UK Cannot Succeed Qn Euromart French Albion feel Briti the wt PARIS CPIViewed through French field glasses Britains hid in eiamber aboard the Com mon Market bandwagon sp penrs doomed to success The wry wording reflects Gai lle gloom over what Is re garded as the Inevitable end of the Brussels negotiations re luctant acceptance at country with horn the entente isnt al ways cordlaie Traditionally nervous of per Iome French ot vintage sixnation brew Britons they contend simply are not true Europeans Frankly we fear that the British may turn out to be rid in Trojan horse said youthful executive In promi nent Paris financial house EUSPICION AND ALARM After observing British hesita tions about joining the club from London it is curious ex perience to cross the Channel and sample French reactions Though some genuinely wal comc the overturn from na ti they regard as tolerant and fundamentally da gt there are many who teeter between suspicion and alarm Paris evening newspaper commented causticaliy that Britain approached Europe with heavy eyelid and watery eye Level headed Frenchmen chatting with reporter sought to explain their reserve They told how France inrred to the edge of neurosis by military setbacks German occupation and postwar instability felt it had regained its soul In the new Europe France is consciously Eum peanizing itself There is burgeoning nIty between Teuton and Gaul between the restless roving French intel ligence and implacable Ger TELEVISION PROGRAMS entry will man thoroughness Preach na tionai spirit always tricky volatile commodlw seeks broader context CHAUVINIAM FADING La vIeIlie France the old na tion of bourgeois tradition and clinging conservatism yields to younger generation intent on Nlults rather than prickly chauvinism There is enhanced interest In motor cars rock roll and the latest dance erase the tweest demographic revolution hu taken piece la law students in schools and universities to tailed 0500000 by 1910 the number will be nearly double Youth is filtering into positions of authority and Europe is Its oyster For energetic Frenchmen the Common Market opens up whole new frontier Paris diplomat said France Is less parochial more cosmcpolltan It used to be hard to convince patriotic Frenchman that anything worth while existed outside his own country Now he travels more and doesnt hesitate to borrow from other places Pondering on changing lt titudes an experienced obser ver concluded philosophically that France ntter generations oi remaining vertical static and inwardlooking now Is outwardlooking NEW MOBILITY Youth Is catching the bug he said People say the young dont care about anything but they do Society is acquiring new mobility Through its Eu ropenn sftortl France is re covering virtues that we have known vitality an expan slveness that In past centuries tount its outlet in colonization Science and technology are transforming the face of Franco that only decade ago CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE sroNnIiY usesniacn is Womens Show Almanac garlic newP oncyos gem Hangings DFEYOII Farm Market Report News non Jamieon IVsatiicr Sports Zane Grey recir non Manors Jubilee Danny Thomas lea Borrowed Lite nob Cummings show Festival BCTV News ll rna Weatherman Today in sports CommuniLY News iiso Crossroads TUESDAY DECEMBER is 101 rm Iattarn Romper Room isoo Popeye and am 1230 Nnanday no or News West er sports Farm in art Corning Wani fovla Tail Dark and Handsome Oplfl UL 300 American Musical IIIQItN 350 Adventures of Blinky 345 Flower Pot Men 00 The Womans Show 430 Atlantic Cubic Ceremony soo ltasrle Dazzle sso Miro Mercury and News Headlines 00I burn to Draw 620 Farm IIIItkM Hepï¬ï¬‚ 32 News Don Jamluon Weather sports to Hon Clsay 9999 gasses as =33 CFTO CHANNEL MONDAY DECEMBER 18 00 Professors Hideaway 000 hills From Cochise Prcflierioriii eiï¬to look like rail WItII our dIIteren hotter sanitone Dry CieaoingiAiI dm and spots removed no cieanln odor fabrics ra stored II new and bet oer lasting press Call today WRIGHT CLEANERS LIMITEI so Dunlap st East eoo 900 use limit laso 1100 111 nary Moore Show Red Shelton Front Page Chliilnla inquiry of Diamondl TV Tod in oril Comlliiunit PNew 1130 lnterpol Illinl WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20 in Test Pattern Romper noon Popeye and Fall Noonda iCI til In The Air iiiii as Paris iiusio Break Friendly Giant iiiin liltigginl Iho Walttans Show Yes Yes Nanltd Rania Dani Hound geese ans99954 Hucklsba News Red Hills Provincial Airin Farm lilarltet nupnn News Don lamiuon Weather spam Piano auxton The Law and Mr Jones Bachelor Father Plsydata Perry Como News Magazine Explorations cac TV News The Weatherman oday in orts Community ews Highway Patrol TORONTO sonn Walther Pierre Gotten News FathIr Knows Ea Top Cat IVhilelh Ml nose or 8328 990995 arra sggsgzza it on 1130 LOH Y0 News Wasiï¬i spore Men 01 Dfllï¬n Better LII TUESDAY DECEMBB ID New 1035 Free and II Playhoula channel Theatre Ghost at St Michael sws Profeslors Hiduw Man Min Cochise on author lIaieiiil Berton it re Belur aim Small Voice Checkmate Eater Brownie1 9W5 II P0 Men or Destiny attlr Late so Essa52999954 Pr 83233222 rrrs 6383 Fran and Eli Playhouse Channel Theatre Hundred MOIl Ind GiII iayhouaa Hid re em now Man From Cochin arts author By Pintu Berton News Bachelor Father °e°rtin°ox Eigin Pi house tLawlaIs tract The Detectives News Weather orts rm Sim Coleman how Bettnr am 54 588 uanA Queue suemmsnome 33 CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS was described as one of the backward countries of the West srn world One problem is to extend development evenly over the country particularly the un derdeveloped of the southwest where drinking water is luxury The suggestion that Ameri eaolsation has triumphed 1a discounted What Is really hay peninl one Frenchman told reporter Is that the country is seeking American efï¬ciency in