TO HELP WANTED SHEET META MALE HELP WORKERS CLASS Starting Rate Top Rate $188 per hour FRINGE BENEFITS INCLUDE Paid Statutory Holidays weeks vacation with of earnings weeks vacation with of earnings after 10 years PSI Blue plan 85 company paid Ontario Hospitalization fully company paid Pension plan fully company paid 33000 life insurance double indemnity 535 weekly sick beneï¬t fully company Time and half for overtime No 10 minute rest periods per day Flve day week to hours Excellent working conditions Cafeteria Full time registered nurse APPLY TO PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT DeVILBISS CANADA LTD BARRIE ONTARIO WHY wart when all can your own national up nee nocuauy Nothing to invest Ref cu required Write Gauth in San St Roch Street Montreal Quebec SALES HELP AVAGENTS xmeIchnn Real Estlta uter mn required for modern cen tran located out Apply in out mun ex r1 ence to Box Barrio Bran or Steel Man Tums Against Union Fight SUDBURY CPA member of the United Steelworkers of America iCLC Sunday night urged members of the lntema tlonal Union of hllne Mill and Smelter Workers 1nd to fight USW bid to win bargaining rights for MineMills Sudbury local Arthur Laverty of Hamilton told rally of 3100 MineMill members if you are foolish enough to go over to Steel you will find that your problems will not be solved because there is no real leadership The national executive of ltiineMill recently charged the executive of Local 598 in Sud bury MineMills largest local with an attempt to deliver the local to title steelworkers in or 5178 per hour fully company paid paid der to get back into the Cana dian Labor Congress from whose predecessor the Cana dian Congress of Laborfiline Mill was expelled in 1949 be cause of jurisdictional dispute with USW and charges it was Communistdomlnated Mr Laverty said the steel worker membership should not be blamed for raiding by USW officers General members are opposed to the spending of their dues on campaign to bring disruption and division among organized workers he said Mr Laverty told the meeting organized the national office oi MineMill few steel mem bers are willing to voice this opinion for fear they might be labelled Communists Few Whites Swim Alter Race Order BURY Reuters Few whites went to the munic ipal central swimming pool Sun day fnliowing city council de cision Friday that all pools In the Salisbury area of Southern Rhodesia be open to all races There were 12 whites at the pool which until Friday was re served for whites only Eight In dlans were swimming pool spokesman said Nor molly we would have about 200 people on day like this The city councils decision to LEGAL NOTICES IMMCOE mm SHERIFFS SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Writ oi lhrecution issued out of The County Court of the County of York in which AJAX ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED is the Plaintiff and ALFRED STORRY and TERESA STOREY are the Defendants to me directed against the goods and chattela lands and tenements oi the said Alfred Starry and Teresa Storry have seized and taken in execution all the right title interest and equity of redemy tion of Alfred Storryaad Teresa Storry in and to the following that is to say ALL AND SINGULAR that rennin parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being part oi the south half of Lot No 15 in the First Concession oi the Township of Tecumseth In the County of Simcoe ALL OF WHICH said right title interest and equity of re demption of the said Alfred Storry and Teresa Storry in and to the said lands and ten cments shall olfcr for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House in the City of Barrie County of Slmcoe on Wednesday the 10th day of January AD 1962 at the hour of one oclock in the afternoon DATED at the City of Barrie in the County of Slmcoe this 26th day oi September AD 1961 ROSS HUGHES Sheriff County oi Simcoe make all pools multiraclal was in line with ruling by the Rho desian Federation Court Whites only signs in this self governing British colony are cooling down one by one Under pressure from Negroes Asians and white liberals great advances towards nonracial society have been made in the last year though number of racial barriers remain Prime Minister Sir Edgar Whitehead has said the govem ment will sweep away racial dla crimination and create state in which 3000000 Negroes 220 000 whites and 17000 Asians and persons of mixed blood will have equality of opportunity CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 166 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 10 PERMS $8 $1250 PERMS 010 $15 PERMS $1250 TEENAGERS $559 PA 82693 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DIAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway No interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 83343 GIFE Eon HIM BARRIE Stamp Coin I7Bayfied ST Buy Him Catalogue for Christmas or Good Album STAMPS COINS GIFTS sea HIM GIFTS FOR FAMILY MACKS MENS WEAR as DUNLOP ST WEST PA 89641 Sweaters $395 it up Good selection of viyella socks $150 Smith Rutter FURNITURE