Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1961, p. 7

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Oakley Park School echoed with swing your partner as pupils from Prince of Wales REELING DOWN THE LINE gym centre displayed their ability in square dancing The event was the annual party for Saturday morning gym centres with approximately lilo pupils taking part in the activities PEOPLE AND PLACES Phnne Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 6653 The Holiday season brings near and far to your homes giving occasion for festive celebration This eolnllui will attempt to keep you in touch with the social activities illit tng place in the city over the Clirlsimas and New Year Hol Iday Any social news may be submitted by phoning the Womens Department PA it 6537 Extension 17 IIIIIKKIIIIIOII CHRISTMAS PARTY The Beta Sigma Phi ChrIst mas party was held at the home of Mrs Frank Graeey There was short business meeting first with president Miss Irene Watson in charge Director of the sorority Mrs Norm Rankin drew the winning ticket on the annual draw for $50 won by Mrs Lois Hub bard RR Elmvale Mrs Burt Poop conducted girls mas quiz Carols were sung and gifts exchanged Mrs John Merritt will be hostess for the Jan mccting similarmailman BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY Mrs George Coulson Angus celebrate her 75th birthday at family dinner party Sunday evening at the home of her son inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Donald Bush King Street Angus other guests at the event were Mrs Coulsoas son Fred and Mrs Coulson daugh ter Mrs Jack Iurnbnll and Mr Tumbull all of Barrie Mr and Mrs Charles Bush and Miss Linda Bush granddaugh ter of the celebrant all of An gas IKKKIKKKKKKHIII DINNER PARTY Christmas dinner party for staff members of the Crowe Company Limited was held at Bayview Terrace Sat urday evening Among those attending were Mr and Mrs Bert Thacker Fred Crowe Mr and Mrs Fraleigh Crowe Miss Jessie Stainton Mi and Mrs Robert Richardson Mr and Mrs Elliott Reynolds Mr and Mrs Len Schloeudors Mr and Mrs John Vanderdoort Mr and Mrs Edward Sutton Mr and Mrs Ralph Dawson and Mrs William Herherts Richard Bradshaw Following the dinner partthr and Mrs Reynolds of Bothwell Crescent entertained at house party MKEKKKWKKKUM STAFF PARTY Christmas party for City of Barrie employees was held at Pinecrest Friday evening Among those attending were Mr and Mrs Ben Straughan Mr and Mrs Paul Ford Miss Blair Miss Pat DAmbrosio Jack Owens Mr and Mrs Walter Gigg Mrs Jean Bat tersby Mr and Mrs Barry Brookes Miss Eleanor Lennox Jim Armstrong Mr and Mrs Graydoa Cole Miss Marlene Dash Lee Hart Mr and Mrs Charles Stephenson Mr and MrsChris Spaais Miss Ann Butler Roger ThomlinsoukMr and Mrs Lloyd Partridge Mr and Mrs Myrill Dean Mr and Mrs Earl Winter Mr and Mrs Edward Tschlrhart Mr and Mrs Alex McGetrick Mr and Mrs Roy Bridge Mr and Mrs Frank Light Mr and Mrs Harvey Baldwin Mr and Mrs Donalde0wens Mr and Mrs gro THE srscrons OF Your confidence in me has been an inspiration and will serve you to the best of my ability tES JOLIIFFE Seasons Greetings Gerald Tamblya Mr and Mrs Birt Cross Mr and Mrs Frank Lennox Miss Shirley Geil Paul Priest Mrs Jean Johnston Mr and Mrs Willy Pino Mrs Florence Barrows Mr and Mrs Larry Carson Mr and Mrs George McCorriston Mr and Mrs James Rowe Mr and Mrs Harold Phillips Mr and Mrs David Sanderson Mr annd Mrs Carl Sutton Mr and Mrs James Savage Mr and Mrs Neil Fox Mr and Mrs James Lowe llllilxltlimtum 67th ANNIVERSARY family dinner party was held at the Victoria Street resi dence of Mr and Mrs Welling too Paddison Sunday even ing to celebrate the 67th wed ding anniversary of the couple Guests at the celebration were Mr and Mrs Harv McKenzie Mr and Mrs Roy Peterman Mr and Mrs Frank Taylor all sonsinlaw and daughters of the celebrants grandsons John and Glenn McKenzie grand daughters Mrs Louis Pention and Mr Pention all of Barrie Heber Smith MP and Mrs Smith were among those who called to congratulate the cou ple The bride is the former Miss Lucy Mills daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Mills of Lisle The bride groom is the son oi the late Mr and Mrs William Paddison also of Lisle By EDNA BLAKELY TORONTO CF bit of time bit of material bit of ingenuity are all that are needed to make delightful Christmas giits Christmas dec orations or items to brighten your wardrobe To make simple black dress more spectacular Pat Gwyer fashion coordinator for pat tern company designed rhine stone belt She bought wide rhinestone hand which is sold by the yardustilcheii it onto belting and used books and eyes for the closing The result was stunning belt which can be worn with any simple dress black velvet dress with full skirt and string straps over the shoulders was given fes tive air with the addition of single strand of rhinestones over the straps and strip of makebelieve white fur across the top of the bodice and around the back Whimsical cocktail gthats can be put together in few minlt utes and the cost is usually un der $150 All that is needed is bit of millinery net and flower or velvet bow Gather nylon fabric