra In Memoriam No tlccs $150 It verso used do per word cxtrd REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD 51 PA 56153 ANYTIME MERRY Realtors are we All houses showed lair lrce This time at year Hare bargains deara That Yule be glad to pee HRISTMAS Trees in garden while The year round prove real de light Five cheery rooms Ncar Tower Crescent Low down payment and mort gage pleasant Nearly newone mortgage Full asking price only $14000 To ALL Dont Write Santa Just call us The number PA 06453 Mcmbcr ol Barrio and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Inc Palmer PA 60863 Karl Marshall PA 39917 Doris Nutiycombc PA 07937 Norm Hcskcth PA 87015 Maryann Smith PA 84028 TROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 70 TIPFIN srltizizr BARRIZ CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Iiembct the barrio and District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR ti COLLIER sTitizlrr PHONE PA 82570 EVENINGa CALL llA SCANDREIT PA Mods olioTiiY vILCOX PA 08511 PERCY FORD PA Mm uniniter SWAIN PA Hood Member or Barrie and District and Ontario lioai Estate Boards Keith MARSHALL Realtor and Business Brokers 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARHIE MOOREPA 02350 FRANK NELLES PA oasao OFFICEPA b2592 llicmbcr or Barrlc and District ReoiEstato Iiosrd CARSON EAi TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatra PA 66481 Member at Barrio and Dlltrict Real Estate Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage 01 any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA oteoi OR PA olaoz 113 Duolop St DIGIIT ltooni House or sale rally modern 22 acres or good land Close to Camp Borden and Alliston 55750 with $750 down or $5000 cash Telephone Hr 5700 PROPERTY WANTED REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP First in Barrie Homo SalesFortune In Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL IllaI II it MOOREPA tom boomsPA um mam BARBB ls Disnucr ant STAT BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR so HIGH STREET BABRIE PHONES PA W1 PA $0141 Hampers crtaa nanla nsai Iststs aoard Imlth campbauPA nus rcrgus GinnyPA Hist STREETEAST FOSTERPA out CONNELI FA Lam Joan LangPA um Chsriia ReadPA azan CORBY BROKER Phone PA 82410 ISABEL MARSHALLPA IMJO MURIDL sznYPA Nuns Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 at Value evenings Call Joa Lonnln PA mid Evnratt shaltwali Dro mo Howard Norris PA Mm REAL ESTATE 03 Dunlop St DonnyPA out swel PA 39961 PA 63742 No Foes Charged Jack vilison PA 3453i Norman sheiswell PA tom APTS HOUSES TO RENT uNYunNIsm our man actr contaihed apartment or renL Heated Telephone PA c9021 alter and or Iarthcr intormatiosc slaw AND trodesn one and two bedroom apartments dvcriomnl scenic Komocnialt Day But an tar farting and Junior service tociu ed Automatic ouhiaa ta cuitiea PA use Lovrzit tellcontained two bed room unlurnlsbcd apartment in the west end Completely modern with builtlo cupboards and sits atc bath Heat and water supp cd Telephone PA basis om Dunno Apartment Oaten and Grove struts and Ampis storage thing laundry room with drycr Available January Telephoto PA ml or PA Wu or PA WW UNFURNIBHBD one and two hed mom rtmcnia bested Central ly loco Kitchen with builtin cupboards Rent no monthly and up Telephone PA Mao sItcr 030 pm PA H695 THREE Roosi mood nocr aptrb ment rparata antraoca and bath hea piicd close to schooL Alan room modflmiy de corated artmcnt with nursery Zach aval able December Tel pnaoc PA Hm FURNIHIIED Apartmunt ntitaillo or two bininua or prolesslooai wanton Na bedrnonu uvinl room kitchen with huuhln cup hol Pridldaira Wu and re lrigcrator Dishes cutlery best light and water Lar attia or storage Less than its minutes walk downtown or collegiate and public school Tciephona PA aaaos ROOM 8t BOARD MAIIY ITREEI vicinity Room and board Gentleman Rielred Close to downtown arcs in park lunches Home privileges an iv all iiiary st or tolcphono PA ROOMS TO LET MORTGAGES HOME OWNERS YOU HAVE HIDDEN MONEY IN YOUR PROPERTY To Pay Your Bills Real Estate Loans Arranged In