HEADS STEEL DRIVE Ontario Terry lilancinl lulltime organizer with the United Steeiwnrkers oi Amer ice is in charge oi his un ions campaign to replace the lnnternational Union Mine Milli and Smelter Workers as bargaining agent or some 17000 miners oi the Inter national Nickel Company In Sudbury Ont Photo See ClausBusy In Poland lls Money Is Spent Liberally WARSAW ReutersThe one man in Poland who will cer tainly exceed his work norm this Christmas in Santa Claus Poles have been spending liberally this year with an at titude of Who knows what tomorrow will bring They are intent on having Christ ms with all the trappings Students of Warsaw who ha bltuatly till the role at Santa Claus have been called on to provide minimum ot 000 Santa Clauses for homes tae toria nurseries orphanages and state department stores in the capital alone Years ago there was move to adopt the Sovietstyle Old Man Frost instead of Santa Claus But Old Man Frost melted away in the poststalln thaw For most Poles this is prob ably the most prosperous Christ mas since the war Neon lights wink and glimmer in sudden rush of brightness outside stores stocked with practically every thingexcept lemons Oranges and bananas also are scarce Varsaws largest state delt partment store expects to sell 40 truckloads of gitts day in the week belore Christmas Day It was estimated between 100 US Will Save Russian Cities Newspaper Says WASHINGTON AP The Washington Star says the Ken nedy administration is switch ing to strategy designed to spare Soviet cities in case of nuclear war The decision to try to avoid killing millions oi enemy civil ians was not taken out at desire to be gentle The Star says in copyrighted story Rather it is an effort to deter any enemy tronI deliberately killing millions of Americans It is an appeal to his own seliish interests to limit the thermonu clear war It the enemy spared Amer ican cities we would spare his it he destroys ours we would retaliate in kind Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA8ltZ4H mums atosr comm at some and mites with tarts shown radio and TV Home the omen mmp HuertaDancing mm no mournIra Ample Free ovmugbe Parking Fina Curvean Finance Family Plan iiithtlSiTV new At time smel Telephone unn szusIIIr 02145 in Norms Imphm UNivnniry Hm In omwn Nldphunl zoom sma 000 and 200000 customers day would invade the store dur ing this period Toys are traditional with lit tle or no demand tor toy sput niks or model space ships Christmas in Poland is tamin celebration Public rev elry is reserved Ior New Years Eve DONT Eon numbeIs so tuture irnmigra ldislocation the Canadian way oi Sony smati proportion were Full Scale Immigration 13 Farmers To Canada Is Said Over OTTAWA CPIThe postwar cra oi Largescale inunlgration to Canada is over The technological revolution has turned Canada into an Dix duslrialixed nation the unemployed Canada new iindssh no ionv gen needs the unskilledxin policy will be selective st sing quality rather than quart lily Prospective immigrants Will have to be able to make con tributlon to Canadas expanding industrial economy They wi haveto be able to settle Canadian communities withou There will be little room in the tutors for both the unskilled immigrant and the unskilled nn tiveboro Canadian The hard core at Canadas continuing un employment includes major proportion oi unskilled labor Only revolutionary upheaval in the Canadian economic struc lure creating huge demand for unskilled labor could bring about return mass immi gration No such development is anticipated NEEDED AT HOME The number of skilled work ers coming to Canada also will be limited by two factors litany countries from which such immigrants would come are developing their own econo mics and want to keep their skilled people in addition the number admitted to Canada will be govemed by this countrys ability to absorb them The policy of seeking immi grants with skilis craits and prolesslons and restricting the arrival at the untrained will be reliected dramatically in im Imigration figures tor 1061 These will be available early in the new year These iigures are expected to show that immigration in 1961 tell to its lowest level since 1957 due mainly to restrictiqu against persons without Ikiiia crafts or pmtessions The 1961 Immigration total will likely be about 70000 oom pared with 54127 in 1051 and 104111 in 1060 lt wake sumo liuring the last 16 years tom of 2075000 