OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele bone PA MAIL Tbs telephone number to all for the Bruise or Editorial Dept ll PA 66551 LOCAL WEATHER Freezing driule and occasional snowilurries Scattered flurries tonight Tuesday Colder Low high Tuesday See 97th YearNo 195 Barrio Ontario Canada Monday December la I961 GOA FIGHTS awnism ratthy Indians Miles From Capital Goa Digs In Against Foe BELGAUM India Indian casualties were heavy on both llll Shout LAYING SYMBOLIC President Kennedy lays symbolic brick at housing project in Techo on the out Party Men Advocate Subsrdlsed Campaigns OTTAWA CPI Two top level spokesmen oi the Liberal and New Democratic parties said Sunday they support the idea of financing election cam paignsvirom the public purse Douglas national leader of the nor expressed donors however that suitable plan or public financing could be worked out They vol skirts of today Bogota Colombia At right background Liberal MP Pickersgitl said the present method of pay ing for election campaigns is an antiquated system and ought to be replaced by the public financing advocated by Premier Le go of Quebec it their views in loading CBC Citizens Forum discussion at Ottawa Univer sity Pay All Receive Says Unemployment Inquiry OTTAWA CPI Establish ment of changed unemploy ment insurance fund supported by taxes from all and paying beneï¬ts to all unemployed was proposed today to the special committee of inquiry on unem ployment insurance The Confederation of National Trade Unions the central body of Quebecs trade union move ment made the proposal in brief which also urged that ben eiit payments extend over an unlimited period and that the new funds operations not ap pear as part of the federal gov ernments regular budget The brief was presented as the committee headed by Ero est Gill of Toronto president of the Canada Life Insurance Compm resumed public hear ings on unemployment insur ance The committees task is to find out how the unemploy ment insurance fund can be saved from bankruptcy wbether it is being abused and if so how abuses can be eliminated The brief from the 950 member CNTU arguEd that the present fund which had sunk to low point of $110000000 at midyear from $926700000 at the end of 1956 suffers from number of basic defects It said the fund asznow con stituted cannot avoid progres sive depletion even with in IN Ag creases in employer and em ployee contributions In addi tion several categories of work ers who would lose their jobs in another depression like that of the 19305 are not covered The CNTU plan the brief said would partly eliminate fluctuations in fund assets Con siderany more revenue would be available through general tax contributions By keeping the tax collections outside regular budget operations of the federal government the fund would es cape tax rate changes made in good and bad times Regarding the unlimited ben efit period rather than the pre sent szweek period the brief said this does not imply that regulations providing disqualifi cation or penalty for those who refuse to work would disap pear The brief rejected proposals put forward at earlier hearings by various groups such as the Chamber of Commerce and Re tail Merchants Association on grounds they did not satisfac torily deal with the problem The difficulty was twofold the economy lacks adequate de velopment of manufacturing in dustries necessary to high em ployment and the present sys tem of relieving the plight of the unemployed while capable of prompt remedy without ma jor upheaval was inadequate UTSIIELL African Police Hunt Saboteurs JDIIANNESEURG AP South African police staged wrdespread raids and home searches today for the per petrators of 10 sabotage bombings Saturday night and early Sunday Blame for the incidents was attributed to new African underground organization which seeks to fight racial segregation Withdynamite blasts Century Will Become Hotter Scientist SYDNEY dancers The world can expect century of steadily rismg temperatures with longer hotter summers and nutlder Winters Australian Professor Macdonald Holmes re mng professor of geography at Sydney University said Saturday Threepehny Opera Closes NEW YORK AP The Threepenny Opera which gross ed $3000000 closed Saturday night after 2612 performances It holds the Vrecord for the longest run off Broadway Cardinalt Cushion Improving nosro me RichardACardtual Cashing sows report ed much improved atoday from the bronchial ailment which had kept bun confined to his bed since Thursday military base along tlTeCbngos is President Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia Mr Douglas said organized labor helped create the NDP be cause it has notbeen properly represented by either the Lib oral or Conservatives Big cor porations had taken over the old ï¬es them with mp fun Nobody who be office or hopes to hold office can ignore his benefactors he said Mr Pickersgill member of Parliament for BonavistaTwil lingate said labor has had tremendous influence on fed eral governments of the last 40 years but would lose this influ ence by backing party of its own making He said it would be better to have system of financing elec tion campaigns in which public funds would be used with strict accounting of how the money was spent Peace Talks Ready LEOPOLDVLILE Prepara tions started today for peace talks between President Moise lshombe of the Congos break away Katanga province and Congo Premier Cyrille Adonis as United Nations and Kstanga forces continuedtheir battle in Eli bethville US Ambassador Edmund Gullion