One Visit The Following and Surrounding Areas ANGUS WASAGA BEACH BAHRIE COLLINGIVOOD GRILLIA CHURCHILL LISLE SHANTY BAY SIROUD NEW LOWELL STAYNEP COUKSTOWN MIDLAND ELMVALE VYEVALE PHELPSION ALLISTON CREEMORE lst 2nd Mortgages Low Interest Easy Budget Terms NoHidden Bonuses Loans on Frame Insul Brick Homes PHONE COME IN OR WRITE PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St East over SIMPSONSEARS 52200 aura wcil lccurcd second tourism as $2600 hcaring inter eat at Mr duo in live yours Telephone PA aosot atonrtsAGns rat and 2nd bought solo and arranged commercial and residential none loaned on existing alonggas arria Mort vago arokars on basal FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c ma WEEKS ASK FOR IMINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 60203 MANY CLIENTS waiting or older and newer homes For iast ac tion in the sale at your home call Carson Real Estate PA 56431 CLIENT wlTII all cash looking tor turn with 25 to 100 acres Large hnusc Must be on main highway Call Ii Carson Itsai Estate PA will BUS OPPORTUNITIES Two anonoost House rar rent with attachcd beauty salon party 1y equipped Located on Centre Street Angus caragc also includ cu Reasonableront Telephone HEB5117 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation oi Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St FA 66477 WANTED First Mortga $1000 to complete new home Angus new subdivision write Box in Barrio Examincr POPULAR EVENT CHICOUTIMI Que GP Folks here are planning ond CamnvalSauvenir corm val of remembrance this win ter During the firstone last winter iownspcople were old fashioned clothing danced to pioneer FrenchCanadian tunes ate traditional hobitont dishes andthd parades recalling pio nccr days RENTALS Low COST SPACE or rent clean modeso buildings Suitshla ror commercial or light industrial Taiopthd PA 66575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built or III work 5ch and private rooms ltind nursing care good load Main stltion wa gtza tgr outings Telephone cont rnu APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecotated annually PA 61060 $75 MONTHLY Heated five room unfurnished apartment downtown location private entrance Available at once TELEPHONE PA 83588 BRENTwooD Tanisha Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full bosomsot Central loca tion $05 per month Telephone PA 89238 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen andDuckworth Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area ail heat with air conditioning laundry tubs serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $00 month PHONE PA 82740 THREE stooivt Iurnlshed apa meat tor rant chtcd1ielrixcra tor heavy duty stdva hardwood floors selr containdAvnIlahid immediately Armstrongs Herd ware PA 32541 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT TWO DCDIIDOII llobllc iiornc Ior rent ruiiy colulrpcd Located 195 Barton Avr cephonc PA Mono or PA Mm Two BEDROOM Apartment Now rclrincldlor and stovl washer and dryer Ncw building Availnhlc lin mcdiatcly Telephone PA alzsz Iiousr as rent near Codrlnrtou School on local Usc ol garage Tollcphdlle PA 06615 cvcnlnls Von UNPURNIEIIED our room apart ment with private both but stop at the door Ilcatcd Available January $75 monthly Located at 117 Gunn Sirret PA alzio llionanN lhrco roorn bungalow close to schools and bus stop OII heating For Iorther particulars telephone PA 60917 nltcr pm LIVE IN Luxurut Ncw spaciout ultramodern livo roam IDnrimnnts with stove and rclrigeratot op tionol Tcirphonc PA IHBBB or PA aoaar cvcnlaas THREE ROOM unlurnlshcd heat cd is nrtmcnt Dr rent SUICon IIIIII separate untrnnm 55 For month Available Immediately Telephnnn PA 32170 or PA 22341 TWO COZY lilrcc room uni ishcd hcolcd npartmcnts IICIII reasonablfl Appl CrnIEIIurlt Gott eIlI Store or Ic aptha PA 30575 rar urihcr details UPPER DUPLEX for front FIVE rooms and bath Private cnImIice Selfcontained Hunted ND Ohio éiggflto an MRI TeIopIIOIID PA ANGUSFour room house with bath uniorhlshcd Apply to ill Robertson telcphono HE 05595 Available