immigrants ar rived in this country in the next to years the inflow may be only belt that number or even lees The 1961 figures also will show that the bulk of immigrants desl tined tor the labor force coma this country with skill installed laborers This we be pattern in the iuture We feel coniident that pol icy oi selective immigration will pay dividends tor all in the development ot vibrant and expanding economy so essential to our tuture growth immi gration ter Fairclouah said in recent speech This policy will be reflected in the new amendments the government is planning to make in regulations under the immi gration Act The amendments in the governments view will racial discrimination from Canadas immigration laws Under the amendments all immigrants wtll be treatedI alike in line with the policy at selective inunigralion The test BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 36531 GET FOR BIGGEST TOY VALUES VISIT LEMIGS NEXT DOOR TO FLEMINGS MA lN STORE aARaIE will be In individunll ability and the contribution he can make to Canadas economynot the color ot his skin LIT1 BARRIERS SLIGHTLY Prime Minister Dieienhaker has said several times recently the amendments will end within our country discrimina tion ed on race color or re ligion Existing regulations have the eilect oi limiting the taller oi non white immigrants irom Chinalapan indie the Middle East Airica and the West in dies The new regulations will make it possible ior such per sons with skills cratts and pro lessions required in Canada to apply lnr admission as imml grants Such policy will not result in In influx oi immi grants whose skins are black brown or yellow When the Progressiva Con servative party formed the op position in the Commons it hit terly attacked discrimination built into Canadas immigration system it promised that it elected it would change the set However Mr Dieienbaker now has made clear that he hopes to remove discrimination by manger in the regulations wrtiIout asking Parliament to amend the act Fared Better In Year Past WASHINGTON AP iarmere situation improved Iomewhat in 1961s the federal government embarked anew on stronger farmaid programs Net income of term operators was expected by the agriculture department to total saw their economic 000000000 more than the Ir 700000000 earned In 1960 Much this increase re llected policies and program at the Kennedy which sought to reverse those ot the Eisenhower administra tion reducing the federal role in agriculture The new programs included higher iarm product price sup ports and plan under which iced grain producers were paid slightly more than $75000000 to reduce production at corn and sorghum grains crops avaiiebs in oversupply The tool farm income con ndminirtratlon tinued considerably below levels oi the inte mo and 1050s and far below the amount the Kennedy administration con sidered necuaary to provide farmers air share at the na tional income SOME PRICES DOWN improved omic condi carly lions were notgenerai through out agriculture in several sec tions the situation deteriorated around 01 because lower prices for such products on poultry and eggs beet cattle potatoes and some lesser crops Too the northern great plain suffered from were summer drought ENTER NOW IIIIMMONIIS DISCOUNT FREE TRIP to NEW YORK CONTEST Nothing to Buy Slmply Fill In The Coupon and Deposit lnThe Ballot Box at Hammondli FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR TWO Return From Melton Airport Fly TCAVV PLUS $2500 CASH on $10000 CASH HAMMONDS CHRISTMAS BONUS FREE TRIP to NEW YORK NAME Aooness EXTRA COUPONS with $500 Purchase EXTRA COUPONS with $1000 Purchase The More Coupenl You Enter The BetterAre Your Chances qr CHRISTMAS SPECIAL REPEAT OFFER SAVES YOU 2000 ON VIKING DELUXE AUTOMATIC DRYERS Reguier 17995 EATONS Price Each This big 15 1b wet wash capacity dryer is designed to save you many hours of hard work and washday drudgery leNGS 1n tinite heat control provides safe drying for every type of fabric from cotton to delicate fabrics even wash rI wear The effi cient vacuum drying principle al lows faster drying with less heat while the large smooth drum Brotects the finest of materials ryer shuts off automatically when door is opened Porcelain enamelied finish topmounted lint trap and modern illuminated control centre About 30x43x 28 overall Model 600D EATONS STORE Houas MON TUE5WED THURS Ind FRI 915 AM 900 PM SAT915 AM 530 PM