dens ARRESTED AFTER DEM Over 200 Negroes are shown as they were arrested in Al bany 03 after staging demonstration in front of city hall protesting against the ONSTRATION trial of Freedom Riders arrested there AP Photo Police Get Instrutions For Little Girls WeIcome very important person will arrive in Barrie in the early hours of the morning of Friday Dec 25 and city police have been given complete in structions on her reception letter wasreceived today by Police Chief Ed Tschirhart from woman in Ansouvilie advising him that her grand daughter will be arriving un escorted at 445 am at the Barrie bus terminal on her way to Wasaga Beach The letter requests that olice officer be detailed to out after the little girl Ask him to be very kind and friendly towards her the letter says get her suitcase at the baggage room wait few min utes to see if anybody comes to meet her and if not take her out to breakfast and put her on bus to Wasaga Beach Children Receive Prizes For Work On Behalf Of Thirty volunteer instructors and 130 children gathered at Oakley Park Public School Sat urday to receive prizes for their salesmanship in the recent YMYWCA candy sale The children who gather every Saturday morning to take part in gym and crafts at the seven public schools in Barrie sold licorice allsorts for the National Committee of the YM YWCA The funds are used to help less fortunate in other TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled By Flynn 93 Dunlap St Barrie musmu Dom Found Dam Star Asbestos Abmbf Ailoml Steel Aluminium Alberta GM Atlas Steel Bk of Montreal Bank of N5 Bell TeL Brazilian BA Oil EC Power Cdn Bk or com cdn arewertos can iAti nom Tar Gt Lakes Home on Imp on Canada Cement Can Chemical Can Oil Con Min am Can Paper Consumers Gal bis sea Labatt Noranda more Can Husky Camp Chlb Cen Del iun Con Denison Con Hall Sullivan raleonbridso Geco Miner Gurinar Holiinger Lamlqua Nometai Opemiaka Exquisite Pm Famous Play Gat Pow Harden Form Horne Pit RlirAlgom Hudson Bay Min Imp Tobacco 1an Accept Inland ND Inter Nickel Interprnv Pipe Jockey Club Mae Powell niv luassey Fer KerrAddison Long Lac MarltLlnes if there is no bus running to Wasaga Beach the letter continues would you be kind enough to take her home She will have sufficient money for breakfast bus fare or to defray the expenses of gas and oil for the police car Hard up as our municipal lties are in these times the letter adds imagine the City Its Not Always of Barrie will let her off light ly or it might fall within the duty of the provincial police to take child home when it is alone in strange town and has no other means of getting home The province can pay for it out of sales tax The police department has taken the letter under consider ation Sweetness And Light At Yule Season By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Sounds that always precede Christmas You just get finished paying for one Christmasand then the next one comes along lands particularly in the fields of schooling agriculture food and sanitary conditions The program was judged by Russ Davey executive irector of the local He said it was received very well by both the children and the leaders The gettogether Saturday morning was led by Dave Key ho and every one of the 180 children participated in the program 65 1453s 13 lZVa Nor Ont NG Moore Corp Oshawa Pacific Peta Pem PI Que Na Gas Ros Rothmans nova Bank salads salute Simpsons Stafford it Steel of Can Steinberg Tornnm air Tram Can Pipe Trans lift Pipe lraderl Fin Texaco Union Gas Waurer Ger Who invented Santa Claus anyway Dickie Ive already taken you to see the Santa Claus at Macys Why do you have to see the Santa Claus at Gim bcls too When youve seen one Santa Claus youve seen them an love this time of year Everybody is so sentimental and gay hate this season Some how it always makes me feel blue All right all rightso you didnt like the Christmas tree picked out last year So this year you pick one outand lug it home all by yourself ONCE YEAR Well it comes only once yearthank heavens Yeah read her letter to Santa Claus it dont make sense to me Shes got it dolls already What does she want four more for sweater bought for my bus band last Christmas Hes fi nally decided he doesnt really like it Look Maudepfor the last time tell youI dont want nothing for Christmas except some peace and quiet Now can please finish reading my newspaper Every time my wife hears the sound of Jingle Bells she seems to go crazy She tries to buy out every store in town George has already bought me mink stole for Christmas but he doesnt know itxi havent told him yet Bobby you come out of that closet this very minute No Quemont Sher Gordon Steep Rock United Oil 15 e75 355 191 83 one 850 Ventures wurny FIVE MOST Acme sToCKB can Dyno CPR Bell Telephone LIL Dufault Thompson Lundmuk nowdimes NEW YORK Avanaonn Industrial up 110 Ratio up 37 Utilities unchanged TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE max hidurtriaia down 57 Golda up 19 Metals down so oils up 11 ON ZELLERS EASY CREDIT PLAN ZELlERS TD 60 mnva Sr on also Mommy isnt trying to hide those packages Shes just just keeping them for friend Theyre no concern of yours ITS THE SPIRIT always say its not the value of the giftits the spirit behind it that counts Im the cynical kind al ways say just the opposite Mommy wont Santa Claus come to see meif ive only been just teenyweeny bit bad BARRIE BEAUTIES The Turkey Youll Enjoy Ai CHRISTMAS Fresh Oven Ready 45 lb 50 lb Free City Wide Delivery Call John Patterson At BARRIE BEAUTY TURKEY FARM PA 68542 Id like to