immediately FUItNtsiiaD HOUSE lor renL iiiodcrn two bedrooms DI heated Available for January and Febru ary only Tcicphonc PA aIau LARGE IIDOIIED hcatcd apart ment now available Central Com pictely sellcontained Ample stor giggu $85 monthly Phone PA ONE AND Two bedroom apart ments stove rclrigcrntor janitor service and laundry laciutica Rant Ing trons $8000 monthly Telephone Leech PA 32570 UNFURNISIIED heated uparb ment tor rent lour rooms plus aunporch and bath Overlooking lake Central location Available now Telephone PA asoaz an THREE Bedroom Ranch ston housc Garage and bronze way all heated All modern con Venienccs Three miles south or stroud on Highway ll Telephone 73ml stroud NEW MODERN apartment two hzdroom Living room kitchen bathroom and laundry room with use or dryer Reasonable rent Telephone PA 51537 lor rurthcr Information Two BEDROOM Apartment for rent upper floor completely pri vate Central location Hot water heated Garage Handy to school Available December cit PA u70d2 attes pan Two nEDItoDit unrumlshed apartment in modern apartment building in east end Rclrlgcrotor stove heat watch storage patk ing and laundry tacuttles Avail ablo now Telephone PA dll61 ovIoItLoDtuNG the bay andDom LIIInn Shopping Centre Two bed room unrunushcd artment all Iacilltles In new sxpiex Avail able January Telephone PA 60545 NEW MODERN centrally located two hcdrootn apartment tor relic Retrigcrotor stove and laundry locilitles Available immediately Janitor service Telephone PA 53092 tor turthcr inlarmniaion FOUR ROOM Apartment the bath unlurnished stove and rd ltIgetatos supplied Centrally io eated No children Available Im mediatcly For turther lntorma tion telephone PA 60241 UNFURNIEHBD upstairs meat three rooms private bath Central location dis heated Pri vlte hot wator tank In private Immknn other tenants Avail nhio how Telephone PA sovsr NEW LARGE Apartments tor rent to new apartment building One and two bedrooms stove and re apart trigerator laundry Facilities su plied Queen Street ares PA 803 dltcr Ii prn Two riEDItooiiI Bungalow or rent Tsstcluily decorated Oil heat Aluminum storms and screens All convenicnces Write box 53 Barrie Examiner or phone VA Noun Oakviilc Tastes ROOM Apartment ror rant private bath rarrigerator and slows overlooking lake Im mediate pussassion No children Telerhuno PA azsts ror torthor dctnls ATTRACTIVE hpatad modesn apartment soilcontained rivata ldcsl lor nacho or or couple stove and rctrigerator entrance sup lied Adcouotc storage and cup oard spamParking tacllities liiust be soon to be appreciated Telephuno PA 204 or PA 50050 FURNISHED BEDROOM with lun ches asked it dulrcd Lsuhd tacllit cs Telephone days 600 evenings PA 51027 runNIanizt heated bcd slttinl mum IDr rent with raagotto and use or relrirerotor Central Tole Phonc PA 85002 ARTICLES For SALE HANDY HARDWARE BIhLlne lnaislll Alcona Beach Road OComplete matchbox model series Iskatcs tobhogans tricycles WBgOIIS OFull line at adc toys OGiinares OBcatty Appliances CASH OR TRADE on Skates Appliances etc FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL oi GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud 1R5 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc pertect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply Tha Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed MCFADDEN Appliance its PENETANG STREET PA 89288 STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COU NTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fecr condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 202 Clearing at 9C ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 645537 scale on FURNACE tor sole Suitahlu for savcn room house in AI con dition Telephone HE 05497 TROMBONE for sale case includ ed Instrument in good condition gigggnahle price Telephone PA SPECIAL cttitisntAs TREE otter this week Chooso your mood Scotch Plnc at farm on ghway 2d 50 cents to 5100 Bett hiaw Mindsinswlhnna 23 Mlncsing WASHING Machine in good run ning condition 510 Two Na 7501 Show Tires sinwill exchange €332ng No 370x15 