may be ironed damp or dry with moderately warm iron about 275 degrees Prepare Your HOme Comes the holiday season and even the most indifferent home maker wants her home in shin lug order So thorough clean up job is in order How good it is that modern equipment and wonderful prod ucts have taken the terrors out of such job Since compara tively little effort is involved its more satisfying than ever to put the house inyshape for the winter holidays By now you probably have had rugs and draperies cleaned and Slipcovers put away so next on the schedule is putting holi day shine on wood furniture and floors making mirrors gleam and polishing up all the silver including any ornaments Wood floors take kindly to waxes that clean as well as polish There is liquid wax that is usually all that is needed to remove any grime and em bedded dust from the floor Used with an electric waxer or manual buffer this makes for shining floors with minimum of effort Dont forgetthat wax is an excellent protective for wood table tops and in fact for all wooden surfaces We came upon pushbutton waxthat may be applied with cloth or used di really on furniture that is not upholstered Using this wax is as easy as dusting For more subdued sheen For Holiday Season that still provides protection nonoily paste or cream wax are available Dont use suds and water on furniture since they may damage wood sur faces The kitchen is always busy place during the holidays and so it should be extra sole and span Then theres no hesitancy Iiii gérests offer to lend helping an Shelves appliances dinette furniture Venetian blinds coun ters and enameled woodwork can all be cleaned with cream type wax The wax should be applied sparingly with damp cloth rubbed over one section at time to loosen dirt then cilng buffed with clean soft This wax is fine for tackling the new selLadhesive plastics that are such boon It also works wonders on shelves and counters FOUND BEAUTY EAlLE BRIDGE NY AP clergymanoifered thanks to God Saturday for the beauty Grandma Moses has given the world Revaluel Miller recs tor of St Marks Episcopal Church at nearby Hoosick Falls presided at the funeral of the lDlyeamld painter Burial was at Hoosick Falls THIS CHRISTMAS SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS MIRRORS CHRISTMAS CARDS CUSTOM FRAMING OATES PAINT AND WALLPAPER 82 DUNLOP ST PA 83270 BoakeHarl Vows Exchanged Bountiful Crops At Central United Church Mix Betty Iula Ilait became the bride of Kenneth Ralph Boake in Central United Church Div Iler Brena officiated at the alter noon ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Russell Harts RR Pidan The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Ii II Boake Marion Crescent Barrie Given in marriage by her father the bride was attired In gown of rose taffeta Ins ioned with portrait neckline and large bow enhancing the back of the dress She carried bouquet of white mutations The brides only attend at was Mrs Mary Malott The best man was William Devine Scarborough brother lnlaw of the bridegroom The reception was held at the home of the bridegroms par ents The brides mother receiv ed wearing gown of blue arnel jersey Ihe bridegrooml mother assisted attired in dress of green wool and mat accessories On return from the wedding trip the maple will reside at 219 Dunlap Street West EIGHTH SECTION TOPS RECORD ST CATIIARINES CPI Mrs Innis Vanlookveld of St Catharines this week gave birth to child by caesarcan section for the eighth time Dr Johnston who delivered the child said he believes Mrs VimIJInkveld holds the Canadian record for the number of caesarean operations THE BARRIE EXAMDIER MONDAY DECEMBER II 1981 Dress Up The Simple Dress For Festive Party Dates the net In the centre and tack the bow or flower to it and youre in business with new hat says Mrs Gwyerl Therell be no expense if you use the veiling from on old hat and flower that normally is worn on suit or dress MACHINE UNNECESSARY All of these things can be done by hand and the materials are available at most dressmak ing counters For those without sewing ma chines felt is good material to use for gifts and home dec orations Festive table cloths are easily made of gay red or green felt Appliques rick rack braid bits of hmkénjewelry and sea gains can be either sewed or glued to the material white adhesive glue available in dress making shops which doesnt Air Cadets WA Instal Executive The annual Christmas party for the Womens Auxiliary 102 Squadron Air Cadets was held at the home of Mrs Eleanor Brett Peel Street with mean hers present The draw for the hand carv ed leather purse has been post poned until the next meeting in January The Cadets will hold dance Dec 27 at the Air Force As sociation Hall Owen Street and the Womens Auxiliary will sup ply the luncheon Sports uight for the Cadets will be held Monday night at Camp Borden The new executive for 1962 was installed Officers ted were past president Mrs Carter president Mrs Frank Porter vicepresideat ZMrs Westgarth Taylor secretary Mrs Irvine treasurer Mrs Eleanor Brett social Mrs Th omas Elliott ways and means Mrs Ann Churchward cards and flowers Mrs Doris