exchange this TEE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY DEED INNISFII non5 By H115 These two words dont mean much when one is sitting at home listening to the weather report but if driving between Toronto and Barrie on Highway 400 it does make consider able difference Sunday for in stance Leaving Toronto the weather was above freezing and while there the driving wasnot bad However few mil north on the dual highway ere devel oped feeling of swerving the feel of bad tire When veh icles ahead of us stopped to ex amine tires it indicated the traction was poor even with winter tires From then on it became matter of slowing down and hunting for traction We had miles of driving with wheel on the near shoulder to take advantage of sand still visible there At one of the overpass es which has centre pillars car had struck pillar with such force as to double the sport type vehicle into half length Owing to the danger of stop ping we continued enroute An investigation was in progress it was long drive and many minor drivcoffs were occur ring on both sides of the road all of which sand might have helped to avert COTTAGE BURNED cottage owned by Mr Farquhar of Weston burned on Saturday afternoon with no sign of how the fire started When lnnisfil fire department arrived after call from the caretaker at the nearby golf links located east of the pro perty the roof was ready to fall in There was no sign of tracks around the place to show that anyone had been in The cottage only about five years old was expensiver construct Board Plans Final lvIeet Of The Year The last meeting of the 1961 Barrie District Collegiate Board will be held tonight at Central Collegiate This has been big year for the board highlight was the controversy over the auditorium issue The auditorium will be built at compromise price but most board members have expressed gratification that the auditorium will finally be built The board is comprised of 15 men and one woman Six men Griffin Archdeacon Read Pratt Dr Johnston Bob Sarjeant Christie represent the City of Barrie The separate school board is represented by Dr An dcrs Township representatives are Bidding and Parker Vespra Lockhart and Crane Innisfil Stud dart Oro Day Sunnidale Martin Essa and Duns more Simcoe County Mr Lockhart is the chairman Heads Defence Employees Group Frank McKeown was elected president of the National De fence Employees Association of Edgar RCAF Station at the annual meeting held at Edgar other officers elected were yicepresident Canning and secretarytreasurer Keith Lees Hopkins Ontario presi dent ofNDEA and Thomas Markwick member of NDEA Camp Bordenwere the speak EFS Eileen Dixon shown drawing the Crush Contat Winner is Joyce receive pair of figure skates nounced at later date Slippery Highway Is Found Dangerous DRAWSWINNER FOR FIGURE SKATES womens editor for lihe Barrie Examiner is lucky ticket in the Slmcoe ï¬verages Orange Woodward Oraighurst Ont and she will ed with mahogany lining and other fittings The fire crew could only prevent the fire from spreading as the call had not come until fire had shown In the air The building is 10 cated about five IoLs west of the large home operated as res taurant at longwood Beach MR5 FRED ROGERSON The notice of the passing of Mrs Fred Rogerson in SaskaA toon which appeared in the paper Friday may not hara meant much to many in Innis fil But Mrs Rogerson nee Marion Ciemmonts was the last member of one of the pion eer families who located in the Cherry Creek arae and settled land in the second concession To us she had been some thing more than just per son For two winters when at tending public school we lived with her parents so that we could pay our board by doing chores before and after school and on weekends It saved long cold walk daily It was splendid experience for us as through the efforts of Marion or Marnie as she was called we were encouraged to read such books as Dickens and many others that the usual pub lic school pupil avoids it was through this early start in read ing that we developed taste for knowledge as learned from the printed page Mrs Rogerson who has liv ed in Western Canada Saska tchewani in her married life was returned to her home dis trict for burial at the Sixth Line Cemetery Her husband also former resident of Innis fil has sold his farm and clos ed up the city home in Saska toon and plans to remain east or south for the winter Motorist Has Bad Day Involved In Misha Saturday night was bad night for Denny Bauer of Shanty Bay Road Mr Boner was involved in two auto acci dean within the space of little more than one botn The first accident occurred at 715 when Mr Donor was driving west on Collier Street and hit Donald Kelly 3a of McDonald Street who had step ped into the roadway without seeing tha approaching car DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Pfeton Ont Judith Robin son 62 political columnist for the Tomato Telegram and win ner of National Newspaper Award in 1253 apparently of heart attack VictoriaDr Seager Wheeler 93 who won five world wheat king awards during the 62 years he farmed In Saskatchewan WinnipegJack Blumberg 65 elder statesman of Winni peg muniupal politics of leu kemia Cornwall 0ntJohn Quail 55 manager for the last 25 years of the Comwnil interna tional Bridge Company MontrealCapt John Stephen Somers 50 principal naval overseer of the Montreal area New Yorklack MacDonald 79 hockey star in the Mari times in the early 1900s TorontoBenjamin Ririe 102 who spent 46 years as mis sionary in China Tomato Harry Francis White QC 51 lawyer in