Free Christmas Turkey With $75 Purchase 137 Dunlap St 60245 PA 60246 Cedar Chests $4950 Table Lamp Shale $295 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION GIFTS FOR FAMILY JACKSONS DEPT STORE Barries Most Famous House of Bargains ova MOTTolS SATISFACTION on CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE lN THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA $7735 59 DUNLOP sr BARRIE ONT STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP ST 17 Jewel Watches $1495 and up AisoMisc Gifts FAMOUSXLAYERS Gift Ticket Books THE IDEAL cm FOREVEEYONE Now Free Ticket in each book On sale at ROXY THEATRE or Phone PA 84681 Do Ask About Our Very Reasonable Gift Guide Rates Now At PA 82414 noesa PETS FR EE Christmas Trees with every puppy purchased from our kennels OBASSET HOUNDS OPOODLES IDACHSHUND OR have fun bring your children to select and cut the tree of your choicHl Beesleys Turkey Ranch AND Royal View Kennels miles north of Barrie on nglway 27 PA 89722 INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE Makes Glorious Football MCINTYRE HOOD Special to The Barrie Examiner LONDON Jimmy Greavca is back in English football He has played his first game for iottenham since he was signed from hlllan for something like 3280000 But be played in the reserve team in Combination League game against Plymouth on the lattera ground He made glorious debut for the ï¬rm by mring two goals in side 41 victory And he attracted 12000 spectators to the Plymouth ground 3000 more than the average for their first team and five times the normal crowd at reserve aids game They saw the former Chelsea goalwatcher play superb game although he was admittedly not in his own class in the reserves Greaves is expected to make his first division debut in weeks time He will also be available for Spurs should they reach the semifinal oi the Eur opean Cup He was re lstered by the Football Aesociat on Just two days before the three months minimum required by European Cup rules INCREASE LEAD Frost and snow played havoc with the regular game sched ules Six games in England had to be cancelled and 10 in Scotland in the first division Eurnlcy increased its lead at the top of the tablo to five points by winning at Chelsea wblia Ipswich were beaten by Aston Villa Four teams are tied for second place Totteo ham Everton West Ham and ipswich great deal depends on the extra gamcs which will be crowded into the holiday season There will be no Christ mas Day games for change but games are scheduled for Dec 22 and for Boxing Day and New Years Day all extras The table might look great deal different when the holiday rush is over The other league tables are unchanged Liverpool in the second division are eight points ahead of Layton Orient Derby and Sunderland tied for sec ond place Bournemouth and Debut Portsmouth are tied for the third divtaion leaderahi two points ahead of Rea and three points above Peterbor ough 13y beating Colchester Wrcthn took twopolnt lead over that team in the fourth division Alderabot in third place are point behind Col cbestcr with Millwall and Car llsie tied for fourth one point further back SCOTTISH CUP Six of the first round Scottish Cup games had to be postponed because of grounds being un playable alter week oi heavy snow and severe frost The seven games played ran fairly true to form the only surprise being the achievement of no end division Queens Park in drawing with Raith Raven Aberdeen Arbmath Clyde Third Lanark Montrose and Hamilton are safely through to the second round SITE AND PIECES The English League has bar red any ol its clubs taking part in new European nations com petition naxt sprin The gam ea are due to be ayed in May and June when no organized soccer can be played in Eng land by teams ln the English League The league feels that with the European Cup the European Cup Winners Cup the lnterCItles Fair Cup and the Friendship Cup involving Britlsh and Europcan teams there is no time to enter any further competitions especially in World Cup year ln an intercities fairs cup game at Blrmin ham four players were order off the fie two from Birmingham and two from Es ponol their Spanish op nants Rough play leading to ghts on the field were responsible DIVERT JET PLANES HALIFAX CPFor the sec ond Sunday in to row Halifax International ort served Sunday as an alternate landing point because oi bad weather in New York Seven airliners most of them Jets were diverted here They carried about 500 passengers FIRST all FOR THE HOME By ROGER WHITMAN SPOTS 0N FLOORS QUESTION When we reopen ed our vacation home for use again this year we noticed that some of the wood floors had developed white spots on the surface These are ahellocked floors in good condition what caused this and can they be remedied ANSWER Moisture times causes white spots in shel lacked surfaces As this evapor ates tho spots will disappear this may take week or two For quick removal of the spots wipe with cloth dampened In alcohol using as little alcohol as possible too much will re move shellac Then apply thin coat of greatly thinned pure fresh