European trunework dis carding undesirahle manifes tations such as taIItIns Ice water and frozen foods When housewife speaks with almost mystical rapture of la bonne soupe she doesnt mean something that comes out of can OUT OF STEP Something of the same pa tronizing attitude is extended to Britain regarded almost plur ingly as country that has somehow missed the European bus that is not In step with the rhythms of the new industrial age feel inï¬nitely more at home anywhere on the Conti nent than In Britain said representative Frnnchman When cross the Channel rotor country where people drive on the wrong side where kilometres are called miles hi ios become pounds and units ot money utterly lack consist cncy Other animated objections are to unpredictable pub hours the somnoient British suburbs with their huddled Ilttio houses camcnt statuary in the gardens and hideous wooden fences the highly expendable water areas draped aoddeniy over sand wiches and streets empty he tore midnight where not even moves Perhaps less preludiccd car In that Britain trailing her Commonwealth behind her will inhibit the European Im pulse to political unity it may annoy President do CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER North dealer Both sides vulnerable Noam arses oxen as one mass aces vanes 93 axon aoom KQno v12 anore 55 WEST no QJIO QAEISZ 491 The bidding North East South West Pass Pass Pass Pass PM Opening lead queen of hearts This hand features extraordin ary defensive play it occurred in the masters pair champion ship in England several ago South got to tour spades and West Terence Reese led the queen of hearts Three rounds of hearts forced deeiarer to ruff whereupon South led the king of diamonds Reese duckedl If he had tak en the ace declarer would have had no trouble at aii rriaitin four spades South continued with the queen of diamonds and Reese played low again dcciarer dis carding club mm mmy South then led the jack and DAILY CROSSWORD 503088 as arson commune 453 ï¬ns Mal Dib lona ad verseslea 1drodroop 135131 In dug 17 In career 18 President Colin flaps Cum rowan pop or 29 Daniel 29 iii doinaia 81Wanden 0H on cattle 3910 trouble a1lha crown diliImporbant person draw trumps to produce Gill2 who could ï¬nd in the amnion Market mbstitnta French mn deur One theory In that the hush president tacitly leads thesisnatlon European com munity on the understanding that he keeps close on on German laterals This would help explain his lntrsnsigacce about negotiations on Berlin if Britain Inter Europa do Gauliaa stature might dwindls Yet the general is said to have asked visiting Premier Jean IA sage of Quebec why do you Canadians tend to throw up eomplieations he stead of making It easier for1 Britain to get Into the Common Market Nevertheless It Is felt do Gauiie himself does not intend to budge an inch to accom modste Britain especially In the political field Suspicion of British intentions seems to be as strong as when hfontesquleu wrote English diplomacy si ways iian up in the end bo hiad English commerce Thus Britain faces an uphill struggle Perhaps certain soi aoe can be found In remark from bearded actorplaywright Peter Ustinov who said the really solid thing about the entente eordiaie is that it is based on Jealousy and mutual dislike New Contracts lire Awarded OTTAWA CPlPubllc works contracts worth total of 110160 were awarded in Novem bar by the federal works depart rnent It was announced Sun ay The contracts were divided as follows $229138I for new con struction 5781590 for repairs and maintenance $271712 for highways and $59487 for dred Proiects for which contracts were awarded with names at contractors and estimated cost included Collingwond Ont Construc tion oi moorlngberth at CNR wharf an east side at har bor Bermlngham Construction Limited Hamilton862269 LARRY BRANNON when Reese followed low again discarded another club from dummy It would not have help ed South to ruff high in dummy East Boris Schaplre trump ed the jack and now made the killing return of still another heart it Schapiro had made the mistake of leading trump back doelarer would have made thz contract South would take th spade in his hand ruff diamond with the ace and then ten tricks But against the actual return of heart South was complete ly stymied True the heart lead permitted him to mil in one hand and discard from the other but It did not matter which way declarer turned since the contract could not be made at that point by any means of play South did as well as he could when be discarded diamond and rutied the heart In dummy but he still wound up trick short Reese never made his ace of diamonds as result at relus lng to take the king but the sacrifice of this trick got him back two in return The declar er could do nothing at any point to overcome the exceptional do tense put up by Reese and Sehapiro The hand simply proves that good pair who know what theyre doing can violate every rule in the deck and still come out on top Tomorrow Counting out hand Dorian DUCK School or whales new flick name 941mm Itive 20 Gan bier note 26 Biblical MENaf Allin name van 28 Young horse so Pinned ODS person 82 Around MUGGS AND sxsrraa BLONDIE JULIET JONES GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER ANYTHING INTERESTING WHAT DIDYOU EXPEC1 FROMHIGH HEELSWUNTNN GOATGRACE RELAIIONS EXPERT GAVE PERFECTLI TERQIFIC TALK mmv consultIMMI FOPGSIIIAVE LON EN QUITE PRCES SE FEW YEARS ww OW NOW LETS NOT HAVE ISNT Il ABOUT TIME we SAT DOWN AND NEGOTIATED New ALLOWANCE YES LADY ITS TH VERY BEST seven ARV MAXIM it MOVIE PROFESSOR lWAKI Atour HAVE AMUEEMINT PR hailed wife WHO IN mum laira GEEGRANDMA mar GAME GALESMAN wAs inset notoW AMERICAN LIFE HERE new lIiiV ANHE€OLD MVMOMA JAR TH GAME STUFF umwmemwzmu and mm or Eddflnwéwr Iti Hid mauammmms BUT HERNE DESCRIBED IT AS BEAUTY CREAM ARiiOIlSIIOWINeWRKAN new some ONEENIHSS Somalis Norma