Toronto for 25 years who was one of the founders of the Ca adian Tax Foundation akville Arnold Ban field 54 member of the Oak ville Trafalgar Memorial flos pital board of governors and an authority on Canadian stamps WEATHER FORECAST Forecasu issued by the Tor onto weather office at am Synopsis Colder air west of the Great Lakes will invade 0n tario today so that tempera tures will dip to well belowzero northwest of Lake Superior to night and to the high 205 in Southem Ontario Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Nia gara regions Windsor Landon Toronto Hamilton Cloudy to day variable cloudiness tonight and Tuesday turning colder with few snowflurries Tueslt day winds light Southern Georgian Bay Hali burton regions Overcast with freezing drizzle and occasional snowflurries today Mainly cloudy with scattered snowflur ries tonight and Tuesday colder Tuesday Winds light Northern Georgian Bay Al goma Sault Ste Marie Tima gami Cochrane White River re gions North Bay Sudbury Overcast with snowflurries to day and Tuesday turning col der winds light becoming northerly 15 this afternoon Low tonight High Tuesday Windsor 38 St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catharin Toronto Peterborough Trenton Klilaloe 35 $E$S can garrick STYLISTS announce eoxs TIME for TEENAGERS EVERY wan FROM 15 PM special student Rates By appointment only PA 84661 Maple Avenue Muskolra North Bay Sudbury Eariton 25 15 15 15 Accident Toll Climbs To 45 By THE CANADIAN PRESS MuI acci ts tario and ig traiite dy toll In Quebec contrasted wrth clean traffic sheets in four other prov inces during the weekend when 45 persons were killed in traffic and other mishaps Canadian Press survey fronr pm local times Friday to Sunday midnight showed 39 persons died on the roads across the country msunaxcn aorxcv L11 humor or Mann narut Mr Kelly was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital for treatment of scalp laceration and dam age to Doners car was esti mated It 3100 The second accident took place at 531 on Blake street when bfr Donor was apparent ly on his way home to Shanty ay He had just passed St Vino ent Street when he hit 5th tion wagon parked at the right hand side of the road and p8 knocked it feet along tha boulevard The parked wuon which re ceired an estimated $300 dam age is owned by Robert Pearce of Edgehill Drive set valued at $100 was knocked out of the wagon by the force of impact and was destroyed hfr Doner was taken to hos pital for treatment of shock and lacerated mouth Dam age to his car in the seco accident was estimated at 8800 Fire Dashes Girls Hopes To Keep Family Together SAENIA CPI Ellen Way brants last hope of heading her mothers dying wish appears to have vanished Keep the family together her mother said before she died of cancer Nov 13 But fire Friday left the chil dren homeless and 17year old Ellen who had cooked and cared for six brothers and sisters since their mothers death was informed the family will be dis persed by public authorities Ellen struggled to keep home for JoAnn to Sharon 14 R01 bcrt 13 Steven l2 Heather and Wendy on welfare al lotment of $20 weekly for groc cries $60 monthly for their shabby cottage few miles east of the city and bills for hydro and gas She often complained that the relief wasnt enough spark from log in an open fireplace sent flames sear ing through the house and at tracted the attention of public authorities Since then Sharon Robert and Steven have been placed in foster homes by Ihe Childrens Aid Society The youngest two Heather and Wendy had been removed before the fire by the society and placed in pennan ent foster homes STAY WITH FRIENDS Ellen and JoiAnn above the societys age limit are staying with friends Mr and Mrs Wil liam Murray Their father Alan Waybrant has been separated from the family for five years Besides the CAS the Sarnia Township welfare department and the Canadian Cancer Soci cty helped the children after their mothers death but not enough to keep them together Mr Murray said the author ities are to blame for turning cold shoulder on the orphaned family Ellen deserved to succeed he said She did tremendous job with these children Ellen said the Childrens Aid Society thought was too young to look after the family but she added that $20 was not enough to buy weeks food BOY FRIEND AIDS The slim blueeyed teenagar spoke in low monotone of doL spair as she described her plight One of the few persons who stuck by her she said was her boy friend Robert Poirier 18 Ellen has an older brother Douglas 19 living with an un cle in Sarnia and married sister Mrs Ronald Houson 20 Rachael Young CAS director said the relatives were con ccrned about the children but were unable to help Welfare officer Clifford Grif fin said the children were actu oily receiving more than $180 month Ihe maximum fare pument that could be made to any family regardless of size Ellen recalls the last evening the children spcnt before the blaze singing Christmas carols and talking about presents But their Christmas welfare cheque for $44 was destroyed in the fireo so there wont be any presents PHOTO PORIRIIIIS FOR CHRISTMAS SMITH STUDIO as Dunlap st PA 84175 Over aunts ELECTCRS or WARD Seasons Greetings ARTHUR MORROW CHRISTM As Bring the Christmas spirit right into your home Perfect Gm Poinsettia Plant Azalea Plant or Lovely Cflll10wel Bouquet or Choice Floral Arrangement FREE CITYWIDE DELIVERY Additional winner will be an FENDLEY 74 BLAKEflTREET Flowers Wirno Anywhere sopanamaanmnnmmnnmmaxulflxmmmumw Klï¬mflflmï¬ï¬‚flflllï¬ï¬‚i FLOW maluuuum