flew to meet stombe believed stiltto be in Elisabeth ville his embattled Katanga capital or south of the city ops were reported mere yards from his heavily defended official palace in Elisabethville American officials here said unlus Gullions pilot got defin iterword that Tshombe was waiting in his capital the am bassador would land at Ndola in neighboring Northern Rho desia and hope to meet the Katanga leader there Gullion decided on his flight after conferring Sunday night with Adoula shortly after the premiers return from trip to Kivu province Adoula was reported to have agreed to meet Tshombe but Congolese government officials here clearly were in no mood for talks except on their own termsbringing Katanga back under the wing of the Leopold ville regime American officials empha sized that Gullion had no inten tion of offering Tshombe ceas fire in his embattled se cessi ist province as pre condition for tells with Adoula But the ambassador was emu powered with UN approval to guarantee Tshombe and his party safe passage and protec tion from arrest should he agree to come to meeting wil Adoula Kitona the UN Atlantic coast was mentioned as likely site for the talks persons watched ance and police estimated 250 were killed NITEROI Brazil APlFire roared through nylon circus ent Sunday afternoon as 2500 perform Rcutcrs news agency said at east 285 persons died in the flames and added that hospital authorities said many of the in jured were so seriously burned the more deaths could be ex pectch It was Brazils worst disaster and the worst circus fire in his tory worse than the 144 King ing Brothers fire in Hartford Connin which 168 died Officials early today said 100 bodies had been cred many of them children There were some 500 injured some se riously Governor Celso Pccanha of Rio de Janeiro state said or son was suspected Niterol is across Guannbara Bay from Rio de Janeiro The fire flashed up the tent as two trapeze performers be gan their crial act Within five Soldier Falls From Trainm KINGSTON CPl Canadian Military Hospital authorities to day reported distinct improve ment in the condition of Lauri Leandra Basque 22 of Stanley NB who was found lying be side the CNR railway tracks near here Saturday The soldier suffered fractures cum and bruises from fall from train and severe frost bite tracks for more than four hours in nearzero temperatures from lying beside the Police believ the soldier jumped from westbound train after he failed to make trans fer at Kingston station He was transferring from Camp Peta wawa Barriefield near here to Vimy Barracks at Firemanond special Air Force rescue teams look through ruins for Victimsoi collapse of apartmentahouaa FearCrazed Crowd minutes the flameshad envol nped the mammoth tent scared the ropcs and the blazing mass fell on the spectators TRAMILE TO DEATH Some were trapped in their seats Others could not get near the exits Some were trampled to death Fearcrazed women and chil drc rushed for the exits iell atop each other and caught fire We seen somc horrible things butl never thought would ever see anything so hor rible saida policeman Trucks translerred the bodies to city morgue When it was filled they were taken to the citys soccer stadium Hundreds of persons scorching for miss Ing relatives added to the con fusion Treatment of the hundreds of injured was hampered by short ages of medicine blood plasma hospital beds and HERES ONE ORILLIA lCP Ralph Clayton Hopkins 41 of Oril lia decided to cut his own Christmas tree this year 50 he set out fora lotsop cratcd by the Orillia Conser vation Club where you can cut your own tree for $150 On the way he collidEd with car driven by Mrs Kath leen Wood 44 of Orillia Damage to his car was $40 to hers $75 0n the way back he was involved in another accident car driven by Calvin Vi vian is of Goldwater smashed into the back of his car causing$75 damage and breaking the Christmas tree Damage to Vivians car was $150 Mr Hopkins drovehome and bought $2 Christmas tree from lot loo yards from his house Tbeseven shed building crumbled last night More troops pustch to within seven miles of the capital of Goa to day but were reported to have been ordered Io suspend all operations and consolidate their gains without taking the town Reliable sources said the In dian invasion force had been on dcrcd to halt its advance until Tuesday The order came amid other reports of stiffening opposition from Portuguese soldiers de nurses Air force helicopters flew medicine and plasma from Rio dc Jonciro and Sao Paulo Radio appeal brought doctors and nurses from Rio Niterols iivc hospitals were filled and others of lhe injured werc ferried across the bay to Rio hospitals ELEPHANTS ESCAPE All of the circus 150 animals BULLETIN UNITED NATIONS fCP The United Nations Secur ity Council is to meet this afternoon to consider Por tugols compiuint Ingnfnst India on the Invasion of Gail and two other Portu guese territories fending the Portuguese colony against the Indian invasion top Indian official claimed Indian troops had captured two smaller Portuguese coloniesI Daman and Diubut this was denied by the Portuguese All are on Indias west coast The Indian navy was reported to have sunk the 24344ton Por tuguese frigate Albuquerque off the Indian coast The ship has normal complement of 184 men but there was no informa tion on the fate of the crew An Indian defence stry spokesman said the main inva sion force had pushed 25 miles lronrthebordcp along the 32 mile road to the Goan capital Panjim DIG IN FOR STAND But well armed