Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele boot PA Hut The telephone number to tall or the Businm Editorial Dept PA 10an worms Cloudy today and Thursday Snowflurries occasional snow squall today In tonight High Thursday Summary P1 97th YearNo 297 Barrio Ontario Canada Wednesday Doumbcr 20 l96v QUEEN TALKS T0 DIEIENBAKER ON NEW ATLANTIC CABLE IN NUTSHELL Five Shipwrecked Sailors Found NANTUCKET Mass APFive shipwrecked New BBdford fishermen were rescued from galeswept seas off Sankaty Head early Tuesday and the bodies of three others were recovered several hours later Two more are missing Congressman Slays Congressman QUITO Ecuador AptTwo congressman bitter political foes quarrelied at the airpbrt in Guayaquil Tuesday and one shot the ether dead police said Doctors Watch CancerTreatrnent TORONTO tCPlCanadian radiologists and doctors are closely watching new technique being tried in the United States for cancer cures by surgery The technique involves massive doses of radiation before surgery Empress Of Canada Sails To New York NEW YORK CPlTheEmpress of Canada new can ton flagship of the Canadian Pacific fleet arrived niesday on her maiden voyage from Liverpool Belgianslilay Sue UNrFor Damages BRUSSELS ReuterslThe Belgian government is study ing the possibility of suing the United Nations for the loss of Belgian properly and lives during the UN military action in The Congos Katanga province Foreign Minister PaulHenri Speak told Parliament Tuesday night Errol Flynn Leit$1800000 Estate NEW YORK APlMovie star Errol Flynn left an estate estirgisgted at more than $1000000 when he died in Vancouver in Robbers Invade Postal Station LONDON AmA gang of eight masked robbers wielding blackjack and clubs invaded postal sorting station block from Buckingham Palace today and grabbed Christmas mail worth £15000 $42000 Would Ilse Force In New Guinea JAKARTAPresident Sukarno of Indonesia today sent new letter to President Kennedy as his island country contin ued military preparations aimed at wresting West New Guinea from The Netherlands Sources said the Sukarno letter warr ed that if Indonesia must use force to get the disputed terri tory it will do so finance PRIME MINISTER Dicfen baker top receives call in Ottawa Tuesday from the Queen to open new trans Atlnntic telecommunications cable between Ottawa and London The conversation lest 491 minutes and included on exchange oi Christmas greetings to above are Mr Diefenboker Viscount Amory British High Com missioner to Canada and Ex ternal Affairs Minister Grccn Story page 15 loliCe Querv Court TORONTO CF The Tell gram says police have token statement from Toronto Magis trate Joseph Addison in connec tion with reported attempt by gamblers to bribe him nearly year ago The newspaper says the state ment will be made available to investigators for the oyalcom mission oncrime wbic was an nounccd recently by remicr Roberts provincial police spokes man confirmcd Tuesday that inspector David Adoir had in terviewed the magistrate but declined to reveal the nature of the interview Thr Telegram report says Ma gistrate Addisons ment was requested last week by the attorney generels department through the provincial police The story says the magistrate is reported to have received telephone call offering him $50 000 while he was hearing gem ing case last April Irate Farmers Block Bulldozers Building TransCdnada Highway DRUMMOND Que CPWork on nearby section of the TransCanada Highway was back to normal today alter militant stand by three local farmers who claim they havent been paid for their expropriated property The trouble began late last week when workmen began work on cloverleaf approach to the highway which will evene tually bypass this small com munity 60 miles east of Mont real The work came to dead stop Tuesday when bulldozer crews were confronted with signs warning of dynamite under field on the property of Cleo mane Houle local farmer fvo neighbors of Houle far mers Raymond Paradis and Father Seriously Ill WEST PALM BEACH Fla AP Joseph Kenne father of the president is in seriouscondition with blood clot on the brain and partial paralysis President Kennedy flew here to be near his father former ambassador to Brit ain Stricken Tuesday after play ing six holes of golf the 73 yearold Kennedy recognized members of his family Tuesday night but was unabletospeak Doctors said it would be 24 to 48 hours before they know Bruno Lailamme got even more positive results when they allegedly opened fire on the con struction crews The pair appeared before Magistrate Germain Lacoursi ere Tuesday and Paradis was charged with illegal possession of firearms and causing dam age with firearms Laflammc was charged with inciting Paradis to violence 112 Norrie Ex emitter Not Man Than per Copy22 Page Gods GCVernor Caughtln Raid Goods Surplus Boosts Balance OTTAWA CF Canadal perslslent balance of pay ments deficit shrunk to $00000 000 in the third quarter of this yearthe lowest since if due to $120000000 surplus on merchandise trade The bureau of statistics re ported today that the merchan disc trade surplus during the JulySeptcmbcr qunrter was the largest for the quarter since 1940 The corresponding period of 1960 had it merchandise sur plus of $82000000 However the countrys tradi tlonal puymcnts deficit on non mcrchnndise transactions so called invisibles such as tour ist spending interest and divie dcnd payments and freight costs totalled $200000000 in the third quarter your ear lier the deficit on invisible was $204000000 For the first nine months of last the balnnccof payments deficit was reduced to $746000 000 from $013000000 year earlier The reduction was due entir ely to the improvement in the merchandise trade picture Ex ports for the nine months rose by $244000000 from year ear lier to $4250000 while imports increased by only $12000000 to 54167000000 The result was ninemonth merchandise trade surplus of $03000000 in contrast with the $149000000 deficit year ear le tear01d Béats Union TORONTO CP seven yearold boy saxophonist Tues doy wan 16month battle with the Musicians union for the right to play professionally The American Federation of Musicians agreed to let Attila Galemb perform in publicfwith out interference but insisted he cannot join the union until he is 12 But Attila must charge his employers union rates the let ter insists In return it was agreed to drop alnwsuit against the un ion aimed at forcing them to accept him as member and to allow memberz to perform with him HERES ONE AMES iowa tAPiLleut Harlan Quamme 24 of Ames spoke at Iowa State University last Friday on the merits of high speed ejection seats The next day he had to eject from his jet when it rn out of fuel near Des Moines and foul weather made it impossible to land at his base Thieves Handcuff Truck Driver Hijack $50000 Cigarettes GUELPII CP Transport driver Wilfred Gregory shaking ith fright and cold Tuesday ight told police how his van was relievedof half its $100000 cargo of cigarettes by two hi jackers whoposed as policemen inrexecuting thethefth Gregory 37of Toronto was found by officers of the provin cial police Guelph detachment handcuffed in the half empty you some 14 hoursafter the hi jacking took place more about the elder Kennedys chances That would be some time tonight er Thursday Members of the family in cluding the president and his wife gathered Tuesday night at St Marys Hospital and prayed in its small white chapel build ing while four doctors hovered over the head of the closeknit Kennedy clan Shopping dayo before Cbrirtmal Gregory told the officers he had been driving the Husband Transport Limited truck to Windsor from Toronto along Highway 401 when car re sembling police cruiser pulled alongside the truck and forced him to stop He said two men one dressed as policemanget out of the car and walked toward hirm As they approached the car both drew long barrelled revolvers He told police the pair hand cuffed him put him inthelrunk of the car and drove the two ve hicles about two miles to lon ely sideroada few miles sou east of here After the bandits had appar ently transferred the cigarettes to another trunk they let the transport driter out of the trunk Gregory quoted one of the gunmen as saying Now what are we going to do with this guy He said he gotthe im pression they were ryirig to de cidéwhethér to shoot him had to beg for my life he said Im still shaking There was no immédiate ex planation of why the thieves took only halfthe cigarettes though it was possible the sec ond truck was smaller than the transport Thc overall payments deficit was financed as usual by in flows of foreign capital How ever the bureau sold the capital inflow for direct investment and for purchase of Canadian securities during the third quer ler was less than last year Inflows of long term capitol totalled $118000000 in the quar tcr exceeding the payments dflicit as is usqu for this pe riod of the year For the first nine months of the year long term capitol inflows financed twothirds of the current ac count deficit Some $75000000 in foreign capital entered Canada in the third quarter for direct invest ment in foreignvcentrolled enter prises compared with $168000 000 year earlier Rivals Meet Warmly LEOPOLD LL AP President Molse Tshombe of Kutnngo ond Congolese rem ier cyrilie Adoula opened their longowaited negotiations today to end the secession of Katnnga Thcy promptly warmed the icy political atmosphere with frien dly embraces and reminiscing The two political enemies got downm business in water once room of the hospital of the UNs Kitona military base near the mouth of the Congo River In secret intimate conversa tions they hoped to resolve the explosive issucs ing Tshombes wealthy ince from the impoverished rest of The Congo Adouia and Tshombe met for the first time in months Tues day to make preliminary or rnngements They set together on couch for 20 minutes laughing swapping stories and slapping each other on the leg in Eiisabethville the Katanga capital there was new fiareup of fighting Tuesday The UN sa sniping by civilians and mercenaries had forced its troops to occupy several instal lations of the big Belgian ing company the Union Miniere de haut Kutanga in central ElisabethviIIE Three UN Ethiopian soldiers were reportedwounded Liquor Board Considers 24V Applidations Twentyfour applications for first licences were placed before Judge Robb Chairman of the Liquor Licencede of Ont ario at hearing in Barrie to day Many of the applications were from establishments in Wasaga Beach Only applicationto be contest ed was from the Cedar Rail Rest aurant on Highway 27 three mil north of Barrie Which applied for dining room licence and public house licence one cedarnail applicants stat ed thot they would providead ditiensl dining room facilities and rooms for 10 guests which would place the restaurant in hheclassificetion of hotel Reeve Oarrnan Downey and the entire council of Vupra Township attended the hearing to object to the granting of lic ences to the Gedar