white shellac FIREPLACE SMOKES QUESTION Our fireplace smokes although we have the draft wide open Why does this happen ANSWER smoking fireplace may be due to any one or several of the following re asons draft interference because of another fuel burning op plianceusing the same fine too low chimney tall trees too close to the house interfer ing with air currents improper dimensions of the fireplace it self suggest sending 25 cents no stamps to Superintendent of Documents Washington 25 DC for copy of Farmers Bulletin No 1889 Fireplaces and Chimneys giving detailed specific information on fire place construction and flaws SCRATCHED PANELS QUESTION We live in mo bile home with plywood In terior in natural wood finish Some of the finish on the walls has been scratched Does the whole panel have to be refinish ed How do we fix the scrat ches that are through to the wood We want to begin house cleaning ANSWER If the scratch has iloteffectedthecolor of the wood surface and the plyw ood has varnish finish run var nish along in with small fine watercolor brush for deep scratches apply several thln coats allowing each one to dry thoroughly before putting on the next coatBe sure the surface is thoroughly cleaned and free of all traces of grease grime etc before repairing scratches if the finish is shellac wipe the scratches with alcohol or touch up with thinned shellac incidentally for cleaning wood work and paneled walls rec ommend usinga cream furnit ura or cleanup wax made by nationally known manufacturer RETILING SPLASHBOARD QUESTION To waterproof the wall area behind the sink und er the window was consider ing covering this with aluminum foil freezer grade Ia thllj practical idea ANSWER Perfectly practical but you may have problem with aatiafactorv adhaain Ho ally adhesive P3 backed aluminum tiles to ap some ply to thoroughly cleaned sur faces are now available in sev eral metallic shades Besides in kitchens these can alsobe us ed on bathroom walls around showers even patching holes in roof gutters Available ma hardware stores and mail ord er housest SOILED CHAMOIS QUESTION have large piece of chamols skin which use for wiping down the car it is very soiled and badly st ained ordinary washing with lukewarm water and soap no longer cleans it What do you recommend ANSWER Several repeated washings may be necessary to clean the Chamois using luke warm water and plenty of mild soap Dont rinse out all the soap suds but leave some in the skin to keep it soft and pliable CHROMIUM CORRODED QUESTION Green corrosion has developed on the chromium faucet in the bathtub How can this be cleaned off ANSWER Wipe with ammo nia If not successful rub with paste of ammonia and scrat chless scouring powder Rinse with clear water and wipe dry Then polish with good qua lity paste wax QUESTION Recently refer ence was made to chrome paint for refinishing chrome plated equipment Wheracan this be purchased ANSWER Chrome paint is available at most paint dealers and variety stores however it is not used for replattng the chrome fixtures this must be done by professional replaters the paint lsjust for touch up on worn spots on furniture etc Does not have shiny chro me finish but does pretty well FIREPLACE CHIMNEY QUESTION Is there way to clean out avflieglacï¬ neyi ANSWER Yes but highly recommend having profession al do the lab Be surete cov er the fireplace opening so that falling soot wont scatter out into the room To clean the chimney Lower set or two ot tire chains swinging in circl es to loosen soot onthe sides or put several bricks In large burlap bag then stuff the bag with crumpled newspaper or straw and lower this down the chimney SOLDER 0N WATER HEATER QUESTION The plumber that put all the plumbing in our new house got some solder on the outside of the water banter What will remove It ANSWER Try melting with soldering gun wiping itvoit while molten Be sure to wear very heavy gloves Checkilrat with the dealer who installed the heater to be sure thnsold ering gun heat wont cause do mage Any can illuviid careful and gentle usoof Plans Forests MONTREAL CPtA Mont realgroupcallingforabanon nclear bombs says it will call In organlurs of antisegrega tionist groups in the southern United States such as the Freedom Riders to teach it the tricks of their trade The Committee of 100 headed by ence writer Dan Daniels announced Sunday it will set up classes and instruction on the philosophy and physical aspects of civil disobedience Discuss Talks LONDON Reuters Prime Minister Macmillan and For eign Secretary Lord Home met for afternoon tea today and discussion of elr talks with President Kennedy In Bermuda later this week Macmillan and Home will meet the president and 15 State Secretary Dean itqu Thursday and Friday to discuss it late problems facing the Western alliance Feat 18 Dead BUENOS AIRES APi seven storey apartment house under construction collapsed Sa turday night and officials said at least its persons were killed Other victims were feared still under the debris Close Parks BIRMINGHAM Aln AP Faced with federal court or der to integrate