Telephona PA TYPEWIIITEII for sole Under wond stationary would make nice Christmas girt lor student Good condition Sill Toiephon PA 82631 acoTcHPINE Christmas Trees large quantity to choose 1mm Special price on quantity pur chase Apiy Alvin Thompson Barrie Uh on Cemetery corner or telephone PA aszaz Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged Itams way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 HOLIDAY SPECIAL Delicious Nutritious Excitineg Different CHOCOMINT MARSHMALLOW ice Cream Now available at your Favourite Store You know its BEST when you serve SEALIEST DOMINION DAIRIES LIMITED FA 46404 ORILLIA FOR sud man you are tho own or at complete set or Photo Equipment consisting two cam eras enlarger devclo ing its exposure meter etc Mm CHILDa man station wagon also large size Quaker space Heater oer ulc Both in good con dition Apply Prod liicshcrry Lot Concession Innislii cAaii LDANasdao at $22 per month Telephone PA 64720 gvrasfcot mince 2d Duolop 5L as sNow human print aim tott taur cycle hp power pro oaucd like new ts Apply is Shannan street Telephone PA azsso cantsaiuao TREES or role to lo cholca aalsatn Spruce and Scotch Pine 15 to 52 Apply Conrads PrattMarket Highway It or telephone Orn am sANTAs ciirusThtAs TREES See them at Leonard Caseys to Centre Street Barrie or telophona PA Host Plan your order now Frets Unlivery no SCALE MODEL Railroad equipment car loco and building kits All new scllng out New Porter Cable router table Tole phone PA 56137 alter part runNacs tor sale Glison coal and wood turncc with stokcr and toreed alr unit wni sell as complete Unit or separately Ap ply Ilo aayrlcid Strnot TYPEWRITERB bought told rant co repaired student rental rates Ask about our Rout Iry than any Plan star Typewriter C01 11 Bradlord st PA 50595 crIItIsThtIs TREES tor saic good uallty scotch Finn and some Spruce Apply Russell Church lilo hllc Homes 110 Barton Avcnuc Highway II south or telephone PA 89305 turt WRAPB Jackets and Costa for solo or exchange Itcpalrltsg scholar and remodelling Moder prices APPIy liiilhurp and Son 132 Dunlap Street West Barrie Telephone PA MILL DOGS 8e PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lilies by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 530 RM DAILY PHONE PA 68036 Pouit PUPPIES weeks old tor sale each Telephone PA $0701 or Inrther details BABY Dubai in moult all col crs male or temale For furv thcr 34107 Punbanan cockcr Spanici Pup pie for sale weeks old stacks and Bicndcs Apply Lockhart Highway 27 Thornton LILIzoN KENNELS Registered Dachshund Pu py icit Black and tan music one weeks old Telc phone PA 85540 Two BEAGLEBLUE TICK Pup pica for sale Guaranteed error manca on deer Pottact has that hunter APPIY Newton Hawkcstone are 1415 lftcr pm FRUIT 8e VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and other varieties grade Macs $150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PAH9201 ARTICLES FOR RENT OLDFASHIONED Sleigh Ride available For flirthcr Inrormatlon telephone 2301 Mlncsiog FLOWE RS PLANTS CHRISTMAS TREES Dr SIIE Scotch Pine cxccucnt choice WiiI deliver Two locations or union tar street on sores and to Buys street PA aZBDB ARTICLES WANTED TAPE RECORDER in good condi tion wanted Telephone PA 89562 CHILDS HOBBY HORSE wanted immediately Must be In good con dition Telephone PA 89950 REFRIGERATOR wanted lilodcrn used Rerrigcrstor not more than one year old Trade nnmo Import ant Telcpbonc PA 217 ask lor ivlr Rnwe or after pm PA Mm extension 25 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service plinne BARBIE PA 37751 collectl or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours day1 days week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario Licenta No Lancet information teIophnpo PA FARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE LivssFoEK MOTOR CARS Eon sa 11m rouse Isows tor talc area six weeks translates boar Telephone Ivy tslu lam cows lor sole use neao due to lrcshen this month 1er phlnne Paol Bananas nohls nin Pundisazn Holstein Heller duo December sired by and