Rail Gas and alcohol dont mix Mr Downey said The restaurant is located on highway with no other access There is two room school located almost across the street and the children travel the highway to and from school The accident toll on that road had been exceptionallyheavy Mr Downey said and there had been is number of fatalities MORE CIIOCOLATES HALIFAX CPiA new labor atory and research facilities have been completed at the chocolate manufacturing plant of Moirs Limited here Indians Take 400 Prisoners Tighten Administrative Grip NOVA GOA ReutcralIndia consolidated its grip on Goa to day with the reported collapse of the last pockct of resistance and the capture of the Forms guesc governorgeneral The lndlan defence ministry said GovernorGeneral lionuci Vassqu Silva had been tnkcn into custody by Indian troops The announcement followed reports that the lust bostion of Portuguese resistance in the col ony in the port of Marmagno had given in Indian officials repertcd that the invading troops who ni rcody have captured more than 3500 Portuguese soldiers were fanning out from the main towns todoy to round up strug glcrs liformogoo which held out for several hours after an official surrender document was signed here was captured by the In dians offer they had moved two warships into the port to sup port the groundtroop udvencc lndion sources inVBelgaum town near the border with Gun said that Indian troops had token 100 prisoners and cap lured six tanks when they took over itlarrnagoo INTERN PRISONERS Indian sources said the Portu guese prisoners taken during the invasion of Gen will be in terned in camp outside the colonyproboth in Belgadm Meanwhile the Indian govern ment today began putting into effect plan for the adminis tration of Goa and two smaller colonies Damon and Diu cap tured earlier in the week Noronnh thc newlyvap rpoin dpmetciy odmhilstrntor for on flew the Nova Goa today accompanied by three deputies The lndian government has emphasized that the Goons40 per cent Roman Catholicswill be allowed to retain their indlv vidual personality and will not be swallowed up by the Hindu population of India MAY KEEP FAITH This appeared to moon that the Goons will be allowed to continue both their Christian faith and the use of Iho Portu guese lenguogc Jubilant Hindus Ihrongcd the streets of Nova Goo Tuesday when the indiun troops moved in The Indian flag was run up over the formcr palace of the Portuguese governor and Col Suchn Singh commanding the lndinn ist Pureiroop Battalion signed the surrendcr documents with Portuguese officials lndiun plans to administer Goa as separate entity di rectly under the control of the central government until Pur liament approves its formal in corporation into the Indian un ion Authoritative sources said till civil servants employed by tho Portuguese outhoritlcs will be retained and their salariesel though higher than those for similar posts in Indiawill con tinue at the present scale DEFENDS INVASION In New Delhi Prime Minister Nehru told press conference the swiftncss of the operation was its justification He said the Portuguese od mlnistratlon bod crockcd up lf India had failed to act thero would have been vnc uum nndthnoniy persons who could have profited would have been lawless and antisocial ole ments in fact they were begin ning to do it Weary LDelegates Condemn Portugal UNITED NATIONS CF Weery UN delegates pushed to wind up the first part of the General Assembly session to night after condemning Portu gal for refusing to give the UN information on its overseas ter ritories It was the second UN decision against Portugal within 24 hours Soviet veto the night before blocked Security Council approval of resolution calling on India to pull back its invae sion of the three small Portu guese colonies on the west coast of India The lndian army completed its conquest Tuesday India also bed led the cam to condemn Portugal for refusing to fumlsh information on non self government ter ritories required by the UN charter The vote was 90 to with Portugal South Africa and Spain voting no and Bolivia and France abstaining The resolution authorized cre ation of seven man commit tee to conduct investigation of conditions in the Portuguese territories and called on mem ber states to deny the Portugal any support and assistance which may be used by it for the suppression of people of its non self governing territories AIMS AT NATO The chief targets of the latter provision were the United States Britain and other mem bers of the North Atlantic al liance from whom Portug ob tains military supplies member of NATO The steering committee called for adjournment by midnight until Jan 15 but the assembly was expected to sit past the dllne in order to clear number of items from its agenda The 104 country budgetary committee assured assembly approval of $200000000 25 year bond issue to save the world body from bankruptcy The committee recommended issue first mun histopyl by vote of 45 to 11v1iih 21 ab stentions Capadatupperted the proposal The Soviet bloc ob Jected that the plan was illegal orr Eon UNITY pantry President Moise Tahombe left of secessionist Kdtangu and Edmond Gullion am bassador representingPresi dent Kennedy talk at airport ln Ndolpl Northern Rhodesia before flying to Kiwna for Congo unity talkswitb Prem ier Cyrille Adoulaof the cen tral Congo government Ki tone is United Nations base at the south of the Congo River assembly approval of the hwtf

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