Portuguese troops were reported to have entrenched themselves in semicircle around Paniim for lastditch battle with the Indian forces It was believed in this town near the Goan border that India might have to throw in more men and air support to over come Portuguese opposition fierce battle was reported to be going on around the town of Fonda with the Portuguese troops giving way slowly in the face of superior Indian man power Reliable sources said were rescued Three elephants under the big top broke their chains and escapch Among the survivors were the two trapeze artists The woman Antonietta Estevanovich said she was standing on the plat form and her partner was swing ing through the air when they saw the fire didnt yell fearing he would fall she said He completed his swing and we both jumped into the net and escaped Reuters said one report had the owner of the circus saying he heliEved the fire might have been set by local rowdics who heckled the performers during an earlier show Anothcr possi ble cause was sparks from nearby railroad line the agency said Mother Young Die In Fire FELTS MILLS NY AP mother and her three young children died Sunday in fire that destroyed thcir onevstorey frame home in this northern New York hamlet The dead were Mrs Rita Souvn 25 two sons Rodney and Rickey and dough ter Geraldine Mrs Souvas husband Al phonso 27 was in fair condi tion in hospital at nearby Wat ertown He suffered cuts and bruises when he escaped through bedroom window The fire apparently started in the living room where kerosene stove was located UNITED NATIONS CPlIn dias invasion of Goa and the other two Portuguese territories was expected today to bring on meeting of the United Nations Security Council and possible censure on Prime Minister Neh rus government The invasion of Goa Damon and Diu came after UN Acting Secretary General Thant failed to get Nehru to negotiate with Portuguese Premier An tonio Salazar over the enclaves One diplomat connected with the 11nation council said he thought Hie votes would be available to pass resolution opposing the invasion The United Nations released Thants messages to Nehru and Salazar about an hour before the invasion news came and their replies to him few hours afterward He sent both men identical cables last Thursday appealing to them to see that the situa OTIAWA CWPrime Min lster Diefenbaker today ex pressedanxiety and gravedis appointment over Indias use of force in its dispute with the Portuguese enclave of Goa He told reporters before cabinet meeting that Canada made representations to India last week expressing concern about the dahgerous situation devgloping thcn The Canadian message to In dia he said had expressed hope that therewould be fno recourse to force in any effort to settle Indias dispute with Portugal over Goa and two other Portuguese colonies MrDietenbakeLsid the vm ndays In in lower Magma wag trap sive filledthe Canadian govern adunder mountainof do ment with grave disappth ment and anxiety and he aides Although official Indian sources said resistance had been limited other reports reaching hcre indicated that the Portuguese were selling each bit of territory dearly Indian bombers and jets pounded Goan airiiclds in an about assault as the ground forces pushed into the heart of the colony CLAIM SIX TOWNS An Indian spokesman sald the indian troops had captured six towns the island of Anjidivi and had sunk the Portuguese frigate Alfonso de Albuquerque oft Mormngoa Authoritative sources here said at least I4 Indian soldiers including an officer were killed in Daman when mine blew up other reports here said seven white Portuguese soldiers had been killed and 30 captured on one front of the threespronged Indian attack on Goa LAND 0N BEACH Reports rcaching Eelgaum said Indian forces had made naval landing in southern Goa near Majhall early today and established beachhead These forces were reported to be on their way to link up with Indias 17th Infantry Divi Vsion which launched the orig inalthreevprongcd attack into the Portuguese enclaves In Lisbon die Portuguese government charged that the Indians bombed commercial airliner as it was embarking civilian passengers at Goa air port It also said the bombing attacks had caused numerous civilian casualties in the town of Goa and in Marmagac to the south An Indian spokesman said Indian troops had sealed off the entire innmile border with Goa He said special armed police were following the Indian Army into the enclave with orders to shoot to kill anyone found looting or indulging in other antisocial activities Security Council May Censure India Its Thant CablesPlea tion on the borders of the three enclaves on the west coast of India did not deteriorate into threat to peace would urge immediate he gotiations with view to achiev ing an early solution of tho problem Thant said Salazar accepted the sugges tion for negotiations Nehrul rejection said India had con sistently lived uprtn the United Nations charter but Portugal had consistently United Nations resolutions an ending colonialism and refused to send the UN required reports on her colonies It is hardly pflSSIbIErNEIlIu said to negotiate on the basis of the charter provisions with government who take their stand on 16th century concepts of colonialconquests by force Nehru accused the Portu guese of repressing the inhabi tants of the territories and stag ing daily raids into India DietenbakeriSaysilnxitms lindï¬DisdppOintedCOVer Fight hoped there Would be speedy conclusion to hostilities Shopphig before Chrichnzl