public recrea tion facilities next month Bir mingham city officials have moved to close most of them Jan About onevthird of the citys population of 340000 is Negro The city parks and rec reation board approved skele ton budget which would result In the closing of parks play grounds swimming pools golf courses and community centres Shakes City AREQUlPA Pam MPIAn earthquake shook this city of 80000 for 15 seconds Sunday ding terrified residents rush ing from their homes to squares and other open areas quake also shook the coastal city of Mollendo 50 miles southwest of here but no loss of life or seri ous damage was reported in either city Lorne Marries HOLLYWOOD AP Cana dian actor Lorne Greene 46 who plays the father of the Cartwright clan in the Bonanza TV series was married Satur day to it Ann Deale 28 She is an actress and artist un der the name Lisa Cummings They met three years ago in New York when both were do ing stage work Bounces 0ft Moon NORFOLK Va AP The first successful communication between share station and ship via the moon was an nounced by the navy Saturday message from Admiral George Anderson chief of naval operations was beamed at the moon and the deflected signal was picked up by the ex rimental communications ship Oxford would you Cards To Stay In St Louis ST LOUIS AmTho second season of football for the Card lnals in St Louis wasnt all that was hoped forlargely be cause of an injury siegebut the management isnt planning to move the club to another city next year Certainly well give It an other try next year said Wal ter Wolfner the Cardinals rolt tund mannging director after the Cards blanked Pittsburgh Steelers 200 for sec ond straight fourthplace finish In the National Football Leagues Eastern Division He didnt deny though that attendance had been disappoint Ing Only twice in seven home games did the Cards clear the $00000 Wolfner said they must have to meet their commit ments Only television income avoided major red ink bath in the last three games at tendance dipped under 20000 less than half the NFL aver age Wolfner signed Sam Etche verry nineseason great with Montreal Alouettes and the Cards figured to make bid for the Eastern Division crown with Sam at quarterback But broken ankle shelved John Davis Crow the clubs 1000 yard halfback in August and discouraging series of Iniurles worst in the NFLriddled the offensive line Coach Frank Pop ivy former coach of Ed monton Eskimos resigned with two games left Named litter Bat Former Star Dies SAN FRANCISCO AP Ping Bodic the oldtime base ball playéivh0 was named after the sound his stounce bat made in hitting home run died in hospital Sunday He once was Babe Ruths roommate Eadie whose own language and that of the man who wrote about him made baseball metaphorical was 74 He retired last year as an elec ml Putnr sysalun foe Belem you put them in the attic World rllhia reserved for the winter like few moments alone trician in Hollywood movie stu dios Bodla supplied the material for Ring Lardncrs classic se rics of You Know Me Al His unsuccessful attempt to steal base caused Bugs Boer to write Ping had larceny in his heart but his feet were honest And baseball writer in tell ing how Ping hit his thenincred ible 00 home runs for Pacific Coast League history in 1910 wrote that Ping reoliy hem stltched the sphcrold The sluggers own words of his prowess took iorrn of such phrases as whaled the on ion or You should of heard me crash the old apple Ping was bornFroncis Steph ano Pczzolo lie soon found out baseball writers like short name So he became Ping Bo die the last name that of the California mining town where he once lived After his 1910 homer spree with San Francisco Seals in the PCL Bodie went up to the American League in tall with Chicago White Sox He moved back to the Seals in 1915 He was back in the majors two years later with Connie Mack Philadelphia Athlech and then with Now York Yankees in 1913 through 1021 Ruth joined the Yanks in 1920 Score Olle Upset In Bowl Games NEW YORK CPlTwo ml ior oollege football games were featured in of the Us post season bowl schedule and one upset occurred while the other game want ac cording to form Kansas four point under dog rolled over Rice 337 in the thirr annual Bluebonnet how at Houston Tex in the Liberty Bowl at Philadelphia sixpoint favorite Syracuse came back from 14point deficit in the second half to defeat Miami Fla 1544 Syracuse frustrated for two quarters and trailing by two touchdowns slammed back in the last half on the vicious run ning of allAmerica Ernie Davis and the pin point passing of Dave Sarette Nothing less than TOTAL selling Jobwlll producevolume sales in todays highly competitive markets Nothing less than TOTAL seiimg medium will givia the advertiser the impact and coverage that are basirito The newspaper is recognizell as the lOTAI selling TOTAL sellingljob medium because it covers the advertisers TOTAL market puts his ines sage where most people purposequ LOOK for buying information risjin the which makesu the be at plo tosiortryour rs paged of this newspaper the second Saturday SEW