Ferr ier publicity and phone Mrs Carter Highlights of the evening were the exchange of gifts playing of variety of games and the buffet luncheon Mrs Cart er thanked the hostess The next meeting will be held Jan 10 at the home of Mrs Doris Farrier Donald Street show after it dries is probably most suitable Mrs Gwyer ad vised Since felt can be cut from any angle and has no right and wrong side like other materials it is excellent forrbeginners and children Some stores sell appli ques already cut out and they just have to be attached Childrens Christmas stockings and envelopes to hold Christmas cardsare often made from felt Some stores also sell brightly eolored cotton in correct widths for table cloths These are also suitable for the person without machine since only two ends have to be hemmed These are easily decorated by sewing or sticking appliques to them or by trimming with gaily colored rickrack Stuffed animals crib toys and dolls clothes make wonderful gifts but usually region morn time Stoles for women are easy to make and can be quite glamor ous if trimmed with makebe lieve far or fringe Tags for dogs have become popular gift Some of the coats for canines have pockets and monogram One pattern for plastic raincoat was complete with hood In Is for moneyilmust phone Benefiual Get the cash you want lost One phone call and one Visit to the ofiice does everything Call up or come in bdoyl YOURE THE BOSS AT BENEFICIAL 15 BAYFIELD STREET Phone PArkway 85931 aARRIE It Math woman an Iainx we on In asoao your loan can be mtndlyil BENEFICIAL NANCE CO OF CANADA DYCKS FOOD MARKET lb Lean Hamburg Steak lb Link Sausage lb Wieners Sirloin and TBone Steak Rindless Bacon lbs 99 Subject to stock ovcgs FOODVMARKETT I50 Collier St Phone PA 85339 For Delivery Mas Iiy an IM GOING HIIME T0 sunoeo comronr Sunnco endndheatingnll clean even hoot all season Ion witoh tn Sunoco today HEATING OIL ginalou or ramsi3 CustomBlended Elva Sunoco can the ARJEANI co LTD MARY ST And Weddings Go Hand In Hand TOKYO IReuteisIJapan is experiencing wedding boom By the end of the year wel fare minlst ry officials forecast 1000000 couples will have ex changed marriage vows Bountiful rice crops and weddings seem to go hand in hand was one offlclais expla nation You might call it revival boom The good farm years plus general economic prosperity and employment are boon for marriages Japan this year experienced her seventh consecutive bumper rice crop and even current economic depression has failed to discourage young couples from planning for the future Wedding halls beve been hard pressed to cope with the rush of weddings and new ones have even been built in the be lief that the boom will last for some time Japanese air lines which for three years have been offering special domestic honeymoon flights at reduced prices have been doing good business Rcs ervations for honeymoon flights are constantly booked for month ahead Each new bride receives bouquet One difficulty experienced by the newly marrin is the short age of housing Most young Japanese couples would prefer modern apartment or home with Westernster dining room kitchen Ix AIDS APPEARANCE Long gloves help conceal womans ago by concealing the upper arms and elbows FOR THE HOLIDAYS Theres glamorlook to our holiday hiltI selection expressed in smart apes lish textures and glitter EVELYN TUCK REGINA cum snopra 58 Dunlop St PA 89246 December RiteSI Held Al Toronto St Lukes AnglIeao Church Tomato was the setting for the Wedding of Jeanne Pratt and Garfield Thurston Rev II hi Surdvrall performed the ceremony Dec The bride is the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John if Pratt Harrie The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Robert Thur ston and the late Mr Thurston of Crecmore For her special day the bride had chosen street length gown of blue lace aver taffeta with accessories in mulching tone pink sweetheart roses and blue muma completed her ensemble Kenneth Time Collinguood was groomsman On return from the nodding trip to southern Ontario the couple willreside in Stayoer THIS CHRISTMAS kangaroo WITH 33 She wore Corsage of sweet heart roses and lily of the val Iey The brides only attendant was Mrs Kenneth Tippin of Coliingwood cousin of the bride gmom Mrs nppin was attired in street length dress of blush pink nylon over taffeta Blue accessories and corsage of PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY cans rnou WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 DUNLOP 51 PA azsso MON runs wan rat sar 900 an sou pm THURSDAY STOCKING lie STUFFERS re is complete and assorted leleb tin to of toys and gifts fill those Christ mas stockings Romper Room Toys Choose from our va st selection now 0315 cernNd Sizesltolt cmw CLOTHING Sizes l0 14 FURNITURE BICYCLEB so Dnnlop St THE LARGEST SELECTION OF COLLAR STYLES IN CHRIS No like est Christmas giftingl Your some More VnaGORD ROACH bun EVENINGS All THIS WEEK SIMCOE COUNTY IMA95 $500 man ever has all the shirts he can use Which imalm tine broadcloth shirts thaejuat about the sur bet for manpleasing éih am namlmmnammmunn

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