bred to outstanding unit bull mastered and luiiy sccrcdlted 11 Stein Brothers Cooltstoon no or Isamo CATTLE ma sALzr Registered shorthora nuu ycan eid Year tin and Cowa Iiau gunst at nodae our Amy Mac on alri it at ala reisohoaa htoenatoae saints FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Beatiy Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA $2373 Seasons Greetings To One and All Thank you for your patronage in the past And may we have the privilege of seeing to your needs in the future Yearcud clearance of all equipment in stock CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Ptunps Wash Tanks Separators Paris ior any milker HANK BROWN RR BARBIE HOLLY PA 00338 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS LIMITED Rambler 8r Hillman 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA 66488 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy It Now With LowCost LifeInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD sT routes APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6ll42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trinuning to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES amass DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup or dsuvcry is FRANCIS or REAR PA 641551 Less than pack or cigarettes lily EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 400 INSULATION INSULATION With No R0ckwool THE BLOWING METHOD SCOII MUD AirTito Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed work PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1020 RR Barrio PA 06950 Barrio BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Telephone PA 82414 FREE Snowtires and 1962 Hence dates with any of the fol owing purchases 1961 Ford Fairlane $1990 1961 Pontiac $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 1959 Chev $1390 1957 Pontiac 1956 Chev Sedan 1956 Ford Custom 1955 Oldsmobile All cars rcconditioncd guaranteed Same with automa tic tronsrnission radio and snow tires Ml DTOWN USED CARS Il ESSA Roan nor aawrmvs 1055 DODGE or sale lour door Clears thronghout rladia inur bats tires alc bone Or and utardpm I55 PoNnac or sale in ood running order two new tIrcs TEIE III PA 399 deufil under eoaaiuoa law tires am lflH pm EA SIBIIDH In any ll two miles tools at strand lsu MODEL cAit excellent or ramliy use litany ulna VIll trade or Volkswagen British made or European car and pay dularcnca Telephone oro int no roan our door sedan cul tom radio snow tires in excellent condition hill price soon can arrange dnance Private sale Tala phone PA Moos loss CADIL Sedan for solo showroom ondition automa transmission power steering good tires 31500 No down ays merit to re ntlbio party chita Dona PA 04 between am pm CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS EARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STEE PHONE PA 84272 mortarg bank 010 31 E5 r19 PA omT MOBILE HOMES 1959 JREAT LAKES Mobue Home 10 two bedrooms large ra trigerator and stove Preferably cssh Telaphono PA 61580 To Rm Travel Trailer lo 10 south with 15 or lt out Hitch $1 cDU Illg mirror and ed rcephoao PA noun PERSONALS Ha WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDHESSING Government Chartered School Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIBDRESSIN SCHOOL ll WOBSLEY ST PA 83961 Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 SERVICE sou hIBthott Sedan in very Month or Year MASONRY If it can he built with BLOCK ERICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertol St PHONE PA 84562 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled lrarn animals under the abova Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PAIkWay $8617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 TELEVISION SERVICE gt 24 HOUR SERVICE All makes oi IELEVISIONS Bayview Electronics 19 Adelaide St PAVE9603 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALIED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling an BARRIE PA 87646 Try An Examiner WontA PHONE PA 8241

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